HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-16, Page 3*
skit with Anna Brock,
McFalls' and Shirley
taking - part. Margaret
W. Herman Hodgson
in If you can keep from being
envious and jealous of your
fellow man, you are approaching
the outskirts of civilization.
of St, Marys visited
and Mrs, Lloyd Johns
Mrs. Ross Skinner
son^are staying with
All Law Offices in Exeter
Will Remain Closed Wednesday 4nd
Saturday AFferoons During July & August
' __________ 'i!iir«'i.ai wumhiiiWiii fiMi »iiniii*itrrii>
and Mrs, J. de Mont
morency of Vineland visited with
their son and family, Mr. and
Mrs, Vernon de Montmorency,
over the "week-end.
Mrs. J. O’Hearn and Jim, of
Toronto, spent the week-end
with the former’s son and family
Mr. and Mrs, Don O’Hearn, and
attended Air Force Day at Cen
tralia op Saturday,
Mrs. Thorias Bell and Flor
ence and Mildred Miller spent
the week-end with Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Bell, Exeter.
n Mr, and Mrs, William Roger
with Mr,
on Satur-
The Reader
better# to tO editor publleljed
hereunder represent the views
pt individual persons. We Invite
pur renders tp P*ijhe of till.-,
Should your car join the
long list of autos de
stroyed by fire — would
you be able to replace
it at present day prices?
There’s one way of be
ing sure .
commend the
protects you
. . adequate-
Let me re
policy that
and baby
r „ Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bell this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Hogey and sons of Thorndale visited" with
Mr. and Mrs. William Routly on
Spnday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilson White
ford and son visited on Sunday
with Mr. Amos and Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Orval McGuffin,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McGuffin
of Thorndale and Miss Ruby
Perkins of London visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
ljam Johns.
June 11, 194?
Credito-n, Ont,
The Editor, Times-Advocate;
, Permit me to Wly to your
editorial, “The icing, the cake,
the C.C.F,”. This is .merely an
other example of the scare propa
ganda which is being directed
against the ‘C.C.F. these days,
and it contains the usual number
of misleading statements and
downright falsehoods regarding * .. - F>
Office 24
Res. 162 J
Exeter, Ont.The Insurance Man
Last Wednesday we all attend
ed the laying of the cornerstone
by Mr. 'Creech. The students
inarched in a body headed by
the.4 Bugle Band and our petite
majorette, June Walters. At the
platform, Dr. Cowen introduced,
the speakers, Mr. Grey, repre
senting the Department of Edu
cation, and Mr. Thomas Pryde.
We were honoured by the
presence of the Huron County
Council. When the ceremonies
were over we were allowed to
inspect the building for a half
hour before returning to school.
• ’ *
This week we are writing our
last set of examinations. While
we are trying hard to think only
of .our success, we still remember
the wonderful year it has been.
Hard, work and play have made
it a year we shall think of ever.
For those of us wh0 .are not re
turning, -our graduates, we wish
every success. It is not likely
that we need to say, don’t forget
E.H.S. because th.e .days spent
here have been wonderful.
Radio Liscenses
Nuisance Taxes
Income Tax Exemptions
$2,500 for Married Men
$1,250 for Single Men
Vote Progressive Conservative
Junior Groups Lay
Plans For Field Day
The June meeting of the Exe
ter Junior Institute was held in
Exeter High School with Christ
ine Dobson presiding. “Sacred
Moments” was ably taken by
Viola Gilfillen. Roll Call was
answered .by a health rule and
Shirley Boyce, gave the current
events. The topic for the evening
“A Sick Room” was in the form
of ,a
Dougall led in a sing-song.
Bessie Johns presided for the
joint meeting of the South Huron
Junior Institute and Junior
Farmers. In charge of the plans
for'the field day in Guelph, June
24, were Jim RoWclitfe, Howard
Pym and Harry Hern. Plans for
the annual picinic this year to
be- held in Stratford, July 6,
were made and the committee in
charge are Donna McFalls, Del-
ores Allison, Winston -.Shapton,
Jim Rowcliffe. Harry Hem led
in a sing-song. A duet was given
by Doris and Annie'.Elford, ac
companied by Betty Allison.
