HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-26, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1949 If You Want Chicks ACT NOW I The “chick season’ ping by. If you’re going to raise clucks this year, better get going right away! Bray Hatcheries can supply you with fast-growing, early* developing, peppy clucks • • • any1 number day-old, limited number started, Wide choice breeds and crosses with many years careful, skilful selection behind them all. Ask for list —-you’ll find what you want in it! Bray Phone 246 .** is slip- Spring Fever Doesn’t Slow Down Classified Results FOR SALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet also Treadle pairs to all Sewing Centre, Stratford. and Electric, machines. Re­ makes. Singer 78 Ontario St. 2tf c FOR SALE# OR RENT—A used typewriter. The Exeter Tiines- Advoeate. WANTED—Girl or woman to help with cooking at Grand Bend for July and August, Good wages. Room and board if desired. Phone 51r2, Dash­ wood. 26:2c .. , „ J- ■ ... . MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Set of four Town- * send and Clark matched bowls, size 5, black, $25.00, Apply at Times-Advocate. 19:26* Exeter General Electric Kettles WOOD-CUTTING — with power saw. Phone Ailsa Craig 45M, 26* BARNS CLEANED and white­ washed following T.B. test, Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs, pressure. Work done to inspector’s satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44r9. Fred Har- burn. 4-14-tfc PLASTER CONTRACTING—Plain or ornamental. Guaranteed sat­ isfaction. Free estimates. Tele­ phone Dashwood 122, D. L. Firby. 5:19:26* General Electric Featherweight Irons What better way can you start off the young bridal couple than with either one of these electrical gifts ? Both are gifts that continually in their new' home. The gleaming GE kettle boils water order and the GE Featherweight Iron name implies in taking the drudgery out of the week­ ly ironing chore. FOR SPRAY PAINTING, see Ly­ man Gratton, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 42rl8. 19:26:2:9c FOR RENT two practical will be used FOR RENT—4 bedrooms with double beds, breakfast if pre­ ferred, 6 miles from Airport. Phone 619rll Ailsa Craig. By Day or Week Beavers Hardware in very short is all that its ELECTRIC ■ FLOOR POLISHERS VACUUM CLEANERS TODAY1WO OME IS WORT'K R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. I HERE’S WHY ENDURANCE BASECOAT • The perfect house paint primer. • Seth out moinure—prevent, dee*p • Act, to prevent blistering, peeling. • Make* finiriring coat* aptertd fitiber. • Tough, unyielding—adhere* to the tutlace. • Perfect foundation* for finishing coat*. • Firtt made economical 2-coat painting poaribie. ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT ♦ The print that live* up to iu tune, o Pint In quality, L**t to Wear out. • More beavy.bo<iie4 lirueed oil per gallon—better »urface protection under all weather condition*. « Mote beavy-bodied linaeed oil per gallon — the oil that make* the film better. * Rich in licaeed oil and pure white lead. • Whiter white and 12 colora. Sidewalks FOR SALE — International “A” tractor, starter and lights, tires, nearly new, equipped with scuffler and bean puller, all in A-l repair; , also Inter­ national new type low wheel power lift stiff tooth cultiva­ tor; International sugar beet lifter to fit the “A” tractor. These implements are all in good repair. Harold Taylor, R.R. 3, Exeter, Phone Kirkton 39r8, 26* FOR SALE—1932 Ford coach in good running shape, 4 good tires. Priced cheap for quick sale. Cecil Rowe, phone 3 6r6, Dashwood. 19; 26* FOR SALE-’-lO ft. International dump rake, in good shape. Reg Hodgson, telephone 18r3 Crediton. 19c FOR SALE—A, blue baby car­ riage, like new, $25.,00. Apply J. C. MacComb, Centralia, phone 27r31, Crediton. 26* FOR SALE — Three-year-old heifer bull; ten weaner pigs. Apply Charlie Prout, R. R. 1 'Centralia, phone 1781’11, Exe­ ter, 25* WESTINGHOUSE Electric stove, " 4-burner, side oven, heavy duty, cream enamel, $100.00. Griffin Thomas Furniture, 'Grand Bend, Ontario. ' 26* FOR SALE—One .steel pulley; one cable pulley; a milk jug. Apply Wes. Hackney, Exeter North. 26:2* FOR SALE—One choice here- ■ford stock cow, T.B. tested, due June 8, quiet and right. Gordon 'Parson, Dashwood, 14 con, Stephen, phone 34r9. 26* FOR 'SALE—Cream separator, “Melotte”, very good condit­ ion. Apply Ben Case, phone 174r22 Exeter. 26* FOR SALE—1931 Ohev. Sedan, 4 new tires, new battery, rad­ iator, motor overhauled recent ly. Apply Elginfield Service Station. 26* FOR SALE—Electric table model sewing m a c h i n e, like new (white). 