HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-09, Page 11* 0 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1949 CEMENT WORK Foundations Sidewalks Free Estimates Doug Trieb tier Phone 17rl2 Crediton ■Si Tom* Semple SIGNS Trucks, Windows, Store Front Signs, Gold Deaf Lettering PHONE 155M EXETER i Jwrt heat and rub In kHNARD’S, and note .the qnisk r«Hef yon gat. arowi’aai, fest-drying, no streeg cr unplewent adcc. laps ar Getbottle today; keep «cgnouical K it handy. size 65c UM Delegate Goes On Course A former member of the 'Can­ adian United Nations delegation, Squadron Leader Harry Lewis, has entered the instrument fly­ ing course at 'Centralia. Lewis, a native of Melit, Man­ itoba, returned to Canada recent­ ly after sixteen mouths as ad­ viser on the Dominion’s perman­ ent delegation to the U, N. It had been four years since the thirty-four^year-old bomber veteran took a control column. In August he will take on the four-engined North Star as a member of ’the 42>6 Transport Squadron, stationed at Dorval, Quebec. It was as a member of the RAF that he made headlines in April, 19 44, when he bombed a concentration of shipping in the Danube. Thirty vessels were de­ stroyed in the raid, Lewis joine“d theTlAF in 1939 after dropping* his job as hockey coach at Basle, Switzerland, at the outbreak of war. He switched to the RCAF in 1945. His war­ time duties in the RAF took him to Middle East countries includ­ ing Palestine, This background came in handy in his job of ad­ vising oji the Palestine question^ when it was the .top. problem- in the U.N. Lewis had previously studied the' U, N- make-up in an RCAF staff college course Toronto, Replacing Lewis in the ■man permanent delegation Maj. T. L, C. Pierce-Goulding, thirty, -of Edmonton, formerly Canadian army press relations officer at Oakville, Ontario. The delegation is headed by Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton. SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES eep Resort Orderly A stern warning that girls must be allowed to walk down streets in Grand Bend without being molested was given by Magistrate D. E. Holmes as he fined a Detroit youth on a charge of disorderly conduct at Gode­ rich, Tuesday. “I don’t want to stop you en­ joying Grand Bend or Grand Bend enjoying you, but I want n o more trouble there,” the magistrate said. Richard .Jack Street, Detroit, was fined two dollars with costs, or* seven days i-n jail, aftei' con­ viction on a disorderly conduct charge, arising out of a fracas at Grand Bend, May 29. Accused had accosted companion of Edgar London, after a dance, front of a store windojv. deuce showed that Thayer ob­ jected, and shook Street who struck him. Another youth, William Dalg­ leish, Detroit, went to the assist­ ance of Street and was hit by Thayer. In the fracas the store window was Smashed and -china broken. Magistrate Holmes dismissed the charges of disorderly conj> duct against Thayer and Dalg­ leish; and of wilful damage to property against all three. du Mi at leader doors, six- is Enthusiastic preparation for Air Force Day, June 11, at Cen­ tralia is continuing. The big, free, entertaining program gets under way at l:>30 p,m, when the station gates are opened to ail, Here are the forms of enter­ tainment that will thrill young and old; Monster air show; a dance in the evening to Bert Niosi’s band;^parachute and sup­ ply dropping; ladies’ softball and men’s baseball; kiddies’ races; free' movies all afternoon;, mid­ way; model; aircraft flying dis-- play; comic floats; display of RCAF equipment; fireworks. This year's Air Force Day promises to be the best ever staged at Centralia. The public is cordially invited to see its Air Force on display Saturday, June 11.