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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-19, Page 6
ths: times-APVOcate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morning, may is, 1949Page 6 HELP WANTEP WANTED WWW FOR RENT WANTED—Pasture for 12 head of cattle. Apply Orval Beaver, phone 54rl0 Kirkton. 19c Housekeeper FREE Furnished Room And Nice Home FREE Meals And Will PAY WEEKLY BESIDES FOR RENT—Farm home, four miles from Airport. Apply R. D. Hunter, Exeter, telephone 113W. * 19* WANTED TO RENT—Have a client wanting 25 to 50 acres for corn. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 19c Joe: “Yes, sir, when that bear chaser me I jumped for a limb twice as high as my head and I missed it.” Moe “That was tough luck. How did you escape?” Joe: “I missed the limb on the way up, but grabbed it com ing down. ' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl9 ■V . , ■.' ' ■ ■ 50c per square foot L C. KAPPLER R.R. 1 ST. MARYS Phone Kirkton 29r2 Apply by mail to: Box “H”, Exeter Times-Advocate Compare these Prices with others. THESE ARE JUST A 24th of May Specials ’47 MERCURY Deluxe Convert ible, loaded with extras, im maculate condition. ’47 MERCURY Coach, green, undercoating, built-in radio. FORD Coach, black. FORD Coupe ........... PLYMOUTH Sedan .. FORD Sedan ............ TERRAPLANE Sedan PLYMOUTH Coupe .. CHEV Coupe ........... PLYMOUTH Sedan .. Act Quickly! Get On These Specials While They Last! ’46 ’38 '38 ’37 ’36 ’34 ’33 ’30 $750 $700 $675 $300 $300 $275 $175 MOTOR SALES Want Ads Bring Good Results.. FQR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HELICOPTER SERVICE, LONDON TO PARIS — A heli copter took off from the roof of a London, Eng., building for a ‘■flight to Paris recently. This new service is designed to relieve U.K. air passengers of terminal transportation problems which occur on normal flights. Passengers travel ling by the helicopter service will be able to drive almost up to the roof air strip, board the aircraft, and two-and-a- half hours later find themselves in the heart of the French capitol. Here crowds watch the helicopter as it leaves on its London-to-Paris hop. . —Central Press Canadian Children Forced Out iBy Fire Fire broke out in the township hall at Varna, Friday of last week, while district school child ren were viewing Federation of Agriculture films, but no one was injured. Observers praised the children, who they said, filed out of the hall in orderly fash ion. There was a large crowd of youngsters in the old building. Fire brigades at Brucefield and Bayfield, both four to five miles distant, responded to the call was was for help and the building saved. Origin of the also unknown. >blaze III At Mayo Clinic Mrs. .John McAllister, of Us- borne, who recently underwent an operation at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., has been quite ill. • She has been suffering from pleurisy and received a blood transfusion. Her many friends will hope foi’ a speedy recovery. « Two farmers were discussing the upbringing of children., “Yes, said one, “a great' deal depends on the formation of early habits.” “ It does,” replied the other. “My mother employed a woman to wheel me about when I was a baby, and I’ve been pushed for money ever since.Bus. 54 H Currie Cravats HENSALL PhoneRes. 178 Priced from $128.00 R. E. RUSSELL Piboine 109 Exeter, Ont Get into the mood of the spring season with a smart new wardrobe touched off with one of our attractive Currie ties. Whether it be plains^ stripes or gay cured designs^ you’ll your choice among our selection. col- find fine Washing Machines SIMPLICITY AND APEX We have models by both manu facturers now* in stock. If you are interested in a new machine check the features of Simplicity and Apex. HELF WANTED—The under signed will receive applications for two Stenographers foi’ the Huron County Public Health Unit. Duties to commence July 1, 1949, The offices of the said Unit to ,be established in Clinton, Ontario. N. W. Miller, Sec., Board of Health, Gode rich, Ontario. 12c WANTED—Room and board or rooms only for four men for summer months. Apply Bell Telephone. 12:19* ACCOMMODATION WANTED — Accommodation wanted for 6 single men and a married man with wife and 2 children. These are Estonians, cabinet makers coming to work for us. Suitable dwelling in town or a farm home is needed at once. Phone 268J after six or call at our store, Main Street. Jensen & 'Co. 19c FOR RENT—Apartment, 2 rooms and bath, available end of week. John Caldwell, Exe ter. 19c Elgin McKinley —Continued from Page One farmer has been his chicken hatchery. Yet, if the truth is told, few thought he was wise when some years ago he started his first hatchery. At that time there was a good deal of head shaking. Some even said Elgin has finished himself now. Those same neighbours are the first t now to declare how wrong they were. In that important step Elgin -McKinley proved himself a man of real vision. He was able t0 see with clearer light than