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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-26, Page 9
the timss*apv<)cate, exeter; Ontario, Thursday morninc, may is, 1949 <3 ♦%. YOU GET FUEL -VALUE. House costs only a fraction of a cent more jper cup than the lowest- priced coffees sold*r~-gives you SO MUCH' more for SO LITTLE more. •«* •■*■'.."l T'". j:. ■„!, ■ , . ................ Stewart’s Taxi — PHONE ■—r ' **D *'• 8* ■335 Exeter OB—-----------------------------—Fl nn ................ y................. — Royal Doulton . Figurines Beautiful Assortment Just Arrived! Buy Now — No1 Tux ** j Also (Several Sets Of ; 32. to 96-piece • ‘ ' Breakfast and Dinner Semi Porcelain HESS [ The Jeweller, Zurich . a.-,..—,,,.....,.,,.. m I r ROBERTSON’S Condition Powder 3 Ibs-$1.00 9 lbs<$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Results considered, you will find this powder un equalled as a tonic for all farm stock. Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Business Directory .* > W»» : l -I .- ru u,,:.nun. |IL- -li uu—rrn.iR-r _,-TI DR. H. H. COWEN • • L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon IStm. 33W - Telephones - Res. 30J* I DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building Phone 273 Exeter FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Ring 138 ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER - Specializing in - Favm & Purebred Livestock Sales * “Service That -Satisfies’’ Phone 57r2 R.R. 1 DASHWOOD WM H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures You of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed .CREDITON P.O. or Phone 43-2 E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Rhone Zurich oar? EL1MV1LLE Mr. Bert Tate has returned home utter spending four weehs with his parents in Winnipeg. Miss Donna Murch of London ’spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch. Ml and Mrs. Franklin Skin ner and Mary were guests at the Dou.gall.-Rundle wedding on Saturday in Exeter, Mfs. L, Hodgert and Neil of Seaforth visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper, Mr. Harry Murch and Launie of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Philip Murch. Quite a number attended the musical festival in Exeter op Friday when Winchelsea pupils were on the program. * Mr, Lome Ford of Aylmer spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner and Billy of Shipka, Mr. and- Mrs, Russell King and Wayne of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Har old Kers lake.Mrs, Minor Dobbs of Glencairn spent a‘few days last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cliftpn Brock. Mr, and Mrs. Bird and son of London visited on (Sunday with Mi1, and Mrs. Orville Bird. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harvey and children of Eden spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein. Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Mac- Lean of Toronto and Mrs. Lucy Brown of Ailsa Craig visited on Sunday '.with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Mot?;. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sims of Hamilton spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sim?. Mrs. Sam Baynham want ,to London Monday to meet her two sisters, who are arriving for a visit from the West. STAFFA Fred Colquhoun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Colquhoun, con. S, has reported to duty with the Royal Canadian Navy and is stationed at Cornwallis, N.S. Elaine Ross, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross, Staffa West, has returned home from the children’s hospi tal in London,, where she was seriously ill after an operation for a ruptured appendix, and is reported making a favourable recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, Los Angeles, (Cal., are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. J. M. Miller, and with Mrs. Mil ler’s family in Seaforth. A number of young people from Staffa and Cromarty met in Staffa to reorganize the Ten nis Club which, has been inactive for several years. Hazel Hamil ton was elected president, and Audrey Elliott elected secretary treasurer. Ways of raising money were discussed and it was de cided to sponsor a dance in the hall June 1. The court will be on the church lawn, where it is sufficiently lighted by hydro for night playing. ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO GLADMAN & COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensall, Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Main Street. Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 348 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 355W USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R.R. 1, Mitchell Vice-President Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun, Science Hill William. A, Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter Solicitors , Glad man <& Cochrane, Exeter Mews oi Hensall Mr. Ferris Ford* of Oregon, visited during the past week with his aunt, Mrs. J. Bolton. Ml and Mrs. Harry Cook and and daughter, of Windsor, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. land Mrs. Cornelius Cook. Ml and Mrs. Douglas Sang- ster, of London, spent a few days this week with. the. former’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Ml and Mrs. Kenneth C- Passmore, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and son of Hamilton were week-end visit ors with their parents, Ml and Mrs. John ’Passmore, Ml and Mrs, Al Pearson, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with the latter’s mothei’, Mrs. Annie Saundercock, Chiselhurst Y* P, U. Observes Anniversary Service. Uhiselhurst United Church ob served its Young Peopl’s An niversary on Sunday evening May 22 at 7:i30 p.m. Rev, R.A. Brook, presided. The choir, com posed of Young IPepple, rendered the anthem “Like Temple Bells’’, Mr. T. Harry Hoffman,, of Dash wood, the guest soloist, delighted all with his numbers, “It Was Fox1 Me’’ and “What Will You Do With Jesus’’. A stirring and forceful message was presented by Rev. David Wren, of Strat ford, in which he stressed the theme “The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me”. Owing to the ab sence of Mr. Benson .Stoneman, pianist, Miss Gladys Luker, of Hensall, acted as' substitute. Lovely floral bouquets were in evidence. The event was largely attended. The offei'ing will be used to further the Young People's wox-k. Hensall Institute Holds Successful Monthly Meeting With “Citizenship” as its theme, the Hensall Institute held a successful monthly meeting in the United Church school room oxx Wednesday night, May 11, with Mrs. Beer, president, in the chair. The opening exercises consisted of the Ode, the Creed and "0 Canada”. •• The minutes were read. The next item was the roll call,” My Contribution to the making of a good Cit izen.” During the business the pres ident announced that Mrs. Din- nin has extended an invitation to WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gun- nixxg and Mr. Will Clarke, of near Exeter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke on Sunday. Mr. Clarence Ford, of Kit chener, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. The pupils of oux’ local school performed very creditably at the musical festival 0x1 James Street Church on Friday of last week. Much credit is due Mr. Lawrence Wein for their musical training. Miss June Walters has accept ed a position at Grand Bend for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns spent Monday in Strathroy. Miss Wilma Veal of Exeter spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Don Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald’ Denham and baby, of Woodham, and Mr. and Mi's. Bill Fletchei' were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wib Batten. Mr. Wib Coward of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward. The Woodham L.O.B.A* Lodge held a euchre party at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern's on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn of Thames Road and Ml and. Mrs. Murray Gib son and family of Denfield visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher on Sunday and attend ed Woodham anniversary. SAINTSBURY Anniversary Services The anniversary of St, Pat rick's Church, SaintsbUry, Was held On Sunday, May 22, with a morning and an evening ser vice. Rev. Hunt, of Mitchell, was in charge of the morning service and his sermon will long be re membered by the large congre gation. Mr. Allan Elston sang “The Stranger of Galilee” in his fine, rich voice. The evening service was in charge of F/L Williams, padre of Centralia Fly ing Schobl, Who held the con gregation with his very fine dis course. Mr. M» Elston, Mr, H* Carroll and Mr, M. McDonald sang “In The Garden”, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. L