619rll Ailsa Craig. FOR SALE—Beatty upright sweeper with all attachments. Cheap. 619rll Ailsa Craig. FOR SALE—1936 Master Chev business coupe, Body and motor in good shape. Phone Crediton 4or32, *c FOR SALE—Princess Marina white enamel cook stove with water front. Gordon Ratz, Dashwood 161r3. 26* FOR SALE—1200 bus. of hard cob corn, 95-day Canadian hy­ brid, $35 per> ton. Apply Geo. Baraclay, Jr., R.R. 1, Ilder- ton, Ontario, telephone Fair. 62S3, London. 26c FOR SALE—A McClary hydro stove in good condition. Phone 189J. 26c FOR SALE—10-week old white Leghorn pullets. Phone 178rll Exeter. - 26c FOR SALE—Built-in car radio (Motorola) for Chevrolet, new, reasonable. 619rll Ailsa Craig. FOR SALE—1932 Essex coach, 4-cylinder Plymouth motor, new tires, 3-ton" rear end for Ford or Dodge, cheap for cash. Apply S. Sweitzer, Wil­ liam St., phone 342W. 26* CEMENT For Sale—$1.35 for 95-lb. bag. Apply Charles Diet- rich, phone 20r33 Crediton. * 26:2* TENDERS WANTED WANTED MEN WANTED PERSONAL LA WANTED—As soon as possible, for t h e ,s u m m e j« months, boarding home for 10 yeai’ old girl going to Exeter school, Apply Times-Advocate. 26* HELP WANTED—M ale. For road work between Hashwood and Grand Bend. —-Law Con­ struction, Dashwood P.O, 2Ge “DANCING ON CLOUDS” bp your tune, if only you use Lloyd’s Corn Salve soon, 59c at Robertson's Drug Store. WANTED—Airforce couple with baby require 3 unfurnished rooms oi- small house, Apply Times-Advocate. 2 6 * PASTURE CATTLE WANTED— My herd was T.B, free. Can take 8 or 10 yearlings for grass for the season. $2.50 per month, James Airth, Exe­ ter R.R. 3, phone 171r21. 26* WANTED TO RENT — Airman, wife and two children urgent­ ly require apartment or house, furnished or unfurnished, by Jun" 10. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. 25* STRAYED STRAYED—Onto lot 7, conces­ sion 16, Hay Twp., 9 head of yearling cattle. Owner may have same by proving pro­ perty and paying expenses. — Theo. Rader, telephone 25r25 ^Dashwood. 26c NOTICES Positively no trespassing pn or around “Bill’s Dam’’, except adult members of the Hensall Fishing Club. STEWART BELL FARMERS ATTENTION — We will be pleased to handle your T.B. reactor cattle. For <best prices ship to United Farmers’ Company, Toronto, through the Hensall District Co - Operative. Phone Hensall 115 or John Ingram 83r43 for further information. * 26:2:9* Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com­ mencing Monday, June 6, at 2 p.m. D.S.T. All accounts, notices of depu­ tation and other business requir­ ing the attention of Council should *be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 4, 1949. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 26:2c LOST AND FOUND LOST—On Main St., Saturday, baby’s signet ring, initial “K”. Finder please phone 414W. 26* FOUND—Wrist watch on Main Street, Exeter, leather strap. Owner may have same by pay­ ing for ad. Apply at Times- Advocate. 26c BABY CHICKS CHICKS: CHICKS: CHICKS: — Thousands available weekly, chick days Tuesdays and Fri­ days. Phone Metcalf 7482 — Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London. CHICKS FOR Setting Hens—Get them newly hatched and raise them the easy way. One cluc- ker will take them under Fresh hatched on Mondays Started chicks times. Neuhauser Hatcheries^ 81 King St., London. 25 chicks: put her at night, chicks available and Thursdays. on hand at all REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Cows And Heifers 40 Head - T.B. Tested New Milkers and Springers Don Watterworth and Silas Brady*Auctioneers, have received instructions from R. A. SMITH 3 miles north of Aylmer on No. 73 Highway to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MAY S7 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp the following: Including 8 Holstein springers; 28 Holstein new milkers, some with calves by side; 2 Ayrshire cows, new milkers; 2 purebred Jersey cows, one springer and one due in September; also 2 grade Holstein bulls ready for service; 15 heifer calves, some are well started. ’j’erins — Cash Cattle may be left until moval convenient. Trucking rangements can be made. DON WATTERWORTH & SILAS BRADY? Auctioneers re­ ar- at AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on Waterloo St., Exeter (south-west boundary) SATURDAY, JUNE 4 1 o’clock, the following: Dresser, chest of drawers, sev­ eral rockers, lawn mower, new wheelbarrow, electric heater, electric toaster, electric iron, combination heater and cook stove, cupboards, sink, Beatty washing m a c h i n e, buffet, 5 chairs and table, day bed, Nor­ thern Electric radio, 2 iron beds, springs and mattress, gar­ den