HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-19, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1949 Page II Are You Ruptured? Owr Service is Different, We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Room Usborne Council Lets Contracts ........... ...... -I-■’ ............... For New Bridge and Drains News of Hensail Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION guaranteed K Over 15 years experience. Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter ai-•a POP’S Taxi Service Phone: Grediton 18rll Exeter 357 * ■....'• • • • 1 11 HAVE YOU 1 $10 in § i,ULS. FUNDS? dl >1 Li If you have more than $10 . in U.S. cash you should turn it in to your bank, in exchange for Canadian dollars, without delay. Ex­ isting regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United States cash. HERE’S THE REASON 's Canada must have the U.S. dollars spent here by tourists in order to make them available for the pay­ ment of imported goods and services needed to keep production and em­ ployment at a high level. FOREIGH EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA' FECB-13 w The. Municipal Council of the Township of Usborne met in regular monthly session on Mon­ day afternoon, May 9, with Reeve H u g h B.e r r y presiding and Councillors Wellington Brock, James Simpson, Verne .Pincpmbe and Harold Jeffery present, Minutes of the last regular meeting held on April 11 and a special meeting held op the eve­ ning of April 18 for the purpose of holding a court of revision on the Taylor pal . drains printed on Brock and Alvin .Essery and iPaul Bowkey presented a petition for drainage work on a watercourse, passing through their (properties and having outlet in the Centralia Municipal Drain in the Township of Stephen, and asking for the setting up of a municipal drain in the area, Petition was accept­ ed and directed to be referred to the township drainage engin­ eer on motion , of Councillors Pincombe and Simpson, At -the hour of two -p.m. the time set' for the opening of the tenders received in response to a tender call advertised for bridge work at Elimville, the tenders to hand were opened with J. A. Coombs, District Eng­ ineer of Municipal Roads, in attendance. Four tenders were tabled and on motion of Council­ lors Simpson and Jeffery the contract was awarded to C. Looby Construction of Dublin at the tender price of $4,194.00 ($18.- 00 per cubic yard) and $200.-00 for culvert repair. At the hour of three p.m. the time set for the opening of the tenders received in response to a tender call advertised for drain­ age work, the construction of the Taylor Municipal .Drain and the repair of the Fletcher 'Mun­ icipal Drain, the tenders, to hand were opened. Ten tenders for the (construction .of the Taylor drain and nine for the repair of the Fletcher drain were tabled. On motion of Councillors Pin- combe and Brock .both contracts were awarded to C. P. Dietrich of Crediton at his bid price of $250'0.00 for the construction of the Tayloi- drain and $7'25.010 for the repair of the "Fletcher drain. The Township Tax Collector, William Johns, reported that to date he had been unable to col­ lect $1,950.04 of .unpaid 1948 taxes. Council instructed him to return the Roll, to the Treasurer by the end of the month in ordei’ that all tax accounts in arrears might be (forwarded to the County Treasurer ion. Messrs. James A. Ross Hern presented for drainage work in an area on Concessions 8 and 9 having an outlet in Brock -Municipal Drain. The petition asked fpr the taking over of the Mrs. Caroline Earl Award Drain as a Municipal drain, the repair of it and fui'- ther improvement of drainage of the area by installation of larger tile. On motion of Councillors Brock and Jeffrey the Council agreed to accept the petition, and Fletcher munlci- were confirmed as motion of Councillors Jeffrey, for. collect­ Earl ,and a petition Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon. EBus. 3GW - Telephones - Res. 36J ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley . EXETER, ONTARIO DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building (Phone 273 GLADMAN & COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensall, Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. Exeter FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Bing 138 JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Main Street. Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 348 ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER - Specializing In - Wrtn & Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" iPhone 57r2 R.R. 1 DASHWOOD ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phono 355W WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you your property's true value Sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed iUREMTON P.O. or Phone 43-2 Of on E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed ’ EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich J)2r7 USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R.R. 1, Mitchell Vice-President Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun, -Science Hill William A. Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary-Treasurer Arthut Fraser, Exeter Solicitors t Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter and to take over the Mrs. Carol­ ine Earl Award Drain as a Municipal drain. It was directed that the matter be referred to the Township Engineer for in­ vestigation and a report. The following -correspondence was tabled and dealt with as follows: From N.W, Miller, secretary of newly formed Huron County Municipal Officers Association outlining the purpose of the ’as­ sociation, the officers , elected etc. and soliciting membership. On motion of Councillors Pin- combe and .Simpson"$10.00 mem­ bership for the Township Usborne was. subscribed. From the Fire Marshall’s partment re new legilation garding subsidies from the pro­ vince on' expenditures for fire protection during the past year. No expenditure. Filed. From the Department of High­ ways official approval of the 19 49 Township /road expenditure by-law totalling $30,0010'. Filed. From the Department c2 2'__ icipal Affairs advising -that it would not be necessary in 1949 to have printed on notices details of provincial sub­ sidies or legislative grants for educational purposes. Filed. , From the Director of Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch of the Department o f Agriculture re appointment of township weed inspector. Council directed that .the Director be advised that the Township had no appointed weed inspector other than the County inspector. t The Road Superintendent pre­ sented vouchers to the amount of $1,171,35 for approval, these to­ gether with .current accounts to the amount of $516.62 • were a u t h o 1’1 zed for payment on motion of Councillors Simpson and Brock. All motions were unaminously carried and Council adjourned to meet again in regular session on Monday afternoon June 13, 1949. of De- re- of IM-un- the tax -Harry Strang, Clerk. Mrs. Grant Ryckman Mrs. Grant Ryckman, highly esteemed resident o f Usborne Township, died very suddenly at h e r home early Wednesday morning May 4, in her seventy- third year, Mrs. Ryckman had been in .her usual health, upon retiring and her sudden death came as a great shock to her husband, family, and residents and- district. .Mrs. the was 16, Mr. She 1897 to Grant Ryck- of Hensall Ryckman, Workman, ville, June of the late Workman, marriage in man, Mrs. Ryckman was a valued member .of Chiselhurst United Church, life member of the Woman’s Missionary Society, and member of the Woman's Assoc­ iation, and active in all church organizations, Her sudden pass­ ing will be felt keenly by her husband and family, and by a wide circle of neighbours and friends. Surviving .are her hus­ band, two daughters, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt (Myrtle) Hensall; Mrs. B. S. Case (Elizabeth) Exeter; two sons, Roy and Mervyn, Flint, Mich; two sisters, Mrs. Milton Love, Hensall, and Mrs. Howard Bolger, London; three brothers, William Workman, Tuckersmith; Rev. H. V. Workman, Seaforth; -Percy Workman, -Stanley. Public funeral service, largely attended, was held from her late residence Friday, May 6’, at 2:30 p.m. Rev. R. A. Brook officiated, paying high tribute to her life. Mr, Sam Rannie was soloist and sang "In the Garden". Mr. Benson Stone­ man was accompanist. Following the service the cortege proceed­ ed to MOTaggarts cemetery, where burial took place. The casket and graveside were bank­ ed .with beautiful floral tributes. Bearers were Calvin Horton, Stewart McQueen, John Glenn, TOm Brintnell, Gordon Hamilton, and Joe Ferguson. The sym pathy of the community is tended to Mr. Ryckman family in their sudden sad reavement New Assistant Named For Huron County Mr. R. G. Bennett, Agricultur­ al Representative for Huron County has announced that Mr, Fred O. Wilson has been appoint­ ed , Assistant Agricultural Rep­ resentative for this County. Mr. Wilson, who will commence his duties on June 1, is a inembei’ of this year’s graduating plass at the Ontario Agricultural College? having specialized in t Animal Husbandry. Mr. Wilson Is a nat­ ive of Wellington County, coming from Erin, which is situated about twenty-five miles east of Guelph. He has been a very act­ ive member In Club work in his own County for a number of years. Mr. Wilson will succeed J. C. Rennie, who resigned as Assist­ ant Agricultural Representative on March 31 to work f-or the National Dairy Council at Guelph prior to going to Iowa /State College in September to get Ills Master Degree. Goderich is ,seeking