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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-21, Page 1
S^v^nty-sixth Year the To Reorganize Council Tjxe regular meeting of Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter was held ill the Coun cil Chambers with* Reeve Sweit zer and Councillors Hern, Hughes, Lindenfield and Snidei’ present, The minutes of the last regu lar meeting of April 4, 1949, were read and adopted on the motion of Councillors Hern and Lindenfield. A petition for sidewalk on the south side of Gidley Street was filed fox’ further attention on on the motion of Councillors Snidei’ and Hughes. Communications were read and dealt with as follows. Cana dian Cancer Society, regarding grant. It was moved and second ed by Councillors Snidei’ and Hern that made to .Society. Exeter Board, regarding the transfer of funds. (Filed. Elmer *D. garding title Main. It was ?ed by Councillors mid Hughes that the clerk and reeve be empowered to sign a conveyance of this property on behalf of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter. Ontario Municipal Association, regarding convention. Filed. Association of Assessing Offi cers, in regard to a membership. Filed. Canada Vitrified Products, re garding tile. Filed, R. C. Anderson, regarding the storm .sewer. Filed. It was moved and seconded by Councillors -Snider and Hern that a meeting be held in the town hall, Monday, April 25 at 8 p.m,, for the purpose of re organizing the Recreation- a I Council and the representa tives of the Legion, Lions Clubs, Beta Sigma Phi, publilc school, high school, Boy Scouts, be in vited to attend. By-law 13, 1949, setting muni cipal rates for 1949, was given its three readings and finally passed by unanimous vote. The clerk was instructed to prepare a new traffic by-law. Building permits were granted as follows on the motion of Councillors Hughes and Snider. F. C. Beaupre, apartment; William E. Welsh, house; R. E. Balkwill, two houses; P. Tyer- man, house; Hannah Taylor, siding house; H. Jensen, altering store building; Harold Taylor, a house; A. J. Darling, a house; J. W. Hern, a house; Mrs. Net tie McTaggert, a garage. The application of Cecil Murray was held fo'i’ further information. The following accounts were x’ead and ordered paid on the motion of Councillors Linden field and Snider: The Bell Tele phone Co., J. Norry $2.05, fire hall $4.00, $6.05; A. O. Elliot, repairs (truck), $1.90; Mather Bros., gas and oil (truck and tractor), §30.91; 1st, wreath, MI’S. . . W. H. Hodgson, Toronto Gen. Fire $5.00, Halifax Accident In surance $64,00, $69.00; Exetei’ Tinies - Advocate, printing, sup plies, $78*29; ’Canadian Cancel’ Society, .grant, $10,00; Exetei’ Public Utilities, fire* protection $390.00, town hall §3.04, street lighting $250.13, §643.17; Exe ter District High School Board, debenture funds, §5,000.00; C. V. Pipkard, expenses (Goderich) $6.40; Gerald Cornish. $45.00; Samuel Grainger, labour $86.61; Arthur Daynes, labour, $39.55; Edgar Mawlxiliney, clean ing streets, $36.27; Lionel Ken drick, labour, §10.00. All motions were carried. Ad journment was on the motion of Councillor Hern. C* V. Pickard, Clerk •a grant of $10.00 be the Canadian Cancer District High School Bell, solicitor, re- to Lot 1035 East moved and second- Tlors Lindenfield Bailey’s Flor- Davis, $5.00; laboui' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL ?1, 1W Mr., Mrs. C. Stephen Celebrate Anniversary Mr* and Ml’S. Charles Stephen, of Elimville, celebrated their silver wedding day on Saturday, April 16, About thirty-five mem bers sat down to dinner at a table centered with a ,three-ti©i' wedding cake, silver baskets of roses and daffodils and silvei' candles. Mr. Harold Bell pro posed a toast to the bride and groom of twenty-five years ago, responded to by Charles Stephen. The evening was spent in cards and music. The five children of- the family sang “I'm coinin’ a courtin' Corabelle” with guitai’ accompaniment. T h e honoured couple were presented with a cabinet of silvei’ from the Bell family; a silvei’ tea service from the children and several other lovely gifts of silver. Members present were Mrs. May (Stephen, Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mr. and R. Stephens, of Chesley, and Mrs, J. Heckman and een and Mr, Sam Miller family, of Dashwood, Mr. Mrs. William