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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-09, Page 4
Page 4 T l» w Yes We. have an usable ’Pipes, Ralls, Angle Irons. Yes AV© want your ? Settop, Feather Ticks» etc, Bring jfc to the station past the tracks. We pay top 8 prices. No Stole On Sunday Harry Joseph ■El FOR YOUR Decorating Needs This Year GALL EXETER 327 AVe can advise you on your Paperhanging, .Painting Rubber Tile Plastic Wall Tile The New Flex-O-Wall EXPERT WORKMANSHIP H. KENDRICK ROBERTSON’S THR TIMES.ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1949 CHANGE OF COMMAND At the Centralia R..C.A.F. Station Friday last, Wing Com mander W. F. M. Newson, D.S.O., D.F.C., signs the papers taking over the command from Wing Commander W. C. Van. Camp, 1).F.C. (left). At the right is the adjutant, Fly ing* Officer David Pue. ' — R.C.A.F. Photo THAMES ROAD Several of the young people from this the Junior which was Monday of The pupils, with theh' teacher, Mrs, Mair, of Lumley School, went on a tour' by bus with six othei' schools in the school area to London on Thursday of last week. After visiting several places of educational interest in the city they went to Springhank for the remainder of the after noon, where sports were enjoyed. After suppex* with the trustees and parents, a hall game was enjoyed. On their return home they visited the observatory at the university and saw theii' first glimpse of the moon through the large telescope there. The during Sunday Mrs. ........... ...... I spent the past few months with ‘ Miss Ella Robinson, returned to hex' home last week. We are glad to report that Miss Robin son’s health is improving. Sunday services will be at the usual hour: Sunday school 10:15 and church at 11:15. Raymond Cann entertained number of his school friends a birthday party on Tuesday eve ning at his home. Mrs. William Mair, Betty and in Toronto and the week-end ___I a shower for Miss Shirley Marchant, bride- I elect of July. Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Rohde | and Mix and Mrs, ‘William Rohde | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. IAlex Rohde of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Passmore and Miss Alice Passmore attend ed Whalen anniversary and were I guests with Mr. and Mrs. Walter | Gunning. i Mr. and Mrs. William Green- I of North Exeter and Mr. and ’ Mrs. Smale of Seaforth spent « Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy j Passmore. j Mr. and Mrs. Ted McIntyre of I London and Mr. and Mrs. Roy < Ballantvne and family spent Sunday with Mf. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne. community attended Farmers' Field Meet, held in Mitchell on this week. Mission Band will meet church service hour on morning. Blair of Exeter, who has 1 I I I ! ! i I i I! | I Joanne, visited| Schomberg over ra ■; where they attended 3 lbs-$1.00 9 lbs.-$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Results considered, will find this powder equalled as a tonic all farm stock. Your Drugs at Hi Highlight? On Friday at 3:00 the students were dismissed to parade in honour of the Prime Minister. Our bugle band led * by June Walters, the majoiette, was first in the parade. At the Library Sheila Bailey presented Mr. St. Laurent with a carnation'. The climax of the afternoon came when the prime minister declared the remainder of the day a holi day. Those of us who go home on the bus only wished that our drivers had been there to hear the announcement * •!< * Id ■Wednesday of this -week we shall be hearing about the sub jects it will be our lot to write. Then we can concentrate all our efforts in a final attempt. On Wednesday the students will participate in the laying of the cornerstone, a privilege we ‘shall long remember. a ... ............................... ng Venetian Blinds; Steel c\nd 1 ’ Flexalum Slats you un- for ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Times-Advocate Want Ads— Bargain Counter of the county. CREDITON be on ob- Sun- i be held on THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES i ♦Tie Bock”is your CanailMn 'NtUioK-ot lime table — guide to every u here i», Cd.'i&fa* Children’s Day will served in both churches •day next. Decoration Day will in the Crediton Cemetery Sunday June 19. Service will be | held at 2:30 o’clock. Rev. Getz, ’ of Dashwood, will be the speak er. Mrs. Wesley Wein and Mrs. Albert Gaiser are this week at tending the Evangelical W..S.W.S. ’Convention i n Pembroke. They will go by way of Ottawa in a chartered coach. 1 The Women’s Institute will be held on June 22 Community Park. . A large representation eight surrounding 'Women’s stitute groups attended the. Dis trict Annual held here on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale, sons Donald and Ted of Brampton and Miss Janet Kestle, of Exeter, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. We are glad to report that Mrs. E. Wenzel has returned to her home following an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. • Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser, who was last week confined to her bed and under the doctor’s care is registering improvement which her friends are pleased to learn. Miss Jeannette Beavers, many friends are pleased to learn she is progressing favourably. Jean nette spent several days in the j Children’s Hospital, London, fol-1 lowing an accident suffered at a ball game in Exeter last week. Oui* deepest sympathy is ex tended to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Preszoator in the loss of their little son Johnny. Mr. William Oestrieelier spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Howard Finkbeiner of Port Colborne is holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey .spent the week-end in Detroit. Miss Sarah Gibson, of London, is visiting with her sister, William Oestreicher and Oestreich er. Mrs. W. R. (? ou I ding daughter Marilyn, u The Continental Limited directly serves Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver* This famous train has all the modern comforts for long distance travel.