HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-09, Page 3THE TJME5.ADV0CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1949 LOWER PRICES! If you’re thinking of ordering chicks, ask foi’ Bray’s list showing wide choice of breeds and crosses..Also lower pullet prices for June and July. Whatever you choose there’s many years careful, skilful selection behind it! Bray Chicks have won reputation for vigour, vitality, fast growth, early full develop­ ment , , , important .any time, doubly important in hot wea­ ther, Don’t delay, Start day. Order Bray! Bray Hatchery Phone 246 Exeter CASH FOR DEAD ANIMALS <» COWS - $2.50 each HORSES - $2.50 each HOGS - .50 per cwt. According to size and \ condition Phone Collect EXETER 287 INGERSOLL 21 William Stone Sons, Ltd INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Napoleon Establishes Beet Sugar Industry In 1811, Napoleon Bonaparte, convinced by scientific conclu­ sions that sugar beets doubled yields of cereal crops in the ro­ tation, realized the industry’s value to his empire. Dissatisfied with the slow de­ velopment of the Sugar beet in­ dustry in France, he issued a decree appropriating a million francs for establishment of six technical beet sugar schools. This Imperial Decree compelled farmers to plant 79,000 acres of sugar beets the following year. • After January 1, 1813, im­ ports of sugar from the Indies were barred and by the end of that year there were 334 fac­ tories in France manufacturing Jbeet sugar. As a result of the perception, determination and power of one man, the industry which was to revolutionize agri­ cultural methods in Europe was not only created, but within two years was operating on an ex­ tensive scale. CANADA AND SUGAR CO. DOMINION LIMITED Chatham Wallaceburg //eadinp down Redstone Iakt IN THE HA1IBURTON HIGHLANDS T£ you like to get out on the lake for a sail—lie in the sun op a sandy beach—or fight a small mouth bass on a rocky inlet—Ilaliburton’s for you, and the Tourist Information Bureau at Mindent Ontario will help you with the details. There’s hotel, lodge or cabin accommodation — and Hafiburton is only three or four hours by train, bus or by car on highways 2 and 35 from Trenton or Toronto. Every year thousands of * visitors enjoy our Ontario Holidays _ —it’s up to us to see they have fun. to'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK” WHHIIIP OTTAWA MODEL PLAN TO TOUR CANADA — This de­ tailed model shows what Canada’s capital will look like in the future. The scheme, which took Canadian town planners, architects_and engineers three years to culminate, was de­ signed to transfer Ottawa jnto an attractive city reflecting the Dominion’s status and achievements as a nation, The model will be sent on a tour of the country. Here finishing touches are applied to grounds of the parliament buildings. which the Mizpah Benediction was repeated. A- period of games followed, after which delicious refreshments were served by Howard for also with her and Mrs. News of Hensall Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, D.D., Bishop of, Huron, will be at Stv Paul’s Anglican Church, Hensall, on Wednesday, June 15, to ad­ minister the rite of confirma­ tion. Service to commence at 8 o’clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. C, Hudson returned home after a pleasant visit daughters, Mrs. Avery Kading, in London. Dr. J. A. and Mrs. with and the Kip- Scholl, presi- made a brief Mr. Nicol the hymn book. MacLean visited with relatives in Toronto recently. Miss Robert Kirby of St. Thomas j^pent the week-end visit­ ing with friends here. Mi*, and Mrs. Lee Oesch and family of St, Catharines visited during the past two weeks the latter’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Alex Mousseau, and former’s mother, Mrs. Ezra fer. Miss Mavis Reid, daughtei’ of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid, Lon­ don, at a recent graduation re­ cital at the Sacred Heart School of Music, won the senior violin scholarship and also the silver medal for Grade • 9 violin. Miss Reid is a niece of Miss Minnie Reid, Hensall. Carmel Choir Entertain The choir of Carmel Presby­ terian Church entei’tained the •board of managers, elders and friends in the school-room of the church on Monday evening, A sing-song was led by Mr. J. L. Nicol, after which Bev. P. A. Ferguson, presided over the pro­ gram, -consisting of vocal solos by Mrs. William Brown, Mr. Donald Bell, Miss Alma Bell and a chorus by Mrs. C. Kennedy, Miss Alma Bell, Mrs. P. A. Fer­ guson and Mrs. Scholl, Mrs. Charles Forrest, accompanied at the