HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-05-05, Page 1SewrnJty-sixth Year Hensall Pupils Tour London (Pupils of grade* five and of Hensall IPublic School left Fridaj>, April 29, on a bus tour to the Hobby Fair at London, and, visited the following places, Mtincey Indian Reservation School, Kelloggs, Y. ,M. ,C. A., Hobby Fair, University of West­ ern Ontario, Banquet at Fingal Hall (University), University Indian Museum and Observatory. Several parents accompanied the children as well as the teacher­ in-charge, R. .Dennison} formerly of .London, who is president of the Huron local of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers Fed­ eration. ’Mr. E. E. M. Joblin, of Mt. Elgin .Indian Day School iuvited them to stay for a ball game lunch brand which River purpose .of the trip was relation with Social crafts and Science. are the pupils who went on the tour, Marilyn iMousseau, Gordon Lavery, Jean Lavender, Joan Johnston, Eudora Hyde, Glenn McKenzie, (In change of group Mrs. E. Mousseau); Grace ’Mc­ Leod, Bob Bell, Nita Smith, Jim Orr, Corinne Smale, Don Koeh­ ler, (In" charge of group Mrs. Bruce Koehler); Gladys Moir, Margaret Stephan, Ted Normin­ ton, .Lola Volland, Bill Lavend­ er, Jerry Rannie (In charge Mrs. R. Dennison); Carol iMcMurtrie, Judy Shaddick, Jack .Henderson, Gerald Flynn, Marilyn Anderson,, Bill Fink, (In charge Mrs. R. E. Shaddick); Elsie Smith,. Bob Lavery, Bob Baynham, Wayne McBride, Ronnie McKenzie, Carol Richardson, (In charge Mrs. E. McBride of , Kippen); Wayne Welsh, Murney Twitchell, Tom Lavender, were unable to attend, being confined to their homes with mumps. . and to have their picnic on the grounds of ,his new four-roomed school is situated on the Thames at Muncey Resort. The cor— Studies, Following Young People Hold Banquet At James St The Huron Presbytery Young People’s .Union celebrated their silver jubilee with a successful banquet in the parlors of the James St. United Church Friday evening last. Close .to 150 young people representing practically every charge in the Presbytery, sat down to a sumptuous repast served by the .ladies of the James St. Evening Auxiliary. Greetings were brought from the Oxford and Middlesex Presbyter­ ies. A sing-song was .enjoyed. Following the banquet the young people adjourned to the auditorium where Rev. Mr. Snell gave an inspirational address on the theme "Our Guiding Faith.” A film "Beyond Our Own” was enjoyed and the service closed with vespars by the Thames Road Young People. The presi­ dent, Elwin Merrill, of Clinton was iai‘ the chair. Weston Minister EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1949 Single Copy 6 cents Win McLaren Cup At Old Boys* Euchre Huron Old Boys, of Toronto, and. their friends gathered on Tueday evening, April 26 at West End Y.M.C.A. for their annual Spring Euchre and Bridge party. Winners of the Euchre Champ­ ionship were Mrs. Jessie Scarlet and Mr: George Thompson, who were awarded the McLaren Cup to hold jointly for the year. Run­ ners up in the Euchre play were Mrs. N. Hunter and Mr. J. O. Scott. Bridge winners were Mr. and Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon. Lucky draw winners included Mrs. E. Harrison, IMr. and Mrs. Robert Luper and Mr. iGordon Fowler. Refreshments were provided by ladies of the association. Among those attending from Exeter and district were: Mr. and Mrs. K. 'C. Stanbury, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowler, Mr. ’ and Mrs. M. Complin, Miss Alice McDougall. Special Speaker The Sunday School of James Street United Church held a very successful anniversary on Sunday. At the morning service the church was well filled. Scholars from the intermediate school filled the choir and over­ flowed around the pulpit rail­ ing. The Primary, with about l|0 0 in attendance occupied the centre pews. Three numbers were sung by the choir and the Primary repeated in unison “All things Bright and Beautiful”. Mr. Lawrence Wein conducted the choir while Mr. Gordon Koch presided at the piano as­ sisted by the S. S. Orchestra. A beautiful bouquet of flowers in memory of the late James G. and. Mrs. Jones adorned pulpit. The special .speaker for occasion was Rev. C. W. , Lare,n o f Westminster United Church, Weston, a .personal friend of the minister. Mr. Mc­ Laren had an interesting mes­ sage for the younger