HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-21, Page 129 Fage 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1949 and Tea Sort Apr, 23 Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall at 3:06 p.m. EXETER TOWN HALL SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R, J. SCOn BIRTHS DEATHS Mrs. a son M' - At Mrs. Batten’ home on Monday, 18, to Mr. and Snyder, of Exeter, Frederick. Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriain Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, gagenients SQc. BONTHRON—In St, Joseph’ s Hospital, London, on Sunday, April 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Southron, Hensall, son. SNYDER nursing April Oscar John SCRAPS’-, i Mon- 9 8:00 p.m. All girls interested in playing ball are urged to attend. MIXED BRIDGE Sponsored by the Ladies’ Bowling Club in the Legion Rooms DEARING—■In Exeter, day, April .8, 1949, Finkbeiner, beloved the late William Dearing, in her seventy-sixth year. DOWN—In Parkwopd Hospital, London, on Sunday, April 17 1949, Mary ~ ■ daughter of Down a n d Bissett, in year. HASKETT’—In. London, on 14, 1949, Mabel G. loved wife of Harvey Haskett and dear mother of Clayton, Lloyd and Glenn, of Lucan, in her fifty-fifth year. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye, Monday. STATTON—In Exeter on Tues­ day, April 19, 1949, Nelson J. Statton, in his forty-seventh year. on Christina wife of Elizabeth Down, the late William his wife Grace her eighty-fifth Victoria Hospital Thursday, . April Sceli, be- •/ MARRIAGES at 8:15 p.m. South Huron Jr. Farmers* Second Annual KOPP—BRINTNELL — At the James S t. United Church parsonage on Saturday, April 16, 1949, Etta May Brintnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brintnell to Cpl. J. G. G. Kopp, of Whitehorse, N. W. T. by Rev H. J. Snell. CARDS OF THANKS EXETER ARENA. Friday, May 6 9:30 to 12:30 - featuring - TED PUDNEY’S NEW BAND And Vocalist Prizes — Novelty Dances Booth and Check Room Advance Admission: 75c Night of Dance: §1.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Hazlewood wish to thank the many neigh­ bors and friends for theii* many gifts and kindnesses and all those who helped .and offered help during Mrs. Hazlewood’s illness, and for the many letters and caiais, 'beautiful plants and also bouquets of flowers. They would also like to” thank the Ladies Aid, Arnold Circle and Infant Class of Carmel Church for their Goddard Ferguson. Easter box; also Dr. and Rev. and Mrs.* —John Hazlewood ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Mr. and of Thames all those who so generously don­ ated toward the gift of a cow which they received. * Miss Elaine Beer wishes to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to hei* many friends for the lovely cards, letters, gifts and flowers she received while a ■patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. c Mrs. William Smith Road wish to thank ! Items ,of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter» The -Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and pur readers arc interested in you. and ypur friends. Phone 31w (Mrs. Annie Wilcox, of Am­ bers tburg, spent Good Friday and the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell and other friends. » Ydt PACIFIC NORTH WEST PRODUCES K $ 4,000,000 YEARLY CROP OF MINT. d’rfE OIL IS USED FOR FLAVORING. Bow Lonq do Siamese '(win­ fish LIVE. ? ONLY A FEW WEEKS, drtt Worlds LONCiES'f ALL-WIRE. <elephone. line — 5,100 MILES CONHEOTIH<4 MOSCOW AND KHABAROVSK. SIBERIA. 7% LIHE CONHEC<IN4 KALI FAY AND VANCOUVER. CANADA. mil3es°° LOKq. CLOWN ’ Hoc nose snake. WHEN ATTACKED, ROLES ■ OVER. ON HlS BACK AMD FEiqNS DEA-fH UH-flL HE<HINKS DAHQER IS PAST. , Inc, ivkiwVL Exeter Undergone More Sieges Than Any Other English Town FRIDAY, SATURDAY April 22-23 ‘Seven Keys to Baldpate’ ® Plillip Terry © Jacqueline White ® Eduardo Ciannelll And On The Same Program The Catholic Women’s Choir wishes to thank the Exeter Pub­ lic School and Library Boards for the privilege of using the school room and piano in the Library, making it -possible to practice for special Easter ser­ vices. * ‘The Arizona Ranger’ Action at bullet speed as Tim Holt hits the saddle again Superman, ‘BLAST IN THE DEPTHS’ Mr. and Mrs. William Gilfillan and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. H. Dean, Dr. Campbell, Ross Marriott, Mrs. F. Switzer, the Paul bro­ thers, and members of the choir.