piano. Mrs. A. dent of the choir, address and made presentation of a The recipient expressed his sin­ cere thanks and spoke briefly to the members of the choir and guests, encouraging them in the service of song and music. Contests were directed by Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Ferguson, after which dainty refreshments were served. Woliclo Class Moots The monthly meeting of; the Wohelo Class was held in the United Church Sunday School on Monday night* May 30, Mrs. D. Kyle presided. The opening ex­ ercises consisted of the hymn ”T Would Be True”, the Lord’s Prayer and the scripture reading by Dorothy McNaughton. Roll call was answered by names of books of the Bible, beginning With initial of first name. The minutes were read 'and collection taken* The twenty-third psalm was then repeated by the group. Plans were drawn up for the class picnic to be held at Lions’ Bark, Seaforth, at a date to be decided on. It was also decided tq hold a baking sale at a later date. Mrs. Maude Hedden was named as an extra number on the buying committee to send cards to class members. Miss Dorothy McNaughton was named to send gifts, Eudora Hyde sang a pleasing solo, “Thorny Roses”. A humorous reading, “Katrina’s Visit To New York”, was given .by Mr. George Follick. His en­ core Was “An After-dinner Speech”. Delightful violin solos Were then rendered by Mr. Jar­ vis Horton* accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker, at the piano. Miss Elorenco Welsh contributed en­ joyable piano numbers. The next item, the topic “Esther” was most interestingly dealt with by Miss Ellis. The secretary dis­ closed that the CARE parcel for­ warded to Mr. Mbrlnz Erlangen, Germany, a distant relative of Mrs. J. Corbett, has been re­ ceived. However, the letter has to be translated into English, The closing hymn, “He Liveth Long Who Liveth Well”, after Stewart’s Taxi I Get Rid Of r We Have In Stock A Full Line Of For your convenience we have purchased 1 (Wednesday, and after lunch Agents For Spramotor Ltd Page the for incor- school name of the t, would proceed to London 6isit University of Western Can- sy2 sales, cents In Garden and Field Sizes. 19 47 net profits corporations on every dollar of than 2 and Forests to permit councils to increase the on wolves to $40 each. County of Elgin asked In adian cents of which more were plowed back into business. those in charge. Mr. Brook was "’responsible excellent program and the games. members for Of were and, hy would likely PHONE — K PANEL MODELS Model 1435 — 137-inch wheel­ base, Maximum G.V.W. 6700 lb.. Load Space 202 Cu. ft. Also available in light-duty Model 1315 —,116-inch wheel­ base, Maximum G.V.W. 4600 lb. Load Space 150 Cu. Ft. PICKUP MODELS Model 1424—125Vk*lnch wheel­ base, Maximum G.V.W. 5800 lb. Other models available; 1434 — 137-inch wheelbase, Maximum G.V.W. 6700 lb.; 1314 — 116-inch wheelbase. Maximum G.V.W. 4600 lb. Harvey Morley and ‘Mrs. Morley visited friends in recently. Glenn Hutton, of Fort spending a few days with BRINSLEY Next Sunday, June 12, will be observed US Children’s Day at the regular service in Brinsley United Church with children's .hymns. AU children are invited to at­ tend. Mr. Arnold Kilmer, of Mc­ Gillivray has been engaged as organist in the Brinsley United Church. Owing to anniversary services i n Trinity Anglican Church, .Ailsa Craig, next Sunday, the service in St. Marys Anglican Church, Brinsley, has been with­ drawn. The special speaker will be Rev, Volliek, Rector of the Ailsa Craig charge. Mrs. Wesley Sarnia Mrs. Erie is Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Alozno Hodgins, Phyllis,, a n d Bobbie visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Dobbs, nf Lucan. Mrs. William Grieves visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sutherland. ' Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Morley recently were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sims, Mrs. W. J. H. Johnson, Mrs. Andy Gilbert, Miss Marla Gilbert of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. George Chisher, Miss Frelda Bremman of 'Corunna, and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hyatt .and daughter Janet of Hamilton. The ladies of St. ’Marys Angli­ can Church, Brinsley, are invited to an Apple Blossom Tea to be held at Saintsbury, Wednesday. Take notice of the change of date of the McGillivray Women’s Institute to Friday June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Manquie and daughter, of Buffalo, visited recently with the latter’s father, Mr. William Morley. Mr. Norman Amos, a recent