HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-02, Page 4Page 4 MALE HELP WANTED Miss, this coffee looks like, mud.” “I don’t doubt it at all, sir; jt was ground this morning.” THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1949 8 Out of 10 Readers Consult Classified Ads MALE HELP WANTED-—Mar­ ried man for modern piggery. Wages $125.00, Modern, home. Give full particulars. Apply Bill Uplin, 2*3 6 King St., Lon­ don, Ont, 2:9:16* MISCELLANEOUS All kidding aside, Mr. Motorist, the holiday season is at hand. That means you’ll want to be sure of your car’s performance. Bring it to the South End and be sure! CUSTOM PLOWING, discing and corn planting. Phone Dash­ wood 35r2. 2:9* South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 BARNS CLEANED and white­ washed following T.B. test, Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44r9. Fred Har- burn. 4-14-tfc Lamps for the FOR SPRAY PAINTING, see Ly­ man Gratton, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 42rlS. 19:26:2:9c FOR RENT For Rent VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware TENDERS WANTED Lamps for the June bride are another useful gift which you. will find in our store. We have a fine selection of various designs. ® Boudoir Sets • Table Lamps ® Trilights Transportation Tenders wanted for transport­ ing children in McGillivray Township School Area from S.S. 14 to S.S. 12; S.S. 11 to S.S. 15; S.S. 9 to S.S. 10; $.S. 13 to S.S. 18 (approx. 9 miles); S.S. 4 to S.S. 6 (approx, seven miles). Tenders must be marked and in the hands of the secre­ tary, Neil McRann, Clandeboye, Ontario, by June 18, 19 49. 26:2c For your holiday trip see our fine pieces of McBrine Luggage i R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, OntS ■ TENDERS wanted by McGilli­ vray Township School Area for painting the following schools: S.S. 17, interior, exterior, and toilets; S.S. 15, roof, interior, exterior, and toilets; S.S. 3, ex­ terior, and toilets. Separate ten­ der for each school. Tenders to be marked and in the hands of the secretary, Neil McRann, Clandeboye, by June 18, 1949. 2:9c .Vo ?* * ’ ’ j g/ CHICK STARTER: We stock and recommend Purina Startena. What's more important, feeders recommend it! . . . For growing birds, Purina Chick Growena (com­ plete feed) or Growing Chow (to be fed with grain, free choice). g/ TURKEY STARTER: Purina Tur- key Startena (made in "Checker- Ett" form) made a lot of friends for us last season. Better see us about a supply—also about the whole Purina Turkey Programme. Turkey raisers who have followed it swear by it! Want EXTRA Eggs When prices are up, next Fall? FEED for Them NOW! g/ CALF STARTER: Purina Calf ' Startena raises good calves at a real saving in money, milk, time and work. (You can save yourself a lot of chore time by putting your Spring calves on Calf Startena.) Come in and see us about it, the first rainy day! Purina Research Farm tests show that pullets well grown on a good growing ration will lay up to 21 mor© eggs per bird In early Fall than birds poorly developed on a poor growing ration. Cash in on this fact — grow your pullets on Purina GROWENA or GROWING CHOW CHECKER-ETTS --------------------------— ------------------ We Have Just Received Built-in Bathtubs These have been very scarce but we now have a few on hand. g/ PIG STARTER: One part Purina Sow & Pig Chow mixed with 3 parts of your own chop will help keep your sow milking, give your little pigs a real lift past weaning. After that, keep them coming — mix Hog Chow with your chop, or feed Pig Growena. FOR SALE—Baby’s bathinette, phone 405M, 2c FOR SALE FOR SALE—One steel pulley; one cable pulley; a milk jug. Apply Wes. Hackney, Exeter North. 26:2* CEMENT For Sale—$1.35 for 95-lb, bag. Apply Charles Diet- rich, phone 20r33 Crediton. 