HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-19, Page 9If So, You’ll Need GRAVEL, SAND OR FILL Contact ps for all your concrete requirements. LANES GRAVELLED Anytime or Anywhere THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1949 fl' W. C. MacDonald _ — Contractor —— EXETER HENSALL PHONE 404J PHQNE 166 .........'fl “fl FOR YOUR Needs This Year CALL EXETER 327 We can advise you on your Paperhanging, Painting Rubber Tile Plastic Wall Tile ; The New Flex-O-Wall H. KENDRICK M rs. Jelly Addresses Presbyterian Circle The May meeting of* Caven Congregational Circle was held at the home of Miss Ballantyue with the president, Mrs, Rose Russell, in charge. The meeting opened with ginging the hymn, “Nearer My God To Thee", De­ votional exercises were taken by Mrs. Stanlake, reading from St. Luke, and prayer, Roll call was answered with a ten-cent dona­ tion to the Flower Fund for the holiday months. Minutes of the last meeting were read and ap­ proved and business discussed, Mrs. Mclnpes then introduced Mrs. T. Jolly, who gave an im­ pressive message on the “Know­ ledge of Salvation". „Mrs. D. Sin­ clair gave a reading, “Pastures . Green”. Mrs. Taylor read “May- j time Is 'Spring Cleaning Time”. Mrs. Mclnnes closed the program with a Robert Service poem, “Live and Love”. The meeting closed with singing of the hymn, “Jesus Calls Me”. Miss Hatter thanked the hostess and all tak­ ing part in the 'program. Lunch was served by Mrs. Millar and Mrs. Kirk and the ladies enjoyed a pleasant half hour over tea cups. Junior Group Meeh James st. Junior Associate Group met at the heme of Marjorie Delbridge on Monday evening for their M’ay meeting. Lillian Tennant gave a reading entitled “A Good Time To Live”. During the business period, led b y the ‘President, Catherine Southcott, it was decided to hold a picnic at the Lions Club Park, Seaforth, the1 third Monday in June. The remainder of the eve­ ning was spent in sewing and knitting in preparation for the Fall packing of the Layettes. Evelyn Whilsmith’s group in charge of the social half bride entered the church arm of her father while was being played , by Triebner, sister of the May 24 will be a gala day for tbe Kippan Gun Club when the Club will hold its annual big shoot at Kippen, Highlights in­ clude a fifty-bird event for the Venner Trophy for Kippen m em­ bers, handicap, priori events and a five-man shoot for local dist­ rict clubs. H. J. CORNISH & CO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 294 DUNDAS ST,LONDON, ONT. *1* fl the was hour. sub' Wo. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Evening Service One garage will be open '■ in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open this Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout th® Week SOUTH END B.A. Service Station James St. Circle The James St. ‘Mission held their May meeting at the home of (Mi’s. Wesley Neil. The meeting opened with Ardys Glenn in charge. A poem was read, followed by a hymn and the Lord’s (Prayer. A lettei’ of thanks was read from the or­ phanage for the Easter parcel. Items .of baby clothing were brought in for the children’s shelter. It was decided to hold a picnic in June. Roll call was taken and minutes read. Mar­ jorie Bailey then, took charge. A hymn was sung followed ,by Scripture. A playette “New Can­ adian Neighbours” was given. Those taking part were Ilene Bonallie, Miss Jones, , Bernice Shipman, Marjorie Bailey, Anna Brock, and Ardys Glenn. The meeting closed' with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Circle C.W.L. Delegates Meet In Stratford Representatives of 4 8 divisions of the Catholic men’s League of Canada in the Diocese of London were at the official opening of t h e twenty­ ninth annual diocese convention in the auditorium of the Strat­ ford City Hall, 'Saturday May 14. His .Excellency Most Rev, John T. Kidd, D.D.L.L.D., of London, guest speaker, congratulated the women in their choice of the convention theme “Catholic Im­ migration”. Representing the R.C.A.F. . Centralia-Exeter sub­ division was Mrs. Alexander MacQueen of Exeter. During the year an essay contest ’was spon­ sored by the League and all 58 sub-divisions were invited t o submit entries. Mrs. MacQueen is* proud to have had the honor .of bringing back to Exeter the first prize awarded to Mrs. Maurice Hardman, secretary of