HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-21, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1949
Ceniralia W.M.S.
The W o m a n’s Missionary
Society met in the schoolroom
of the church, Tuesday evening
•Of last week for , their April
meeting. The Easter program “A
New Advance in Christian • Mis
sions” was led by Miss Agnes
Anderson. The hymn “Look Ye
■Saints, the Sight is Glorious”
was sung. Passages of scripture
were read by Mrs. A. McFalls,
taking the part of ,the first
member. The parts of the second
and third members were taken
by Mrs. Bawden and Mrs. Elliott.
'The (program was used as print
ed in the monthly. “0 Zion,
Haste, thy Mission high Ful
filling” was sung. A discussion
“Advance in Our Auxiliary” was
led by Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs.
Gates and Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. A.
MicFalls gave a short address on
“My Share in Advance” impress
ing upon our minds .the love of
Jesus in all our undertakings.
“Soldiers -of the Cross, Arise”
was sung and Mrs. McFalls
closed the worship .service with
prayer. Mrs. Larne Hicks pre
sided over the business. During
the period of Daylight Saving
Time the meetings will begin at
8:3(0 p. m. instead of S p. m.
It was decided that each member
use “The Thankful Box” as a
means of raising funds as in
1948. These boxes are to be
handed in in the fall. All mem
bers are reminded of the W.M.S.
Presbyterial meeting in Hensail
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A verp pretty but ;quiet wad
ing was solemnized at the home
of the bride’s parents, when
Rev, G. L. Groos, of Campden
Ontario, united in marriage Miss
Viola May Eckstein, eldest
daughter of .Mr. and Mrs, Irvin
Eckstein, of Dashwood, to Mr.
Allan E. Holts, of Calgary, son
of .Mr. and Mrs. John Holts, of
Edmonton, Alberta. The bride,
who entered the room on the
arm of her father, wore a beaut
iful floor length gown .of white
rayon taffeta with demure net
yoke and gloves to match. Her
floor length embroidered veil
was held in place by a sweet
heart headdress. The bride car
ried a nosegay of red roses and
on April 26. Mrs. Hicks .closed
the meeting with prayer. A de
licious lunch was served by Mrs.
George Hicks and Mrs. ..Hepburn
with Mrs. Albert Smith assisting.
tended by her sister, Miss Pearl
Eckstein, who w ore a floor
length gown of turquoise blue
taffeta with a headdress to
match. She carried a nosegay of
white roses and pink sweet peas.
The groom was attended by Mr.
Gordon Price, of Exeter, cousin
of the bride.
The bride’s mother chose a
black crepe dress trimmed with
silver sequins. Her corsage was
of red roses.
After the ceremony some
twenty guests sat down to par
take of .a very tasty dinner, the
table being decorated with pink
streamers and . centered with
candles and a lovely three tier
wedding cake.
For travelling the bride chose
a pearl grey gabardine suit with
top coat to match, with black
After a trip by plane from
Ottawa to Edmonton, the couple
will reside in Calgary Alberta.
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Branch President
The Easter Thank Offering
meeting of the Afternoon Auxil
iary of the W.M.S. met Thurs
day in the S.S. room with the
ladies of the Main Street Auxil
iary as guests. The meeting
opened with the President, Mrs.
C. W. Down,, in the chair, open
ing with prayer and the singing
of the hymn, “Crown Him with
many Crowns.” Letters of ap
preciation were read from Mrs.
E. J. Spackman, of Toronto, and
Mrs. E. A. Follick, the only two
Charter members left of the W.
M.S. of sixty years ago, they
having been sent flowers and
cards last month.
Miss N. Keddy and her group
then took charge of the devot
ional. The hymn, “Look Ye
Saints,, was sung. Mrs. L. Row-
cliffe and ‘Mrs. Powe read the
Scripture lessons, and Mrs. S.
Davis and Mrs. H. Perkins led
in Prayer. Mrs. Sturgis then
sang very beautifully, “Easter
Bells’’, after .which the thank
offering was taken and dedicat
ed. s
The guest,speaker, Mrs, L. C,
White, of T^lbotville, President
of the London Conference Branch
of the W.M.S., was introduced
by Mrs. Down. .She spoke on the
theme of the World ,Conference
held in Columbus, Ohio, “One
World in Christ”. Mrs. White
stressed the fact that the Eastei*
message was the one and only
cure for the ills of the world to
day, and that Christianity alone
could save the world. She re
ported , briefly the messages
brought to the conference by the
representatives o f the various
countries, all of whom stressed
the need of Christianity f o r
their own lands. In closing, Mrs.
White emphasized the great
necessity of our service and giv
ing of our gifts of Time, Talents
and Money, and especially the
need of our devoted unending
prayers for those who are giving
their all to serve the. risen
Christ in His .great work*. Mrs.
Rev. Snell very acceptably
thanked the speaker for her very
stirring and most interesting ad
dress. A quartette composed ;of
Mesdam.es Dougal, M. Dougal, H.
Shapton and P. McFalls, with
Mrs. Rev. Snell at the piano,
sang very beautifully, “From
Glory to Calvary”.
The meeting closed with the
singing of “Soldiers of Christ
Arise”, and the Benediction. A
very delicious lunch was served
by Miss Keddy and her group,
with Mrs. Down and Miss Keddy
pouring tea from an attractive
table centered with a basket of
spring flowers.
Clandeboye W.L
Elects Slate Of Officers
Clandeboye W. I. held its an
nual meeting at the home of
Mrs. Louis Kilmer. It was de
cided to donate a quilt and ten
dollars to a family in the com
munity who lost their home by
Mrs. Frank Hardy gave the
district directors’ repo r t. The
motto: “You don’t find time—
you make it,” was prepared by
Mrs. Norman Hardy and read by
Mrs. Thomas Watson. Mrs. James
Paton reviewed current events.
The slate of officers presented
by .Mrs. Frank Hardy is as fol
lows: President, Mrs. Wilmer
Scott; first vice-president, Mrs.
Thomas Watson; second vice-
president, Mrs. Rae Neil; secret
ary-treasurer, Mrs. R. Williams;
assistant secretary - treasurer,
Mrs. A. Blake; district directors,
Mrs. Karl O’Neil: directors, Mrs.
A. Macintosh, Mrs. David Henry
and Mrs. James Cunningham.
Convenors of standing com
mittees: Citizenship, Mrs. Harry
Tilbury; historical research, Mrs.
Louis Kilmer; home economics,
Mrs. Murray Thomspgn; agricul
ture and Canadian Industries,
Mrs. Ray Hodgins.
Social Welfare, Mrs. Frank
Hardy; pianists, Mrs. Clarence
Hardy, Mrs. H. Tilbury; audit
ors, Mrs. 0. Cunningham, Mrs.
E. Lewis.
Mrs. Russell Schroeder was
the winner of the contest.
Misses Clare and Madelene
Glavin are spending the Easter
holidays at their home.
Mr. and Mas. Norman Ryan
and family spent Easter -Sunday
with the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harmer, of near Park
Miss Theresa Sullivan, o f
Wallaceburg, is spending the
Easter holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Sullivan.
Mrs. Paul Masse and Gerald
ine. of Windsor, spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Miss Margaret Ryan, of Lon
don, is spending a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mich
ael Ryan.
Miss Agnes Fleming, of Green
ock, is kp eu ding her Easter
vacation at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and-
Michael, of .Detroit, spent the
week-end with the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McCann.
Mr. arid Mrs. Gerald Dignan,
of London, spent Easter Sunday
with the latter’s sister, Bernie
Madden, •
Mrs. John Sheahan, of Doug
las, Ontario, spent a few days
last week with her daughter,
Mrs. Lawrence McCann,
Mr, Bill Coughlin, of St.
Michael’s College, Toronto, is
spending his Easter holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Coughlin.
Mr. James Breen, of Grand
Bend, spent Good Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore and Mr.
and Mrs. Sharpe and Mrs. M.
•McCormick, all of London, spent
the week-end with Mrs. M.
Bouquets of spring flowers
formed an attractive setting in
Devine Street United Church,
Sarnia, on Wednesday, March 30
at 7 pan., for the wedding of
Lillian Marie Melville to John
W. Malcolm. Rev. A. B. Irwin
officiated at the candlelight cere
mony and the bride's father gave
her in marriage.
The bride looked lovely in a
turquoise gabardine suit with
petal pink accessories and she
wore a corsage of sweet peas
and roses in matching tones.