♦ * ♦ * On May 20, the Hon. Brooke Claxtdh, Minister of National De­ fence, announced the forthcom­ ing retirement of Air Vice Mar­ shal E. E. Middleton,. C.B.E., head of Central Air Command for the last four years, He will- be replaced as Air Officer Com­ manding at Trenton Headquar­ ters by Air Vice Marshal C. E. Slemon, C.B., C.B.E., Air Mem­ ber for Operations and Training at Aii’ Force Headquarters, Ot­ tawa. The change-over is to take place September 1.* £ Oh Friday, June 3, RCAE.- Station Centralia changes com- mend when Wing Commander W, C, VanCamjb D.F.C., leaves to take up his position as Senior Personnel Staff Officer for ' North-West Air Command- The popular commanding officer and family will reside in Edr monton. W/C W» F. N. Newson, D,S-0-rf. D.F.C,, is fo be the new commanding officer.Mi * ♦ * The Radar and Communica­ tions Flight radio trainer which had (been touring various U.S. Navy, Marine, and Air Force bases returned to Centralia on May 2’3 after a very successful trip. Those Who visited the Unit­ ed States to display the radio trainer and discuss training methods were S/L R. E. Mooney, S/L E. R. Long, Clinton; F’/L G. A. Bury, F/L J. E. Miller? F/L J. E. Mahoney, Cpl. J. Pas­ cal, LAC I. S. Dixon. LAC H. A. Woods, LAC R. B. Rasmussen, all of Centralia,* * * Last week a team of officers from the Flying Training School visited the USAF Training Com­ mand Headquarters at Barks­ dale Field, Louisiana, and the USAF Flying Division Basic Fly­ ing SchpoL at Randolph Field, Texas, to compare various Amer­ ican training methods with those used by the RCAF at Centralia. Those visiting the U.S. were S/L E. J. McLeod, S/L F. H. .Watkins, S/L D. W. MacWilliam and F/L H. B. Hallett. I * I a girl Thayer, and in Evi- BCtore marriage a man yearns for a woman. After marriage the "y” is silent. Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon ffitas. SOW - Telephones - Res. 36J - - ■ — - - L- ■■ - : ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building iPhone 273 Exeter GLADMAN & COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensail, Friday^ 2 to 5 p.m. At the Top of the Ladder! SCARFE’S EXTERIOR ROUSE PAINTS You caq’t go higher in quality ,; # you can’t get more "surface satisfaction*’ . > , than you’ll find in Scarfed Exterior House Paints. For greater brilliance, more economical coverage, better protection and longer wear, use these finishes along with Scarfe’s Non­ Fading Trim Paints for windows, eaves and down-spouts. HURON LUMBER i. LTD. FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER Foe Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable add Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Ring 138 ,-.*.,..,..,^,....1 i’i . ..!■. —i—;■ ——- JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Main Strbet, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 35B,T ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER * Specializing Tn - Fann. & Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies’’* Phone 57r2 R.B. 1 DASHWOOD ' ARTHUR FRASER income tax reports BOOKKEEPING SERVICE* ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phono 355W . WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you your property’s true Value sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, CREDITON P.O. or Phone 43-2 —T::-. .....r -- j ■■ ...V...... 4' , of on ' E. & CORBETT licenced auctioneer Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.B. 1 Phone Zurich 02TT US BORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exctef, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R.R. 1, Mitchell Vice-President Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton Directors WUliam H. Ooatbs, ExetCr Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colqithouu, Science Hill William A, Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L, Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter Solicitors Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter Fiction "So North; WarcHbanks”—R. Davies; Wakefield”—W. "High Towers’’-—T. Constain; "Southern