folk. A vesper service was held in. the evening illustrated with pic­ tures. Unfortunately with day­ light saving the pictures did not show up to the best advantage. The theme of the service was "The Church”. A solo "Bless This House” was sung by_ Mrs. T. Coates, ing” was McDonald and Holy Spirit” P. • _ ‘ the "We Would Be Build- sung by Miss Jean a duet "Come _ _ ' was sung by Mrs. McFalls and Rev. Mr. Snell. NEW PREMIER OF ONTARIO — Leslie Frost, provincial treasurer from Lindsay, Ont., (posing above in front of a poster during the three-day convention of the Progressive Conservative party at Toronto, Ont.), scored a decisive vic­ tory in the four-man contest for the leadership of the On­ tario Progressive Conservative party, and the top-ranking job that goes with it—the premiership of Ontario..Mr. Frost won on the first ballot, polling 834 votes to Attorney-General Leslie Blackwell’s 442. In third place was A. Kelso Roberts with 121, and Education Minister Dana Porter trailed with 65 ballots. —Central Press Canadian Enumerato rs District RCAF Bara Raising Bee Held A barn raising ,bee was on the farm of Mr. Emerson , Anderson, of Kippen, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morn­ ing of this .week. About thirty neighbors gathered to raise the large barn on cribbing preparat­ ory to putting in a new found­ ation and stabling. The barn was raised about nine feet from the ground. The ladies were on hand ■to provide a full course meal for the workers. held 4 Appointed Camp Director Mr. Allison Morgan is taking position as camp director of boys’ camp at Harrow on an as­ paragus farm operated by the Fine Foods Company. He com­ menced part of a a his new duties the latter the week, GraduationAttend Among those who were London Tuesday attending graduation of Miss Doris Pen- ■hale, which took place at A graduation ceremony of the St. Joseph’s School of Nursing at the Beal Technical School were Mr. and Mrs. A* J* Penhale, Mr* and Mrs. S. W. Jory, Mr* and Mrs. Leslie Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. B. M. Francis, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner, and Mrs. T* M. Dinuey, in the Three Churches Given Minister Rev. W. E. C. Vollick, Hamilton, has been appointed to the Anglican parishes at Ailsa Craig, Brinsley, and McGillivray, with duties to commence at once, Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, bishop of of Huron, announced Tuesday, The three churches, Trinity at Ailsa Craig; St. ’Mary’s, Brinsley, and Christ Church, McGillivray, have been without a resident clergyman since Rev. Harvey Parker went to Chesley in Jan­ uary* Rev. Mr. Vollick, been at * Nakina Ontario, will conduct service at the three next Sunday. He has attended Huron College and was ordained a deacon last year. Rev. Mr. Vollick is to be ordained a priest at an ordina­ tion service here May 29, Mrs. Vollick, formerly Evelyn Comb, of Hamilton, member of the Children’s Society staff in London. W.Of who haB in Norther^ his first churches Miss is a Aid Lady Bowlers Hold Bridge The Exeter lady bowlers held a progressive bridge in the Can­ adian. Legion rooms Friday eve­ ning of last week. Ten fables were in play. The ladies* high was won by Mrs. E. R. Hopper and gents* high by Ken Hockey. . A mystery prize was won by Mrs. J .Hendry, A dainty lunch was served at the close. Ken Hockey, on behalf of the ladies, welcomed the visitors .and in­ vited all to Join the bowling club this season. Presentations Made To Former Board Members Two former members of the Exeter Arena Board were pre­ sented with pen and pencil sets in recognition of their valuable services. They •were W* G. Medd and C. V. Pickard. Chairman E. R. Hopper and A. 0. Elliot made the pi^suntations. Both ngjen were members of the first* bo ard and served on the building committee. In January 1936 Mr. Medd was appointed as the secretary on the first board. He held that position until 1946 when he became the chairman until resigning last January. Mr. Pickard headed the rink committee of the first board and Was active on it Until lie resign­ ed in .November of last year* In 1946 he took over the secretary­ treasurer’s position. a§ well as acting as .convenor on the rink and gymnasium Committee* Named For Riding The following is the list of enumerators for the Huron- Perth Riding. The compilation