the .Cent­ ralia-Exeter sub-division, for best entry submitted. the Tnebnerr’McDonald A very pretty wbdding took place on Saturday, May 14, in the Exeter Pentecostal Church, when Jean Mary Agnes, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs, Hoy McDon­ ald, .became the bride of Stuart Alexander Triebner, The on the music Marian groom. A solo was pleasingly render­ ed by Mrs. Donald Jolly, sister of the groom, during the signing of the resister. The bride looked very pretty in a white sheer floor length gown with finger tip veil held in place by a crown set with crystals and pearls, and carrying an arm bouquet of carnations and snapdragons. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Ted, Prouty, sister of the bride, wore an .orchid nylon sheer floor­ length gown with matching headdress and carried a bouquet of yellow and orchid tulips and fern. Little Wanda McLaren, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc­ Laren. who acted as flower girl, was daintily dressed in a floor-, length yellow satin gown trim-' med with green with matching headdress, and .carried a nosegay of roses and sweet peas. After the ceremony, lunch was served on the lawn at the bride’s home. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. After lunch the bride donned a grey gabardine suit with .blue accessories, and mid showers of confetti and best wishes the happy couple left for a motor trip to many points of interest. Require Cool Comfortable Foot-Preserving Sh Lawn Bowling Smart, fabric shoes for ladies and m en.- Flat gum rubber soles, to protect the green, “Posture Foundation” cushion insoles to protect your feet. sb CANCER! EVERYONE SHOULD JOIN TOE CRUSADE AGAINST CANCER The Perth-Huron Unit o£ the Cancel’ Society urges all those who have not sent in their donation to the Cancer Fund to do so as early as possible. Donations should be sent to: — Perth Unit of the Cancer Society, Box 146, Stratford, Ont. Official receipts will be mailed. Showers Held For M iss Jean McDonald' Ou Monday evening, May 9, a shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Prouty in honor of Jean McDonald and Stewart Triebner. A goodly num­ ber of the Young People of the Pentecostal church were .present. The evening was spent with a sing-song and' games. The pre­ sentation of a set of aluminum was made by Randy and Judy Smith. The address was given by Pearl Cann. Lunch and best wishes Stewart and Jean.* # * A miscellaneous Miss Jean McDonald her home on the evening of May l|0', given by the ladies of the Penecostal Church. The enter­tainment was in the* form of a spelling match, after which Margaret Blanchard read the ad­ dress and Marjorie Miller pre­ sented the gifts which were many and useful. Jean made a "fitting reply will lunch was served extended to * shower for was held at flSI 'fl I FILTER QUEEN BAGLESS VACUUM CLEANERS Cleans and Polishes All Floors 2-year guarantee, life-time service insurance MASON & RICH PIANOS Newland Used Canadian Products G. R. BATES Thiel’s Block, ZurichPhone 102 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES % INTEREST An Attractive Short-Term Legal Investment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed CROWN TRUST COMPANY F* R. Hughes, Manager, 264 Dundas St, London HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Ontario Branches at London, Brantford and Windsor Applications Received Through Your Local Agent of Solicitor Applications Received For Crown Trust Company Trust Certificates B. M. Francis to the expression of and fellowship. A was served. good- lovely SHIPKA Mrs. Ed. Gill, of Grand spent the week-end at the of Mr. and Mrs. Major Baker. United Church To Hold Anniversary Service Anniversary services will be held in the United Church, Sun­ day, May 29. Guest speaker will be Rev. L. H. Turner B.A., of Goderich Victoria St. Church. Services will be at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pan. Crediton U .C. -choir will furnish the music in the morning and Grand Bend choir in the evening. Everybody is welcome. Mr, and Mrs. Calvert and Bend, home fl I daughter Paula have .moved into _ the Gaiser apartments.