HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-09, Page 64 A Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1949 Town Topics Mr, and Mrs, F. L. Moore, of Toronto, visited with the Misses Minnie and Gladys Kestle and other friends over the week-end. Five members from the local branch of the Canadian Legion attended the district rally at Port Elgin on Sunday. Over four hundred veterans gathered for the meeting, District members were Bert Borland, Bill MacLean, Lloyd Reynolds, Robert Jeffrey, and Gerald Campbell. -Miss Margaret Ritchie, of Lon­ don, visited with Miss Alice Handford this week-end, Mr. and Mrs, C. D. Richardson of London, spent this week-end With Mr. a n d Mrs. F. A. May. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Link are spending their holidays in .Mus- koka. Miss Ella Link is m Toronto this week. Miss Isabelle Turnbull, o f London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balkwill and friends over the week-end. Mr. Paul Balkwill, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with his parents here. ■Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Rhodes, of Lindsay, bride and groom of Saturday are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennessey. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Glad­ man, and Elizabeth, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gladman and family, of Chatham, and Mrs. Gary, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and •Mrs. Warren Sanders. Mrs. Amelia Dale who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, .returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Allison and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor and family motored to Shallow Mrs. Oswald Walker ! Mrs. Oswald Walker of Staffa passed away at her late residence on Monday in her seventy-sixth year. Several weeks ago she suffered a stroke and was able to be around again until about a week ago when she suffered a second stroke which was the cause of her death, Born at Cromarty, her maiden name was Mary Ann Elizabeth T u f f i n. Fifty-five years ago last Septem­ ber 18 she was united in mar­ riage with her now bereaved husband. Three children survive —Mrs. Oswald, last of funeral was held from the home of her son Carl, conducted by Rev, Young of Crpmarty and assisted by Rev. Dainard, of Staffa, In­ terment was in the Staffa Ceme- tery. Darrel Parker, Carl and Mrs, Walker was the a family of four. The on Wednesday afternoon 4 Y LOST FQR SALE PERSONAL LOST—Lady’s gold wrist between South End and Brady’s Cleaners; sake. Reward, Finder to Times-Advocate. watch, Garage keep­ return 9* FOR SALE—Used pump jack, double drive, pump, quantity of 1%-inch piping. —P. Diet- rich, Dashwood 31rl8. 2;9* CORN OR CALLOUS won't mar your joy, if Lloyd’s Corn Salve you do employ. 50 cents at Robertson’s Drug Store. 9 c LOST,—On Main St., vicinity of Presbyterian Church, .beige wallet- Finder please return to Mrs. Dawson. % Mrs. Charles Johns. 9* NEW SINGER SEWING _MACH- INES—Cabinet also Treadle pairs to all Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. and, Electric, machines. ' Re­ makes. Singer NOTICES CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less.......35c (additional words l%c) Succeeding insertions 1c a word (minimum charge 25c) Classifieds will be accepted up to Wednesday noon WANTED WANTED—Some used lumber, hemlock or pine; also some 2x4s, Call, 404 J Exeter. 9» WANTED—Room to store furni­ ture for three months, Apply Times-Advocate. 9* ♦ 4 2tfc ' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rtl) Lake on Sunday, stopping at various points on the way.Mrs. - - - - - _ . Elgin, at the nigan. Mr. patient in £t. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he underwent operation on Saturday. He progressing as well as can expected. Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke and family of Thedford, on Sunday. Norman Jolly, who has com­ pleted a post graduate course in Business Administration at .West­ ern University has accepted a position with the Bank of Mont­ real in London. Messrs. Henry Strang, R. G. Seldon, W. G. Cochrane and Mrs. William Sillery motored to ’Wing­ ham Sunday morning and attend­ ed the re-opening and re-dedica­ tion services in Knox Presbyter­ ian Church. A baptismal font in memory of the late Rev. Ken­ neth McLean, B.A., was unveiled by Mrs. McLean and dedicated. Rev. David Perry, son of a form­ er minister of the congregation ■G. Freckelton, of spent Friday of last home of Mrs. Mary William Warren Port week Han- is a an is be WOODHAM Mrs. G. Copeland visited on Thursday with Mrs. H. Copeland of Kirkton. Glenn Copeland, George Levy, Roy • McCurdy and Bill Sherritt spent Sunday in Niagara Falls. The sympathy of ity is extended to Mills and family in Mr. Alonzo Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills of Scottsville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and Betty attended Roy’s Church. Thames Road, anniversary Sunday and visited with Mrs. Floyd Pridham. Miss Ella Mills of spent the week-end with Mrs. Fred Doupe. Rev. T. G. Wanless London Conference in last week. Marilyn Brine spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine of St, Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Oscai’ Brine and Donnie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine of Marys. FOR SALE OR RENT—A used typewriter, The Exeter Times- Advocate. FOR SALE---John Deere 4-row sugar beet s c u f f 1 e r; Inter­ national corn cultivator, good as new: Apply: Ward Hodgins, Olandeboye, phone 20r4 2:9c the comrnun- Mrs. Alonzo the death of i on Mr. and Toronto Mr. and attended Sarnia St. FOR SALE—One registered, TB- tested Durham bull, of service­ able age, Browndale breeding. Apply: Stanley Jackson, Kip­ pen, or phone Seaforth 653r5. 2:9c FOR SALE—Round wooden tank, 1,000 gals., 2 manholes, adjustable clamps, fir, — Andrew Mathers, Crediton, phone 29rl2. ’ 2:9* FOR SALE—M o f f a t 4-burner electric range, in good condi­ tion. Price very reasonable for quick sale. Apply: Tom Pryde, phone 41W Exeter.« FOR SALE—Massey Harris green crop hay loader, practi­ cally new. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. 9 * FOR. SALE—Beatty electric washing machine; also used white brick. R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 9 * that has All Juniors wishing to attend the Field Day in Guelph, June 24, please contact Howard Pym, Harry Hern or Jack Stewart on or before June 18 so that trans­ portation can -be arranged, 9:16c BABY CHICKS WANTED —- Play Pen in good condition, .phone 106.9*0 s elec­ socks ankleare and J j was the special speaker. Socks Hotplates Taman’s Me ■For Summer Socks in all the new bright summer colours from which to choose can be seen amongst our very large tion. These new in both the full length. Here are three suggestions for more comfortable liv­ ing in hot summer days. In both the fans and hot­ plates we can show you several designs. We have a very few’ General Electric fans, the first in several years. Two designs in small size ranges are. now on the floor. Both are four-element styles. Fans — $7.50 to $16.95 Hotplates $5.50 to $8.95, heavy duty $36.00 Electric Ranges as low as $142.00 SAINTSBURY We are sorry to report little Miss Mary Atkinson been suffering from a bad cold. All join in hoping she is much improved by this time. Mr. and Mrs. James Turner and Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis, Cameron and Sharon, were Sun­ day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Hamilton of Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton celebrated their forty-third wed­ ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green­ lee attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thirwall of Ailsa Craig on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Caldwell and family and Mrs. H. Nolls were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald. Mrs. Minnie