“Farm and Family Agree
ments” was taken as a Panel
Discussion, led by Mr. Elmer
Bell K.C. Others in the panel
wefe Anna Brock, Arnold Gann
and Gordon Bennett, -agriculture
representative. Johnny Davidson
gave vocal solos. The meeting
closed with lunch provided by
the boys.
Progressive Conservative Association of Huron-Perth
• You‘11 plow, plant stud
harvest quicker . *. save
precious hours when
time is short when your
tractor is equipped with
this great new tire* The
SUPER Sure-Grip gives "
you- the proven o-p-e-n
C-e-n-t-e-f tread, PLUS J
new deeper bite, greater
, traction, longer wear. It
outperforms any other
tire under all Conditions!
Come in and see it the
next time you’re in town!
SUPED sure-gripAMHFWWI’ tractor t i r k
PHONE: 153-W
few days
few days
at Victoria
spending a
father, Mr.
Page 3
New Household Gas Service
Advantages at a Glance
Mrs, G. Copeland visited
Thursday with Mr, and. Mrs,
D. Bayne of Bannock.
Miss, Marian Mills,
training IT
London, is
with her
' Mrs, J.Selves, has
home after spending a
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Elliott
of St. Marys. ' .
Misses Florence Kirk, Lorene
Jaques and Bessie McCurdy at
tended, the flower and bird ser
vice in Mitchell United Church
Sunday and visited with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Uray and Miss Winnie
the program of the C.C
The C.'C.F. can find
ion in the knowledge that its
opponents apparently fail
answer its -arguments on a logi
cal basis and are forced to resort
to scare mongering and misrep
In all your raving about dic
tatorship, communism and what
not, you conveniently overlook
the fact that the C.C.F. is the
only political. party in Canada
Which is democratically control
led. Membership, in the C.C.F.
consists of farmers, small busi
ness men, industrial workers and
professional men. The C.C.F. is
financed and controlled, exclus
ively by these .people, unlike
either the Liberal or Progressive
Conservative parties the C.C.F.
holds provincial conventions an
nually and national conventions
bi-a-nnually. At these conventions
the rank and file members
through their delegates deter
mine the policy of their party
and elect their leaders. .These
leaders must abide by this policy
at all times. The C.C.F. is the
only party in Canada that does
not accept contributions to its
financial campaign funds from
large influential -corporations, it
relies entirely for this support
on the dollar bills contributed
by the small (fry) or people for
whose interests they are chiefly
striving to protect. The letters
“C.C.F.” stand for Co-Operative
Commonwealth Federation, this
name gives the keynote of the
C.C.F. program. The C.C.F. be
lieves in Co-Operation in spite of
all the talk we hear about rugg
ed individualism, the fact is none
of ,us could survive without co
operation The C.C.F. believes
in extending this principal of
co-operation, it believes if wk
co-operate through our federal,
provincial and 'municipal govern
ments, and through farm organ
izations, trade unions and co
operatives we -can achieve the highest* possible standards . of
living and the .greatest possible
measure * o f security for all people. This is wltiOris- meant by
planning to which you refer with
such contempt. No one' would
think of running his own busi
ness or farming operations with
out planning, but you suggest
that the affairs of our nation
should be carried on in a hit
and miss way without .any plan
ning whatever. That method has
been tried and has produced
nothing but chaos. In the last
twenty years we had a major
depression followed by prosperity
which was produced solely ,by
war and the aftermath of war.
If we have to depend on wars
for prosperity, . it is surely a
time for a change.
Your attempt to link the CCF
with communism comes badly
from a Liberal paper because in
the 1945 election the Liberal
party was offered and accepted
the support of the communists
after the C.C.F. .turned them
down flat. Your knowledge of
present day affairs must be limi
ted and your knowlege of .this
history absolutely nil, w^ien you
try to link the C.C.F* with com
munism or connect it with Karl
Miarx doctrine. It springs from
the democratic socialist tradition
of Great Britain which had its
origin half a .century before
Marx and which has always been
at odds With Marxism. It is this
same democratic socialist tradi
tion which is the main bulwark
against communism, in Europe
today. In countries like Britain
where democratic socialism is
strong there’ is little threat of
communism. I n Berlin, demo
cratic’ socialists are risking their
lives to spearhead the. resistance
to communism, and in Hitler’s
day these same democratic social
ists in Germany were in con
centration -camps, while people
of a “conservative” and “liberal”
frame o f mind were heiling
Hitler there.
