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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-09, Page 8
* •t Page 8 I Mrs, Robert T». Elgie Mrs- Robert T. Elgie, 83. life long resident of Kippen, Thursday at the home of daughter Mrs. Homer Hunt, forth. She was a member of st, Andrew’s United Church, Kip- Ten, and of the w.M.S. Surviving are one son, Robert, Kippen; three daughters, Mrs. Hunt, Seaforth; Mrs. well, Stanley; Mrs. J Caistorville; and a David, in the west. Private funeral services will be conducted at the residence of her son, Robert, Friday at 2:30 p.m. by Rev. A. E. Hinton, with burial in Bairds cemetery. S. Rath- Upshail, brother, died her Sea- THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1949 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Feminine Facts ’n Fancies 1 'is When.you look at the prospect which >do you see first-*- Ms need, or objections? 4 > Pot’s Beauty Shoppe (north of Bey Telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon 4- r Royal Doulton Figurines Beautiful Assortment Just Arrived! Buy Now — No Tax Also Several Sets Of 82 to 96-piece Breakfast and Dinner Semi Porcelain HESS The Jeweller^ Zurich enng and Painting Phone Exeter 407J r !■Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. Tel, 71 ExeterDeclare Vows In Pentecostal Church A profusion of beautiful spring flowers was the setting for the marriage of Shirley Mae Van Audenarde to Milford Chester I Prouty in the Exeter Pentecostal Church on Saturday June 4 at 1:30 p.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Kendrick assisted by Rev. C, F. Kranth, uncle of the bride, who offered a dedicatory prayer. The bride, give away by her brother-in-law, Mr. George A. Parker, looked lovely in a white satin gown trimmed with lace, Her three-quarter length veil fell from a headdress of orange blossoms. She carried a nosegay of roses and sweetpeas and a white bible* with streamers caught with rose buds. Her ac cessories were white. T h e maid <of honor, June Parker, niece of the bride, chose a long blue gown of taffeta silk, with a short blue veil held in place by a headdress of blue flowers. She chose blue acces sories and carried a. nosegay of roses and sweetpeas. Mrs. Stuart Triebner, bridesmaid, wore a pink sheer gown trimmed with sequins. Her blue headdress trimmed with flowers and carried a nosegay of roses sweetpeas. The groomsman was Mr. ward Cleveland Prouty, brother of the groom and the best man Stuart Triebner who Mr. a i Bl was she and Ed- © Hardwood & Tile Floors Laid. • Old Floors Re-finished. • Asphalt, Rubber & Plaster Tile. ® Linoleum Laid. was Mr. also acted as usher with Gordon Triebner. All wore white carnation. The pianist was Miss Marion Triebner and Mrs. P. Durand favored with two solos, “The Lord’s Prayer” and the “Wedding Prayer.” At 3:30 a reception was held at the Clinton Hotel, where Mr. and Mrs. .George Parker received the guests. Mrs. Parker, sister of the bride, wore a pink sheer dress and a corsage of sweetpeas.. Her accessories were black. Mrs. Prouty, mother of the groom, wore a figured blue silk crepe with grey accessories and of sweetpeas. Mr. Ted acted as toastmaster. The bride travelled in suit with black accessories and a corsage of sweetpeas. They will visit Kitchener, , Niagara Falls and other points east. corsage .Prouty a sand Rebekah Lodge Celebrates Birthday The Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge held a birthday party in the I.O.O.F. Lodge hall last week to commemorate its second birthday. Special guests were members of Amber Rebekah, of Hensall, Mrs. James Kirkland, N.G., extended the welcome. Brief speeches were given by Mrs. Consitt, N.G., of Hensall, and Earl Campbell, D.D.G.M. Bingo was the highlight of the evening with Garnet Hicks as master of ceremonies. Re freshments were served, includ ing a three-tiered birthday cake. A vote of thanks was extended by Mrs. C. Walker, P.N.G. of Rebekah Lodge. Benevolent Fund To Be Raised By Auxiliary The monthly meeting of the Offiiers’ Wives Auxiliary, RCAF Centralia, was held in .the Of ficers’ Mess on Thursday, June 2. During the business meeting, Mrs. R. Hollinshead announced that $119.46 had been raised on the Station Amateur Night, and had