of the Voters’ List will be made next week. Fullerton Township—1. Miss Ruth Nairn, 2. Fred Scott, 3. Alex Morrison, 4. Watson Gar- butt, 5. Miss Ida Taylor, 6. Mrs. Clarence ’Priestap, Peter Arbo­ gast. Hibbert Township— 1.Daniel Costello, 2. John Coyne, 3. Berton jMcDonald, 4. Mrs. Roy McCulloch.. Usborne Township—1. Garnet Hicks, 2. IPercy Passmore, 3. John Stewart, 4. Kenneth Dun­ can, 5. Mrs. .Harry Ford, 6. Howard Pym, 7. Clarence Rout- iy. Village of Exeter—1. Charles Moutieth, 2. W. C. .Pearce, 3. Andrew Campbell 4. Frank Mathers. Hay Township — 1. Percy Campbell, 2. William .Bell, 3. Lee Hoffman, 4. Gordon Surerus', 5. Laurence Brisson, 6. Grenier, 7. Ross Dick, Turnbull. IHullet Township — Leo Stephenson, 2. Leiper, 3. Lloyd Medd, 4. Calvin McVittie, 5. Neville Forbes, 6. William Govier, 7. Maurice Bean. Stephen Township—1. George Hepburn, 2. Wilfred Shapton, 3. Leonard Wein, 4. 3arry Hirtzel, 5. Hubert McKeever, 6. Reuben Goetz, 7. Stewart Sweitzer, 8. Mrs. Charles McGregor, 9. Colin Love. Stanley Township—i Mrs* J.A. McEwen, 2. T. B. Baird, 3. Alex McBeath, 4. David Anderson 5. Milton Talbot, 6. John Turner, 7. Noel Laporte, S. George Blair. McKillOp Township—1. John L. -Malone, 2. James T. Scott, 3. Mrs. Lena Boyd, 4, Alex Dennis. } Tuckersmith Township—1* J. Devereaux, 2. John Flannery, 3. Mrs. Gregor McGregor, 4. Russel Dallas, 5. Glenn Bell, 6. Forsyth. , Hensall—1* Ira Geiger. Town of Seaforth-—1. R. Mc­ Fadden, 2. Elmer Rivers, 3 Allah Reid, 4* Clarence Malone, 5. Mrs. Edith McKay, 6. Robert Charters. Logan Township-—!., George J. Elckmeyer, 2. Mrs. Gordon. Eis­ ter,. 3. William Vock, 4* 'Charles iPhslielbnrg, 5. Jerry Regan, 6* William G* McPherson, 7* Wil­ fred Nicholson. Town of Mitchell— 1. Mrs. Ethel Thiel, 2. George Grant, F. Welby Caster, 4. Norman Park, 5. John E. Turner. George 8. Jack 1. Mrs. William Ivan Wrong Author On* the poem, ‘‘April” in week’s edition The Times-Advo­ cate published as the author Harriet Brown. This should have I read Harriet Bowen. o.last Council Briefs The regular meeting of the Muncipal Council of the Village of Exeter was held in the Coun­ cil Chambers .Monday evening with Reeve Sweitzer and Coun­ cillors Hern, Hughes, Lindenfield and Snider present. The minutes of the last regu­ lar meeting of April 18, 1949, were read and adopted. Communications were read and dealt with as follows: De­ partment of Municipal Affairs, regarding by-law closing street. Filed. Dept, of Municipal Affairs, regarding tax notices. Filed. Huron County Municipal Offi­ cers Association, regarding mem­ bership. Filed. La France Company, regarding foamite engines, to be referred to Fire Chief. Department of Travel and Publicity. Filed. Office of Fire. Marshall, in re­ gard to fire department. Filed. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Heim and Hughes that tenders .be construction and crete sidewalks, on the classified It was moved and seconded by Councillors Snider and Hughes the building by-law be amended so as to make a charge of fifty cents for ^permit to re-shingle, re-model and re-side houses. By-law 6, 1949, to authorize the dosing of Senior Street Street North was given its finally passed Councillors Snider and Hern. J. W. Weber was given per­ mission to erect a sign in front of his place of business on the motion field It that the that sary school, Joseph B. Creech; public school, Claude Blowes; Legion, Reg McDonald; Lions Club, W. G. Cochrane; Scouts, not yet named; citizens at large, Wil­ liam C. Allison; Municipal Coun­ cil, Don Hughes. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Hern and Lindenfield that the following be named to the Park Board and that the clerk prepare the necessary by­ law: Foi’ the Turf Club, Harry Schwartz; Agricultural Society, Preston Dearing, Garnet Hicks; E.D.H.S. Board, A. W. Morgan; Municipal Council, Lindenfield and Hughes. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Snider and Hughes that title be purchased for the laying of surface drains at War­ time Housing. The clerk was instructed to write Group Captain Van Camp, O.C., R.C.A.F., Centralia, thank­ ing him for the use of roller equipment in preparing the park grounds. Building permits were ’granted the following on the motion of Councillors Snider and Hughes: Walter F. Madge, addition to house; Cecil Wilson, a house; Mark Mitchell, siding for house; W. G. Medd, siding for cream­ ery; Dr. J. G. Dunlop, renovat­ ing house. The engineers presented pre­ liminary plans and estimates in regard to William Street storm sewer. It was moved and second­ ed by Councillors Snider and Lindenfield that R. V. Anderson, engineer, be instructed to pre­ pare detailed specifications and prepare a call for tenders. The following accounts were read and ordered paid on the motion of Councillors Hern and Lindenfield: Township of US- borne, grading streets, $187*50; Lindenfield’s Limited, supplies, $10.25; H. Bierling, coal (town hall), $38.65; W. F. Jennison, gravel, $154.00; Huron County Municipal Officers* Association, membership fee, $10.00; Foote & Rafuse, 1948 audit fees, $300.00; W. 0. Pearce, Dominion of Canada, truck insurance pre­ mium, $90.65; relief, May, $55.- 00; Receiver General of Canada, tax deductions, $10.95; Gerald Cornish, labour, $55.74; Samuel Grainger, labour, $47.l74; Arthur Daynes, labour, $49.39; Edgar Mawhinney, cleaning streets, $44.10* All motions Were carried. Ad­ journment on the motion of Councillor Hughes* C. V* Pickard, Clerk called for the repair of con- (Advertisement page.) Called To West For Brother's Funeral •Miss Nettie Keddy was called to tlie West owing to the sudden death of her Melfort, Sask, motoring from atpon and had miles when the , a heart .attack from which he failed to recover, He was alone at the time and had stopped the car and (got out .and was dis­ covered by a passing motorist. iMr, Keddy spent many years in Melfort and a few years ago he sold out and came East. For a time 'he operated a grocery store at Glenche. He and Mrs. Keddy spent some time in Exe- ter ’before returning to Melfort where Mrs. Keddy passed away about a year ago. Two sons and a daughter survive, Robert, who 'is with the C.B.C. in Toronto, accompanied Miss Keddy to Mel­ fort. They went by plane from the Malton Airport. Miss Keddy also visited with relatives Calgary. She is expected shortly. To Call Tenders Gidley Street from East and Brock to Victoria Street third reading and on the motion of brother Bert, of Mr. Keddy was Melfort to Sask- gone about forty was stricken with Hensail Child in home •boy’s M. L. Andrew, Centralia; J. Hoff art, , Clinton; G. Henley, Blyth and ; WO2 M. E. Mills, Men Promoted Among the names of three hundred and twelve Ontario air­ men of RCAF personell in the semi-annual promotion list issued by Air Force Headquarters, Ot­ tawa, are the following from this community with their new ranks: WO 2 J. WO 2 WO2 R. Belleville; WO2 M. E. Seaforth; WO2 A* Davis, Clin- ton; WO2 ,L. AT. Drake, Gode­ rich. F/S R. A. Round, Goderich; F/S E. A. Graham, Clinton; F/S R. H. J. Steale, Goderich. Sgt. N. M. Morton, Exeter; Sgt. H. W. Philp, Crediton; A. Joel, Clinton; Sgt. Guillemiu, Exeter; . Sgt. Loud, Clandeboye; Sgt. Humphries, Dashwood. Cpl. H. G. Bleay, Exeter; Cpl. H. L. Casselman, North .Exeter; Cpl. M. A. ’Plunkett, Centralia; Cpl. J.N.B. Hudon, Clinton; Cpl. A. S. Dawson, Exeter; Cpl. .1. M. Wilbur, Exeter; Cpl. D. Knuff- ner, Grand Bend; Cpl. A. John­ son, Hensall; Cpl. J. R. Martin, Exeter; C p 1. W. H. Bowles, Grand Bend; Cpl. R. Mitchell, Lucan; Cpl. H* E. Miller, Exeter; G. Pigeon, Clinton; V. Belanger, Exeter; Theoret, Exeter; Cpl. Exeter; Cpl. R. Centralia; -Cpl. R. W. W. G. Cpl. J. G. Cpl. J. O. Cpl. J. F. A. Janke, Cooper, Centralia; -Cpl. G. Clark, Amelias Burg; Cpl, G. Pratt, Clinton; Cpl, H. G. Nichols, Centralia; Cpl. J. May man, Huron; Cpl. .L. Brune, Exeter; Cpl. B. * quhoun, Centralia; Cpl, A. Coutts, Seaforth; Cpl. A. P. Killop. H. E, C. R. E. D. Col- R. •Me- Observes 85th Birthday Mr. George Easterbrook, though, confined to his through illness, received the best of wishes from friends on Wed­ nesday, tMay 4, the occasion be­ ing his eighty-fifth birthday. al- bed 3. R. Moves Into New Home; Prowler Decides Likewise 'Mr. W.G. Cochrane has moved Into his new house, senior St. He was awakened at 4 a.m. Monday by a prowler who at­ tempted to get into the house but made considerable noise in so doing. When Mr, Cochrane called the intruder left hurriedly Constable John Worry made an investigation. Play At Main St. Well Liked The play ‘Too Many Relatives* put on by the Hensall Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by the Kum-joinus Class of Main