26:2* FOR SALE — International “A” tractor, starter and lights, tires^nearly new, equipped witli scuffler and bean puller, all in A-l repair; also double­ geared pump jack, nearly new; International sugar beet lifter to fit the “A” tractor. These implements are all in good repair. Harold Taylor, R.R, 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39r8; 2* PIGS FOR SALE—3 0 weaners and stockers. Apply Chas. S. Bedard, phone 98rl5 Zurich. 2* FOR ISALE—Coleman gas stove, Cosy home range with water­ front, for coal; baby carriage, Sunshine make, phone 2S6W. , .2c FOR SALE—‘Used pump jack, double drive, pump, quantity of lU-inch piping. —P. Diet- rich, Dashwood 31rl8, 2:9* FOR . SALE—Renfrew washing machine and wringer; Cole­ man gas iron, in good repair, will sell reasonable, phone • Crediton 30r21. 2c FOR SALE—’41 Chev coach, in good condition, heater, defros­ ter, etc. Apply to Clarence Knight, 174rll Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—Barn, 8-foot solid brick wall, 16 x 23, with 8- foot frame stable top. Phone 361W Exeter, 2* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines.- Re- ' pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. 2tfc FOR SALE OR RENT—A used typewriter. The Exeter Times- Advocate. FOR SALE—Battery radio, $10; four-burndr coal oil stove, $5; and an ice box, $5. Apply to Mrs. Florence Waldron, Grand Bend. 2c FOR SALE—One boy’s bicycle, fair condition, reasonable. Phone 38J. 2c FOR SALE—’48 Chev half-ton pick-up. Apply Ed’s Imperial Sales & Service. 2c FOR SALE—’39 DeSoto, good condition, perfect tires, clean inside and out. Apply R. Fur­ neaux, Andrew St. North. 2* FOR SALE—Upright piano, first class mechanical shape, re­ quires refinishing. Phone 255J 2c FOR SALE—3-year-old Hereford bull; 10 weaner pigs. Apply: Charlie Prout, R.R. 1, Cen­ tralia, phone 178rll Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—John Deere 4-row sugar beet scuffler; Inter­ national corn cultivator, good as new: Apply: Ward Hodgins, Clandeboye, phone 20r4 2:9c FOR SALE—S mall kitchen range; 2-burner rangette; kit­ chen cabinet. Apply: J. F. Burn, Crediton. 2c FOR SALE—1938 Chev coach standard, new motor, guaran­ teed, new tires, battery, gen­ erator, radiator, fuel pump all new, rest in good shape, $750. A p p 1 y; C. Rawlings, Clan­ deboye, phone Crediton. 30r21. 6c FOR SALE— 500 Sussex and New Hampshire mixed chicks, 7 weeks old, for immediate sale. Apply to Mrs. William Taylor, or phone 35rl7 Dash­ wood. 2* WANTED WANTED—House or apartment, unfurnished in or near Exeter, Phone 364W. 2* WANTED’—Kiddy car, in good shape, phone 286W, 2c STRAYED STRAYED—Onto Lot 6, Con. 10, Hay Twp., 6 head of cat­ tle. Apply Joseph Swartzen- truber, phone 25rl7 Dashwood 2* NOTICES FARMERS ATTENTION — We will * ibe pleased to handle your T.B. reactor cattle. For best prices ship to United Farmers’ Company, Toronto, through the Hensall District Co - Operative. Phone Hensall 115 or John Ingram 83r43 for further information. * i 26:2:9* ---—-___ ___________ ________ __2- Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com­ mencing Monday, June 6, at 2 p.m. D.S.T. «• All accounts, notices of depu­ tation and other business requir­ ing the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 4, 1949. , N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. .26:2c Hensail School Board Hensall School Board gives notice that all children .begin­ ning school in September must have reached their sixth birth­ day on or before December 31, 1949. Parents of these children are kindly asked to register them with 17. the principal before June JOHN T. BLACKWELL Secretary-Treasurer, Hensail School Board. LOST LOST—Circular gold broach, about two weeks ago, between Presbyterian and Main Street churches, phone 247J. 2c LOST—In Exeter, a. gent’s wrist watch, leather strap, gold filled frame. Reward. Apply at Times-Advocate.2* LOST—A parcel was placed in the wrong car in Crediton on Thursday night. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. 2c BABY CHICKS WHITE LEGHORN Pullet bar­ gains while they last, 2 week- old, $34.95; 3 week-old, $39.