HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-19, Page 12iff * THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1949Page 12 »Ml AnnouncementsLeavitt’s Blossom TeaTHEATRE‘Nora, Wake lip’ Elimville ChurchGamer0 BIRTHS Girls* Softball GOOD PROGRAM Auspices Elimville W.L- Thurs., May 26 zmil’s- early life having bee-n spent DEATHS ■ Musical ALDON Festival THEATRE I ft ★ & SILVER COLLECTION Mon., May 23 SPEAKERS I SA Song Is Born’Ladies Especially InvitedEverybody Welcome God Save The King Sunday, May 22 CARDS OF THANKS Tuesday, May 24 to Grand Bend, Ontario A Play Entitled my ■ * * ★ * Lon- li is who so kindly with cards and patient in Vic- Lon- week Miss Danny Kaye Virginia Mayo Hugh Herbert Benny Goodman Tommy Dorsey A Host Of Others! The Gallant Blade’ any Jo- * In Cinecolour Larry Parks Marguerite Chapman Victor Jory May 18, 1949, Mrs. Raymond son. 1949, Snell, Ann. on Mrs. other friends. Frank Traher and Band Schools, "below 20) & AFTERNOON Schools, 8:30 p.m. D.S.T. IN ORANGE HALL In Technicolour * ★ ★ * * And “DROP THAT FROWN— HERE COMES KING CLOWN" PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL HOL'LINGTON—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Wednesday, to LAC and Hollington, a Featured Attraction: Beautiful “Georgina Formerly featured in Show Boat, Ziegfield’s Follies, in sophistocated songs and dances. Dancing 10:00-? Adm. 75c FRI. MORNING (Rural enrolment over 20) FRIDAY EVENING, 7:30 (Urban Schools) Intermediate and Seniors Mrs. Russell are happy to of a May SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY, TUESDAY May 23 - 24 FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 20 - 21 Birth, Death and Marriage Notices, are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 5Qc. In Meinoriam Notice 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse. En- gagements 60c, GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FREE ADMISSION * ★ ★ Colour, action, romance, and drama . . . COMEDY and MUSICAL SHORT James Street Church THURSDAY MORNING, 9:45 Junior Choruses and Solos (Urban Schools) THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 1:15 (Rural enrolment Holiday Dance LOOBY’S HALL, DUBLIN Tues., May 24 Music By CKNX BARN DANCE GANG Dancing 10-1:15 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, May 25-20 Veronica Lake Mona Freeman Mary Hatcher Billy De Wolfe Isn’t It Romantic’ A lively, funny story of three lasses and their ne’er-do-well father. “POPEYE” CARTOON — and MUSICAL SHORT ‘Too Many Relatives’ will be presented by the Young People of Hensall ADMISSION: Adults 50c, Children 35c Rev. T. G. Wanless, Pastor Milton Hooper, Superintendent 1.1:00 a.m. and 7:30 pan. D.S.T. GUEST SPEAKER Rev. G. -C. Raymer, M.A., B.D., of Granton Choruses by the School % Picnic Hall Open daily May and June. Write or phone for reservations. During July and August open for picnics of 50 persons or more, by reservation only. Previews its Coming Attractions Wednesday and Thursday, May 18 and 19, “On Our Merry Way” Starring Paulette Goddard, Bur­ gess Meredith, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Dorothy Lamour, Victor Moore, Fred MacMurray. Mi’s. William Banuor, of Carn- duff, Sask., and Mrs. T. Meeres, of Vancouver, B. C., are visiting their brother, Mr. Thomas Jolly, of Exeter. Mrs. Kenneth Wu, one of the two visiting missionaries at Main Street Church, was the week-end guest of Rev, H» J, and Mrs,. Mahoney. Mr. ami Mrs, Alex Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sillery, Alma and Dorcas, were in Hamilton on Friday attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs, Thomas H. Sil- lery. She was in her ninetieth year. They also called on Mr, and Mrs. Ken Passmore. For satisfying results, try the Want Ads, THREE - ACT COMEDY M«xy 24 v^lll be a public hoik Mrs. Rose Russell has turned home after visiting in Richmond Hill. Friday -and Saturday, Saturday Matinee, May 20 and 21, “South Of St. Louis”, special western picture, colour by technicolour, starring Joel McCrea, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott, Dorothy