St. Sunday School .attracted a capacity audience in the church basement, Wednesday evening of last week, and was exceedingly funny. The players took their parts exceptionally Well and re­ ceived a great ovation. B. W. Tuckey was chairman and Rev* Mr* .Mahoney played some ac- cordian music between the acts. The cast, under the direct­ ion of Rev, Mr, Ferguson, were treated to refreshments at close. the of Councillors Lin’den- and Hern. was moved and seconded the following be named to Recreational Council and the clerk prepare the neces- by-law: From the high Fractures Leg A five-year-old Hensail leg was broken Wednesday of last week when the lad slipped while trying to climb onto a slowly moving wagon and his leg was snapped by the spokes of a wheel. ' •Neil Forrest, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Forrest, is in Clint­ on Hospital where officials say his condition was "satisfactory.” The boy's mother said he was playing with his wagon on the road in front of his home when he saw a truck speeding down upon him. Trying to escape the oncoming ’truck, the lad tried to climb onto a passing wagon driven by George Gran. In his haste to climb up on the hub of a rear. wheel the boy’s foot slipped between the spokes and his leg was broken above the knee. Hydro To Be Interrupted Hydro will be interrupted Sunday to make repairs on 26,000 volt feeder line on a from London. The power will be off in Exeter (village and area), Hensall, Zurich, wood, and Grand Bend 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. rural Dash- from Ple&se! Again T h e Times-Advocate urges all advertisers to have copy in by Monday noon at the very latest. By .doing so we are able to -give you a better looking advertisement. Not only that but by catching the Wednesday af- noon mail many of our rural subscribers receive their paper one day .earlier. Nomination Convention To Be Held In Seaforth The Huron-Perth Liberal sociation will hold a nominating convention in Cardno’s Hall, in Seaforth, Friday evening for the purpose of selecting a candidate to contest the riding in the forthcoming Federal election. Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P., an­ nounced liis retirement several weeks ago. Speakers at meeting will be Hamilton of Sault past president of the Ontario Liberal Association; Robert Me* Cubbin, M.P.. and w* H, Gold­ ing. Col $te. As- the Harry Marie, Robert Mo* For Storm Sewers At the Exeter Council meeting Monday evening a preliminary plan and estimates for a storm sewer were presented by R. V. Anderson, {engineer, of Toronto. The plan calls for the con­ struction of a storm sewer on William Street from Sanders Street to the river. Beginning with an 18-inch tile at 'Sanders Street, it will be stepped out to 24-inch tile at the river. The depth at the start is estimated at nine feet, Mr. Ander.son has (been author­ ized to prepare detailed speci­ fications and prepare a call for tenders. It is estimated the cost will be in the neighbourhood of $20,000, A new sewer should take care of the drainage of about three-quarters of the town and should eliminate the diffi­ culty now experienced during heavy rainstorms. Moves Mr. moved ’has erected in connection with the service station being built on the highway just south of town. The service station is well on the way and presents a strik­ ing .appearance. Mr. A. J. Pen- hale, who recently disposed of his farm in Stephen has moved into the residence purchased from 'Mr. Hunter-Duvar and Mr. Chester Dunn has taken over the farm purchased from Penhale. Into Motel Cabins Ed. Hunter-Duvar has into the motel cabins he Mr. Huron Male Choir Active The Huronia Male Chorus pre­ sented a concert at Blyth, Tues­ day evening. They are off to Woodstock to-day, Wednesday, to compete in a musical festival. Jack Doerr* Wins Blue Ribbon Of Merit Mr. Jack ‘Doerr has returned from Toronto where he attended the sixty-fifth annual convention of the Ontario Society of Photo­ graphers on the Roof Garden of the Royal York Hotel. Mr. Doerr had three out of four portraits hung in the salon and one of them, a picture Of EJarl Hey­ wood, won a blue ribbon award of merit. The others were that of the three children of Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Johns, and Marlon Wialker, daughter of and Mrs. Thomas Walker, the commercial class Mr* Doerr had a picture hung of a pastoral scene taken near Mitchell. We congratulate him on his splendid success. and of Mr, In Purchases Home Mr. J. L. McKnight, who re­ cently Frozen chased Welsh been* occupying on Sanders St, Mr. Welsh has moved into the house he has erected adjoining the one that was sold. disposed of the Exeter Foods Locker, has pur- from Mr. 