• * air-conditioned coaches and "through” sleeping cars with various types of accommodations rooms arid berths *.* observation lounge cars. Enjoy delicious dining car meals.. * thoughtful, .courteous service.. * ample room to move around. You arrive refreshed and relaxed when you travel by train. See Canada this year. Go Canadian National. COURTESY AND SERVICE JFAerAer at j&owe — or ugoing places” — Sa all yonr contacts tcilb Canadian ZSteiiorutl, you will experience courtesy and scrsic^ % 1 >» * 4 f * / f K Ji 4 .4 A 1' •V ’» I. (r r per square foot i Si ✓ L. C. KAPPLER R.R. 1 ST. MARYS Phone Kirkton 29r2 0— —---------------ft! a—..-....... .............i •...."J,,.,,. ■ NEW FLOORS X LAID AND SANDED Old Floors Re-Surfaced Quality PENETREM ’ In Any Quantity Sunworthy Wallpapers Elastica Paints Murray Neil Phone Crediton 10J R.R. 2 Centralia, Ont. ft—y ..........——---------W GREENWAY Rev. Stanway, of Brucefield, will be the guest’ speaker in the United Church zon Sunday at 2:45 pan. for the W.M.S. service. Mr. and Mrs. John Allister and Frank of Hamilton visited on Sunday with Mrs. Albert Pol lock. Mrs. Arthur Brophey spent a couple of days last week, with Mrs. Jerry Brophey, -of Parkhill, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris of Brinsley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn •and family. Mrs. George Reid (Myrtle Stinson), of Flaxcomb Sask., and her brother,- Mr. Harold Stinson, of Bayfield, called, on Mrs. R. English and Mrs. R. L. Sheppard and several old friends in this vicinity recently. Mrs, R. . Snowden, of Parkhill, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson. The Harmony Class of the United Church will hold their monthly meeting on Friday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. .Cecil Oke, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Misses Margaret and Bernice West were home over the week end. Mrs. is not Mr. and Saturday afternoon with his sis ter, Mrs. R. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore and Vera spent Thursday afternoon in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bendall, St. Marys and Dorothy Moore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Cornish of Mooresville. EDGEWOOD Mr. John Kabot of Mooresville spent Monday with Joseph Zubal. Mr. Charlie Ollinger and Jack Brooks of Sarnia called and Mrs. R. Moore Sunday night. Misses Vera and and Trevor Foster Middleton were in a Sunday evening. Vera received a severe cut across the chin which required stitches. She is under the care of Dr. George of Lucan. The rest escaped with bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Kapell of Lon- jip spent Monday eve- _ _ „__ . and Mrs. J. Zubal’s. I with the WANT AD section. and on Mr? family Moore Albert Oila and __ _ cai’ accident J i i Ivor Lindsay of Revere very well again. and Mrs. Gerald Kenney baby Of Strathroy spent One garage wjll be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open this Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week SUNOCO, Service Station e V- < <* v e t- e i a 4 A -t r r ¥ i V < r t 4 I I k t I 4 t I picnic Sweet and Sc/a-wide seats Finger-lip“ Control We are at your service always a FORD and .monnccH Mrs. Mr. The 49 Ford was awarded the Fashion Academy Gold Medal as ‘'Fashion Ccr of the Year” over* dll 1949 makes and models in oil price classes. There’s extra safety in Ford's low centre of gravity and the "Lifeguard" Body . . . plus "big-car” roadability as well as better looks. SEE YOUR FORD DEALER FOR ^DEMONSTRATION RIDE! Yes, room for 6 big passengers . . . and they ride "amidships" — between the wheels where the going is smoothest! There’s to the new Ford's performance, such as only Ford’s 100 Hp. V-8 Engine can give! And owners everywhere say they're saving up to 10% more on gasoline. Easier steering . . "Magic Action’ Brakes that are 35% easier acting . . . amazing accelera tion in traffic ... they add up to that new Ford "feel”. Smooths outthe Bumps _____and . „___ ______ of London.! visited on Saturday with Mr. and j Mxs. G. Wein and Maleeta. ' Mr. H. K. Eilber spent the | week-end in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith, of Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green recently on J ■< way to their summei’ home in .j Kincardine. Mrs. Gertrude Hcideman. local ; representative of the Bell Tele- ‘ phone Company, attended a Bell ■ ■ Telephone Convention last week | ” in Leaden. | Mr. and Mrs. George Steven- ? son spent a few days last week , with friends in Toronto. i » Dr. and Mrs. L. Morrison, of i , Detroit, visited over the week-;( end with Mrs. Mary Eilber. 1 ■, Mr. and Mrs. Haviland, of« Barrie, visited with friends here i (< on Thursday of last week. Mrs. | »Haviland is a guest this week at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. ? Faist. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haist ' and family of Fenwick spent i the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. I Henry Finkbeiner., « Mr. ana Mrs. Jack Moir, of Detroit, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd i! Gaiser. Where Mrs. Moir was {taken ill, we trust she will have speedy recovery. Coriuftunity Youth Fellowship i Gather For Social Evening i A pleasant evening was en-« joyed on Monday of last week, when the members of the Com munity Youth Fellowship met a I j-for a social evening. A friendly game of ball was .played in the Community Park, after which a S weiner roast was enjoyed in Mr. | Lawrence fill’s field, on the outskirts of the village. A happy j sing-song around t h e burning I embers brought a delightful s | evening to a close. | i' ACCOMMODATION—For Cla- | BAiLWXYS « MBXXHES • MEAMSlCr>S • HOTELS • EXCESS « TELEGRAPHS In the TimeS-AdVC^ri- te—Sure-fire Results! t SfaiMl'S AWARD, ■' SANDY ^Economy ./Power ^Sa/efy You ride relaxed because Ford’s "Hydra-Coil" Front Springs and resilient " P Rear Springs smooth ~ ... chest roads. Chrome wheel trim rings end while sidewall tires optional cl extra toil Men ovoiloble. FEEL the difference EXETER H < u r Y Y S J-