HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-05, Page 12,1' Page 12 THE TiMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY S, 1949 Coming Events DANCE — Round and square, Town Hall, Hensail, 'Saturday, May 7, 9 p.m. to 12. In person, Bob Mason and this Western gwingbillies. Heard daily at noon over CFiPL, London, Ad­ mission: Adults 75c, Children free under 12 (if with 'parents), THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions FRIDAY, SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE May 6 and 7 ‘North West Mounted Police’ Color by Technicolor ★ ★ ★ * * Gary Cooper Madeleine Carrol Preston Foster Paulette Goddard Robert Preston MONDAY, TUESDAY. May 9 and 10 ‘Body and Soul’ j - Prize Fight Picture - ★ John Garfield Lilli Palmer WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY May 11 and 12 £in 9 'A- Eleanor Parker Alexis Smith ADDED MUSICAL COMEDY ........... R... ............... II -y Mx\ and Mrs. Clifton Davis and Allen, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Norm a n Millen, of Chatham, spent the week-end with .Mr. and Mrs. Oscar and Bruce Tuckey. Mrs. Norman Hockey returned home Wednesday after spending two weeks in Toronto with brother-in-law and > sister, and Mrs. R. Simpson. Mr. N. Hockey, Wayne Mrs. J. Waldon, of Clinton, visit­ ed four days in Toronto, Mrs. N. Hockey returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris spent the week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Falmoni, of Kingsville, and other friends. , Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Tuckey spent the week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dolphin, of Strathroy. Mrs. D. A. Anderson has re­ turned home after an extended visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. McAllis­ ter, at Fort Wayne, Ind., and in Florida. 0' her Mr. and DANCING LOOBY’S HALL, DUBLIN Friday, May 6 Music By CKNX BARN DANCE GANG — also — DANCING TUESDAY, MAY 24 McKnight's Hall, Exeter Friday, May 13 For Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques Shamrock Orchestra Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse. En­ gagements 50c. BIRTHS '0 CLARKE-—Sunday, May 1, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clarke, Zurich, a sou. KESTLE—Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kestle, of Hamilton, wish to announce the birth of their daughter Janice Lee ,at Mount Hamilton Hospital, on April 21, 1949. LIPPERT—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Monday, May 2, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lippert of Dashwood, a daugh­ ter. ROBERTS—Dorothy and Lyle Roberts announce the arrival of their daughter, Francine Elizabeth, on 29, 1949, at pital, London, for Judy. WASNIDGE—Mr. nold Wasnidge . Jones) of Ailsa Craig, happy to announce the birth of their son, William Arnold, on April 30, at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. Friday, April Bethesda Hos- a baby sister and Mrs. Ar- (n ee Hazel are DEATHS his on Strips of white have been painted down the centre ,of the highway north and south of Exeter. The highway was re­ surfaced last year and the .white strips are a decided advantage during night driving for motor­ ists. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lampman and Yvonne, visited with K. J. and Sunday. Mr. and were in Clinton Saturday’ attending the funeral of Mrs. George Swan. ■Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophy and Frances, of Greenway and Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, attended the S. >S. anniversary at James St. United 'Church on Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Taylor for the day. * “ •Mrs. Charles Mason, of Luck­ now, is visiting for a couple of days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson. Mrs. Jerry Brophy, of Green­ way, spent Sunday with_ her brother, IMr. and Mollard. Mr. and Mrs. Thames Road; Mr. verne Stone and three daughters and ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard And­ erson and .Shirley attended the Sunday School anniversary ser­ vices at James St. Church and Mrs. of Burgessville, the former’s brother Mrs.Lampman on Mrs.John Strange and Brucefield Mrs. Percy Orval Cann, and Mrs. La- Miss Nellie Carmichael visited at the home of her brother John in Glencoe on Sunday. “Aaron Slick From Pumpkin Crick” will be presented by the Kirkton A.Y.P.A. ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON FRIDAY, MAY 6th AT 8:30 P.M. Entire Proceeds in Aid of the Crippled Children’s Fund Silver Collection Musical Festival tt' South Huron Junior Farmers* Second Annual At Home Dance EXETER ARENA Friday, May 6, 1949 * 9:30 to 12:30 -<■ featuring - TED PUDNEYS NEW BAND And Vocalist Prizes - Novelty Dances - Booth and Check Room » Admission: Advance 750; Night of Dance $1.00 7 KELLER—Passed away at residence in Dashwood Monday, May 2, 1949, Charles Keller, in his eighty-first year. KERSLAKE—In Londesboro, on Sunday, May 1, 1949, Ada Maude Fletcher, beloved wife of Walker Kerslake, in her sixty-seventh year. SWAN—In the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wed­ nesday, April 27, 19 49, Maude B. Wilson, beloved wife of George Swan, Brucefield. In­ terment was in Baird’s ceme­ tery Saturday afternoon. THIBAULT — At St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Wednes­ day, April 27, 19 49, Maurice Thibault, of Grand Bend, his fifty-eighth year. were guests of Mr. and Janies Squire. iMr. Allan Hobbs, of spent the week-end with and -Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Miss jM. Ritchie, of London, spent the week-end with Miss A. Handford. , Mrs. W. Gray, Peterborough, was the week-end guest of Rev. H. J. and Mrs, Mahoney. Mrs. William Winer has re­ turned home after spending a few weeks visiting with Dr. A. C. and Mrs. McLagan of Preston, and also in Toronto and Hamil­ ton. » Mrs. Helen . Armstrong spent ihe week-end in Wallaceburg and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred C. inson . and Luella, and Shuert, of Detroit, motored and visited with relatives. Robinson and Mrs. Shuert re­ mained for a week and returned home Saturday. (Non-Competitive) Schools of ' Douglas Gill and L. Wein James St. Church Thurs., May 19 Morning and Afternoon Fri.# May 20 ' Morning, Afternoon and Evening Adjudicator: W. R. Goulding Silver Collection Lutheran Church Shed DASHWOOD Thursday, May 12 - 8:15 p.m f Ro'b- Mts. over Mrs. ALDON THEATRE SpecialMovingPicfures 5 films showing over 300 persons from Dashwood and surrounding district. The main actors are you and your friends. Films for Children ■— “A Day At The Zoo” Also A Comic Film One film showing world events. Exeter District High School ENGAGEMENTS AT 8:15 P.M. Admission 500, Students 250 ■ft Refreshment Booth — Your Presence Will 'Be Greatly Appreciated Sat., May 7 8 p.m Clinton Town Hall 40 Minute Moving Picture who passed ago, May 2, memory Carlton ★ ★ ★ the sunset, never dies, of ‘glory The bitterness of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low price Is forgotten. Anon­ ymous. Carl Wein, Coach Wally Wein, Manager Louis Corveau, Equip. Mgr. Ches Gaiser, Score Keeper his bro- 5c made known before prayer, missed Featuring Evon Hedley and Jean Hedley GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 6-7 In Technicolour ZION Harry Hern and Miss For young and old! An evening that will be enjoyed by all! ADMISSION: ADULTS 500; PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN 250 Wally Wein, Pres. Lome Kleinstlver, Vice-Pres. Lome Haugh, Sec.-Treas. Rayinond Wein, Reporter MONDAY, TUESDAY May 9-10 Louis Hayward Dennis O’Keefe Louise AUbritten ‘Walk a Crooked Mile’ in COMMENCEMENT THURSDAY, MAY 5th ‘Scott of the Antarctic’ ★ John Mills ★ Derek Bond ★ Diana Churchill The Royal Command Performance Film Plus ‘SUPERMAN AT BAY’ Stark, thrilling drama ripped from the nation’s headlines! Cartoon, ‘BON BON PARADE’ and PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL Wins Top Honours . The Huronia Choir won first prize at the Woodstock Musical Festival Wednesday evening.______________. o JI PROGRAM AND PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Band Concert Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle announce the engagement of theii’ elder “daughter, Marion Kathleen, to Mr. Harry ,Ford Dougall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougall, R.R. 3, Exeter; the marriage to take place on Saturday, May 21, at 12 o’clock noon at the James Street United Church. * IN MEMORIAM BEAVERS—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Roxie Eacrett Beavers, away four years 1945. Somewhere back of Where loveliness She lives in a land Mid the iblue and the gold of the skies. And we who have known and loved her Whose passing brought sad tears, Will cherish her memory always Down through the passing years. —Ever remembered by dad and sons. * Cancelled INOMINATING Convention The Liberal Association of Huron-Perth will hold a nominating convention at Cardno’s Hall, Seaforth Friday, May 6, 1949 AT 8:30 P.M. D.S.T. SPEAKERS Col. Harry Hamilton Past President of the Ontario Liberal Association Robert McCubbin, M.P and W- H. Golding, M.P r Everyone Welcome - Ladies Especially Invited W. L. Whyte, Pres.B. W. Tuckey, Sec. McLEAN—In loving memory of the late Glenn McLean, who passed away one year -ago, May 10, 1948. —Ever remembered by thers and sisters. LIGHTFOOT—In loving of a dear brother, Lightfoot, who passed away Six years ago, May 5. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loneliness never dies; He lives in a land of glory Amid the blue and gold of the skies; And we who have known and loved him Who’s passing brought sad tears, Will cherish his memory always Down through the passing years. —Lovingly remembered by his brothers and sisters. c CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who remembered me with cards, gifts and flowers while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. * —Helen Shapton Mr. and Mrs. Ed Faulder and their son, Alvin, wish to thank the friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness ex­ tended while they were ill; also for the lovely cards and especial­ ly to those who assisted with the seeding. • Mrs. Earl Witmer wishes to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who so kindly remembered her with flowers, cards and gifts while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. c Mrs. Florence 'tlould wishes to express her sincere thanks to her friends for lovely cards, flowers and treats received while a patient In Victoria Hospital. * Pentecostal W.M.C. Holds April Meeting The April meeting (was held on Thursday April 28 with a good attendance. The meeting opened with hymn “I know God’s 'Promise .is True.” Miss Della Peart led in prayer. Hymn “When we all go to Heaven” was sung. Roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture on “Re­ joice.” The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secret­ ary. The correspondence was then read. A note of thanks was read from Mrs. E. A. Steele, a ■former .member, who is at pres­ ent in Victoria Hospital, for the shower of cards. The monthly review from district secretary was read. It .was decided to make donations to several ap­ peals. Mrs. Kendrick and Mrs. T, Jolly were appointed as dele­ gates to the Western and East­ ern district Missionary Conven­ tion which is being held at Evan­ gel Temple, Toronto, on May 11, it being in cnnection with the general conference which con­ venes from May 9-13, and at the same time the graduation of the students from the Pentecostal Bible school. The -plans were discussed and committees .ap­ pointed to look after the pro­ gram for Mothers’ Day. Miss Jean McDonald favored with a solo, , “How Beautiful HeaVen Must Be”. One verse of “ Dwell­ ing in .Beulali Land’ was sung before Rev. Kendrick brought the afternoon message. He chose for his scripture “Glory Ye in His holy name, let the heart of them rejoice, that seek . the Lord,” 1 Chro-n., 16-20. His theme was "Rejoice”. Mrs. Jolly then read the prayer bulletin, consisting of the needs of the missionaries in the different 'Countries. At this time China is very much in need of our pray­ ers. Many prayer requests were ____ going to Mrs. Eldon Miller dis- tlie meeting with prayer. Mr. Harry Hern and Miss Anna Brock attended the annual conference of the Ontario Junior Farmers Association in Guelph during the past week. Misg Anna Routly of Elimville spent the week-end at the ’home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern. Messers. Milton and Welling­ ton Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, were in Wingham on Monday last attending the fun­ eral of the Tate Mr. Henry Allen. A large number from the community and surrounding dist­ rict gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques on Mon­ day evening and treated the newlyweds to a rousing chivari. Mr.. Norman Brock, Mrs. Mil­ ton Brock, were in London On Sunday visiting with Mr, Joe Bailey of Wlnchelsea who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Epli Hern visited over the week-eiid with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell of Orlmsby Special Attraction Sylvia Seiler, Swiss Yodeler ★ Heidy Hug, With His Piano Accordian ★ Frieda Hug, Swiss Yodeler ★ Robert Seiler, With His Piano Accordian 40 Minute Sound Film Cleveland Indians vs. Boston Braves Official 1948 World Series picture'showing the Muni- niqipal Stadium (home of the Cleveland Indians), the largest baseball park in the world, packed with 87,- 000 baseball fans. See for yourself the much talked about pick-off play, Faller to Boudreau. See the stars of America’s national game in action — thrills and suspense with every pitch! — Sponsored by Dashwood Baseball Club EVON HEDLEY great youth leader; one of the founders of Brantford “Youth for Christ”. Attend­ ed YFC World Congress in Switzerland. ‘China Challenge* Full colour, sound picture show.ipg the work of Youth for Christ in China and depicting the awful conditions there JEAN HEDLEY —— lyric soprano, outstanding soloist with many laurels, includ­ ing gold medals in various singing competitions. A member of the famous Schubert Choir which sang at the World’s Fair at New York,