Stephens family, of Woodham,, Mr. Mrs. Mr. Dor- and and and and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and children, of Exeter, Mir. .and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. Jack Robinson and Mrs. Don O’Hearn, and members of the faxnily, Laurie, of London, •Murray, Wanda, Donnie and Betty Anne, Single Copy 6 cents so v/ P.C. Delegates Gq Ta Toronto Huryn will be well represent ed in Toronto next week when the Progressive-Conservatives will elect a leader to succeed .Premier Thomas L. Kennedy, who is re tiring. Among the delegates from Exeter and community represent ing the riding will be Thomas Pryde, M.L.A. E, D. Bell, presi dent; Charles MacNaughton, W. E. Middleton, of Exeter; Hugh Berry and William Ellerlngton, of Usborne, P. Eisenbach of Grand Bend;,.Mrs. .Taylor and V. ’Becker, of Dashwood. Takes Trip With Son Mr. R. G. Seldon leaves today (Thursday) for Rochester, Minn,, where he will join his son, Dr, Harry Seldon, of the Mayo Foundation, on a trip to Van couver. Mr, W. G, Seldon will be in charge of the office during his father’s absence. Postmaster HI But Improved Postmaster M, W. Pfaff, who is ill in Westminster Hospital, London, is making splendid pro gress and expects in another able gress and expects in three oi' four weeks will be to return home.1 ---------------------- ! WHALEN Miss Evelyn Wynne, of don, was a week-end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Doreen and Donna White, of London, and Phyllis Docking, Munroe, are holidaying this week With Mr* and Mrs. Frank Park inson.' Sunday visitors in the com munity wre Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, -of London, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'Parkinson and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshall and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs, George Parkinson. Mr. Clare Hazelwood, Lowdon, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson ,with Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire and Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Squire visited -on .Sunday with Mr. J. Dickins, Byron. Mr. and Mrs. Vv alter Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel spent Wednesday evening .at Mr. and Mi:s, Wilson Morley’s home in Exeter, The occasion being a birthday cele bration in honour of Mrs. Alice Gunning, Fifty-one were present. Mrs. George Mardlen of Wes ley visited tot few days during the week with Mr. and Mrs. George Millson Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Morley and Mrs. Alice Gunning, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Bow man, of Elmira, attended church service here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rich ards, Olive and Patricia, of Ethel, were Good Friday*visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson. .Mr. and MI’S. David Hodgson and David Jr., of Windsor, spent ■the week-end with Mi’ William Hodgson and Hodgson* Misses Jean Ogden London at their homes. Bertch, of St. week-end with . and Mrs. and Lon- Mrs. John Aud- wererey Arltsey of week-end visitors Mr. and Mrs. Marys, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson. Mr. Clare Hazelwood, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon John son, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood* Large Congregations At Easter Sunday Services D.S.T, Commences Sunday Daylight Saving Time will cojne into effect in Exeter next Sunday evening at midnight, Contrary to most municipalities, Daylibht having Time does not come into effect in Exeter until Sunday night. This has been the custom for several seasons and it is ’believed there is less con fusion in advancing the time Sunday night rather than on •Saturday <at midnight as is the custom in most municipalities. BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE AT PLAY — A toy rabbit handed to Prince Charles (left) poses a problem for the tiny heir to the British throne in this picture taken by royal command at Buckingham Palace, London. But soon the royal soxx of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh de cides to kiss his little toy (right) in the manner of all babies, royal or otherwise. —Central Press Canadian Exeter Lodges Raise Funds For C.P.T. The Exeter lodge of Oddfel lows, togethei* with the “Pride of Huron” Rebekahs held a pleasant social evening in the lodge rooms Monday evening. Nineteen tables of euchre were at play. Ladies’ high was won by Miss Betty Coates, gents’ high by Gerald McFalls, and lone hands by A. Coates. A draw was made with the prize going to the one with the nearest birthday. As the draw was made past xnidnight, Harold Rowe and Andrew Hamilotn tied. In the draw the latter won. A Dutch auction was held fox’ three wool blankets, the winners being N. Stanlake, Will Elliot and Mrs. C. Fisher. Proceeds fox’ the C.P. and” T. Fund amounted to $61.