* IN MEMORIAM MONDAY, TUESDAY April 25-26 © Barbara Stanwyck • Burt Lancaster • Ann Richards ‘Sorry, Wrong Number’ adult entertainment Clear all the wires for excite* meat and suspense such ; you’ve never seen before PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL Cartoon, ‘MITE MAKES RIGHT’ and POPULAR SCIENCE SHORT OGDEN—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, W. Hilton Ogden, who passed away five years ago, April 24, 1944. There is still an ache in I hearts today That countless years won’t away; We smile with the world, never forgetI In our garden of memories j lives with us yet. i—-Ever remembered by wife ! family. ------ --------------- (In The London Echo) The -old city or Exeter Eng­ land, county town of Devonshire stands -on the river Exe, rounded by softly outlined hills, and fields, whose soil has deep reddish tint and narrow, deep lanes. Exeter undergone more seiges than other town from the inhabitants strong sense They are quick to remind visitor that even William Conqueror, who subdued Saxons, -could not defeat population of Exeter, but had to come to friendly terms with them in 1068. A few years later, William’s nephew, Bishop William Warel- wast, began to rebuild the great cathedral, which stands on a hill. The Exeter Cathedral is an impressive edifice and it domin­ ates the surrounding country­ side. The massive twin towers that Bishop Warelwast erected can be seen miles away. A med­ ieval clock in the cathedral marks the hours, and a min­ strel’s gallery reveals its origin­ al colorings. Outside the cathed­ ral, the Close is formal, quiet and peaceful. Many fine ex­ amples of Exeter’s old architect­ ure can be studied here. Every visitor wants to see Moll’s Coffee House within whose walls there gathered in 1588 a group of- England’s finest seamen to cele-. brate a decisive victory. These Elizabethan seamen were Drake, Raleigh, Frobisher, Hawkins, Gilbert and Grenville, and they met to discuss the magnificent defeat of the Spanish Armada. Exeter had provided and man­ ned three ships for the great fight, and after the victory, the Tudor Queen Elizabeth gave the motto "Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful). ' Exeter suffered greatly from air raids in the Second World War, but happily many of its finest old buildings survived intact, including the 13 th Cen­ tury Guildhall which claims to be the oldest municipal building in England. This hall has a beautiful timbered roof and its panelled walls show many re­ markable carvings. The mayor’s parlor has an open hearth and recessed windows. On the way to Northenhay, that part of Exeter where re­ mains of the castle that William the Conqueror built still stand, the visitor can also examine the fine old city wall. It is red and massive and was built origin­ ally by the Romans. The visitor can wander into St. Nicholas Priory which has a Norman crypt, and a medieval room and kitchen, and if he wishes to catch something of the atmos­ phere of Elizabethan days he which Wool- our take but that and* as Help Needed Two out of every three sons need Financial help to the cost of serious illness. The Mutual Benefit has more than $2,325,000.00 on deposit with | tile Dominion Government for j the protection 0 £ policyholders. !Ernest C. Harvey Insurance I Agency. per­ meet JOIN THE LARGE CROWD AT Parkhill - Friday, April 22 MODERN AND SQUARE DANCING A Happy Time For Old And rYoung! CLAYT STEEPER’S EIGHT-PIECE BAND Exeter Opera House - Saturday Nights sur- a many has i any and the their in England, earliest times have shown of independence, the the the the can go to Tucker’s Hall belonged to the guilds of len manufacturers. Exmouth, on the coast, miles from Exeter. It has sea front where the terracotta colored cliffs look very pictur­ esque against a deep blue sky. Exmouth is known as “Child­ ren's Paradise” for there is a special playground close to the sea-'front and there are rocks and 'pools where the children can shrimp, prawn and catch crabs. Exmouth has a sailing club, and as it is conveniently placed near Exmoor, many kinds of sport can be enjoyed by visitors. Although Exmouth has modern buildings, the town has occupied a -place in English his­ tory from the year 1,001 when Danish pirates invaded it. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brenner and family, of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and family, o-f Thedford, spent East­ er with Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer. Mike and Nancy Clark and Brenda Brenner are spend­ ing the Easter holidays their grandparents. with Patient In Hospital Mrs. E. R. Witmer is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she underwent on operation. She is getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Forrester spent Easter in Niagara Falls, Mrs. William Smith visited with her sister, Mrs. Hohner, of Brucefield, •Mrs. Pearl Powles, o f St. Thomas, spent the holidays with Mrs. J. W. Powell. , Miss Helene Roadhouse of St. Marys is visiting with Misses Shirley and Lorna Taylor, Misses Joan and Pat Hopper are visiting in Wingham with Miss Jacqueline Currie. Mr. Sidney West, of Ottawa, spent the holidays with mother, Mrs. S. West. 'Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Farrow and Carolyn spent Easter with relatives in Stratford. / Miss Minnie Weekes, of Brant­ ford, spent a couple of days last week with jMiss A. Fish. Mr, and of London, 'Mrs. A, G. Mr. and of Ottawa spent Easter with the latter’s mother, Mrs. T. Dinney. Miss June Cudmore of Toronto spent the week-end with her •parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore, Miss Olive Wood, of Toronto, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wood, for Easter. Dr. William and Mrs. Lawson, James and Karen, of spent Sunday with Mi’, .and Mrs. James Lawson. Donald Traquair, of spent Good Friday and Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson and Darlene, James Wilson and Miss Jean Harrison spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Margison and Bobby and Mrs. Mains and Mich­ ael, of London, visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. V. Johns. Mr. and IMrs. R. E. Davis and Elizabeth, of Port Credit, spent Good Friday and E,aster with the former’s mother, Mrs. S. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leonard and Shirley, of to, and Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of London, spent with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis. Mr. Stan Walter, of Smith’s Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grant and family of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Blowes. Dr. A. J. and Mrs. MacKinnon, of Richmond Hill, spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Rose Russel and Mrs. MacKinnon, ,of Zurich. his Mrs. Mervin Wilson visited with Mr. and Hicks, of Usborne. Mrs. James W. Low Eastei’ Monday was observed as a holiday by the bank and the post office. Mi’, and Mrs. V. M, Pyette and David spent the Easter week-end in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Alf Andrus spent^ Good , Friday and Easter with" relatives at Pt. Perry, Jane L, Francis, of Tavistock, ip visiting with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Campbell, •of London, spent Easter with Mr. and iMrs. Andrew Campbell. iMiss Dorothy Gerver of Tor­ onto, is spending the Easter holidays with Miss Marline Ben­ der, of Exeter. IM r, a n d Mrs. Inglis and family, of Cayuga, spent Easter at the home of Mr. and , Mrs. Amos Darling, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston and family, of Simcoe, visited' with Mrs. Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Han­ nigan, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. were home of Mrs. M. Hannigan. Mr. and Mrs. L. McNaughton, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. L, Lawrence, of Peterboro, visited over the holiday with the latter’s mother, (Mrs. G. Westcott. R. Saugstad, of London, week-end visitors at the Lisotwel, Toronto, Davis. Davis, Toron- Clifton Easter v Coming Events BAKING SALE — The Evening Auxiliary of the Main 'Street Church, Exeter, is holding a (baking sale in the Legion rooms on Saturday, April 30, commenc­ ing at 3:00 ip.m. c The members of Exeter Lodge No. 67, I.O.O.F. and .Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge No. 338 will attend divine worship in the James Street United Church on Sunday, April 24 at 7:00 ip.m. Brethren and Sisters are re­ quested to meet at the lodge rooms at 6:30 Standard Time.’ An invitation is extended to visiting MRS. •E. L. Leavitt’s THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY April 20 and 21 TWO FEATURES ‘Deep Waters’ ★ Dana Andrews •A Jean Peters Kenny Delmar as A Senator Claghorn (of the Fred Allen Radio Show) FRIDAY, SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p.m. April 22 and 23 ‘El SPECIAL FEATURE Color by Technicoloi’ ★ John Payne ★ Sterling Hayden ★ Gabby Hayes J MONDAY, TUESDAY. April 25 and 26 ‘Mickey’ SPECIAL FEATURE Color by Technicolor A Lois Butler A Bill Goodwin ★ Hattie McDaniel WEDNESDAY ONLY April 27 TWO FEATURES Dashwood Ladies Meet The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W.S.W.S. was held with Mrs. G. Link’s group in .charge. The meeting opened. by singing “The Beautiful Garden of Pray­ er”. A short Easter reading by Mrs. .Charles Snell, Mrs. Wes Wolfe read the scripture, Psalm 84, followed by prayer by Mrs. G. Wildfong. A duet, '“In the Garden”, was sung by Mrs. H. Getz and Mrs. J. M. Tieman. A reading, “What Does Easter Mean to You?”, was read by Mrs. ;Carl Oestreicher. The study book Mrs. man, iMrs. Mrs. for the busines. There were 28 sick visits made, four bouquets and four daihties .sent to the sick and shutins during the month. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and all repeated the Mizpah Benediction. . was given by -Mrs. G. Link, M. Haugh, Mrs. H. Keller- Mrs. J. 'M. Tieman and ■S. Currie. The president, R. H. Taylor, then presided Rev.R.E.and Mrs.South- cott, Jack and Jim, of Oil 'City, visited at the home of H. >0. Southcott the forepart of the week. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Strange ‘Fighting Father Dunne’ ★ Pat O’Brien is extended Brethren and Sisters. LENA KIRKLAND, N.G. GIBSON, N.G. * * ♦ • Mr. Earl Campbell, D.D.G.M. of District No. 8, I.O.O.F., will make his official visit to Exeter Lodge No. 67 Tuesday evening, April 26. Hensall Third Degree team will confer the degree on several candidates. A good at­ tendance is requested. E. L. GIBSON, N.G. GARNET JOHNS, V.G. A Western Feature ★ Tim Holt COMING! COMING! April 28, 29 and 30 With Saturday Matinee ‘CONNECTICUT YANKEE’and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ward •and Nancy, of Toronto, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John Strange. Miss Florence ville, attended her aunt, Miss and is spending Miss Alice Hanford. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. .Plumsteel and Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Snell at the James St. parsonage. Mr. Neil Jones, of Ottawa, and Miss Gwenneth Jones, of West­ ern University, London, visited with theii’ parents^ Mr. and ,Mrs- J. H. Jones, over the holiday. Mrs. (Rev.) L. C. White, of Talbotville, and Mrs. . Edith Young, of St. Thomas, called -on Mrs. Charles Johns and other friends. Thursday of last week.’ Easter guests with Mrs. L. P. Hicks and Stanley, of Fairfield, were Mrs. John Essery, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hall and .Stephen, of Toronto; also Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creech and John, of Exeter, Holiday visitors with Mr. Fred Hogarth were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McNaughton, Linda and Nancy, of Stratford; Mrs. W. F. Ander­ son and Ronald, of Windsor, and Mrs. W. F. Mitchell and Douglas of London. Mr. E. Lindenfield Cudmore and Nancy holiday week-end in Mrs. E. Lindenfield ■with them, after visiting for the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. N. Floody. * Mr. Ed Warrener of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Follick .over the week-end. On Sunday Mr. Warrener and Mr. and Mrs. Follick visited with Mrs. Warrener at Queen Alex­ andra Sanitorium at Byron. Miss Isabelle A n tli 0 n y and Miss Gladys Echlin, of Hamilton, are spending the Easter vacation with Rev. James and Mrs. thony. Miss Helen Anthony Toronto. Easter. Mrs. Monday Down, of .Belle- the funeral of Mary E. Down, a few days with /*• / ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------x HENSALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS Three-Act Play "Too Many Relatives Main St. United Church, Exeter // Wednesday, April 27 AT 8:30 P.M. Sponsored by the Kumjoinus Class ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 35c •r 4 "X Lions DanceErnest Hodgins Ernest Hodgins, aged seven years, who died Tuesday at his home, lot 21, concession 14, London Township, has resid­ ed .............. he of R. of Brittania, L.O.L. Besid^ his wife ’ Carl, at home; Mrs. Joseph O’Neil, Township; Mrs. Richard Hamil­ ton, Grand Bend; and two bro­ thers, Austin and Ross, London Township. Funeral services Will be conducted nt the family resi­ dence on Friday by Rev. A. H. Harrison, Grace Church, Ilder- ton, and interment will be made in Birr Anglican Church Ceme­ tery. .sixty- EXETER ARENA all his life on passed away, the late Mr. Hodgins, and Birr Anglican the farm where He was a son and Mrs. was a member Church, and of 156 Southgate, he leaves a son two daughters, Biddulpli John Mrs. M. spent the , Windsor. returned KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall spent Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff at Wind­ sor. The community extends sym­ pathy to the family of the late Mr, Albert Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Overholt of Wainfleet, Miss Beth Wright of Fenwick and Miss Blanche Semp- son of Welland all were Easter guests with Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. James McCul­ lough and family, Gravenhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greason and family, Port Rowen, were week­ end guests with their mother, Mrs. M. Gregory, and attended theirs sister’s wedding Saturday. Miss Velma Doupe of London spent the holiday week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dempster of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rathburn, The W.M.S. ladles of the Kirkton United Church enter­ tained some fifty ladies in the church basement on Wednesday, April 13. Mrs. Keith Clysdale was guest speaker and Mrs. Fred Loft gave violin solos, both of St. Marys. Dainty refreshments were served by the committee in charge, Mrs. W. S. Cluff and son, Paul, of Wiarton, is holidaying with her parents, I. N. and Mrs, MatshalL to ROSS PEARCE’S ORCHESTRA £ Dancing 9:30 to 12:30 Lunch Supplied Dress Optional NOVELTY DANCES $1 Per Person visited with them under the doc- Regan has ac-Thursday, April 21 4:00 to 5:00 p.m, and 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Glavln is spend- vacation at her MOUNT CARMEL Mr. Joseph Glavin IS suffering stroke and is Exeter a tor’s care.Miss Madeline ing her Easter home. Miss Shirley cepted a position with the John Labatt Ltd., of London, and commenced her new duties last week. Miss Margaret Ryan s p o n t Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryan. Miss Donna Dietrich and Dianne Morkin of St. Thomas are spending their Easter holi­ days with their grandmother, Mrs. M. Regan. The Easter -dance held in the Parish Hall wag well attended. Mr, John Patton of Hamilton spent Easter with Mr, and 'Mrs- Mack McDonald. J, C. Sanders left _____ for Salter, Sask, route she will spend a few days at Sioux Lookout and attend the marriage of her son, Mr. Donald Sanders, -at Winnipeg on Satur­ day,, April 23. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kydd over the holiday week-end were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sanders and Babe, Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Moffatt, Miss Ethel Kydd Of London, Mr. Bob Kydd of Goderich. The fire brigade was called to the home of Art Amy 'Saturday morning. Smoke from the motor of an air-conditioning unit came -up through the registers and Mr. Amy became alarmed and called the fire department. No damage was done» Many people in Exeter and. vicinity have never been inside the Library, This is a special invitation to you. Your Library holds the treasures of the book world open to you . , . fantasy and fact . . . sobriety and frivolity . « » research » » . drama . , , science and Why not come to see the Librai’y at work?