HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-21, Page 6PERSONAL SKINNY MEN. WOMEN' Gain 5 tq 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new ’heal­ thy flesh; new vigor, New ‘get acquainted’ size only 60c, All druggists. SLENDOR TABLETS are effec­ tive. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. . BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER White Leghorns— Pure Creighton strain: high speed layers: available now. $15- per hundred. Pullets $32, Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London. c FOR SALE BY TENDER MT. PLEASANT Church Shed, size 90 x 48 feet, timber frame. Tenders to be in by May 1. Ap­ ply to Wm. Simpson, Science Hill. 14:21* Now Is The Time To Buy That New Lawn Mower Made by Eureka Forest Glen 14” cut, 4 blades, brQnzfe bearing, 9” wheel — $14.95 Singer 14” cut, 4 blades, ball bearings, 9” rubber tired wheels — $17.95 Royal York 16” cut, 5 blades, ball bearings, 1OJ&” rubber tired wheels $22.75 SPECIAL “The mower that takes the work out of grass cutting.” 16” cut, 5 blades, ball bearings, rubber tired wheels, tubular handle — $28.95 ' Eureka Power Mower Equipped witli Johnson Iron Horse Motor, 20” cut, 5-blade reel, SKF bearings — $120.00 Beavers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter f' V, THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1949 FOR SALE FOR SALE-—25 pigs, 8 weeks old, feeding good. Apply Alvin. Hodge, 111'13 Kirkton. 21* FOR SALE—Turquoise spring coat, size 14, like new. Phone 144 Exeter. 21:28c FOR SALE—50 lbs. ice refriger­ ator, all steel, white enamel, nearly new. One electric iron. Apply Mrs. T. A. Hoskins, phone Crediton 47rl2. 21c FOR SALE—One Beatty shallow well pressure system like new. Phone 68 Hensail, 21c CHICKEN Equipment For Sale— Six drinkin g fonts, small, medium and large sizes; 3 rolls wire fencing; 18 steel stakes; 4 feeders; 2 roosts; 1 fattening crate. Apply H. Brook, Hensall. 21c FOR SALE—U s e d^p arts for Model A, Model ^B and V8 Fords. Also ’29 and ’30 Chevs and Plymouths. Wheels and axle for trailers. Apply to G. Bonnallie, Exeter, phone 405M 21:28c FOR SALE;—Best 19 39 Buick, 4-door Sedan Special on the road, complete overhaul, new motor, , clutch, drive shaft, muffler, brake job, shocks, pitman shaft, stearing post, 4 760 air-ride tires, spare like new, spotless grey upholstry— for information phone Exeter 361 J, anytime after 5:30 -p.m. 21:28* FOR SALE—S eed drill, Mc.- 'Deering 15-run, power. Elgin Rowcliffe, telephone Hensall 85r23. 21* FOR SALE—A dinette suite in dark stain; can be painted. Phone 336W. 21c McCLARY ELEiCTRIC 3 - burner stove and 7-ft. Norge refriger­ ator. Phone 316 Ex. 27. 21* FOR SALE—Model “A” Ford, good condtion. Apply Frank King, Main St., Exeter. 21* FOR SALE—’39 Custom Dodge, motor reconditioned, custom radio, heater, good base fin­ ish, $1,050. or nearest cash offer. Apply John Hill, Grand Bend, phone 62rl0, Saturday only. 21c FOR SALE—Farmall “H” trac­ tor, 2 years old, starter and lights; also 1940 Plymouth, privately owned. Phone 206R Exeter. 21:28* FOR SALE—’31 Model ‘A’ Ford good running condition; rea­ sonable. Apply at The Times- Advocate. 21* FOR SALE—Good turnips eight cents a bushel. Phone 175r23 Exeter. 21* FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT—Fifty acre grass farm, south half Lot 1'8, Con. 18, Stephen, Apply Curtis Gratton, Grand Bend, phone 62r22. 21:28* FOR SALE—(Strawberry plants, excellent yarieties, Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter, south of South End Service Station, Exeter. third , house 21:38:5* FOR SALE—Two h.p, Century motor, completely rebuilt; also % size (bed spring and matt­ ress. Phone 286W, around 6 p.m. 14:21c FOR SALE—Seed field peas, OAC No. 181. Lome Oke, phone 177rl3 Exeter. 14:21* FOR SALE—Eleven head of yearling steers, phone 48rll Dashwood. 14:21* FOR SALE- Choice _ stock. Large 100. Medium 100. Shipped Order direct, Flower Shop. request. Tyndall Gladiolus Gardens, Brucefield, Ontario. 14:21c Gladiolus bulbs, young high crowned bulbs $3.50 per bulbs $2.00 pei’ express collect, or from Bailey Catalogue o n FOR SALE—’29 Plymouth se­ dan, large kitchen cupboard, laundry stove, litter carrier FOR SALE—Two sets team har­ ness, 2-row cultivator, James­ way oil brooder stove, colony house; 2 new sills foi' hay rack, 16 feet long. —R. D. Hunter, Exeter, phone 113W. 'FOR SALE — International A tractor, starter and lights, tires nearly new, equipped with scuffler and 'bean puller, all in A-l repair; also Inter­ national new type low wheel power lift stiff tooth cultiva­ tor; International sugar (beet lifter to fit the A trqctor. These implements are all in god repair. —Harold „TayIor, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39r8. 7tfc poles, hydro poles 25 to 40 feet, clothesline poles, fence posts, 25 empty 5-gal. pails, new and used guns, pail’ lawn bowls, fishing tackle. Apply Gibson Service Station, Exeter. . 14:21:28* FOR SALE—V.A.C. Case tractor with plow and scuffler, nearly new. Priced for quick sale. Wally Wein, Dashwood, phone 25rl. 14:21* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 7S Ontario St. Stratford. 2t£c FOR SALE—1947 %-ton Dodge pick-up, in good condition, $1,150. Apply Charles P. Diet- rich, R.R. 2, Crediton, phone 20r33. 7:14:21* ♦ Notice I FOR SALE—A McCormick Deer­ ing W.30 tractor; a Percheron mare, weigh about 1,400 lbs. Apply Wm. Ratz, Crediton. 14:21c Usborne And Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company ONTARIOEXETER Re Operation of Tractors, Trucks or Buckrakes in Barns April 16, 1949 Until now, the operation of tractors, trucks, or buck­ rakes in barns has not been permitted under policies of insurance issued by this company. Due to the increasing mechanization of farm work our Board of Directors has decided to recognize the use of such vehicles in barns as a common practice and, to do this, “Stipulation No. 7”, attached hereto, has been incorporated into all farm fire insurance contracts of our company. No extra premium will be charged. You are asked to read this stipulation very carefully and to abide by the conditions stated therein. Angus Sinclair, President Arthur Fraser, Secretary-Treasurer STIPULATION NO. 7 OPERATION OF TRACTOR, TRUCK, OR BUCKRAKE FOR HAULING FARM PRODUCE OR FERTILIZER INTO OR OUT OF BARN. In consideration of the following war­ ranties by the Insured, it is hereby understood and agreed that all items of property described in this policy shall be held to be insured against loss or damage by fire originat­ ing directly from operation of a tractor, truck, or buckrake in barn(s) insured or containing property insured in this policy, for the sole purpose of hauling farm produce or ferti­ lizer into or out of the said barn(s). WARRANTED BY THE INSURED, that (1) The tractor, truck, or buckrake shall be equipped an efficient spark-arresting muffler, which shall bewith kept in good condition at all times; (2) A heavy-duty one-quart carbon tetrachloride or other type of fire extinguisher recommended by the Ontario Fire Marshal for this purpose shall be attached to each of the said vehicles at all times, and a fire extinguisher as described above (shall foe continuously at hand during the period of operation of any such vehicles in barn(s) specified above; (3) The said vehicles shall not be re-fuelled, serviced or repaired in the barn(s) specified above, or re-fuelled within 80 feet thereof, or re-fuelled while the engine is run­ ning; (4) With the exception of the supply in the fuel tanks of the said vehicles, ho gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil or other inflammable liquid shall be kept in or within 80 feet of the barn(s) specified above; (5) The said vehicles shall not remain in the specified barn(s) overnight or for any period of time, except during continuous loading or unloading of farm produce or ferti­ lizer, and a competent attendent shall be with any such vehicle continuously while it is in operation therein; (6) The said vehicles shall be kept In good operating condition at all times. REAL ESTATE 100 ACRE GRASS FARM for sale: Will carry heavy stock. Good water supply. Could be culticated. C. V. Pickard, Re­ altor, Main St., Exeter. HENSALL 6-R00M brick house, metal roof, good cellar, fire­ place, hard and soft water at sink. Centrally located. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 31c 100 ACRES choice clay-loam, 1- mile to good shopping village, school, churches, 2 acres bush, balance tillable, well fenced and drained, 8 acres wheat; comfortable house, in good condition; spacious bank barn, 55 xx 75; new stabling water, electricity, litter rier. Separate buildings implements, pigs, hens, Buy at once. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. TAKE NOTICE There are some stories told by certain woman in Exeter that about Mrs. Bert Fletcher wishes a are pot true, Fletcher, Mrs. those stories .to be stopped at once, if not, there will be fur­ ther steps taken. 21* FOR SALE FOR 'SALE—’46 Studebaker %- ton pickup, good mechanical condition. Apply Tom Hop­ croft, Dashwood, phone 79, 21* FOR SALE—Two young Durham cows, red and roan, five years old, due to freshen in -May; have been hand milked. Apply Matthew Tinney, R.R. 1, Exe­ ter, phone 92r8 Zurich. 21c.. ................ FOR SALE—1941 Ford, new motor, 5 new tires, complete overhaul, priced right for quick sale. Apply Mack Mc­ Donald, Mt, Carmel, 21c FOR SALE,—All ivory enamel McClary range, good as new; ice box; bed springs and matt­ ress. Apply Mrs. L. Fink- beiner, corner Woodward 'and Centre St., Grand Bend. 21c- WANTED WANTED for one security, vocate. BY MAY 1—$8(00.00 year, with cattle as Box “S” Times- Ad- 21:28* WANTED—Room and board for the summer fox’ two children, 'brother and sister, 2 and 3 years old. Mrs. Beulah Smith, 125 Maple Street, London. 21c WANTED—Fifty acres of grass land for pasture, phone George Batten, 42r9 Kirkton. 14* WANTED—Barley and oat acre­ age. Get your contract now and be assured of good seed. W. E. Reid, phone 87, Dash­ wood. 3:24:6tc WANTED TO RENT — House. $25 reward to anyone locating an acceptable house. C. Hall, accountant, Bank W. o f Montreal, Exeter, Ontario, tfc MISCELLANEOUS BARNS CLEANED and white­ washed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. pressure. Work done to inspector’s satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44r9. Fred Har- burn. 4-14-tfc PLASTER CONTRACTING — Plain or ornamental. Guaran­ teed satisfaction. Free esti­ mates. Phone Dashwood 122, I D. C. Firby 10 tfn c with car­ ter FOR SALE—Building lot on Main St. Larry Snider, Exeter, phone 64W. 21c FOR SALE—Lot 58’ x 150’ near Riverview Park. Apply to Hay P.O. 21*:28c FOR SALE—New modern two- bedroom home, hydro, town water, full 'basement, furnace, early possession. Apply Martin Laub, Huron St., Exeter, tele­ phone 408W. 21c FOR SALE-—Six buildings lots, fronting on Thomas and Carl­ ing Streets. Phone 233 after 6 p.m. 21:28:5:12c BUILDING LOTS—We -have a block of building lots,} well located in Exeter, for »quick sale nt reasonable prices. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. THREE HOUSES for immediate possession. Take your choice of these. All are particularly Well located in Exeter. All have modern conveniences and fall basements with hot air heating. These are all comfort­ able homes, prices are reason­ able and terms liberal. This is your opportunity. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter, A HELP WANTED SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY of becoming your own boss! Re­ tail qui’ 250 guaranteed house­ hold necessities including the full line in Insecticides, in a. territory of your choice. Part time agents considered. Hund-r reds of successful Familex agents started with a bor­ rowed $25. or $50, No risk— it is worth a trial. Travelling equipment essential -in rural districts. Business Is Good — Write today for ' details and free catalogue — Familex — 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 10: 6tc ESTABLISHED Rural Watkins Route available. , If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable bus­ iness of your own. For full particulars, write . today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-F-6, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, Que. 7:21c LOST DOG LOST—Small black house dog, answers by name of Tony. Phone 176r23 Exeter. * 21C FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two large and small unfurnished rooms. ■ children; 1% 'miles east one mile south of Exeter, ply Times-Advocate. one No and Ap- 21c FOR RENT—Permanent pasture land, neai’ Exeter, plenty of watei’ 'and will have good fence. Apply I. M. Willis, Clin­ ton. 14c FOR RENT—3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, vicinity of Exeter, hy­ dro and bath. Apply Box “M”, Times-Advocate. 14* FOR RENT—50 acres pasture farm, lots of water, on No. 6 concession. Apply Times-Advo- cate. 14c FOR RENT—1 0 0 - a c r e grass farm, being Lot 6, Con. 7, Hay Twp., good supply of water. A. J. Penhale, phone 17r34 Crediton. 21c VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware der; hoes; shovels; and articles < too numerous to tion. other men- Terms — Cash 0. W. CHRISTIE, Prop, FRED DAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Being the estate of the 1 Misses Huston’s Main Street, Exeter WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 at 1:30 p.m. U p r i g h t piano; chesterfield and chair (like new); antique sofa and chair to match; up­ holstered arm chair; 2 antique ‘.....................large din- and desk walnut and antique); late end tables^ (walnut); ing room® cupboard (both carved walnut gate-leg dining room table and 8 chairs; 4 small tables; hand painted china; 8 chairs; 4 ........ . . . • . ’crystal and lots of dishes; brass candle sticks and wall brackets; 8 bedroom suites (walnut); 2 painted bedroom suites; springs and mattresses; 2 chests of drawers and odd chairs; rug hooked mats; congoleum rug (12x12); drop leaf kitchen table and chairs; pillows; cush­ ions tand bedding; lamps; mir­ rors; card tables; refrigerator; (Westinghouse); electric stove (Beach); 2-burner hot plate; electric washing machine; vacu­ um cleaner; sewing machine; electric iron; 2 radios; all elect­ ric appliances are fairly new and in good condition;lawn mower; kitchen utensils, and other art­ icles too numerous to mention. No reserve—everything must be sold, as the Estate is being settled. AUCTION sale; of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On the premises of Mrs. .Lewis Aidworth on Huron St. West, Exeter SATURDAY, APRIL 30 1:30 o’clock Finlay coal and wood cook stove, nearly new; heater with pipes; dining room extension table and chairs; 2 bedroom suites, coil springs, mattresses; 3 bedsteads, springs, mattresses; baby cot; drqssers; 2 small kitchen tables,; white kitchen table and six chairs; other odd. chairs; -cabinet radio; 2 battery radios; pedistool, oak round, table; studio couch, nearly new; 3 rocking -chairs; straight chair; eight-day clock; kitchen clock; lawn mower; three-burner coal, oil stove, with oven; ,2 hot plates; sewing machine; several cupboards; 7% yards stair car­ pet; electric iron; toaster; bed­ ding; Coleman gas lamp, .with, shade; Coleman gas iron; several large linoleum rugs; also small­ er rugs, mats etc.; electric washing machine with .heater; tubs; boilers;- dinner set of dishes: other dishes of all kinds; cooking utensils-, some nearly new; antique spool bed and writing desk; curtains; crocks; carpet sweeper; knives and forks; pictures; farm scales; forks; shovel; quantity of ”2x4” and l”x5” lumber; some other lumber; 5 bags small potatoes for seed; also many other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash FRED DAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR. Auct. TERMS—Cash H. C. RIVERS, Ex. FRED DAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. y2 of black roan HOG FARMERS 1. Are youi’ hogs aneamic, pale or scurfy? Use iFinn’s Hog Fix —one pound treats one pig. 2. You should deworm your hogs with Finn’s Hog Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser. Simply fed in the feed. 3. Save money on your hog feed, at least fifty cents per bag. Mix Finn’s Hog Minerals, con­ tains no salt. No concentrates are needed on our plan. 4. To have healthy, strong litters of pigs feed your sows Finn’s Hog Minerals at least twenty- five pounds from breeding to weaning. Costs $2.50 to in­ sure a strong healthy litter. 5. Do your sucking pigs scour? Use Finn’s S.E.S. tablets, one dose does the job. Costs 10c per pig. Contact Wm, Morley, oui’ dist­ rict salesman. Phone Kirkton 35r4. He can help you. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., Lon­ don, Ont. 7:14:21:28c CATTLE MEN—Cattle men, do you have some non-breeders? Do your calves have scours? Ho you have some cows which are not doing right? Do you have mastites or garget in your herd? Do your cows or calves eat the mangers? All these problems can be taken care of/by Wm. Morley, phone Kirkton 35r4. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., Lon­ don, Ont. 7114:21:280 POULTRY FARMERS 1. Revive your aneamic, Weak, scotiry chicks and turkey poults with Finn’s Red Blood Quickly tablets. Costs quarter cent chick, half cent turkey poult. Simply .put in drinking water. 2. Avoid CoceidioSsis by using Finn’s Kew Tablets and Finn’s Poultry Conditioner and Intes­ tinal Cleanser every month for three months. Simply fed in the water and the feed. 3. Mix your own growing mash for your birds. Save from 60 to SO cents per bag by Using Finn’s feedin,g plan using straight grain and Finn’s Poul­ try Tonic. Start feeding at 8 weeks of age. These products have been fed and recommend­ ed by Harmon Morton, turkey breeder, Alisa Craig, for nine years and thousands of On­ tario poultry flocks. Contact Wm. Morley, our dist­ rict salesman. Phone Kirkton 35r4 about all your livestock problems, he can help you, R. A. Finn & Ctj. Ltd., Lon­ don, Ont. 7:14:21:28 c TENDERS WANTED GRAVEL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock nodn, Tuesday, May 3, 194 9, for crushing and hauling approximately 6,000 cu. yds. of gravel flat rate from Moody’s pit. Gravel to be delivered on Township of Stephen roads'un­ der the supervision of the Road Superintendent, Lawrence Hill, Crediton, Ontario. Gravel to be crushed Work to be com­ pleted by October 1, 1949. Marked cheque of $200.00 must accompany tenders. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ontario 21:28c AUCTION SALE In the Village of Hensail on THURSDAY, APRIL 21 at 7:30 p.m. HOUSE: A 2-storey, 7-room frame house with brown asphalt siding; town water, and base­ ment. PROPERTY consists of a dou­ ble lot. TERMS: Sold subject to a re­ serve bid, Terms: Gash. MRS. PEARL STEPHEN, Prop. ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 14:21c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell ,by public auction on Alm Street, Exeter SATURDAY, APRIL 23 at 1:30 o’clock, the following: EFFECTS: A -Chesterfield; 2 chesterfield chairs; 2 living room tables; axminster rug, 7 x 9 ft., In good condition; exten­ sion dining room table; kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; congo- leum rug, 9 x 12; studio couch; walnut wardrobe with full length mirror; glass -cupboard; card table; small tables; 8-day clock; 2-bumer 11 o t p 1 a t e; drop leaf table; settee; combination desk and book case; sewing cabinet; electric washer; bathroom cabi­ net with mirror; 2 beds and mattresses; dressers; single bed, springs and mattress; wash stands; forced draft oil burner, used only a short time; kitchen range; coal oil heater; folding ironing board; wash boiler; kit­ chen utensils; dishes; one-horse Scuffler; lawn mower; step lad- AUCTION SALE OF Livestock, Poultry, Farm Implements, Tractor & Hay On north half Lot 8, Con. 22 Stephen Township mile east and 2 miles south Grand Bend, or 3 miles west of Shipka, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp CATTLE: Red Durham cow, milking; roan Durham cow, due at time of sale; light roan Dur­ ham heifer, carrying her first calf, due. in November; heifer, 2 years old; 2 yearling heifers;- 1 white heifer calf. These cattle are all of quality and are government tested. HOGS: Choice Yorkshire carrying her third litter, due in May; 3 chunks, averaging 125 pounds each. POULTRY: 250 New Hamp­ shire - Barred Rock hybrid pullet chicks, 5 weeks old. TRACTOR: Massey Harris pony tractor completely equipped with starter, lights, power take­ off, plow tractor and year, engine in good condition? IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris binder, 6-ft. cut, in good condi­ tion; M.H. 11-run disc fertilizer drill; Cockshutt Timken bear­ ing wagon, like new; 15-ft. hay rack; wagon box; Frost & Wood hay loader, in good condition; 2 hand scufflers; hay rake; hay fork; set,bob sleighs; cutter; 3- liorse cultivator; Peter Hamilton 5-ft. mower; 3-drum steel roller, in good condition; out-throw disc; M.H. bean scuffler and puller; 3-section diamond har­ rows; riding plow; walking plow; harrow ' ’ ladder; large blower; large pulley; 2,000-lb. platform scales; set sling ropes; Chatham, fanning mill, complete with sieves; bag truck; root pulper; various chop boxes; iron kettle; Vega cream separator, 500-lb. capacity, like new; fence stretcher; post hole auger; Cy­ clone grass seeder; grease gun; electric fencer, like new; buffalo robes; stoneboat; chicken shel­ ters; step ladder; 4 cement pig troughs; wooden vice; set dou­ ble