HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-21, Page 3, THE TJMES.A1DV0CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1949 Page 3 If So, You’ll Jfeed GRAVEL, SAND OR FILL Contact us for all your concrete requirements, LANES GRAVELLED Anytime or Anywhere W. C MacDonald -L. Contractor » PHONE 4O4J EXETER PHONE 166 ’ HENBALL Evening Service CREPJTQN The Crediton Women's Insti­ tute will hold an Afternoon Tea and Bazaar in corated Council Saturday, April to 5:00 p.m. *&• ■ Easter services attended in the local churches on Sunday, commencing at 6:30 aan, when a union sunrise ser­ vice was held in the Evangelical Church under the direction of the Youth Fellowship. An ad­ dress was given 'by, Rev. H, Cur­ rie and selections rendered by a Youth Fellowship choir. Follow­ ing the service, breakfast was served. At the regular services, Rev, J. V. Dahms of the Evan­ gelical Church and Rev-SH, Cur­ rie of the United Church de­ livered very inspiring Eastei* ser­ mons, . _ fl was contributed iby both choirs. Three children received the rite of baptism in the Evangelical Church. An interesting program was the newly de- Ch ambers on 23, from 2:30 (advt.)e * ■* were largely and appropriate music One garage will be open In Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week enjoyed in the United Church 'school on Sunday when numbers FORD Gai’age Open this Sunday a During the Evenings Throughout the Week eondition. Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 ;i. DARLING [;/• & GO. QF CANADA LTD. HIGHEST CASH FRIGES FOR Dead Stock ► HORSES COWS ► HOGS $2.50 each $2.50 each .50 per cwt. According to size and Call Collect The Bray Chick Does the Trick That’s more than just a slogan . . . it’s a fact.' Ask have they’ll your neighbours who raised Bray Chicks — tell you! Bray’s wide choice of and crosses offers you __ tunity to pick exactly what fits your fancy, and your sit­ uation. And, whatever you choose, it has behind it many generations of careful, skilful selection. Don’t delay. Start today. Order Bray! breeds oppor- Bray Hatchery Phone 246 Exeter MKaMMaawt^ iiiMiwiwwfum * were given by the different classes. A song by the juniors was greatly enjoyed, as was a reading by Labelle Hill. Mrs. Garfield Hill very ably presented the Easter story and Marlene King gave an Easter recitation. A vocal solo by Miss Winnifred Mack and a duet by Mr. and Mrs, R. Robbins were all appre­ ciated. ., Services in both churches Sunday will b,e on Daylight ing Time. Rev. McNiven next Sav- Bi. _______ will speak representing the Bible So­ ciety. Members and adherents of both churches are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale and sons Donald and Ted, of Bramp­ ton, Mrs. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sisson daughter Sheila, of Hamilton, visited over the week-end with 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd England. Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne and Robert and Mr. London, at the Garfield HIS ONE MISTAKE He brushed his teeth twice a day, with a nationally adver­ tised toothpaste. The doctor examined him twice a year. He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables. He never smoked, drank nor lost his temper. He was all set to live to be one hundred. The funeral will be held Wednesday. He is survived by eighteen specialists, four health institutes, six gym­ nasiums and numerous manufacturers o de health foods and antiseptics. He forgot GOd, lived as though this world was all, and is now with those who say, “The har­ vest is past, summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jer. Si20 Hear Charles Fuller on station CKLW. Windsor, 12:00 to 12:80 E«S«T« Sunday noon. CHARLES K. FULLER P.O. Box 128 Los Angeles 53, Cal. CHESTERFIELDS had OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired and Rev. were holiday visitors Dale’s parents, Mr. F. W. Clark. with and and returned THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins, Miss Edith Hill Douglas .Hill, all of were Sunday visitors* home of Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Mrs. A. M. Berry has aftei- spending the winter with friends and relatives in Toronto, London and Strathroy. Mrs. Frances Clark of spent the week-end with ter, Mrs. Herb Young.Mrs. * - --■ visited of her Wein, Our Mr. Melvin Wein of son of Mr. G. Wein, in the pass­ ing of Mrs. Melvin Wein, whose funeral took place on Monday. A number of relatives from this community attended the funeral. Mrs. Ada Kuhn of Kitchener and Mr. Stuart Kuhn of Baden called on friends here on> Tues­ day. Mr. Albert Morlock spent a few days recently with his sis­ ter, Mrs. Marie Brown, of Owen­ dale, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. M, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner. Mr. Oscar Wolfe, of spent Good Friday with Mrs, Lloyd Gaiser and Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hey and* son and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey and daughter, and Mr. Roy Goulding of London her Sis- London on Sunday at the home parents, Mr. sympathy is and Mrs. G. extended to Flint, Mich., England Mr. and tfondon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Re-covered Free Pick-u]p arid Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 42 Brunswick Street Phone 579 Stratford Enquire at Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store Exeter EDGEWOOD Mr. Junior Gwett got his finger hurt Monday while work­ ing at the James Feed ‘Supplies in London, Miss Dorothy Moore has re­ turned home from St. Joseph Hospital after having her tonsils and adnoids' removed, We hope for a speedy recovery. Quite a few farmers have started to work on the land. Mr, „and Mrs, Jammie 'Suja and Sharon of London spent Good Friday with Mr, and Mrs* Joseph Zu'bal, Miss Bernice Westman spent the week-end* at 'hei’ home here. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Moore spent Monday and Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Zubal spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kabat of Centralia, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore were her mo­ ther, Mrs. Elizabeth Kenny, and Ross, of Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs| Russell Kenny and girls of Walkers. BLANSHARD I IMr. and Mrs, Orville Lang- j ford and John, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs Percy Hodgins, Jimmy and Joan, of Granton, Mrs. Alex Dobson, of Toronto, Mr. , and Mrs.. Leonard Thacker, Orrie, Elizabeth and Linda were Sun­ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mrs. Kenneth Langford, Walt­ er.. and Donnie spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha, of Holmesville. 'Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Jaques, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs, 'Sam Bowers and Joyce, of Exeter, were Sun­ day guests of Mrs. James Mas­ sey, Mr. David Parkinson, of Trenton, spent a few days with Mr. Harvey Parkinson and family. Mr. John Knox and family, of Granton, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs, Nelson Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion, Grant and Sharon spent Sunday with Mrs, R. Chittick, of St. Marys. ■Mrs. Alex Dobson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with 'Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mrs. Fred Pattison, Mrs. Alex Dobson, Mrs. 'Leonard Thacker and family, Mi’s. Percy Hodgins and family were guests pf Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford, of Centralia. Miss Rosalind Adamson, o f Kitchener, is spending the holi­ days with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Adamson. , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson, Murray and Ann were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rinn, of St. Marys. Master M u r r a y Thomson is ins who had been remembered. A social time and a delightful lunch brought a very profitable afternoon to a close. The hos­ tesses -were Mrs. Nelson Sinclair, Mrs. R. Hill and Mrs. Garfield Hill. spending a few .days with his grandfather, Mr. John Rinn, of Baseline. IMr. Will Thomson spent Sun­ day evening with Mrs. James Mossey and family. Mr. and- 'Mrs. Will Rodd, of Granton, were .Sunday evening visitors with Mr. Harvey Park­ inson and family. Metropolitan Community Club Holds Final Meeting The final meeting of the [Met­ ropolitan Community Club was held on Wednesday evening, April 13, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson, Mr. , and Mrs. G. .Hooper as the committee. There was1 a very large attend­ ance, The genial Master of Cere­ monies was none other than Mr. Reg. Hudson, of London, who under his capable manner de­ lighted the audience with many poems and jokes. Community singing was ,one of the high­ lights led by Mr. Ray Mills, of Woodham, with Miss .Betty Mills accompanist. Other musical numbers were well presented by Misses Verla Wheeler and Merle Hazlewood Woodham, Mr. Harry Hern, of Zion, Youngson Trio, of Metropolitan, Mr. John Davidson, of Woodham, Mrs. Leonard Thacker, instrumental by Miss Alice Blackler, of Kirk­ ton, the “Easter .Parade”. Read­ ings were given by Mrs. Hart­ well, Eplett Anderson, Mrs. Stuart Keith, of 'Prospect Hill. Mr. Reg. Hudson played an in­ strumental and sang a solo and closed a very delightful evening with 'God Save the King’. Lunch, was served. Proceeds 'amounted to $14.75, which was donated to St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Langford, o f Kirkton, Shirley returning with them for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills and family spent Sunday, with Mr. and {Mrs. Bill Moss, of Prospect Hill. BRINSLEY Rev, Dr. McNiven, field secre­ tary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, will occupy the pulpit in Brinsley United Church on Sunday next, April 24, at 2:45 p.m. .service will be con­ ducted on Daylight Saving Time. Rev, Harold Currie delivered a very -fine Easter message on Sunday last to a large