-r ........... «.... .... - SAINTSBURY We are very sorry to report that Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hod­ gins have sold their farm and will be leaving this community in the early summer. They will be greatly missed by all their neighbours and friends. W6 hope they will find health and happi­ ness in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis and family and Mrs. W. X Davis were dinner guests with Mt. and Mrs. L Turner on Sunday. Mr, Clayton Abbott, a former resident Of this community who has been on the staff of the Bank of Montreal at Tilbury and. has now been appointed manager of the Montreal Bank at Tara, called on friends and relations in this community on Sunday. Mr* and Mrs. Heber Davis, accompanied by Mr. E. Paton of Woodham, motored to Niagara on Wednesday of last Mr. Paton and Mrs. Davis delegates to the ninety­ annual session of the Orange Lodge. They re- Wils wefek. Were eigth Grand turned home on Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Dickihs and family of London .visited With Mr. rind Mrs. M» MacDonald over the week-end. The anniversary services will be held May 22 at 11 o’clock in the morning and 7:30 in the evening. Everyone welcome. Rev. Hunt Of Mitchell will be guest speaker in the morning and .the padre from Centralia Flying School at the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. J, Watson and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Guel- foyle Of Ailsa Craig were Sun­ day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Raymottd Greenlee. Miss Doris Woods of London visited over the week-end With Mr, arid Mrs. Donald Abbott.■1 Softball Special, long wearing, fine canvass shoes, super traction, gum rubber soles. “Posture Foundation” cushion insoles. youths; boys; men’s — beige bail-cut LADIES’ — BLACK BAL-CUT, - GOES WITH ANY UNIFORM Hartt’s r Men Sizes Modern Wallpapers PHONE 376 Get set 9 see your Ford of Canada Dealer ft Aquatite and Ladies Pad ory»Approved equipment — is spe­ cially designed to give your tar Or truck more efficient Service. It Saves you dollars by assuring precision work, thoroughly checked. t ExpertSorvIcemfen— trained in Ford Of Canada Service || Schools save you tune arid money because they . All Model 5-W. ha^d ana Shower For Bride-Elect About thirty friends and neighbors from near Cliiselhurst met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald in honor o-f their daughter Jean. After a program of readings, singing and contests, the bride-to-be was presented ' with a lovely table and twin electric lamp, and other gifts. Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed. WINCHELSEA Miss Ola Johns .spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Ford, visited on Sunday with Ml’, and Mrs. W. Dickey, of Woodham. Mrs. William Veal and family of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Don Benhale. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Morgan, of Thames Road, visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, of Staffa, * . .. . Tennis “ White Canvass Shoes Cushion for Comfort Men’s and Ladies’ Exeter District’s Most Complete Stock Choose it - Take It Home ppm/ly footwppp & muipppep Winter weary cars arid trucks can take a costly beating when hot weather comes. Don’t risk a big repair bill! It’s Still not too late to get this thorough Tune-Up that saves you time—saves you future or carefree Summer driuina . - : ' ' ' » ' M 7' < Cr. trouble—saves you money 4 ways. So, drive in now at your Ford- Monarch Dealer’s or Mercury- Lincoln*Meteor Dealer’s and get set for happy miles all Summer long. HERE’S THE TUNE-UP YOUR CAR NEEDS ftComplete, scientific engine tune- up. All wheels removed and brake linings inspected. Brake adjustment. Front wheel beatings cleaned and repacked. Oil filler cartridge replaced, if needed. Oil-bath air cleaner cleaned arid refilled. Genuine Ford Part*— for All Ford of Canada products are made right, to fit right, anaZwzlongejr. They’re feuarariteed! They Saveyou money by giving more mile) of service. Factory-Approved Method*—are'up to the minute arid just right. They’re plan* tied arid developed by service engineers to do every jobbetter and in lest time, to save you money Shock absorbers adjusted and fluid added, if needed. Cooling system drained—all con­ nections lightened, , Chassis lubricated completely, , Engine, Transmission and differ­ ential flushed and refilled with factory recommended summer lubricants. BETTER SERVICE 4 WAYS aM*e*?/1 ban,blcb restoi^^nd 8 bril. mr^~!art100% J!a,sticiatd’lked keep paster rd