In spite of your .gross misrep
resentation of a statement by
Roy Knight M.F. there is nothing
incompatible between economic
planning and freedom, in fact
you cannot have true freedom
without planning. No man can
be free under our present system
of economic chaos where we are
constantly labouring under fear*
that tomorrow we may not be
able to provide for ourselves attd
our families because of un
employment, sickness, or old age.
President Roosevelt spoke of
freedom from fear and freedom
from want, we have .achieved
neither of these freedoms under
out free enterprise system which
is nothing short 0 f mOnoply
capitalism.Through the O.C.F, govern
ment the people ban by co
operative effort eliminate in
security and want, and thus
achieve true freedom hi Canada
for all classes. Wd are the
people’s party and propose to
fulfill the people’s vtvtehes.
—W. <0* M Oestriclier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drover
of Chiselhurst visited, ph Sunday
with Mrs. J, Jaques.
Woodham W.M.S.
<Tli€? June meeting of the
W.M.S. was held at the home of
Mrp. Fred Doupe With twenty-
two present Mrs. G. Wanless
conducted the worship service
and Mrs. I. McCurdy favoured
with a solo. The- program on
"Keeping the Lord’s Day” was
presented ipy Mrs. M, Copeland,
assisted, by Mrs, F. Doupe, Mrs.'
W, Wilson, Mrs. A. Rundle. Miss
L, Hackney gave a reading on
temperance. Bessie McCurdy fa
voured with a piano solo, followed by benediction, and lunch
was served.
Are You Building?
If So, You’ll Need
Contact us for all your
concrete requirements. >j
Anytime or Anywhere
W. C. MacDonald
— Contractor f—*
...-r— II
ir Instant heat
★ Cooks faster
★ Full range of heat control
★ Clean flame—no soot
★ Free of impurities.
Won’t tarnish silver.
Won’t clog burners or automatic
Not poisonous
Burns without odor
★ Pressure always the same
ir You control quantity used
★ Constant unfailing fuel supply
•fa Not affected by power line breaks
or power shortages
Deliveries are automatic
Delivery men don’t enter your home
& Guaranteed installation looked after
entirely by Imperial Oil Limited
No Worries About Fuel Orders
Come in and see the Essotane Gas Ranges
priced from $134.50 and up
Terms Available if Desired
Want EXTRA tys
When prices are up, next Fall?
Purina Research Farm tests show that pullets well
grown on a good growing ration will lay up to 21
more eggs per bird in early Fall than birds poorly
developed on a poor giowing ration. Cash in on this
fact—grow your pullets on Purina
g/ CHICK STARTER: We stock and
F recommend Purina Startena.
What’s more important, feeders
recommend it! . . . For growing
birds, Purina Chick Growena (com
plete feed) or Growing Chow (to be
fed with grain', free choice).
*/ TURKEY STARTER: Purina Tur-
r key Startena (made in ’’Checker-
Ett” form) made a lot of friends for
us last season. Better see us about a
supply—also about the whole Purina
Turkey Programme. Turkey raisers
who have followed it swear by it!
Electric Stoves
i Display in the Store
|/ CALF STARTER: Purina Calf
y Startena raises good, calves at a
real saving in money, milk, time
and work. (Ydu can save yourself
a lot of chore time by putting your
Spring calves on Calf Startena.)
Come in and see us about it, the
first rainy day!
|/ PIG STARTER: One part Purina
F Sow & Pig Chow mixed with 3
pads of your own chop will help
keep yotir sow milking, give your
little pigs a real lift past weaning.
After that, keep them, coming — mix
Hog Chow with your chop, or feed
Pig Growena.
a / FLY KILLER: Purina Fly Sprays
F (containing DDT and other fly
controls) do a. teal job — ask us I
d / WEED KILLER: Purina Weed F Killer knocks most broadleaf
weeds for a loop! Easier, cheaper,
than cultivating.
.. " ' J. un, ........ ........
WORM KILLER: Many growing
v flocks become worm-infested,
slow down. If yours looks suspi
cious, try Chek-R*Ton,
H ARD W ARE'•ewRLei -htWW' vbmW' W Jr ww wTOwr