audience. Fifteen candidates were received into church membership, with four members being transferred from other charges. A number of the bouquets of flowers which adorned the altei’ were distribut­ ed among the shut-ins. Mrs. Mary Ellen Maguire is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morley. Miss Marion Jardine of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr. Martin Watson. Mrs, Daisy Scott is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Erwin .Scott of Lucan. Miss Marvol Watson and friend of London spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Watson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower who cele­ brated their thirty-eighth wed­ ding anniversary on Sunday. ■Mrs. Vic Manquie and San­ dra of Buffalo are spending some time with her father, Mr. William Morley. Those who spent the week-end at the home of Mr. J. L. Amos were Mr. Norman Amos of Guelph, Mr. Ernest Amos and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rock and family of London. We are glad to report that Mrs. Jim Morley, who is at pre­ sent a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is recovering nicely. We all’ihope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morley of Lieury spent Sunday after­ noon with his bitither, Mr. Wil­ liam Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lewis spent Wednesday with friends in .St. Marys. GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 3% INTEREST An Attractive Short-Term Legal Investment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed CROWN TRUST COMPANY F. R. Hughes, Manager, 284 Dundas St., London HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Ontario Branches at London, Brantford and Windsor Applications Received Through Your Local Agent or Solicitor "k Clovers, Grasses, Pasture Mixtures. 7*r Bulk and packeted Garden Seeds, Onion Sets. ★ Root Seeds (all varieties), Lawn Mixtures. ★ Hybrid Corn, Sorghum, Millets. e ★ Legume-Aid Inoculant, Ceresan “M”, Semesan Jr., Semesan Bel. 7 ✓ Na-Churs Liquid Fertilizers, Dow’s Agricultural Chemicals. Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. EXETER------ONTARIO , of Detroit, and Mi’s. Hooper of London were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey visit­ ed with the former’s mother in .Zurich on Sunday. > Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hirtzel and daughter Helen, of Detroit-, spent the Easter holiday with Mrs. John Hirtzel and sons. Mrs, Annie Haist is spending a few’ weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Lena Cook visited over the week-end in Camalachie. , Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and daughter Gail, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zwicker. Mr. ahd Mrs. Harold Wolfe and family of Exeter, Mr, Austin Fahrner of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fahrner and son, Miss Elaine Fahrner, Miss Paul­ ine Haist, Messrs. Chas. Brown, Frederick Morlock and Glen Wuerth, all of London, Messrs. Robert Wolfe and Calvin Fahr­ ner of Sarnia, and Mr. Howard iPinkbeihOr of Port Colborne, all spent the week-end at their re­ spective homes -here. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kerr are spending this week at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. the week-end in Mr. and Mrs. Frederick visited __ _ __ ehd with Mr. and Mrs. K. Bax­ ter of Belle Ewart. W.A. And WM Meet The Women’s Association and W.M.S. of the United Church held the April meeting in the church on Thursday, April, 14, with a good attendance. Mrs. G« Hill was in charge of opening exercises and business, and re* quested that donations of cloth­ ing be brought in at the next meeting. Miss Mary Chambers presided for an Easter program consisting of scripture reading iby Mrs. B. Kestle, prayer offered by Mrs. E. Chambers, solo by Mrs. R. Robbias, reading Iby Mrs. S. King, “Spring Song” by* Mary and Jamie Johnston and a recitation by Marlene King, The vice-president of the W.A.„ Mrs. Ed Lamport, was in charge of W.A. business. Several Items of business ■were transacted aticl ap­ preciation expressed from shut* J. Byers sb ent St, Thomas. S. Wuerth and over the week- FUTURAMIC DRIVING I They’re great cars, these dashing new FUTURAMIC Oldsmobiles! Beautiful, yes .. * with an overall impression of fleet, flowing smartness that’s obvious at your very first glimpse. And beautiful, too, in every last detail inside and out. When you do step inside a Futuramic Oldsmobile you find yourself in a far roomier car — with new comfort, new vision.». easier to get in and out of... easier and more delightful to drive—And this car is a thrill to drive, thanks to Futuramic power ... from a new, improved Big Six or from Oldsmobile’s revolutionary "Rocket” Engine. And Oldsmobile was first with world* famous GM Hydra-Matic Drive!* ★Standard equipment tin Series 88, optional at. extra cost on Series 76. 0-9498 OLDSMOBILE I Fl Fl Z*\ O jo £7 *Vr £7 "T” £7 ATIOhltLL dKOq, <5l * tAL I tn