Malone, Alan Hale, Monday and Tuesday, May 23 and 24, two features: “Tarzan’s Magic Fountain” starring Lex Barker, Brenda Joyce, and “Var­ iety Time” starring Leon Errol, Edgar Kennedy, Jack Paar, and Frankie Carle. Anniversary Services Of Woodham Sunday School will be held on MILLS—Mr. and Mills of Exeter announce the birth daughter, Darleen Jane, 12; a sister for Sharon. ■SNELL—At Mrs. Batten’s ing home on' Friday, May 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell a daughter, Elizabeth Mr. aud Mrs. Allan Fraser ot Exeter, Dr. and Mrs. N. Hostet­ ler of London spent the week­ end in Detroit. Miss Annie llandford, of don, spent a few days last with Mrs. M. McAvoy and Annie Sanders. Dr. Britain Sanders, of don, spent Sunday with aunts, Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders. Miss Ella Jones, who for the •past twenty years lias been em­ ployed with the J. A. Duggan Co,, .of Stratford, is moving to Toronto and will take up her residence at 213 Brunswick Ave. -Miss ' Jones was a former resident of Exeter before going to .Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. .and Graham, of Frank Fetch, of Mrs, Cora 'Carter, visited and and was the former Vera Qobbledick, ooi'h, Ufa linvinp- Hctftn annnt. Put on by High “School Students, Mt. Carmel Arthur Austin Calgary; Mrs, Strathroy and of Clapdeboye, Saturday with Mr. Albert Etherington Mrs. Austin Exeter Community Park Friday, May 20 At 8:00 p.m. Admission; Adults 500, Children 250 Proceeds for European Relief Wed., May 25 From 2:30 till 5:00 p.m. Admission 250 ADAIR—At St, Joseph’s Hospit­ al, London, on Friday, May 13, 1949, Lucy Fenwick, wife of the late Freeman Adair, of Lucan, in her sixty-seventh year. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. HODGSON—In Biddulph Town­ ship, lot 17, N. boundary, on Thursday, May 12, 1949, Eliza Ellen Brimacombe, beloved wife of the late John Wesley Hodgson, in her eighty-second year. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery, Saturday afternoon. McNEIL—At St. Joseph’s Hosp­ ital, Guelph, Ont., Friday, May 13, 1949, Pearl A. Breen, be­ loved wife of Kenneth A. Mc- Niel and dear mother of Mary Helen, John Edward and Margaret Teresa, and sister of Thomas and James Breen, Parkhill, Ontario. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemet­ ery, Tuesday morning. SHEPHERD—At the residence of her son, 1012 Waterloo St., London, on Tuesday, May 17, 19 49, Caroline Victoria (Clen- denan), beloved wife of the late Rev. Alexander W. Shep­ herd and dear mother of W. A. C. Shepherd, of London; and Rev. George. F. Shepherd, of Freeport, Illinois, in her eighty-first year. Resting at the A. Millard George funeral home, London, where funeral service will be held in the chapel on Friday, May 20, at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Exe­ ter Cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS her in Exeter, Miss Dorothy Forrester, R.N., of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Forrester. Mrs. Simon Greb, of Exeter, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. V. J. Payne, of Toronto, Master Tommy Ellerington visited for a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Wright, of Crediton. Miss June Wright has returned to Chatham after spending a few days at her home at Credi­ ton. Miss Barbara Michie, su<per- ,visor of the Ingersol Kinder- garden, was the guest* of Rev. H, J. and Mrs. Mahoney on Sun­ day. Miss Michie has consented to act as director of Camp Min­ nehaha for girls of Huron Pres­ bytery at Goderich. Miss Ilene Hodgins is sporting a discoloured optic. She was struck in the eye while playing softball Tuesday evening. Honour Biddulph Couple Friends and neighbors gath­ ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold, tenth conces­ sion, Biddulph Township, to honor them prior to leaving to make their home on fourth con­ cession, Blanshard Township. Jimmy O’Shea presided over an impromptu program after which Mrs. Lawrence McCarthy, Der-win Beatson and Harry Casy present­ ed gifts to MT. and Mrs. Arnold. In the social hour which follow­ ed refreshments were served. 