Cross’’—B. Knight; f'Miss Nightingale’s Ladies”— C. Terro; "All Men are .Liars”— S. Strange; "Dawn Journey"— Kirby; "The Gentle Heart"— Hamilton; "Lovable Stranger" —Duffield; "Miss Selver Comes to Stay”—Wentworth; "High Holiday”—K. Norris; "The Fires of Spring”—Wilheuer; “Flam­ ing Canyon"—Tompkins; “Rust­ ler's Canyon"—Hallman; "Mas­ ter Wabrier”—Walsmley; “Fire in the Heart” “Bold Galilean’’—Blythe; Arden”- You Came”- Great "Point quand; Bates; H. Spring; Wodehouse; "Sunrise for Peter’” —W.R. Bird; "Laughing House” —Deeping; “Elizabeth, Captive Princess”—Truin; “The Rich Man”—Kriesel; "The Heat of the Day”—Bowen; "The Bandit of the Black Hills’—M. Brand; “The Thirsty Land”—Fox; "West of the Ramcock”—Over- holsen; “Hound-dog- Man"—Gip­ son; “The Naked and the Dead” —Mailer; •—-Lam ox; Creek” Legacy” Seeker”—S. —Colver Peaks’—i String; • —Briston ver. "Dinner at Antoinee’S” "The Wonderful Mrs, —-Nase; "The ’Chain” man; "Elephant and Castle— Hutchison; "Sougaree”—Slaugh­ ter; "Kinfolk”—P. S. Buck; Boys And Giris ".Heidi Grows UP” — Tettton; "Daddy Long Legs”—Webster; "Buff, A Collie” — Terhaue; "Wolf”—Terhane; ’Happy Jack* —Burges; "Lightfoot The Deer” —Burges Ewery; Adams; Little Peppers”—! Bustle*—Sidney; — Gibson; Adams; Adams; "Antelope Boy”—Philps; Every Young Know”-—Obelse; Chinese Girls”— King of the Golden Pass”—Rus­ kin; "The " Silver , Teapot”— >Sauger; "Raff” — Rbchhitfcer; "We Rode to the Sea”—Thomp­ son; "The Boy in Red”—Need­ ham; "Furry and Fluffy”— Tyrell; "The .Young Traveller in Australia”-—Mountpenny; “The Prince and the Pauper”—M. Tavain; "A Tale of Two Cities** —Dickens; "Gulliver’s Travels*' Swift; "New Maggie Muggins”— G r a n n o n; "B o y s * Book of Science and Construction”—Mor­ gan; "Forest Ranger”—Hamil­ ton; "Robin Hood*’—Speakrilan; GricierSs Fairy Tales; "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”; "Bambi’s Children”—Gal- tin; -"Dove in Eagle’s Nest”— Young; "Dirk’s Dog Bells”— DeGoug; "Long Arm of the Mounted”—Ulwoery; "Going On Sixteen” * —CaVah "ubno Noh Fiction The Story of John Hopkins Historical Halifax — Barrett; "So To Speak” — Elizabeth Vcni Hesse; *‘The indwelling Christ” — Rev. George Fidgeon; "it Gives Me Great Pleasure” — E- Keiubbrougft; Roosevelt and Hopkins” — Sherwood; "The Greatest Story Ever Told” — F. Oursler; "Harvest Triumphant” — Dennison; "John Cuff’d' Will” Dear t o my Heart’’— “The Diary of Samuel "Mary De La Roche; —T. •B. •Wilheuer, —Tompkins; -Hallman; ■Walsmley •Buckmaster; “Mary •Hill & Hill; “And Then -A. .Bridge; “The Betrayal’ —W. Gardiner; Of no Return”—Mar- "The Jaceranda Tree” "There is no Armour” — “Uncle Dynamite”— "The Lost Buckaroo” "Justice of Halfaday — .Handyrox; Gunman’s Evans; Lewis; ‘Action ■O’Rourk; ‘ "To-morrow -Stalingrad* Hospital Zone” "The God- ‘Kingsridge’ a t Three State Fair” is Forever” *’ —• Plie- —Seifest; F. Keyes; Ingram” — Well- A Collie” -Terhane; "Lightfoot The Deer’ ; "Mountain Laurel”— "Touchdown P a s s”— "School Blays”; "Five •Sidney; ‘Hustle . "Hello Peter” . "Blackthorn** — "H o n e y Bu nc h.” — Donald Duck”—Mabie; ' . . "What Rabbit Should "Three Little •Lattimer; "The — Woodberry; “What Grandpa Laughed At” — Qi’oy; “It Was Not What I Expected” -i- Teal; “World Almanac 1949”; “Death Be Not Proud” J. Gunther; “The Road To Reopen” — Ney; “Crusade in Europe" Eisenhower; “Algonquin Story” — Sanders; “Laughter In .The Next Room” — Sitwell; “The County Kerchief” — L. Blake Duff; / “God’s Underground” — Father George;"Joe Lavelly And The Paleface” —■ Wicksteed; “Their Finest Hour” — Church­ hill; “Houses for Canadians” — L. D. Wilier; "And All Your Beauty” — W.R. Watson; “The Sigu” — W. D. Steven; “Mak­ ing Money Hobbies” — Leeming; “Larks in the Pop Corn” Smith; “American Argument” P. S. Buck. Boys And Girls “Dove in Eagles Nest” Young; "Dirks Dog ‘Bello”’ De Joug; “Long Arm of the Mounted”; “Going on Sixteen” — Cavanna; “Bush Holiday” — Fenmore; “Maple