Turner for the day were Ml and Mrs. F. Dobbs of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fisher and Donald, of Exeter. * With Ml and Mrs. M. Mdc- DOnald were* Ml and Mrs. W. X, Dickins of Lucan and ML and Mrs. G. Maines and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooey and son, of Olandeboye, and Mrs. A. Mc Donald. ftWlth ML and Mrs. A. Elston were Mr* and Mrs, Clarence Hodgins and daughters, of Birr, With Mr* and Mrs. E. Atkin son were Mr. and Mrs. A. Mor ley and Vera and Mr* and Mrs. J, Beatson of Granton and Mr. and Mrs. D. Maguire and Lee of Brinsley, With Ml and Mrs. R. Green lee were Mr. and Mrs. L. Hod- giiis of Lucan. With Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis were Mr* and Mr£. 0. Date of London, Miss E, Abbott of Lucan Mrs, Dimiin has kindly invited the Institute^ to hold the Picnic at her home, Ou motions of Mrs. J, gangster and Mrs. Shirray, the offer was gladly accepted. The Picnic is- to be held on Wednesday, June the eighth. The group is asked to meet at the Town Hall at 5 o'clock, where those having ears will he waiting t o arrange transport ation, Mrs. A. Monsseau will look after the tables, Mrs. H. Horton, Mrs, J. Sangster, Mrs, Parke and Mrs, W. Smale were named to attend to luncheon arrangements. Mrs. Chapman and Mrs, Norminton will arrange the sports fox' the event. In the ab sence of M'rs. Orr, District Rep resentative, her report of the District meeting at Mr s. R. Elgie’s on April 22 was read by Miss Gladys Luker. The District Annual will be held at Crediton on Friday June 3, starting at 10 a.m. D.S.T. Miss A. Spencer will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Beer, Mrs. Munn, Mrs. Mousseau will be voting delegates, while Mrs. Elgie, 'Mrs, (Patterson and other members will attend. Those who can attend' are asked to hand theii' names to Miss Gladys Luker before Jurte 3. The xnotto “Know the past to make us better builders of tile future” was impressively given by -Miss Ellis. She verbally thanked the ladies for the “get-well” card received during her illness. The guest speaker. Rev. H, Mahoney, of Exeter, ably dealt with the subject “Citizenship” in which he stressed the following es sentials of good citizenship: 1. Appreciation 0 .f historical back ground. 2. Development of the sense of vision. 3. Dicipline. Mrs. R. Elgie gave an except ionally interesting demonstration on ‘Flags of the British Empire’. Mrs. A. Moir, of Hurondale, who attended the Officers’ Convent- ioxi in iGuelph on May 5 and 6, vividly outlined the highlights. Mrs. Earl Mitchell favoured wit.h an interesting reading. Enjoyable accordian selections were ■con tributed by Rev. Mahoney. Mrs. G. Armstrong voted thanks to all. The National Anthem was sung. Delicious refreshments were served at the close, the hostess and ' the -Social Commit tee being responsible for the arrangements. Mrs. A. D. Mc Ewen and Mrs. J. A. Paterson were hostesses. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Paton, Pauline and Lyle of Kirkton, and Mr. J. Barkei’ of Lucan. Miss Pauline Abbott of Paris and Mr. L. Maguire were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Abbott. Miss Almarie Davis went with Lucaxx High School by bus to Niagara Falls on, Monday. Mx\ and Mrs. C. Abbott and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins. Miss M. Isaac and Mr. Donald Simpson of London were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. Isaac. Mrs. J. Atkinson spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. F. Davis. The Blossom Tea & Bazaar will -be held in the parish hall on Wednesday, June 8, from 2:30 till 5 o’clock. All are wel come. BRINSLEY Owing to anniversary services at Shipka on Sunday next the service in the Brinsley United Church will be withdrawn. Messrs. Gordon Hodgson and Leslie Geake, students of McGill University, Montreal, visited re latives in the neighbourhood for a few days before returning to their home in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bazley and Bobbie, of Sarnia, visited recent ly with Mr* and Mrs. LeVi White. Mrs. Gordon Scott entertained a number of ladies to a quilting on Thursday afternoon last.’ Mrs. Ben Whittard, Richard and baby, of St. Catherines, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ell- wood. Mrs. Fletcher Gower of Brins ley and Mrs. Ken Kulin of Crediton spent Wednesday in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Her man Gower. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley and family spent Sunday with Ml and Mrs. Ed ’Gamble of Sparta. Ml Lariane Slack and Ronald of Pontiac, Mich , visited recent ly with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson and family of Parkhill spent Sunday evening With Mr. and Mrs* Wes Watson. , Mr. and Mrs* Orvil Sutherland and family of Mount Brydges spent Sunday with the iatter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Neil. We are sorry to report that Mr. John. L. Hotson had the misfortune to hurt his back while taking a lift on his weld ing machine and is at present under the doctor’s care. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mary Carter has retarded to hei* home In Brinsley after spending some time with her 1’61 &11V6S •Mr, and Mrs. Flornte Bishop and baby spent Wednesday with friends in Tillsonburg. Mr. J. L. Amos spent Wednes day with his daughter, Mrs. John Schofield, of Farkhlll, A number from the community attended the Liberal convention held In Strathroy on Friday eve ning. Hi Highlights Cile^ned From Exeter District High School The festival was held on Wed nesday afternoon, May 18, at the Town Hall, St. Marys. Two bus loads of students went to take part* The festival this year was competitive for solos, duets, trios and quartettes, Choral numbers were non-competitive. However, the -adjudicator, in speaking' of the Junior Girl’s Choir (girls of grades 9 and 10) said that they were the high- light of the festival, This group sang “Brahms Lullaby”, In the solos Jean MacDonald who sang “Who Is Sylvia” placed first among Junior Girls. Helen Shap- ton sang “Cherry Ripe”* and was one mark behind Margaret Cap- pa, of St, Marys. The Junior Girls scored highest marks in double trio “Bonnie Doon,” The Huronia Male Choir kindly do nated a challenge cup fox' double male quartette singing. This must be won at least three times before it becomes the permanent possession of any school. The boys were proud to be able to keep this trophy in the school at least fox* this year. The adjudicator was Mr. R. N. Fenwick, provincial super visor of music for Ontario schools. In his remarks he stres sed the importance of entering into the spirit of a song. He was quick t0 notice flaws in pitch and rhythmn, but kept coming back to. the idea that singing was an interpretation o f the composer’s thoughts and feelings Hogs Pay More The Shur-Gain Way Compare The Results Of Hogs Fed The SHUR-GAIN Way And Hogs Fed The Straight Grain: ‘ CASE 1 TO MARKET WEIGHT Straight grain — 1100 lbs. grain per hog CASE 2 TO MARKET WEIGHT Shur-Gain hog feeds — 700 lbs grain per hog ‘ Saving in feed — 400 lbs. per hog Try this simple feeding test on your own farm and you will be convinced that The SHUR-GAIN Way is the Bigger Profit Way. Bulk 18% Shttr-Gain Pig Starter $3.85 16% Shur-Gain Hog Grower ♦ » » . ♦ $3.25 15% Shur-Gain Hog Finisher . . * . . $3.15 15% Shur-Gain Sow Ration ...... $3,20 35% Shur-Gain Hog Concentrate . . . . $4.85 35% Shur-Gain Sow Concentrate . . . . $5.45 Shur-Gain Essential Hog Mineral * . . . $2.90 Cann’s Mill Limited Exeter Whalen Corners and is more than just a careful and accurate production of words and, sounds, important as these may be, we must think the thoughts and feel the ©motion* We hope to hold the festival next year in the New Exeter District High School** * « • On Friday CKNX recording staff are coming to the school to record the various numbers to be heard on CKNX at some future date in Jun©.♦ ♦ * ♦ Next Monday Grade 13 will be finished with their second la^t set of examinations. Other class es will begin writing their finals on June 13* With two examin ations in one day they will all be over by Friday of the same week. CEMENT WORK Sidewalks Free Estimates Doug Triebner Rhone 17rl3 Crediton Musical Festival A successful musical festival was held on Tuesday, May 17, in the Brucefield United Church with schools under the direction of Miss Margaret Dougall taking part. The adjudicator, Mr. J. fl. Chattor, Mus. Bac,, A.C.’C’.O., organist of Metropolitan United Church, London, spoke highly of the singing in these schools. The, winners ' will be heard over CKNX in June. CASH FOR DEAD ANIMALS COWS - $2.50 each HOUSES - $2.50 each HOGS - .50 per cwt. According to size and condition Phone Collect. EXETER 287 INGERSOLL 21 William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO