HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-21, Page 7GREENWAY The sympathy of the com­ munity is extended to the family and relatives of th© late Mr. David Eagleson, NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl» v .............................7 a. .. .... .........—--- ------- TOURISTS HOMES AND CABINS FOR SALE In the heart of Grand Bend TOURIST HOME with two apartments and 8 cabins, fully equipped. COTTAGE with running hot and cold water on Elm­ wood Ave; fully furnished; will sell at right price. COTTAGE with five ibed- rooms,' overlooking the lake, running water, log cabin; furnished complete; priced right’ for quick, sale. SUMMER HOME1 - winter­ ized, two miles north of Grand Bend; ten minutes ' walk to the lake./ ■ ' J. W. Holt, Realtor GRAND BEND ■ r THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1949 Miss Eleanor McLinchey, of Detroit, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred McLinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Claud© Fallis and family, of Mt. Forest, visited with, 'Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Brophey and family, ■'Mr. and Mrs, Harold Huns­ berger and farfiily, of Vineland, and Miss Marion Hicks, of Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks, Mr, and Mrs, Byron Brown and Steven, of Toronto, visited with Mrs, J, Brown and Elda. Miss Viola Curts, of London, visited with Mr, and, Mrs. Chas, Curts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winter­ bum and son, of Toronto, Misses Ina and Rita Bullock of London, visited with Mr. and, Mrs. Ed. Pulllock and family, Miss Lillian Wens of Windsor, visited with Mrs. W. T. Wens, Mrs, A, Pollock and .Miss Ruby Pollock, of Hamilton, and Mr. Harold Pollock, of Detroit, visited at then? home ‘here.. 'Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Broph­ ey and daughter, of Chatham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey and family. Mr. and Mrs. /Russell McIntosh of Ferndale, Mich., visited with relatives. Mr. Ross McMillan of Guelph visited with Mr. and, Mrs. Don McGregoi' and family. Mr. Seibourne English, Detroit, visited with Mrs. English, Sunday iSchool and Church Services will be on Daylight Saving Tim© in the United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn, of Kippen, are visiting with relatives in Aurora Illinois. of R. Two Great Cleaners One Great Name Hoover When choosing your new cleaner, you won’t want to overlook the Hoover models. Choose either the fam­ ous triple-action cleaner or the new cylinder type. Whichever you prefer, the outstanding features of these machines will sell you on their superiority. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. THAMES ROAD Rev, and Mrs. ,William Mon­ teith, Maurice and George, of Toronto, spent Easter week-end with Mrs. Georg© Monteith. Miss Hr Walper, of Grand Bend, spent the week-end with Miss Jean Cann. Miss Dorothy McNaughton, of Hensail, spent the week-end with Miss Mabel iSelyes. , Miss Barbara Evans spent Easter week visiting with Rev. and Mrs. William Mair. Rev, and Mrs. Mair, Betty and Joanne visited for a few days last week with relatives in Schomberg. Mrs. Hodgert, of Exeter, visit­ ed at the home of Mr, Roy Cow­ ard for a few days last week. 'Mr. and iMrs. A. Gardiner, Mary and Bert, of London, spe-nt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. iMelvin Gardiner, We are glad to report that Miss Ella Robinson returned home from Victoria Hospital one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Templeman and Bobby and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Cromarty, visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr, ,and Mrs. Robert Duncan. Misses Lois and Nona Pym, of Londo-n, spent the week-end .at their home. 'Miss Eleanor /Dawson, London spent the week-end at her (home. 'Miss Elsie Bray, of London, spent the week-end at her home. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Rohde re­ turned home from Kingston on Monday of this week. Misses Alma, Lila and Lillian Borland, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and M;rs. Hubert Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tookey, of London visited on Wednesday of this week with Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore. ' Mr. and Mrs. /William Elford visited with relatives in Milton on Wednesday ©f last week. Miss Doi’is Elford visited for a week with her aunt, Miss Ida Hall, in London. IMiss Ida Hall, of London, visited ©n Good Friday with IMr. and Mrs. William Elford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton McAdams, at Zurich. Sunday Services will be at the usual hour. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. and church service at 11:15 a.m. Easter services were well at­ tended last Sunday. The church was decorated with ferns and Easter flowers, and the choii* rendered appropriate music. Dr. and iMrs. Dawson, of Tor­ onto visited ovei- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson. ,‘JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director •“The Burning Heart.” Solo; Mrs. John Hodgert., p.