most, the trend of farming in the future. ~ ley hatchery wide. Surely portant point public office, things more in our day than men of vision who are able to see the future trends of industry and boldly launch out into pro jects that will be beneficial to the whole country, in bringing employment that alone can save us from depression. If young men are to live noble industr ious lives, then we, the voters, must seek out men o f such calibre for our leadership. Elgin McKinley is a deeply religious man. In a day when very few evei’ think of a prayer meeting, he always kept Wed nesday night free to attend the little group that meets at Vama and Goshen. It was out of that religious conviction, came his decision to contest this election. In spite Of its weaknesses, the present capitalistic democracy had given Elgin the chance to work and to win. And again, in spite of all its weakness he knew it to be based on the ten Com mandments and The Word of God. As in the hatchery business once more he knew he had to take a step. He must offer his services in the battle against the growing menace of socialism based as it is, not upon the Word of God, but the Word of Karl Marx, Elgin McKinley be- leives that the inevitable result of state control is totalitarian ism. So a man who had never before sought public office, quietly stepped out and took his stand. To-day the McKin- is known far and this is a very ini- for a man seeking 'Canada needs few Safety Tips . . . When walking across a street, or when driving your car, or riding a bike, don’t daydream yourself into a painful night mare, says Highways. Give the Watch for out of a lane, or when passing parked cars. Learn the rules of right of way, but remember, the other fellow may still not know his. Better to give way than to be dead right. A reckless driver is a potent ial killer. He is as an armed thug. Too much speed care may result Jn never knew when step In front of yob from behind a parked car. Watch for child life the Department of children a chance!* them when backing dangerous as and too little tragedy. You a child may ren—let them have a long ahead of them. for of ‘Can’t A sign was posted, “Fine parking?’ Officer (inquired an offeiidiftg couple); *•<“ you read?” I Driver: “Yes, officer. I see it, H and heartily ,agree with it?’ VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware ZION Mrs. Albert Gunning is visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Crury and family, of Woodham, visit ed on Sunday with Mrs. J. T. Hern. Miss Frances Hern spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodge, o f Goderich visited over week-end with ents, Mr. a n Johns. Miss Denote ville, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell, of Grimsby, spent the week-end ■with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph Hern. There will be no church ser vice on Sunday owing to the an niversary services in the Wood ham Church. the the latter’s par- d Mrs. Clarence ■Cooper, of Elim- Sangster-Forster (By Hensall Correspondent) Westminster Hospital Chapel was graced with spring flowers and ferns Saturday for ding of Eleanor Jean, of Mrs. Forster, Bruce don, and Douglas Scott elder son of Mrs. Sangster and the late William sail. Rev. C. W. Mr. Fred Skillet organ and Mr. sang “I’ll "Walk Beside You’ prioi' to the ceremony and "Be cause” during the signing of the register. Frilled tiers of net caught with tiny satin boxVs, featured the skirt of the bridal gown, ex tending into a long cathedral train. The satin bodice was styled with a net yoke, outlined With a frill, and a frill fell over the hand from the long slim sleeves. A fingertip veil of French illusion Was held with a pleated headdress and she car ried Johanna Hill roses and lily- of-the-valley in a .cascade ar rangement. Ted iFbrster of Han over, uncle of the bride, gave her in marriage. The attendants were Miss Margaret Sangster, Hensall, sis ter of the groom, as maid of honour In yellow brocaded satin, Miss sister caded Mina They quel of Talisman roses. the wed- daughter St., Lon- Sangster, Sangster, Hen- Clive officiated, presided at the Frank Emery Norma Sangster, Hensail, of the groom in blue bro silk bengaline and Miss Rosser in pink bengaline, each carried an. arm bou- FOR SALE—1935 Ford, in good condition. Apply South End Service, 19* FOR SALE—'35 Ford Coach in good condition, heater, radio, seal beam lights, good tires, Apply to G-, Bonnallie, Exeter, phone 405M. 19c FOR SALE—1946 Chev coach, in good condition, to sell be fore Saturday noon. Apply at Times-Advocate. 19* FOR SALS OR RENT—A used typewriter. The Exeter Times- Advocate. FOR SALE—Cockshutt 4 - r o w beet and* bean scuffler, one year old, can be drawn by tractor or horses. Apply to Campbell Eyre, R.R. 2, Kip pen, phone 84rl3 Hensall. 12:19* FOR SALE—Massey Harris No. S Heavy Crop Hay Loader, with nine push bars, like new. Apply Elder Bros., Hensall. 11:18c NEW SINGER SEWING MACH- . INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. 