12:30 p.m. Peewee Baseball EXETER PEEWEES VS. DASHWOOD PEEWEES (14 years and under) iate EXETER VS. 'C Baseball DASHWOOD 1es CREDITON VS. DASHWOOD Softball And Other Attractions will be in attendance Refreshment Booth On Grounds ADMISSION 500 AND 250 t ■(I i ♦ Watch for Further Announcement It’s Dancing Every Friday Night at Grove Pavilion, Bayfield to FRANK TRAHER* And His 11-Piece Band (This will be the size of the band for the whole season) - featuring - Trumpeter Frankie Langton and Saxist George Saddy Plus Songstress, * Lovely Virginia Duquette 10:00-1:00 a.m. Adm. 75c Special Pre Holiday Dance Exeter Roller Skating Rink (Two Blocks West Of Southcott Bros.-Store) Skating Wednesday, Friday, Saturday General Admission: Adults 350, Children 250 Saturday Afternoon — 2 to 5 P.M. Adults 250, Children 200 SKATES SUPPLIED REFRESHMENT BOOTH Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, Hamburgs, Cigarettes, Ice Cream, Candy Elgin McKinley PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE for the Huron-Perth Riding, held in the Town Hall, Zurich Friday, May 20 AT 8:00 P.M. Garfield Case, M.P. of Owen Sound And the Candidate, Elgin McKinley The engagement is announced of Norma Jean, daughter of Mrs. Urquhart and the late William Urquhart, to David. Gerald Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paul, Kirkton; the marriage to take place June 11 at 1:30 p.m. in Kirkton United Church. Mrs. Lome .Genttner wishes express her sincere thanks and appreciation to her friends for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers she received while a patient j-n St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Eric Carscadden wishes to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered him in way while a patient in St. seph’s Hospital. I would like to express sincere appreciation of the many remembrances and the kindly in­ quiries and concern for my wel­ fare during the period of my illness. Also I wish to pay trib­ ute to the fine loyalty of my business colleagues and staff j during my absence. * —J. Hubert Jones t Mrs, Philip March wishes to thank all those remembered her flowers while a toria Hospital. The family of the late John W. Hackney wish to thank their reatives, neighbours and friends for the kindness and sympathy extended them during their sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral tokens, with special thanks to Rev. Mair, Dr. Dunlop, the pallbearers, flowerbearers and all who offered cars. * Mrs. Fred Bowden wishes to express her sincere thanks for the cards, flowers and telegram of good wishes sent to her while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and for cards received since re­ turning home. * IN MEMORIAM ■ft MAGUIRE™In loving memory of Wm. Maguire, who passed away May 23, 1946. 0 happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still: But death has a lonliness No world »can ever fill. —Sadly missed by his wife, daughter Rose, and family. Lakeview Casino --------—Canada’s Outstanding Band- and his RADIO BROADCASTING ORCHESTRA HORSES CATTLE Wednesday, May 25,1949 IN THE HENSALL PARK SPECIAL ATTRACTION SPECIAL SPEAKER Featured in several CBC coast-to-coast weekly programs. ADMISSION 750 Horse Drawing Contest First prize, $28.00; se­ cond, $15.00; thirds $10.00; fourth, $10.00 Entries to be made on or before MAY 24. Draw to be on loaded stoneboat. Two or more teams to enter. Commit­ tee in charge: Elmer Webster, Varna; William Decker, Zurich; Stan Tudor, Hensall. R.McCubbin M.P. Assistant Minister Of Agriculture DEMONSTRATION OF FARM MACHINERY A SPECIAL FEATURE Will Be Hurdle Jumping LADY DRIVERS 4 - HORSE TANDEM TEAMS Judging Commences At l;30 P.M. Sharp Admission To Park, 250; Children Free Bannockburn Pipe Band in Attendance Write the Secretary for Catalogue Geo. W. Armstrong^ Pres. W. R. Dougall, Sec Maurice Jackson’s Touring Canada coast-to-coast. A hit on every occasion and playing to record crowds each appearance. Don’t Miss Them Admission $1.00