graduate of Guelph Veterinary College has recently purchased the practice of Dr. Jose of Kirk­ ton. The community wishes Norman every success. Mr. Flornte Bishop, who was admitted to St. Joseph's Hospit­ al, London, is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Roy Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd of Lucan spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. i TRANSPORTATION UNLIMITED! There's a Chevrolet Truck.for every job with capacities from 4,000 lbs. to 16,000 lbs. G.V.W from smart delivery units to massive heavy-duty models Canada's Greatest Servers LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY CHASSIS Available irt a wide range uf wheelbases with G.V.W.'S from 4000 to 16,000 lbs. You’ll share the record-high regard that Canada holds for these Advance-Design Chevrolet trucks. You’ll share it the instant you drive them. For then and there you’ll discover the deep-down durable-quality) the outstanding performance and the rugged reliability that make them Canada’s favorites . . * Drive them and^remember that only Chevrolet brings you this* fullest measure of finest value together with the world’s greatest economy. For Chevrolet trucks alone have 3-WAY THRIFT — the triple economy of low-cost operation, low-cost upkeep and low initial investment* “'S-' CHEVROLET TRUCKSCT.WA Propose Change In Area Name Laird Mickle and Charles Mac- Naughton, members of the Exe­ ter District High .School Board; asked Huron County Council to support a request to the Depart­ ment of Education to “South Huron District High School Board”* The delegation appeared be­ fore the council Monday when the June session began, Warden John Armstrong pro­ mised consideration and the re­ quest was referred to the educa­ tion committee, The* delegation hoped for an early decision so that the name could be porated on the new high building here. The new would be more descriptive district, they said. Warden Armstrong, in address­ ing members, spoke of the pre­ vailing drought. Huron County was not so seriously affected as some other counties patient waiting, come out as well as any. Thanking the their co-operation, he asked com­ mittees to keep well within esti­ mates. He announced that council, would visit the county home on there, to vi Ontario. Correspondence read by Clerk N. W. Miller, and referred - to committees, included resolutions from Prince Edyard County pro­ testing the dissolution of Old Age Pension Boards; from Bruce County seeking support of a campaign, to eradicate the com­ mon barberry. Peterboro County resolved to petition tjhe Department of Lands county bounty The concurrence in a resolution re­ questing an amendment to the Railway Act by excluding the word level before crossing. An­ other Elgin resolution requested that all engaged in the fishing industry be compelled to carry workmen’s compensation. Wentworth County seeks an A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Meet tho new Chevrolet Sedan Delivery for '49 —a beautiful blend of truck utility and passenger eat appearance, economy, fleetnes* and flexibility. A FULL-SIZE SEDAN DELIVERY IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD amendment to the Administra­ tion of Justice .Expenses Act to provide for an increase to $5,00 allowance to constables for court attendance. A Middlesex resolu­ tion opposes cancellation of one mill subsidy to municipalities. The Department, -of Highways communication approved by-law providing for total ' expenditures of $450,009. 335 Exeter "& Tl W/ I II hose weeds! Weed Killers (2,4-D) Brush Killer (24sT plus 2,4-D) to rent out A Portable Power Sprayer Tank 12 gals. Pressure 200 lbs. Complete with wide boom and broom spray attachments. Can be readily mounted on truck, tractor, wagon or trailer. See Us About Your Weed Problems Continuous Hand and Compressed Air Sprayers on Hand EXETER ------ ONTARIO HEAVY DUTY CHASSIS Available in a suitable range of wheelbases for all types of Dump Truck Service With G.V.W.** from 14,500 to 16,000 lbs. ALL THESE FEATURES - AT LOWEST PRICES New Body by H»her with Push-button door handles • New Centre-Point De­ sign • Increased visibility o Extra load space « All-welded, all-steel doors • Super sealing insulation • Improved Valve-in-Head engine • 115'* Wheel­ base *4100 lb. G.V.W. PLUS Unitized Knee-Action ® 3-Spoed transmission • Certi-Safe Hydraulic brakes with PERMA-BOND "Dubl-Life" rivetless brake linings • Hypoid rear axle • Super-size sign pane! • Sturdy wood rear floor • Leatherette panel upholstery • Passenger car tolor options. [■* ■■AV lnWgFI