tools, mixed wood, pots, pans and dishes. Terms — Cash. MRS. HARRY SMITH, Prop. FRED DAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR,, Auct. AUCTION SALE Of Church Building Alvin Walper has been instruct­ ed to sell by public auction, on TUESDAY, JUNE 7 at 8:00 p.m. the Blake United Church shed, size 50 feet by 26 feet. Imme­ diate possession. Terms — Cash TRUSTEES OF . BLAKE CHURCH 26:2c st. AUCTION SALE Of Property And Household Effects In the Village of Hensall The estate of the late Alexander Buchanan, on WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 8 at 1:30 p.m. Corner of Highway 4 A Main PROPERTY consists of double lot, 2-storey, 9 roomed brick house, full basement with new. furnace. s HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Piano and bench; chesterfield; desk; library table; cook stove; small tables; kitchen cupboard; beds; chairs; mattresses; dressers and washstands; floor coverings;’ dishes; many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: On property made known day of sale; sold subject to reserve bid. Chattels, cash. MISS MARY BUCHANAN Executrix ED CORBETT. Auct «< NOTICE IWHITEWASHING j Arrangements can be made I Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl9 ... ............ ..... .........—— Papering and Painting Phone Exeter 407J Peter R. Durand Yes We have all usable Pipes, Rails, Angle Irenas. Yes We want your Scrap, Feather Ticks, ete. Bring it to the station past the tracks. We pay top prices. No Sale On Sunday -B FREE Furnished Room And Nice Home Housekeeper FREE Meals And Will PAY WEEKLY BESIDES Apply by mail to: Box “H”, Exeter Times-Advocate «■ Exeter Radio And Electric Sales & Service Radio Repairs General Wiring Stewart Warrener Radios Langmuir Paints Phone 187W BASECOAT H 4 ■ Special Price On Three Burner Coleman Gas Stoves Be Sure to See This! The police trustees of the Vill­ age of Centralia call for tenders for construction of new and the repair of all concrete sidewalks in the Village. New sidewalks to be 4 feet wide and 4 inches thick. Tender to be price pet running foot Municipality to supply cement, gravel, fill and expansion joints. Tenders oh repair work to be rate per hour for labour and equipment. Municipality to sup­ ply material as above. All tenders to be in office of secretary not later than 5 p.m. May 30, 1949. The lowest, or any tender, not necessarily ac­ cepted. I 0. RAY LAMMIE, Sec., Centralia. Transportation Tenders wanted for transport­ ing children in M C G i 11 1 v r ay Township School Area from S.S. 14 to S.S. 12; S.S. 11 to S.S. 15; S.S. 9 to S.s. 101 S.S. 13 to S.S. 18 (approx. 9 miles) S.S. 4 to S.S. 6 (approx, seven miles). Tenders must he marked and in the hands of the secre­ tary, Neil MeRann, Clandeboye, Ontario, by June IS, 1949. 26:2c FOR . SALE-—Acreage adjoining a village. Has a 6-room house, insul siding, partial cellar, built-in cupboards, heavy wir­ ing, garage, henhouse, barn, abundant water supply. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. Exeter K ★ 1937 International Two-Ton Stake, platform, side dump —- $490. For SALE—In the village of Hensall, a 6-room cottage with I full basement, 2/5 acres of land, hydro, good well, soft water. Apply Box 249 Gode­ rich. 26:2:9c TWO HOMES for immediate pos­ session. One is a nice two bedroom bungalow. Hardwood floors throughout. All modern conveniences. ‘The other has four bedrooms. Hardwood 5 floors in part. Good heating! equipment. Both are Well lo­ cated. C. V. Rickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. c t Holiday and week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kydd were Mr. and Mrs. Eid J. Willard and daughter Betty Anne, of Mount Hope; Miss Ethel Kydd, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Sanders and daughter Margaret, of London; Mr. Dob Kydd, of Goderich. FOR SALE— 5-yoom house, fur­ nace, flush toilet, henhouse, hydro, few acres mellow soil suitable for fruits, vegetables, Q u i c k possession. —W. Pearce, Realtor. REAL ESTATE FOR DALE— Building lots for sale by acre or less, very reasonable, for quick sale, oh Mill St, Apply A, H. Laynes, Huron West, phone 9GJ. 19:26* s' ★ 1936 Dodge One-Ton, new motor, new tires, good tight grain rack —— $590. ★ Army Truck, splendid motor — $390. ★1936 Ford Two-Ton, good motoi* — $290 These are good5 useful trucks, or would make good buck rakes. PRICED FOR immediate sale: l1^-storey brickA Well located in Exeter. Conveniences. 0* V. Pickard, Realtor, Main. Street, Exeter. c SANDY ELLIOT TEL. 64W EXETER The price Will be reduced $10.00 each day on each truck Until sold! 1946 CheV Coach 1929 Model A Coach