McDonald of near Centralia is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis spent several days visiting at Meaford, Cold "Water and Midland. Mr. J. Barker and Miss J. Davis, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale of London, spent the week-end in Detroit. Quite a number from this community attended confirmation service in St. Paul's Church, Kirkton, on ^Wednesday evening of last week". Almarie Davis and Ronald Carroll were among candidates confirmed. FOR SALE—A bargain in eco­ nomical transportation, 19 48 Ford Anglia, heater, prestone, etc. Buying ’49 model. Corner Victoria and Carling Streets, evenings. P.O. Box 92. 9* FOR SALE—Seven acres of alf­ alfa. Harvey Hyde, R.R. 1 Hensail, phone 177r42, Exe­ ter. 9:16* FOR SALE — Maple slabs and mixed wood. Apply Welsh’s Lumber mill, phone 109 Hen­ sail. 9:16:23* used Apply Irvin 9* FOR SALE—1500 good white bricks. Stahls, R.R. 1 'Crediton. FOR SALE—1929 Ford Road­ ster in good condition, 600x16 tires. Apply Leonard Dietrich, phon© 31r6 Dashwood, 9* FOR SALE — Two Registered Scotch Shorthorn Bulls, one red, one roan. Apply to Fred Brown, R.R. 2 Crediton. 9:16* the FOR SALE—Six, registered, dual purpose Shorthorn bulls, one year old. Herd just tested for TB and 100 per cent negative. Johns & or 9 c Apply: Wesley E. Sons, R.R. 1, ‘Woodham, phone 44rl0 Kirkton. FOR SALE—Massey Harris team bean and corn scuffler, in good condition. Cheap. Apply: Gordon Prance, Winchelsea. 9* WANTED — -Strawberry pickers; also have strawberries for sale. Apply: Geo. H. Wright, south of town. 9* TWO-WEEK-OLD started chicks, non-sexed Barred Rocks $21.- 95, Pullets: New Hampshires, Barred Rocks $30.95, White Leghorns $33.95, Black Min­ orca X White Leghorns $34.- 95. Cockerels, ’* A r ’‘Share your spares” through FARMERS ATTENTION — We will he pleased to handle youi* T.B. reactor cattle. For best prices ship to United Farmers’ Company, Toronto, through the Hensall District Co - Operative. Phone Hensall 115 or John Ingram 83r43 for further information. * 26:2:9* HELP WANTED -------------------------------f......... WANTED—Man wanted to. work in grain elevator. Apply: Cen­ tralia Farmers’ Supply, phone 27rll Crediton. 9c MALE HELP WANTED—Mar­ ried man for modern piggery. Wages $125.00. Modern home. Give full particulars. Apply Bill Urlin, 2*36 Ki-ng St., Lon­ don, Ont. 2:9:16* WANTED — Housekeeper, free furnished room and nice home, free meals, and will pay week­ ly besides. Apply by mail to: Box “H”, The Exeter Times- Advocate. 9:16c WANTED—Experienced help for dining room and kitchen. Write Pinecroft Lodge, Grand Bend, or phone 44r3 Dash­ wood. 2:9c HELP WANTED — Applications will be received by the Huron County Board of Health for ‘ • an experienced stenographer, proficient in shorthand and typing for Head Office in Clin­ ton. Applications to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than June 18, 1949. N. W. MILLER, Sec., Board of Health, Goderich, Ontario. 9c MISCELLANEOUS BABY SITTING — Daytime, 9 to 5 o’clock. Phone 15 Exeter. 9* CUSTOM PLOWING, discing and corn planting. Phone Dash­ wood 35r2. 2:9* BARNS CLEANED and white­ washed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. pressure. Work done to i n s p e c to r ’ s satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44r9. Fred Har- burn. 4-14-tfc FOR SPRAY PAINTING, see Ly­ man Gratton, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 42rl8. 19:26:2:9c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—150 acres produc­ tive soil, good buildings in good condition, hydro, abund­ ance water, electric grinder, litter carrier, milker. Near villages, canners, sugar beet loader, possession at once with ; crops. Complete as going con­ cern if desired. W. C. Pearce, ! Realtor. 9c $4,800.00 WILL BUY comfort­ able brick house, well located in Exeter. This house has nice bright rooms, full bathroom and hot air furnace. Terms if desired. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Main St., Exeter. 9c TWO-BEDROOM HOME, modern throughout. Nicely treed lot. You may have immediate pos­ session. 0, V* Pickard, Real­ tor, Main St., Exeter. 9 c FOR SALE—Acreage adjoining a village. Has a 6-room house, insul siding, partial cellar, built-itt cupboards, heavy wir­ ing, garage, henhouse, barn, abundant water supply. W* C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—-In the village Of Hensall, a 6-room cottage with full basement, 2/5 acres of land, hydro, good well, soft water. Apply Box 249 Gode­ rich. 26:2:9c FOR SALE—5-toom house, fur­ nace, flush toilet, henhouse, hydro, few acres mellow soil suitable for fruits, vegetables. Quick possession. —W. O. Pearce, Realtor. 19c FOR SALE—Comfortable frame house with hydro and two village lots, good barn and disc shed, situated on paved country toad. Apply at Times- Advocate. 9 * HOUSE FOR SALE, 1% storey brick, living room, dining room, 3 bed-rooms, oil burner, beautiful hardwood floors ; downstairs, exceptionally well i built, includes garage and spacious garden plot. $8000. F/L Mahoney, Williams st, Exeter, behind theatre. 2:9:16? Barred Rocks, Black Australorps $20.95. Three -week-old add 5 cents per chick. Also other breeds, Also day-olds 12 pure breeds and 13 cross breeds non-sexed, pullets or heavy cockerels. Turkey Poults. Send for reduced Price List for June. —Tweddle Chick Hatch­ eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 9o WANTED TO RENT — Unfur­ nished house or 3 oi’ 4 unfur­ nished rooms by June 20, 'adults only, Box “P”, Times- Advocate. —' 9* WANTED—Small acreage in or on the edge of Exeter. Must have real good house with all conveniences. Also a farm. Possession by Sept, 1. Cash. Apply to Box 47, Alvinston. 9:16e s f 0 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders are requested for the supplying of 160 tons of Stoker Coal for the Huron Coun­ ty Home, at Clinton. Prices to be for coal laid down at the County Home. Analysis of coal to be given. Tenders to be re­ ceived by the undersigned not later than June 18, 1949, N. W. MILLER, Clerk, County of Huron ' 9c TENDERS wanted by McGilli­ vray Township School Area for painting S.S. 17, toilets; exterior, terior, and toilets. Separate ten- dei’ for each school. Tenders to be marked and in the hands of the secretary, Neil McRann, Clandeboye; by June 18, 1949. 2:9c the following schools: interior, exterior, and S.S. 15, roof, interior, and toilets; S.S. 3, ex- FOR STORM SEWER Tenders will be received up to 5 p.m., June 20, 1949, at the office of the the installation 4,000 feet of ■William Street, from 15 inches all pipe poration. Plans be seen undersigned and form of tender be taken out on deposit of $15. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . June to be undersigned for of approximately storm sewer on Pipe sizes range to 24 inches and supplied by Cor- and specifications may at the office of the 8, 1949 C. V. PICKARD, Clerk, Corporation of the Village of Exeter. 9:16 FOR RENT VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware FOR SALE BY TENDER The Hay Township School Area is offering for school building U.S.S. Hay, located 4 miles Dashwood on Highway Tenders call for complete movel of foundation, walls, floor and all rubbish resulting from the demolition. Marked cheque for $150.00 to accompany tender, or . Land and buildings could be sold and building remodelled for a dwelling. Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by June 14, 1949. Bruce Tuckey, Chairman, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. H. W. Brokenshire, Sec.-Treas., Hay Twp. School Area, Zurich. 2:9c sale No. east 83. the 13 of re- 4 « < I .4 4 1 k V .1 Jt t AUCTION SALES 4AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects In the Village of Hensail WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 At 1:30 D.S.T. > The estate of the lajte Mrs. Thomas Harris PROPERTY: Two - storey 7 - room frame house, bottom storey covered with asphalt shingles; basement, garage. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: New 3-piece chesterfield suite; bed­ room suite; electric washing machine; new cook stove; cup­ board; chairs; table; bed; mat­ tress and springs; radio; floor coverings; curtains; lawn mower; pictures; garden tools; trilite lamp; electric iron; day bed; •hotplate; pots and pans; other articles too numerous to men­ tion, TERMS ON PROPERTY: Ten per cent day of sale, balance in 30 days. Household Effects: Cash. MRS. CARL PASSMORE, Executrix Ed CORBETT, Auct 9o i 1 <* WIRING OF SCHOOL The Hay Township School Area is calling for tenders for wiring of S.S. 4 Hay, according to the plans submitted by the H.E.P.C. and motions of the Trustees. These may been seen at the secretary’s office. Tenders to state types of fix­ tures that will be supplied. All tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by June 14, 1949. All work to pass inspection. H. W. Brokenshire, Sec.Treas., Hay Township School Area, Zurich, Ont. * 0 M rs. Harry Sparling Twenty pupils from Winchel- sea school carried the floral tributes for the funeral of Mrs. Harry A. Sparling, buried iu Exeter cemetery, Thursday May 26. All the pupils of the school attended the service. The pall­ bearers were Messrs. Johns, Newton Clarke, Delbridge, Franklin Melville Skinner and Johns. The service took the R. C. Dinney funeral home and Rev. William Mair officiated. Mrs. Sparling, the former Merle Irene Rumble, was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Rumble in 1898 on concession 6, Nissouri Township, Perth County. Her early education was received in St. Marys High School and she graduated as a nurse from Lon­ don in 1921. She worked for one year in the United States and later nursed for Di*. M« C» Fletcher for several years. In 1924 she married Harry A. Sparling and they lived on the third concession of Blanshard Township for ten years. In 1934 Mr. and Mrs. Sparling moved to Elimville where Mrs. Sparling was active in the Women’s In­ stitute, W.M.S., United Church there. i Besides her husband, she is j survived by two daughters, Mrs. | Earl Parish, (Nellie), of Lon-{ don, and Hazel; one son, Harvey. ’ four grandchildren, Ronald, | FOR SALE—Two sets heavy Wayne, Murray and Ann Louise; | team harness, International two brothers, Roland, of London, a new 4 corn cultivator. R. ®. Fenton of Medina and one sister, J Hunter, phone 113W. 9* Viva, of St. Marys. 3Relatives attending the tune- FOR SALE-—Vsed 50-lb. ice box ral from out of town were Mr. | condition. Telephone and Mrs. Howard Pelton and j 0aMv,, ....................... _ 9c nSdiP0R SALE—An ice-box, 100-ib. size’ tirst class shal’e- Phone and Mrs. Nathaniel Rumble and ——r“3 Crediton. | ..... family and Mrs. James Tate, of | FOR SALE—O s b o r n e & C 0., ~ "** “ ' " Hamilton. 1-ton portable plat­ form scales, has lever handle to lower beam when not In use; 3 broadcast seed drills; 1 extension ladder, 24-ft.; 3 heavy maple frames 5 ft. x 3 ft. x 33 in., legs are made of 3-in. x 5-in., would be very suitable for rip saw frame, woTk bench or meat chopping block. Also a quantity of good hardwood from wrecked baling press. Apply to Ira Geiger, ’‘Share your spares” through Hensail. Ont. Sc I the Times-Advocate Want Ads. FOR SALE—Buckrake mounted on Model A Ford. Good con­ dition. Apply: Patterson Bros.. Grand Bend. 9* J I ♦ Garnet Horace Skinner, William place in FOR SALE—One Leonard elec­ tric refrigerator, 7 cubic feet, new: 1 Moffat electric stove, automatic oven, one-year-old. Bargain. Phone 379J, 9c FOR SALE—W eaners and chunks. Allan Westcott, phone 176r32 Exeter. 9* FOR SALE-—Case 2-furrow 10- inch tractor plough, in good condition. Apply: Howard Kerslake, Centralia, telephone 175r21. 9c 2:9c i tf 1 W35 C’hev 2-Door, GENUINE CHRYSLER PARTS GOODRICH TIRES Deckerville Mich. Other relatives came from London, St. Marys, and Chatham. DODGE DE SOTO DODGE JOB RATED TRUCKS FOR SALE—Reg Shorthorn bull 15 months old, TB tested. Apply: J. Fred Dawson, Hen- sall, Ont. Phone Exeter 172-16 9* FOR SALE—-9000 good used white bricks. Apply: Clarence L. Davis, R.R. 1, Lucan, tele­ phone 9r3 Lucan. 