harness; iron sledge; twine sacks, .grain sacks; 3 good horse blankets; quantity salt; self­ feeders; cictilar saw; pig crate; wooden tub; 2 rolls barb wire; five 550X17 auto tires; various sap buckets; doubletrees; neck- yokes; clevises; forks; shovels; and numerous other articles. HAY; Ten ton choice quality mixed hay. TERMS: No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms — Cash. MELVIN PEARISO, Prop. EARL BIRR, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. good T.B. sow, and scuffler. This is in perfect condition was purchased new last Gibson iy2 h.p. gasoline AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS In the Village of Dashwood! on SATURDAY, APRIL 30 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sliarp- the following: Three-piece Chesterfield suite,, like new; walnut dining room, table; 5 dining room chairs;' large hall mirror; Sparton elec­ tric radio, in first class condi­ tion; leather rocker; 3 rocking chairs; small rocker; antique walnut centre table; 3 wooden beds, with springs and mattress, like new; Raymond sewing ma­ chine; daybed; 2 small dressers; bureau; sideboard; 2 large dressers; organ; various flower stands; crokinole -board; congo- leum rug, 9 x 12, with-runner and mat to match; congoleum rugs, various sizes; 2 antique chairs; square top extension­ table; 4 kitchen chairs; wooden cradle; copper boiler; meat grin­ der; Doherty kitchen range, good condition; large coal heater; 2- ■burner hydro stove with oven; hydro lamps; coal-oil lamps; window screens; horsehide lea­ ther coat, like new; kitchen Clock; electric iron; ironing board; large flour container; 12- piece tea set; antique dishes; silverware; glassware; kitcherf utensils; coffee grinder; toilet set; table linens; -cushions; cur­ tains; mats; meat saw; steel; level; wash sink; bottle capper; apple pealer; quantity of sealers, various jugs; pictures, picture frames; Eureka’ 3-gal. pressure sprayer; lawn mower, like new; 12 muskrat traps, like new; duck decoys; -quantity of salt; hedge jack; pails; coal quan- window cart; 17-it. extension extension 2,000-lb. bag of garden fertilizer; clipper; 2 ladders; car shovels; square; various wheelbarrow; galvanized shute; 2-barrel shot gun; tity of lath, trussels, frames; many articles too num­ erous to mention. Everything in first class condition! TERMS: No reserve; every­ thing will be sold. Terms—Cash. HENRY M. WILLERT, Prop. EARL BIRR, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 21:28c AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Village of Russcldnlo Fullerton Township SATURDAY, APRIL 30 at 1:00 p.m. Estate of the late Agnes Morgan A full line of household ef­ fects. Property consists of a half acre of land, more or less, six- room brick cottage, basement. TERMS: Chattels—Cash. Pro­ perty—20 per cent down day of sale, balance in thirty days. Im­ mediate possession. Reserve bid. For further particulars apply to Allen McLean or Carmen Har­ mon, executors. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. CLAUDE HORNE, Mitchell, Solicitor tor the Estate TRUCK SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION In Teeswater, Ont. SATURDAY, APRIL 30 at 1:30 p.m. We have replaced most of our fleet of trucks with new units and will be selling the following trucks by public -auction; 1938 1%-ton Dodge, stake; 1938 %- ton Dodge, stake; 1940 2-ton Chevrolet, stake; 1940 1-ton Ford, stake; 1940 2-ton Ford, stake; 1940 %-ton Ford, stake; 1940 1%-ton Fargo, stake; 1941 2-ton Fargo, 11-ft. stake body, 2-speed axle, highway transport 4 %-ton c a p a c 11 y; 1947 3-ton Fargo, 15-ft. stake body, 2-speed axle, 178” w.b., highway trans­ port 6%-ton capacity; two 1941 1%-ton Fargo', stake; two 1948 2,6-ton F.M. 5 Fargo, chassis and cab, 128” w.b., duals, boos­ ter brake, brand new, never licenced; 1948 2-ton F.M. 4 Fargo, chassis and cab, 152“ w.b., duals, booster brake, brand, new, never licenced. These trucks hkve all been freshly painted and are in good mechanical con­ dition. They have been used in our creamery work, serviced in our own garage by our own mechanics. ■ TERMS of sale — Cash. THOMPSON BROS., Teeswater Creamery, Proprietors csai ‘h STRAUss, Auctioneer S hcld Tccmvater Park f;anada's lar8est rural S’ event of rain, sale will be held in the Memorial Arena. ■21:2 So