Leaf Holiday” — Graleau; “Tulips for Trecia” — Cunningham; “Gregore’s Lamb” —- Beine; "Chila of he Magie Islands” — Wilkes; “The Boat with the Red Sail”— Pest; “The Arabian Nights” — David­ son; “Going Up” — Bechdolt; “Legion Journey” — McCor­ mack; “Wisdom of the Wilder­ ness” ‘— Roberts; "The King’s Stilts” — Dr. Seuss; "In Elli- gott’s Pool” — Dr. Seuss; "Two Pennies Overboard” <— Tomp­ kins; "The Red Chair, Waits” — Huggins; “Neighbors” — Burges; "White Foot the Mouse” — Burges; "Treve” •— Terliane; "Smudge” — Weinburg; "Young Peoples Book of Famous War­ ships” — Stevens; "Susan’s Bears” — Lawrence; "Gray Dawn” — Terltanb. wincAelsea Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns spent the week-end with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. James Easter­ brook, Mr. and -Mrs. Kewman Baker, of Welburn, Mrs. William Dickey and girls visited on_ Sun­day with Mr. and .Mrs. Harry I Ford. M r. Easterbrook also called on his old friends Mr. and Mrs. James Horne whom he had not seen for many years. Several from this community attended anniversary services at Roys Church on Sunday. Mrs. Newton Clarke attended a trousseau tea mi Tuesday in honor of Miss Joyce Carter, of Clinton, bride-elect of this month, •Mr. Freeman Horne was in Detroit on Saturday with a load of cattle. , Miss Norma Veal, of Exeter, spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Don Pehhale. The pupils of our local school together with the other tpupils Of the school area enjoyed a picnic at Springbank Park on Thursday, also visited the Kel- ogg factory, the Fire Depart­ ment, and Western University in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Penhalo and family of Strathroy, and Mr. and Mrs. William .Wright and Barbara, of Crediton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke <m Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong, visited on Sunday with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, of Hay Township. Mrs. Fred Walters, _ Sandra and Wilma visited with friends in London on Sunday. . A husky mechanic had a small safe in his home. One day the combination got out of order, so lib lifted it in his brawny arms and carried it down the street to the local locksmith. On the way lie neatly binuped into the mayor, . ,> "For heaven’s sake, young man,” snapped His Honour, ’‘‘why can’t you carry a wallet like everybody else?” LOUIS ST. LAURENT, Prime Minister af Canada « At the polls on June 27 the voter must ask himself, ahead of anything else, who should be head of the government In Louis St. Laurent Canada has found a great national leader. That he had high abilities of the mind was proved by his career in law. That he had wisdom in cabinet, unique gifts in parliamentary debate and a quick grasp of large affairs became clear as soon as he entered the Government. In international affairs, as one of the origi­ nal advocates of the Atlantic Pact* he made himself a world figure who spoke out as uo Canadian before him, in the councils of the nations. He also revealed an understanding of ordinary people, because he is Hi- one of them 1 This warm and essentially simple human being is the real St. Laurent, the product of the small town, of Irnmble beginnings, hard work, a big family and the friendliness of country neighbors. In blood, language and instinct he combines the qualities of two great races. To the voter it is equally important that St Laurent is the leader of a truly national party, with proved strength from coast to coast, the only party which can hope to form a stable government after the election. His character, his ability and his achievements have made him the leader of all the Canadian ifATC I life CD Al V IF -Id I K !■ ID K mUili • INSERTED BY NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE HURON-PERTH—VOTE LIBERAL VOTE A. Y. McLEAN * JM Published by the Huron-Perth Liberal Association !*K %