- 95; day-old, $26.95. Black Minorca X White Leghorns, $1.0'0 per hundred more. Also other Light and Heavy Breeds, non-sexed, pullets and Heavy Breed ‘Cockerels'. Turkey Poults. Send for reduced price list for June. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 2:9c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Acreage adjoining a village. Has a 6-room house, insul siding, partial cellar, built-in cupboards, heavy wir­ ing, garage, henhouse, barn, abundant water supply. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. „ FOR SALE—In the village of Hensall, a 6-room cottage with full basement, 2/5 acres of land, hydro, good well, soft water. Apply Box 249 Gode­ rich. 26:2:9c 6 FOR RENT TO LET-—Two furnished rooms, Phone 226 Exeter. 2* FOR SALE BY TENDER The Hay Township School Area is offering for school building IJ.S.S. Hay, located 4 miles Dashwood on Highway Tenders call for complete movel of foundation, walls, floor and all riibbish resulting from the demolition. Marked cheque for $150.00 to accompany tender, or , Land and buildings could be sold gnd building remodelled for a dwelling. Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by June 14, 1949. Bruce Tuckey, Chairman, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. H. W. Brokenshire, Sec.-Treas., Hay Twp. School Area, Zurich. 2:9c sale No, east S3. the 13 of re- AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE The undersigned has .received instructions to sell by public auction on Waterloo St., Exetei’ (south-west boundary) SATURDAY, JUNE 4 at 1 o’clock, the following: Dresser, chest of drawers, sev­ eral rockers, lawn mower, new wheelbarrow, electric heater, electric toaster, electric iron, combination heater and cook stove, cupboards, sink, Beatty washing machine, buffet, 5 chairs and table, day bed, Nor­ thern Electric radio, 2 iron beds, springs and mattress, gar­ den tools, mixed wood, pots, pans and dishes, ironing board, 2 grindstones, _2-burner heavy duty electric plate and stand, 2 clothes racks, copper boilers, saws, crosscut and hand tools, quantity of chestnut coal. Terms — Cash. MRS. HARRY SMITH, Prop. FRED DAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE Of Church Building Alvin Walper has been instruct­ ed to sell by public auction, on TUESDAY, JUNE 7 at 8:00 p.m. the Blake United Church shed, size 50 feet by 26 feet. Imme­ diate possession. Terms — Cash TRUSTEES OF BLAKE CHURCH 26:2c di ate AUCTION SALE Of Property And Household Effects In the Village of Hensall The estate of the late Alexander Buchanan, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 at 1:30 p.m. Corner of Highway 4 & Main St. PROPERTY consists of double lot, 2-st.orey, 9 roomed brick house, full basement with new furnace. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Piano and bench; chesterfield; desk; library table; cook stmle; small tables; kitchen cupboard; beds; chairs; mattresses; dressers and washstands; floor coverings; dishes; many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: On property made known day of sale; sold subject to reserve bid. Chattels, cash. MISS MARY BUCHANAN, Executrix ED CORBETT, Auct. 26c g/ FLY KILLER: Purina-Fly Sprays p (containing DDT and other fly controls) do a real job — ask us 1 g/ WEED KILLER: Purina Weed r Killer knocks most broadleaf weeds for a loopl Easier, cheaper, than cultivating. g/ WORM KILLER: Many growing r flocks become worm-infested, slow down. If yours looks suspi­ cious, try Chek-R-Ton. HARDWARE THE STORE with (he CHECKERBOARD SIGN ( FOR SALE—One registered, TB- tested Durham bull, of service­ able age, Browndale breeding. Apply: Stanley. Jackson, Kip­ pen, or phone Seaforth 653r5. 2:9c FOR SALE—Round wooden tank, 1,000 gals., 2 manholes, adjustable clamps, spruce. -— Andrew Mathers, Creditor, phone 29rl2. 2:9* FOR SALE-—Wooden ice box, white enamel finish. Mrs. Val­ eria Armstrong, phone 126 Exeter. 2* FOR •SALE—Solid oak dresser • and bed, enameled white, with coil springs, for less than $10 for quick sale; act Quickly! S. M, Sanders. 