the ap­ proval of the Municipal Board for the outlay of $311,000 for a hew public seliooL Mr, and Mrs, W. A. MacLaten of Goderich visited recently with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Laing of Exeter were recent visitors with Mr* and Mrs. Melvin Moir, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stan- lake and Douglas, of Exeter, visited recently with Mrs. Stan- lake’s mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. Mrs. Catharine Devlin spent a few days this week with Mrs. Edna Corbett, Rey. P, A, Passmore of Sal­ ford, sop of Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore of Hensall, was in Toronto recently and attended the closing exercises of convoca­ tion of Emmanuel College, at which he received- his Bachelor of Divinity degree, Mr. Frank A. Wood has re­ turned -home after visiting with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hardwick, of Ganges, B.C., and will spend the summer months with his sisters, ~“ and Mary Wood summer months the Misses Eliza of Hensall. Hensall Council The regular Meets meeting of the Hensall Village Council was held May 10 at 8 p.m, in the' council chambers, with all members be­ ing present. The miputes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. A. R. McGlashan and C, R. Hagey, Fort Erie contractor and engineer respectively on the waterworks, were present and discussed different matters per­ taining to the same. It was de­ cided to install a compressor and motor at once on -the suggestion of the engineer. Correspondence was as follows —Webster Air Equipment Ltd.; Citizens’ Research Institute; County Treasurer; -Dept. Travel & Publicity; International Water Supply; Fire Marshall; Dept, of Highways; London Free Press; Unemployment Insurance mission. Same considered filed. . Bill and accounts read follows—W. Pfaff, labour, $5.00; Hensall Waterworks, water, hall, $5.37; F, G, Bon- thron; insurance, stamps, salary, $4,32; F, Ha rb urn, sal a r y, $123.72; J. Passmore, salary, waterworks, $41.66; Hensall Legion, grant, $5.00,00; J« A. Paterson, express and cartage, miso., $1.47; Bell Telephone, ser- vice, misc, $3.67; Hensall Hydro, hydro, waterworks, $83,64; Hen­ sail Hydro, hydro, hall, $16.30; A. Spencer & Sons, waterworks, $4.30; P. Naughton, insurance, tractor, sts., $25,60; G, Deitz, -gravel, Sts., $80.0,0; Prov. Treasurer, in­ sulin, $1.23; total, $896.28. Moir apd Tudor; That the bills and accounts as read ‘be paid. Carried. The clerk was instructed to contact Fire Chief McRonald of London and ask him to come to Hensall and give a talk some evening, if possible, along fire brigade matters. A complaint was received about dust east of the London road, and the clerk was instruct­ ed to get in touch with the county engineer about dust layer for same. Park and Moir: That By-law 11, regulating use of the Huron County Atlas and By-law 12, adopting the assessment and striking the tax rate, Ibe given first and second reading. Car­ ried. , Tudor and Jones: That By­ laws 11 and 12 be .given third and final readings and finally passed. Carried, Jones and Park; That Council now Dodge De Soto Ppdge Job Rated Trucks Com- and as sts., screens, L. Mc- adjourn at 11 p.m. Carried. , —J. A, Paterson, Clerk A ing treme agitation. '"Please God, don’t let late,” she murmured as the school bell began to ring in the distance. At that moment she tripped over a stone and fell flat. "Please, God,” she exclaimed in an injured voice, as she got up and dusted herself, "I didn’t say ‘push’!” good little girl was to school in a state hurry- of ex- me be We "thank all those taking advantage of our invita* tion through our cards and ad, We hope still many more will show their good judgment and let us give their car the *same care. V V V V Inspect and drive one or more of our used cars: 1946 1947 1941 1940 Plymouth Special Deluxe Dodge Special Deluxe V 1939 Master Chev V 1935 Chev Panel Hudson Ford, Deluxe Phone 200 For Prompt Pick-Up (? Ingersoll 449j 13 — Phone — Kintore 17r9 Hensall 80r2 Riverside Poultry Co. HOWARD FERGUSON, MANAGER a. THROUGH CHEMISTRY former Edith born in Roger- 1876, daughter .and Mrs. James was united in 7 ST DOESN’T Wife $ $ R V 8 H $ ■ Hf you were a farmer it might seem that way at first glance* But take another look! Those fine crops, which mean so much to Canada’s health and economy, often depend upon chemical fertilizers. Weed and pest destroyers, orchard sprays too, are but a few of the services that chemical research extends to agriculture. Through good times and bad, the chemical industry plows a straight furrow, ever moving forward to create better things for fanm industry and home. Look to chemistry with confidence for a finer future ... and to the G-I-L oval symbol of an organization devoted to serving Canadians through chemistry^ "’"’flee, » -ttl