'William E. the residence he has Public School Board Holds Regular Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Exeter Public School Board was held in the Exeter Public School on Monday eve­ ning, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. All members of the Board were ©re­ sent. The principal and members of the staff were interviewed as* regards salaries for the year 1949-50. The regular business session then took place and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on a motion by C. A. Cann and seconded by R. E. Russell. The principal’s report was as follows: Number on roll, 224; number of teaching days, 15; average attendance, 206.13; Mrs. A. Hamilton taught one half day during the absence of Miss Jean Cann; Inspector Mr. 'G. Gardiner of Goderich paid several visits to the school; a list was also requested. Moved by W. G. seconded by W. H* the principal’s report be adopted and the required supplies be ordered. Carried* Correspondence: Letter from the Exeter Arena Board; Mr. G. G. Gardiner, re kindergarten; Home & School Olub activities; Canadian Geographical Society; Exeter Public Library Board; report of Miss Grace Pepper on Ontario Education^ Association meeting, Toronto. Moved by Mrs. E. W. Sanders and seconded by W. G* Seldon that in future the Board will not grant permission to any in­ dividual Or group Of individuals to use the school rooms other than school activities, ried. Accounts were presented ordered paid. 0. A. Cann moved adjourn­ ment at 10 p.m. W. H, Hodgson, Sec.-Treas. of supplies Seldon and Pollen that for Car- and x Baseball Schedule Drawn Up The executive of the Huron- Perth Baseball Association met and drew up the schedule for the coming season. It will be presented to the general meeting on May 9. There are eleven teams entered in the group this year. Ross Wright of Mitchell the president. Has Appendix Removed Mr. Eric Carscadden under­ went an operation for appendi­ citis at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday and is doing as weil as can be expected. Is Former RJC.A.F. Padre Shows Pictures At James St* Church On Monday evening Mr, Mc­ Laren, a former padre with, the R.C.A.F* showed moving ' pic­ tures in color taken while he was in the service. The pictures were very interesting and pro­ vided a fine evening’s entertain­ ment, Mr* McLaren showed pic­ tures of different western cities and of the Calgary stampede. He also showed a number of pictures taken in England, and Scotland, : particularly the land of Burns, As padre on the Alcan Highway he had many Interesting pictures ; including pictures taken in the I Yukon and Alaska. Plans Made For Carnival At an executive meeting the Exeter Branch of the Cana­ dian Legion Monday night it Was decided to again hold a carnival. It will be held aometime in June, the exact date to be set later. The Legion held their first carnival on July 3i0 of “last year. of Recuperating At Home Postmaster M. W* Pfaff, who has been a patient at West­ minster Hospital, London, tor several weeks, is now recuperat­ ing at his home as an out­ patient. His friends are pleased to see him around again. During his absence ths post office has been in .capable hands. Charles Keller •Mr. Charles Keller, resident of Dashwood for the past twenty years, passed away on Monday afternoon following a lengthy illness in his eighty-second year. He was born in Germany coming to Canada at the age of 14. He farmed in Hay Township -for many years. His wife, the late Louisa Miller, predeceased him eight years ago. Surviving are two daughters, Erma and Lor­ etta at home, seven sons, Adolph Edward and Herb, of Hay Town­ ship, Arnold Of Stephen, Rein­ hard, of Exeter, Elmer, of Dash­ wood, Harold of Toronto. The body is resting at T. Harry Hoff­ man funeral home until Thurs­ day at 2 p.m. A public service Will be held In Zion Lutheran Church at 2:30 p.m. Rev. L. • Hi gen ell officiating, interment ■ in the Lutheran. Bronson Line ! Cemetery,