been, given to Padres D’Avig non and Williams to help to pay for the chapel chimes. The Grand Bend members will be in charge of the Benevolent Fund booth on Air Force Day, June 11, and Mrs. D. Pue asked for volunteers to attend the booth, fit of the wives selling tags, there nursery set up for for their children. ley is to be in c h a r g e of the nursery, .and hopes for help from the other members. It was decided to give a Wel come Tea for -Mrs. Newson, the wife of "Wing .Commander1 W. F. N. Newson, the new Commanding Officer, during the last week in June. Mrs. Halkett will After the the members er Hunt Mess with- a very amusing col lection of items. A light supper, served by Group One, ended the evening. sell tags and For the bene- who will be will be a day the afternoon Mrs. R. Cour- Burden and Mrs. convene. business meeting, went on a .Scaveng- and returned to the Pentecostal Ladies To Form New Groups The May meeting was held in church with a good attendance. In the absence of the president, Mrs. R. McDonald, the vice- president, Mrs. T, Jolly presid ed. The meeting was opened by singing hymn. “Send the Light”. Miss L. Wynn lead in prayer. Roll Call was answered by Scripture on seedtime. It was decided to have dona tions for the District Hope Chest brought in at the June meeting. A discussion followed regarding organizing anothe.r Missionary Circle for the young married ladies and teen age girls. Mrs. T. Jolly and Mrs. R-. McDonald were elected to be the leaders. It was also 'decided to form a to be held Hairdressing Permanent Waves Cold Waves - Phone 145 - a Jean Hennessey 4 A A A V WEDS COMMONER, FORFEITS THRONE — Prince Flem ing, of ’Denmark, is shown ,with his commoner bride, the former Ruth Nielsea, following their marriag’e in Copenhagen. The youngest son of Prince Axel’and Princess Margaret, the Prince automatically forfeits his rights of succession to the crown by his marriage to one not of royal blood. .—C.P.C. Ladies (Prayer meeting the second . Thursday of each month. The first meeting to be held on Thursday afternoon, June 9, at Mrs. Jolly’s home. All ladies are invited who are inter- <ested in prayer for,the mission aries and other needs. The hymn "Jesus Paid It All” was 'Sung before Mrs. Keith Mc Laren brought the afternoon message. She chose for the Scripture reading Matt. 5, 1-20. She took for the theme for her message verse 16, "Let Your Light 'So Shine Before Men, That They May See Your Good Works and Glorify Your Father Which is in Heaven”. Mrs. Jolly then read the prayer bulletin before going to prayer. Mrs. Cliff, Blanchard dismissed the meeting with prayer. / * The New ,Shortie/ Is So Becoming You’ll adore the nc v.', youthful-looking b r i el cr coiffure .” . . so becoming ... so fashion perfect . . . as styled at V’s Beauty Shoppe , Vera C. Fraser, prop. Tel: 112 Ihretejr The Newest Way To Soft, Radiant Hair Beauty Lotoz FLUID With Exclusive Magic Ph lx .The greatest permanent wave advancement in years! * ■I ♦ 1 s .4. < < V. f t T k Croquettes With less than one per cent of - the world’s population, Can ada has become the third great est trading nation of the world. BUYSWHYS A WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE A Y I VCheese Croquettes 2 - ■ 2 y2 1% i % cup sifted dry bread crumbs Melt fat add flour and blend well. Add milk slowly, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Cool, fold in .'stiffly beaten egg white. Shape into croquettes and roll in sifted dry. bread crumbs and let stand 1 hour. Fry in deep fat until light brown. Serve with tart jelly. Yield: iSix croquettes. Potato Croquettes ' 3 cups .mashed potatoes egg, slightly beaten teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper ._ cup sifted bread crumbs . Mash potatoes thoroughly, add egg, salt and pepper and beat until light. Form into croquettes, roll in crumbs and fry in deep fat six Deep fat frying has become a lost art in most Canadian homes, because of .the necessity to con serve fats. Now that there is plenty of lard for household use it is t'ime that this method of cooking was Croquettes and may be luxury food, ingredients, chicken, lobstpr,. sweetbreads or mushrooms make* appetizing tid bits for the company meal. Small amounts of cooked meat, vege tables