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.. 3 7 p.m.—The I.O.O.F. and Rebe­ kah Lodges will parade to the church. Everyone •welcome. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 a.m.—W.M.S. Easter Thank- offering. Guest speaker: Rev. Reba A. Hern, B.A., of Varna. Anthem: “Hail The Day.” Solo: Grant McDonald. 12 Noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“Who Are You.” TRIVITT MEMORIAL —- Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A.. M.A. Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:3|O' a.m.—Morning Prayer CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: H. F. Currie Worship Church School 10:15 a.m. SHIPKA 11.15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. CREDITON 10:15 a.m. 2:45 p.m. BiRINSLEY 1:45 p.m. Dr. McNiven of London will 'be guest speaker at Brinsley. RAISE YOUR CALVES ...ONE BAG tefdat&i 350 £6a OF MILK ...RAISES A BIG, HUSKY CALF ...HELPS KEEP DOWN SCOURS CALF STARTENA PURINA STARTED Springtime is starting time — and starting is a mighty important period, for the kind of start chicks, poults, calves and pigs make leaves its mark on them all through the rest of their lives. This is the time when they eat least feed, yet make the most of it! Give these Purina products a fair trial—you’ll see the difference Purina makes! 3 i Purina Chick Startcna mash has been famous for the “flying start” it gives — in the new Checker-Ett form and formula it’s even better. This season, start your chicks on CHICK STARTENA Protect your chicks from spread of disease through their drink­ ing water. Just drop one Purina Chek-R- Tab in every quart. Ask for CHEK-R-TABS WE STOCK AND RECOMMEND SOW & PIG CHOW If you raise turkeys, you’re interested in lower losses and faster gains. This year, start your poults on TURKEY STARTENA TIME TO THINK ABOUT BEAT­ ING OUT THE WARBLE FLY. Those ‘"bumps on the back5* of your cattle cost you money. 10 to 15 cents worth of Purina Insect Killer per head will cut those losses away down. See us about it! When Decorating This Spring USE KEM-TONE You’ll be amply rewarded with a fresh finish that covers well in one coat and leaves no objectionable odor. Lovely pastel shades and matching borders. HARDWARE % THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN DASHWOOD Daylight Saving .will go into effect on Sivnday evening April 24. The Dashwood baseball team have organized and .planned a sports day for May 24. There will be a girls softball game and Exeter will be the opposing base­ ball team. Watch for ad at a later date. The alterations to the ball diamond are now being made. 'Mr. and Mrs. Morley Saunders of Exeter, and Mr. and /Mrs. Carl Heippler, of Waterloo, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry HoDWit. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown, of London, spent Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wein. 'Mr. a-nd Mrs. Joe Bruce, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of Brantford,, spent Easter with their mother, Mrs. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. a-nd Mrs. Jack Wein. ■Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Guenther and family, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of Windsor spent Easter holidays with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker, and their mother Mrs. Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller­ man spent the holidays in Han­ over. Mr. and Mrs. Milton .Webb and family spent the holidays with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe and George Wolfe, of Toronto, were holiday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wolfe. Mr. and Mi’s. B. Carr and family and Miss Thelma Weber, of Sarnia, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber. Mrs. Taylor an.d Anne spent the holidays in London. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Currie and family spent the week-end with their parents hi Meaford. Mr. hnd M!rs. Harry Cook, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Streets, of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ..Ml’S. D. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck and Patsy and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tupiing and daughter Judy, all of Brantford, were Easter visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed. Stelk. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Eckstein and Miss Lily Hoffman, o.f Lon­ don, were Sunday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman. Miss Shirley Smith of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with friends here. Glen Haugh, of London, spent Easter holidays with his parents Mr. atid Mrs. Art Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, of Sarnia, and Mrs. Smythe, of London, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Charles Stein- hagen. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rasclike, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. .Glen Walper, of London, were week-end visitors with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fiiikbeiiier, of Crediton, a n d M r. . William Hooper, ©f Exeter, were Sunday visitors witli Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Mr. Kenneth McCrae is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Hubby: “Y on snored last night.”Wifey (absent-mindedly) “Why, of ail things’ You’re the first man to Accuse me of that!” on Sunday —T- — CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Miss Muriel Whilsmith, Organist 11:00 a.m,—Public Worship. Sermon: ‘"Seeing and Believ­ ing.” 12;15 p.m,—Sunday School and Bible Class. Kopp^Brintn^ll A quiet wedding took place at the James St, United Church parsonage on Saturday when Rev. H, L Snell united in mar­ riage Miss Etta May BrintnelJ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Brintnell a-nd Cpl J. G. G, Kopp, of Whitehorse, N.W.T. Their at­ tendants were Miss Winona Mc­ Donald and Mr. Harold Brintnell, The bride was prettily dressed ill light blue with black hM, black coat and accessories to match. She .wore a corsage of red roses. The bridesmaid was attired in grey with black ac­ cessories and wore a corsage of pink roses, Following the cere­ mony a luncheon was held at the Knotty Bine Inn, London* and from there the bridal couple went to .Chatham on their wed­ ding trip. They will leave early next month for Whitehorse where the groom is a member of the R.C.A.F, PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Friday, 8 p.m,—Y.P.S. Special speakers and singers from the Stratford Young People’s group. You are invited. Sunday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Classes for all ages. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sunday, 7:30 p.m.—Evangelical Service with cheerful singing. Come and enjoy the fellow­ ship with us, you are welcome. Wed., 4:30 p.m.—Sunshine Cor­ ner. Children’s hour. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayei* and Bible Study on the Holy Spirit. CALVARY Evangelical-United Brethren Dashwood! Rev. J. H. Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Time of Morning Worship Is Changed from 10:30 to 10 a.m. 10 a.m.-—“On The Way.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—.“The Marks Of A Convert.” There will be no church services on Sunday, May 1. The church school will meet as usual on May 1 at 11 a.m. ZION Evangelical-United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahins, Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Sun., 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon, “Despise Not Prophesyings.” Sun., 11. a.m.—Sunday School. Sun., 7:30 p.m,—Dr. McNiven, London, will speak represent­ ing the Bible Society. Fri., April 22, 8:15 p.m.—Mis­ sion Band meeting in the church school rooms. z t V Common Sense Dollars and Cents FOR THRIFTY CAR OWNERS Snell Bros. & Co.*s ring Tune-up Service Let us do it now so your car will operate efficiently this spring and summer. Snell Bros. & Co v Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Case Tractors and Implement Sales EXETER PHONE 100 8 Jones & May Spring Furnishings for the Home This is the time of year for new furnishings for the home* We have the largest stock of curtains, curtain nets and draperies we have been able to procure for years —including cottage sets, tailored curtains, frilled curtains by the yard and madfe curtain. Our prices are much lower than they have been in years. UJl For Those Extra Large Windows Frilled curtains made up in dotted marquisettes for those extra large windows, 65 ins. wide by 21 o yds. long, are now in stock. Bed Spreads For Everyday Use We have just received a shipment of everyday bed spreads, nice clean pat­ terns, large size, at from $5.25 to $7.50 each. Window Blinds Curtain rods, rubber stair treads, congolcum and rex mats, axmftister and Smyrna scatter rugs, Indian blan­ kets, etc Ask to sec our special In­ dian blankets at $3.95 each. Congoleum Rugs -— several good pat­ terns to choose from sizes <5* x 9’ to 9’ x 15’—-at very attractive prices. A Real Bargain in Satin Bed Spreads at $7.95 each Fifteen only, size 90 x 100, ruffles on sides, excellent quality satin,—■ colours, sand, gold, rose, green, and blue—one sale this week at $7.95 ea. Floor Coverings Inlaid Linoleums, Congoleums, Fel- tols, Rexoleums. — by the yard, a large stock to choose from. LYNN VALLEY PEACHES Standard quality, 20-oz. tins ... each 21c BRUNSWICK SARDINES The popular brand ...............» 3 tins 25c ZEST SWEET MARMALADE Special price, large 21-oz jars each 25c SPIC AND SPAN Ideal for painted surfaces per-pkg. 23c HEINZ TOMATO JUICE Fancy quality, 20-oz. tins 2 for 19c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP Again at a low price ........ 2 bottles 35c SELF-SERVICE - ORDER COUNTER - PHONE ORDERS - FREE DELIVERY PHONE 32 EXETER il s -4.