2 c FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Experienced help for dining room and kitchen. Write Pinecroft Lodge, Grand Bend, or phone 44r3 Dash­ wood. ' 2:9c WANTED—Girl or woman , t© help with cooking at Grand Bend for July and August. Good wages. Rohm and board if desired. Phone 51t2, Dash­ wood. 26:2c TWO HOMES for immediate pos­ session. One is a nice two bedroom bungalow. Hardwood floors throughout. All modern conveniences. The other has j four bedrooms. Hardwood floors in part. Good heating equipment. Both are well lo­ cated. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. c PRICED FOR immediate sales 1%-Storey brick. Well located in Exeter. Conveniences. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main. Street, Exeter. c FOR SALE—5-room house, fur­ nace, flush toilet, henhouse, hydro, few acres mellow soil suitable for fruits, vegetables. Quick possession. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 19c FOR SALE—Comfortable frame house with hydro village lots, good disc shed, situated country road. Apply Advocate. and two barn and on paved at Times- 3c HOUSE FOR SALE, 1% storey brick, living room, dining room, 3 bed-rooms, oil burner, beautiful hardwood floors downstairs, exceptionally well built, includes garage and spacious garden plot. $8000. F/L Mahoney, Williams St., Exeter, behind theatre. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock And Implements The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction Lot 8, Con. 4, Biddulph THURSDAY, JUNE 16 ; 1 o’clock sharp the following: STOCK: Good work mare; milk coW, 8 years old; 2 yearl­ ing calves; 3 small calves; 50 pigs, weaners and chunk; 5 sows; 75 hens. IMPLEMENTS: M.H. binder, 7 ft.; hay loader; M.H. 6 ft, mower; 14-plate disc; spring tooth cultivator; 3-drum roller; M.H. 11-hoe seed drill; M.H. 10 ft. hay rake; Cockshutt plow; Cockshutt 2-furrow Fleury 21 walking plow; harrows Sleigh; wagon; . __ _ cutter; fanning mill with bag­ ger; set scales; root pulper; cream separator; hay fork; pul­ leys and car; chicken shelter; extension ladder; double har­ ness; single harness; buffalo robe; quantity of lumber; sap pan, sugar kettle; water trough; block and tackle; grain bags; grain seeder; 2 loads* of hay; forks; shovels; hoes; chains; neckyokes; whifiletrees; boxes; barrels; pails; and many other avticl&s* HOUSEHOLD ^EFFECTS: Two bedroom suites; Royal Princess Pat cook stove; laundry stove; kitchen table and chairs; sealers and dishes; hanging lamp; gaso­ line lamp; toilet set; coal oil stove and oven; highehalr; roc,- ker; carpets; kitchen cupboard; pictures; flat iron. Terms — Cash H. W. HODGINS, Prop. R.R, 1, Lucan * FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. at ; set of sleighs; light wagon; h 2 stock racks; 1 riding plow; set’ of ; light*] i e a v y buggy; * K NEW FLOORS LAID AND SANDED Old Floors Re-Surfaced Quality PENETREM In Any Quantity Sun worthy Wallpapers Elastica Paints Murray Neil Phone Crediton 1OJ R.R. 2 Centralia, Ont. WANTED Housekeeper FREE Furnished Room And Nice Home FREE Meals And Will PAY WEEKLY BESIDES Apply by mail to: Box “H”, Exeter Times-Advocate GOING TO THE To avoid possible delay and embarrassment at bor­ der crossing points, be sure you have met the foreign exchange require­ ments before you set out. The travel ration of $15& per person for the period November 16th, 1948, to November 15th, 1949 is to ensure the fairest distribu­ tion of the U.S, funds avail­ able. For children under 11 years of age, the amount is $100 U.S. If you are talcing a trip to the United States, you need to secure a Form H permit to take out of Canada for any amount exceeding $10 U.S. or more than a total of $25 in U.S. and Cana­ dian Funds-. Form H can be secured quickly and easily from branches of any Canadian Bank. J ■- FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL lOMfiDl OTTAWA i FECB-H FOR SALE—Moffatt 4-burner electric range. Apply Thomas. Pryde, phone 41W. a*