Mrs. Malcolm has resumed her
duties on the staff of the Sarnia
General Hospital.
Rev. S. E. Lewis officiated at
the double ring ceremony uniting
Melville, daughter of Mr. ana
Mrs. W. J, Melville, of Exeter-,
to Edwin K. Walper, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. *J. G. -Walper, of
Woodstock, in Collier United
Church, Barrie.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her brother-in-law, John
W. Malcolm of Sarnia. She wore
cameo pink crepe in princess
lines with lace taniers in the
skirt and carried a cascade of
lily - of - the - valley and English
ivy. '>
Mrs. John W. Malcolm, mat
ron of honour, chose a suit of
turquoise gabardine, with pink
accessories. Miss Madeline Phil
lips of London, bridesmaid, wore
pussy willow grey crepe and
moss rose accessories. Will Rowe
of Woodstock was best man.
After the ceremony a recep
tion was held at Hotel Welling
ton. Following a trip to Quebec,
Mr. and Mrs. Walper will make
their home at Six Mile Lake,
Officers, Committees
The April meeting of the Exe-
ter-Hensall W.C.T.U. met at the
home of Mrs, C. W. 'Down, Exe
ter, April 12, with a splendid
Mrs. W. Cook was in charge
of the devotional, using Easter
as the theme, followed with a.
session of prayers by Mrs. Down,
Mrs. Miners and Mrs, Cook. Mrs,
E. Geiger, Hensall, the president,
took the chair. The following re
ports were presented; Evangelis
tic and Christian Stewardship,
Mrs. C. Jinks; Anti-Narcotics
and Medical Temperance, Mrs.
Pearce; Flower Mission, Mrs.
Jinks; Medal Contest, Mrs.
Pearce; Press; Mrs. Hedden;
Temperance and Sunday Schools,
Mrs. Cook; Treasurer’s Report,
Mrs. E. McQueen.
Mrs. Down presided for
the election of officers, which
resulted as follows: president,
Mrs. E. Geiger, Hensall; vice-
president, Mrs, W. Cook, Exeter;
secretary, Miss A, Consitt, Hen
sall; assistant secretary, Mrs. W.
Pybus, Exeter; treasurer, Mrs.
E. McQueen, Hensall; assistant
treasurer, Mrs. William Welsh,
Superintendents are: Evangeli
cal and Christian' Stewardship,
Mrs. C. Jinks, Hensall; Anti
Narcotics and Medical Temper
ance, Mrs. W. Pearce, Exeter;
Flower Mission, Mrs. J. Pass-
more, Hensall; Mrs. McFalls,
Exeter; Mrs. "Hedden, .Hensall.
Medal Contest, Mrs. William C.
Pearce, Exeter; Mrs. E. Geiger,
Hensall. Press Reporter, Mrs.
Hedden, of Hensall. Temperance
and Sunday Schools, Mrs. W.
Cook, Exeter; Mrs. R. Brook,
Hensall. Pianists, Mrs. W. Pybus,
Exeter; Mrs. F. Appleby, Hen
sall. t
The May meeting will be -held
in. Hensall. Mrs. Geiger closed
the meeting with prayer.
ALWAYS—Look in the CLAS
SIFIED ADS to make sure you
are not missing any bargains.
There are a few cases of bad
colds that required the doctor’s
attention, but all are improving.
Mr. Darrel Parker has re
covered from what might have
been a serious accident. He was
using some explosive while fix
ing his car and was badly burn
ed about the face. Luckily his
eyes escaped any mishap.
Mrs. S. A. Miller attended the
Hamilton-Whitney' nuptials in
Seaforth United Church on April
6. The happy couple took a trip
to Washington and other points.
They will reside in Wingham on
their return.
Mrs. Otto Walker is on the
sick list With a bad cold.
During the recent frosts it was
feared that the grain had been
nipped, but it appears to be al
It has been a good year for
maple syrup. Most of the farm
ers are well supplied.
Mr. Robert Laing met with an
accident. He was returning home
from a party when his car upset
and in being thrown on his
shoulder was badly hurt. He was
pinned beneath the car and for
several days carried his arm in
a sling. He is alright again.
Mr. Gordon Houghton spent a
few holidays under the- parental
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