9* Try a ten-gallon test with our Blue Sunoco gas. and for better lubrication Dynalube motor oil. < 1939 Chev 2-I)oor. 1948 Ford Express. / 1939 Hudson 4-Door. 1935 Chev U-Ton Pane]. | of Canada or of the National Railway and its constituent unconditionally guar- to principal and inter- ALWAYS—Look in the CLAS­ SIFIED ADS to make sure you are not missing any bargains'. 'on a chartered bank in Canada, -made payable to the order of f -• - -------- Phone 109 Exeter* Ont. Phone 200 5 —i............ -— .. ..................... and W.A. of the | FOR SALE—35 Ford coach in good condition, good tires, radio and heater; best offer over $300.00. Apply: G. Bon- nallie, phone 405M. 9 c ~' I One of the heaviest frosts .to | visit this section at this time of J year cut much of the early crops | Wednesday morning. Beans, pot-1 atoes and tomatoes have suffered J as much .as fifty .per cent in many eases. Fields that looked I fine on Tuesday were blackened j with frost Wednesday, Tenders For Coal And Coke Federal Buildings—Prov, of Ont. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed ’‘Tender for Coal” will be re­ ceived until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Wednesday, June 15, 1949, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings through­ out the Province of Ontario’. Forms of tender With specifi­ cations and conditions attached can be obtained from the Pur­ chasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade­ laide St. East, Toronto, Ontario. | Tenders should be made on I th© forms supplied by the De- I partment and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers* licence numbers must be given when tendering. The department reserves the right Jo demand from any sue- i harrows ' ' ~ ‘ ‘ - .V— /sleigh; a security deposit in wagon; AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock And Implements The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction Lot 8, Con. 4, Bicldulph THURSDAY, JUNE 16 at 1 o'clock sharp the following: STOCK; Good work mare; milk ccw, 8 years old; 2 yearl­ ing calves; 3 small calves; 59 pigs, weaners and chunk; 5 sows; 75 hens, IMPLEMENTS: M.H. binder, 7 ft.; hay loader; M.H. 6 ft mower; 14-plate disc; spring tooth cultivator; 3-drum roller; M.H. 11-hoe seed drill; M.H. 3.9 ft, hay rake; Cockshutt riding plow; Cockshutt 2-furrow plow; Fleury 21 walking plow; ; set of sleighs; light wagon; 2 stock racks; set of light heavy buggyj cessful tenderer, before awarding } the order, i __ _ _............ .. the ,of J Jehie’ltie I cutter;’ fanning" mill 'with bag- “J 3ger; set scales; root pulper; | cream separator; hay fork; pul­ leys and car; chicken shelter; I extension ladder; double har­ ness; single harness; buffalo robe; quantity of lumber; sap­ pan, sugar kettle; water trough; block and tackle; grain bags; grain seeder; 2 loads of hay; forks; shovels; hoes; chains; neckyokes; whiffletrecs; boxes; barrels; pails; and many other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: TwO bedroom suites; Royal Princess Pat cook stove; laundry stove; ! kitchen table and chairs; sealers and dishes; hanging lamp; gaso­ line lamp; toilet set; coal oil stove and oven; highchair; roc­ ker; carpets; kitchen cupboard; pictures; flat Iron. Terms —• cash H. W. HODGINS, Prop. R.R, 1, Lucan FRANK TAYLOR, Atict, the Honourable the Minister of Public works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the ten­ der, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion Canadian Company companies anteed as _ _ est by the Dominion of Canada, o r the aforementioned bonds, and a certified cheque, it re­ quired to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil­ ment of the contract. Dy order, j, M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. 5; 12? * 0 tf « * A 4 4 * '■* 4 4 4 I <>