2t£c FOR SALE—Blue pram, hone lining, good condition. Phone 217. 19c FOR SALE—M.H. pony tractor, ■"equipped with plow and scuff ler. Apply at Imperial Garage, Grand Bend, 19c FOR SALE—DeLuxe Sunshine baby carriage, excellent con dition. Phone 383W. 19* FOR SALE—W eaners and chunks. Phone 176r32 Exeter, Allan Westcott. 19* FOR SALE—Massey Harris manure spreader, good condi tion. Apply Edwin Miller, R.R. 3 Exeter. Phone 4 4r2 Kirkton. 19* FOR SALE—Set of four Town send and Clark matched bowls, size 5, black, $25.60. Apply at Times-Advocate. ,19:26* FOR SALE — Two .Shorthorn bulls, dark red and a roan, serviceable age, tested. Geo. Allen, Kirkton, phone 34r4 Kirkton. , 19* FOR SALE—Luggage rack for car, complete with cover, wilh fit all standard cars. Kirkton 2ilrl4. 19* FOR /SALE — 1947 Hudson coach, radio, heater, one own er. Kirkton 21rl4. 19* FOR SALE—Two bicycles, lady’s and man’s, almost new, double bars, baloon tires. Apply War- ken tin, % S. Jory. 19* FOR SALE—One 7 ft. Cockshutt Power Cultivator on rubber, suitable foi' small tractor, .new last year. Orval Mellin, R.R. 2 Dashwood, phone 607r23 Parkhill. 19* FOR SALE—‘Cabin trailer, large insulated, wired. Cheap for quick sale, easy terms. Apply Harry Lippert, phone 6 2Or21 Parkhill. Ailsa Craig, R.R. 6. 19:26* FOR SALE — International “A” tractor, starter and lights, tires nearly new, equipped with scuffler and bean puller, all in A-l repair; also Inter national new type low wheel power lift stiff tooth cultiva tor; International sugar beet lifter to fit the "A” tractor; 2-furrow tractor plough, all bottom on rubber. These im plements are all in good re pair. Harold Taylor, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39r8. 19:26c FOR SALE—Few bags of Se- baga 'potatoes, blight resisting, grown from certified seed. Apply Charles Jeffery, R. 3, Exeter. Phone 173rl3. 19* FOR SALE—1932 Ford coach in good running shape, 4 good tires. Priced cheap for quick sale. Cecil Rowe, phone 36r6, Dashwood. 19:26* FOR SALE—1933 Chev coupe; 1936 Ford sedan, both in good mechanical order. Apply to Ohlen Truemner, telephone 52r21 Dashwood. 19c FOR SALE—Solid Oak dresser and bed, enameled white, with coil springs, for less than $10 for quick sale; act quickly! S. M. Sanders. 19c BARNS CLEANED and white washed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. pressure. Work done to inspector’s satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44r9. Fred Har- burn, 4-14-tfc PLASTER CONTRACTING—Plain oi’ ornamental, Guaranteed sat- ■ isfaction. Free estimates. Tele phone Dashwood 122, D. L. Firby. 5:19:26* FOR SPRAY PA'INTING, see Ly man Gratton, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 4 2rl8. ■ 19:26:2:9c LOST LOST—In Exeter Thursday af ternoon corner of Main and Huron Streets, a brown wallet. Finder please leave at Times- Advocate. Reward. 19* BABY CHICKS STARTED COCKERELS, pullets, non-sexed, many breeds and cross breeds to choose from 3, 4, | week while they last. Also day-old cockerels, pullets and non sexed chicks, turkey poults, immediate delivery. A sample of the ' Light shires, Sussex sexed , __ Send, for complete bargain pricelist and catalogue. Twed- dle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 12:19c 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 old at bargain prices bargains: 6 week old Sussex X New Hamp- New Hampshires, Light cockerels 36.95, non- 43.95, pullets 58.95. NEUHAUSER BARRED ROCKS: “Park” and “Lake Winthrop” strains. We have invested in good breeding. Fast feathering — great layers — plenty of vigour — splendid egg size. Everything you want in a checken is here. $16 per hun dred. Pullets $29.. Started chicks on hand at all times. Neuhauser Hatcheries, SI King' St., London. PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal thy flesh; new’ vigor. New ‘get acquainted’ size only 60c. All druggists. SLENDOR TABLETS are effec tive. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. MALE HELP WANTED ESTABLISHED Rural Watkins Route available. If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars, write today to the J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. O-E-6, 350 St. Roch .Street, Montreal, Que. 5:19c REAL ESTATE FOR 'SALE—Five building lots, fronting on Thomas and Carl ing Streets. Phone 233 after 6 p.m. J. W. Powell.19c FOR SALE—Frame barn, 26x34. Apply Charles Dietrich, Cred iton, R. R. 2 Crediton, phone 20r33, Crediton. 5:12:19* TWO HOMES .for immediate pos session. One is a nice two bedroom bungalow. Hardwood floors throughout. AU modern conveniences. The other has four bedrooms. Hardwood floors in part. Good heating equipment. Both are well lo cated. G. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. c PRICED FOR immediate sale: 1%-storey brick. .Well located in Exeter. Conveniences. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main. Street, Exeter, c NOTICES Re Crackers, Squibs And Other Fireworks Under No. 49 of the Consoli dated By-laws of the Village of Exeter it is illegal to set fire to any cracker, squib or other fire works within the Village, with out special permission. Penalty under the by-law not to exceed $10,00 and costs. BY ORDER OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 12;19c Re Dissolution Of Partnership NOTICE is hereby 'given that the partnership heretofore sub sisting between us, the under signed Maxime Peariso and Earl \ Robert Thompson, carrying on •business as Garage and Service Station Operators at Grand Bend, Ontario, under the name and style of Imperial Garage,' has this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to the undersigned, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the under signed, by whom they will be settled. Dated at Grand Bend, Ontario, this ninth day of May, 1949, MAXIME PEARISO EARL ROBERT THOMPSON 12:19e FOR SALE BY TENDER Seventy-five acres, being N% lot 19 and S% lot 20, Con. 4, Stephen Twp. House and barn on the property; also 50 acres pasture land being E% lot 21, Con. 5, -Stephen. Estate of the •late Mrs. Fanny Triebner. Separ ate tenders will be received by the undersigned until May 24, 1949. Subject to reserve bid. JOHN TRIEBNER Executor E. D. BELL, Solicitor TENDERS WANTED Sidewalks The police trustees of the Vill age of -Centralia call for tenders for construction of new and the repair of all concrete sidewalks in the Village. New sidewalks to be 4 feet wide and 4 inches thick. Tender to be price per running foot. Municipality to supply cement, gravel, fill and expansion joints. Tenders on repair work to be rate per hour for labour and equipment. Municipality to sup ply material as above. All tenders to be in office of secretary not later than 5 'p.m. May 30, 1949. The lowest, or- any tender, not necessarily ac cepted. C. RAY LAMM1E, Sec., Centralia. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER McFALLS, late of the Village of Centralia, Labourer. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti culars of such claims to the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 1st day of June A.©. 1949, after which date the es tate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. EVELYN HARRISON, 20 Bank of Toronto Chambers, London, Ontario, Solicitor, Administratrix. 5-5-3tc AUCTION SALES j THREE ACRES of land. With large brick house. Hydro and water pressure. Oil good road 1% miles from No. 4 high way, Price $3,800.00. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor. c FOR SALE—Match set lawn bowling balls, bias, used one week, Apply Ford Garage, of four 5 1/16 $35.00. 19* SUMMER COTTAGE at Grand Bend. Furnished, with three bedrooms, This cottage is lined throughout & nicely finished. We would be glad to show it to you. <3, V. Pickard, Realtor. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Of Valuable Farm Property There will be offered for sale on the premises by public auc tion on THURSDAY, MAY 26, 104©, Lot 18, Concession 14, in the Township of Usborae upon which there is situate a good brick house and a driving shed. These lands are all in grass and there is a running spring on the property and ten acres of hardwood *bUsh. The property will be offered subject to a reserve bid and the condi tions to be announced at the day of the sale, 10 per cent of the purchase price to be paid at the time. of the sale and balance within 30 days or when deed is tendered. At the said sale there will also be offered furniture in the house, terms cash. COLIN M. GILFILLAN, Administrator of the estate of John Alexander Gllfillah WM. NAIRN, Auctioneer 8! Election Voting To Be On Standard Time Citizens may think that can forget Eastern Standard Time until next September 25, but they wil have to make an exception for one day—June 27, federal general election day. All times announced in con nection with the election will be local standard .time. The regul ation applies across the dominion and will affect chiefly hours of polling on the big day. Return ing officers must conform with these orders from Ottawa. FOR SALE—Used dinette suite, like new, reasonable. Phone 395J, 19c they FOR SALS—G iris* reversible plaid coat and beanie, size 6. Boy’s brown tweed coat and cap, size 4; 3-Way high chair. Geo. M. Taylor, Exeter. 19* FOR, SALE—10 ft. International dump rake, in good shape. Reg Hodgson, telephone 18r3 Crediton. 19c FOR SALE—An antique organ, good condition. Phone 36rl0 Dashwood. 19* IFOR SALE—Five-room cottage, with bath, in Exeter North. Apply Jack Caldwell, phone 13rll. 19c FOR SALE—5-room house, fur nace, flush toilet, henhouse, hydro, few acres mellow soil suitable for fruits, vegetables. Quick possession. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 19c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE— Building lots for sale by acre or less, very reasonable, for quick sale, on Mill St. Apply A. H. Daynes,, Huron West, phone 96J. 1 19:26* Yes We have all iiSable Pipes, Barts, Angle Irons I Yes We want your Scrap, Feather Ticks, etc. Bring it to the station past the tracks. We pay top prices. ’