or fish are lifted from the monotony that often is synony mous with left-overs and makes them welcome a t either family or company dinner. The home economists of Consumer Section, Dominion partment of Agriculture, suggest trying these recipes for supper some night soon. Croquettes appeal to the .busy homemaker for they may be made before mealtime and fried just in time to serve or they may be fried ahead of time and re-heated in a moderately hot oven, 37'5oF., for 5 minutes be fore mealtime. Meat Croquettes 4 4 1 % % % 1 1 2 1 % revived. are easy to make a penny-saver or, a depending on the Freshly prepared tablespoons tablespoons cup milk clips grated egg white ‘ ,fat flour cheese A Venetian Blinds 65c square foot by its 1 hour andLet stand A. i put on a .mixed W. Witmer was the oil Of Mrs, Mrs. the W.L She Mrs. Jackson of her exper- tedchor and 1 % Vs the De- Mrs. Sam John until golden brown. Yield: servings. For the All Metal Venetian Blind, get in touch with your local representative Yield: 12 small . or 6 Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 FOR SALE—Extras are ex- j travagant—sell them through ; the Classified ads in the Times es Advocatp.the a Tintex then add gay MONTREAL.—Praise-whining salads . . . salads with lots and lots of appetite appeal . . . have ons thing in common. Secret of their success is a really good dressing—skilfully flavoured with any one of the delicious HEINZ VINEGARS! Whether the salad is served tossed and green in a wooden bowl ... or colourfully arranged in fruit dishes—the dressing makes a world of difference . . . and when ‘ it’s made with Heinz White, Malt or Cider Vinegam good! It’s wise “salad insurance” to make your r 1 General Store CREDITON ALADA So inexpensive —made with Magic Arrange Jn alternate layers in greftaad casserole, 2 c. diced Cobked haim, 1 c. cream-sty 16 corn, Jjj e. cooked peas or beans, 2 c. medium-thick white sauce. Melt 1 c. shredded cheese in double boiler; pour into casserole. Place in hot Oven, 425°, while making biscuit lopping. BISCUIT TOPPING; Mix and sift into bowl. 1’3 c. once-sifted pastry flour (or 1c. once-aifted hard-wheat flour), 3 tsps. Ma gic Baking Powder, top. salt. Cutin finely 2 lbs. shortening. Make a well in centre, pour In 6. milk and mix lightly with a fork. Roil out dough to Ji" thickness; shape With floored cutter. Arrange on hot filling. Bake in hot oven, 425°, about 25 minutes. Yield—4 of fi servings. Exeter Ladies Entertain At County Home Members of the James Street W.A. entertained the people at the County Home last Thursday as part of their June meeting. About forty-five ladies motored to Clinton and program, Mrs. in charge. Violin solos were played by Mrs. Garnet Frayne, and Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Miss Olive Prior gave readings. Mrs. J. Hodgert sang an Irish song, and Mrs. Tom Coates rendered “Little Old Lady” dressed in bonnet and shawl. Mrs. G. K. Crocker played a piano solo. A quartette, Mrs. Tom Coates, Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Mrs. E. Lindenfield, and Mrs. E. Johns, "-sang “Seeing Nellie Home”, "Are You . Listening?”, and "Good Night Ladies”. Mrs. * Jacobs, the hostess, thanked the ladies for their ef forts and expressed how much they enjoyed having them there. After giving a treat to every one there, the ladies all regist ered .and visited other patients who could Rot be at the meet ing. Later they enjoyed a picnic supper at Seaforth. Shipka Groups To Hold Picnic In June The W. A. meeting of United Church was held Thursday evening at. the home of Mrs. Ed Lamport, with twelve present. In the absence of the president the vice-president, Mrs. H. Sheppard was in charge of the devotional period. ' Mrs. M. Swartz read the script ure lesson. Reports were read and adopted. Miss P. Keys re viewed the fourth chapter of the study book. ’ It was decided to hold a pic nic In June at Grand Bend. The meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction. A lovely lunch was served by the com mittee in charge, Mrs. Edgar Webb returned home to St. Catherines on Sun day after spending two weeks at the home of Mi\ and Mrs. Clift Russell. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skivington and two children, Susan and Janet, of Detroit, spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. Ross Love who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital for the past two weeks returned home on Sunday. -* The annual W, A. and S. S. picnic will be held Monday June 13 at 6 p.m. in Grand Bend at the Casino, please bring lunch. All community welcome, , tablespoons fat tablespoons flour cup milk teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon celery salt teaspoon chopped parsley cups minced cooked meat egg tablespoons water cup cracker crumbs Melt fat, add flour and blend well. Add milk slowly, Stirring constantly until thick, Add salt, pepper, celery salt, parsley and meat. Mix well and shape into croquettes. Beat egg slightly and add water. Roll croquettes In crumbs then in egg, then in crumbs, fry in deep fat until golden brown, large croquettes. Start Youngster’s Financial Career With One Dollar Early Yehrs Are Best In Forming Steady .Saving Habit To your youngster a dollar means more now than it will in later life. If he can retain this youthful respect for money as he matures, he will be likely to form lifelong habits of wise spending and regular saving. As countless “success stories” show, these habits are of vital assist ance In career-building hnd hap py living. You can Impress these im portant traits on yoUr Child’s mind by using a siriipl^ method. Thousands of Canadian parents have employed It successfully. You just give your ybungster a dollar to start a Bank of Mont real savings account. You en- courage him to save from his pocket money for some of the things he wants. Thus, yoti help him ter help himself, and he achieves patience nnd purpose fulness. Why not send him around to the B of M to open his account tomorrow? Jim Ilepdry, local branch manager, and his staff will be glad to assist your youngster to start his own “suc cess story”, (aflv’t) ■ ' —- * ELIMVILLE Visitors last week With Mrs. Thomas Bell of Elimville and daughters _were_ Mrs, and son, B.C. Dr. graduate Montreal, mother Graham Bell of B.C. Hanna of Seaforth, __ Johns of Toronto. Miss W. Ste phenson, Reg.N., and Mrs; D.. Hawk fn s, Reg.N. of Public Health, London, and Bessie Bell returned by motor to New York on Friday, Mrs. Piercy and Dr. Piercy motoring as far as Nia gara Falls with them, then train to Vancouver, B.C. Blossom Tea The Elimville MLI. held second successful Blossom Tea on Wednesday afternoon, June 1, at the church with over 100 ladies present. Mrs. Gilbert Johns capably acted as chairlady for the program which was as follows: A duet by Mrs. William Cann and Mrs. A. Morgan, “A Tender Apple Blossom”; a lovely piano solo by Mrs. Crocker of Exeter; a reading, “The Cheerful Visitor”, by Mrs. Earl Mitchell of Hurondale; a duet, "Ail Apple Blossom Wedding”, by Misses June Walters and Wanda Ste phen; an address by Mrs. Wiisdn of Granton W.L, explaining the six committees of Was introduced by Woods, who spoke ience as a school ... . president of Granton W.i. and incoming president of Middlesex Urea. A lovely violin solo was given bY Mrs. Frayne of Exeter, ac companied by Airs. Crocker on piano; a humourous reading iby Miss Ann Brock, "The Letter”. Another duet by Mrs. Cann and Mrs. Morgan, “The ' Rose of Tralee”, completed the interest ing program. The Indies then went to the basement of the church which was nicely de corated with baskets of blossoms and yellow and mauve streamers. A delicious lunch and tea was served iby Mrs. Ward Hern. Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs, John Miners, Mrs. Harold Belt, Mrs. A. Coo per, Mrs. Cliff Brock, Mrs. Gar net Johns, Aliss Ruth Skinner and Mrs, Bhilip Johns, I. Piercy Dr. George Piercy of Piercy was an honour of McGill University, last Tuesday. They are and brother —it’s bound to be o___________ ________ ___ dressings with, the best vinegar you can buy—just as you make them with the best fruits and vegetables. That’s why I urge you to ask youi* grocer for Heinz Vinegars—aged and mellowed in wood! . . . Heina White Vinegar . . . marvelous for light salads and smooth, boiled dress ings . Heinz Malt Vinegar—delicious for heartier salads! June Has Always Been A Favourite Month For Brides. Perhaps that’s because it’s supposed to be lucky . . . “ Happy is the bride the June sun shines on! ” The truth of the matter is that any month can be lucky for a bride if she encourages good luck with good management for her finances. And this is where brides all across Canada find the BANK OF MONTREAL such a great help 1 At the B of M you and your hus band can have a Joint Account, so that you can save together. Or you can open your own Household Account, -which will' make it so much easier to deal with bills. You’ll always know just where the budget stands. Why not “ pave the way ” for future good fortune . . . beginning tomorrow? Visit your nearest B of M branch . . . and start those Savings Accounts for happiness to oome! It Works Like A Charm to remove faded color from clothes . . . this wonderful TINTEX COLOR REMOV ER! Prepare your Summer wardrobe lor “ transformation ” with Color Remover , , . _ ; 4 . next) color with All-fabric Tmtex Tints and Dyes! All-fabric Tintex eliminates all worry, and guess work from home dyeing . , . sim ply follow the easy instructions for guaranteed results! You’ll fifed All-fabric Tintex Tints and Dyes at your drug, department or variety store at 15c each . . » choose your favorite colors from the Tin tex “rainbow” range of beautiful shades! 4 4 f 4 A New Treat color Happy Home Iyer After for the bride who plans her meals with appetite-appeal in mind I And smart is the girl who knows the wonder ful effect that gay, refreshing JELL-O desserts can have. Here’s a colorful Serving sugges tion that’s sure to be a favorite: Arrange Small canned peach halves in serving glasses. Place a few broken nuts in hollow of each peach; then cover with, dissolved. Lemon Jell-O. Chill. You’ll find with economical Jell-O Jolly Pow ders, a host of intriguing dessexts like this make! are quick and easy- to For All Cake lovers—this Ice Moist, tender, airy-light •— CAKE FLOUR, cake triumphs like this are sure th be yours 1 ICE CREAM MERINGUEx CAKE . Swans Down Cake S’lour 2 egg yolks, Unbeaten 7 tablespoons milk % teaspoon vanilla 2 egg Whites % cup sugar Cream Meringue Cake! with SWANS DOWN 1*4 cups sifted ------- —---- ------- -----l’A teaspoohS Calumet Baking PoWaerK teaspoon salt , . ,4 tablespoons butter ot other shortening ’A Cup sugar cup sugarSift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt; sift together 8 times. Cream butter thoroughly, add Clip sugar gradually, and cream, together until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks, one at a lime, beating thoroughly after each. Add flour, alternately With milk, a small amount, at a time, beating after eacb addition, until smooth. Add flavoring. Pour into greased pan, 9 x9 x 2 Inches.Beat egg Whites until foamy throughout; add xemamlng sugar, 2 table spoons at a time, beating after each addition until sugar is thoroughly blended. Continue beating until mixture Will stand in peaks. Spread over cake batter. Bake in moderate oven (350 deg. F.) 45 to 50 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes to cool, then remove carefully from pan. Cut In. 3-inch squares; top bath with small ball of ice Cream. Are You The better Half? *., Everybody Wks about not underestimat ing the power of a woman. We’re supposed to spend most of the moiiey «, « and be responsible for the family budget. All the ads. say we are the greatest influence. But the men run the country. Why, oh why shouldn’t we have a say about which men run the country ., and how they run it? Well, we have! Our vote is our protection. That’s A the way we can state our opinion and help make 1 the kind of government Wfe need. There’s an elec- tion coming up on June 27th ... a Dominion election. Every woman, in this country has a tote of her very Own . *»and every woman Should use that vote. Make sure that you use it to support the party which will do most to improve your lot and that of your family «, * by mak ing Canada a still betterJplabe to lite. Vote for the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Candidate in your riding. Vote to support the party that will do most to make a better life for every member of every Canadian family. The Progressive Conservative Party fa the family party. For a better future* vote Progressive Conservative, i I v I ♦ 1 4 ► 4 X ft I I '4 I “H