- 00. Lunch was served by the ladies. The I.O.O.F. has added twenty-nine -members and one associate member this year. The lodges will attend divine worship in the James iStreet United Church next Sunday evening. i Usborne Couple Mark Silver Wedding Day A very pleasant time was spent on Tuesday, April 1,2, when Mr, and Mrs. James .Horne of Usborne, celebrated theix’ golden wedding anniversary. ■Many relatives and friends called during the afternoon and eve ning to extend congratulations and many beautiful gifts and flowers were received by the couple. (Mr. and Mrs. Horne were mar ried in 1899 by the Rev. George Jewitt, at the home of the bride’s parents on the farm now owned by Mr. Alvin Pym. They were attended by Miss Elizabeth Horne, sister of the groom, and Albert .Pym, brothei- of the bride, both having passed on in recent years. They have one son, Freeman, of Winchelsea, and three grand children. Injured In Sunday Collision Mr. A. E. Wuerth is suffering from a fractured rib and some •bruises received in a car acci dent on Sunday morning while nxotoring to visit a daughter, Mrs. R. M. Long, of Royal Oak, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Wuerth, Reg and Ray, with Reg at the wheel, were in a collision at an inter section leading to the Water bridge at Sarnia, fender and one side of their was damaged and with the ception of Mr. Wuerth, others escaped unhurt. Blue The car ex- the Dr. J. G. Dunlop Injured In Fall Dr. J. G. »Dunlop suffered a fall at his home ’Saturday mor ning resulting in an injury to his back. He was taken to Vic toria Hospital, London, in the Hopper-Hockey ambulance where an X-ray revealed a fractured vertebrae. Dr. Dunlop was assisting in moving a new rug for his home when he slipped and fell back ward on the floor. His condition is said to ibe “quite satisfactory”. He is able to be up with the aid of a brace and is expected to be home shortly. and Dist- with E.DJHLS. Well Represented In Toronto This Week Principal H. L. Sturgis Mr. A. Dixon, of the Exeter trict High School, together two students, Evelyn Desjardins ■and Charles Cowen attended the O. E. A, convention in Toronto. •Charles competed, in dramatic verse speaking and Evelyn Des jardine in lyric verse speaking at the convention. Mr. Dixon is exhibiting a plastic display. and the Vie WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Law Charlene, of Toronto, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chatten. Rev. .and Mrs'. John Cook and Jack, of Hickson, visited on Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler. Miss Ruth .Hazlewood was a guest op Saturday at the Jaques- Dobson wedding i n Kirkton Anglican Church. •Mr. and 'Mrs. Mel Louch and Frank, of Hamilton, and Air. and Mrs. W. L. On Sunday with Carman Switzer, Mr. and Mrs, District Girls rAnio&gr’ St. Joe Graduates Forty-eight young graduate from the Hospital School of May 3 at a graduation ceremony at the Beal Technical School. Among the graduates from this community are Doris Evelyn Penhale of town, Marie Theresa Cronyn of Clandeboye, Shirley Elizabeth Regier of Dashwood. willwomen St. Joseph’s Nursing on Grandchild Of Residents Dies Barbara Lynn Cameron, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron, 1586 Victoria Avenue, died *in Windsor, parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cameron was the former Eleanor Skinner of London. After a short service in Wind- soi’ at the Morris IFuneral Home, the baby was brought by train to London and yxe funeral was held at the J. E. Gardiner Fun eral Home. Rev. M. Bury, Lincoln Road United Church, ficiated at both services. Hotel Dieu Hospital, Surviving besides her are her grandparents, W. J. Skinner. of of- Nelson Station Mr. Nelson Statton of. Exeter, who has beexx a partial invalid for a nuxnber of years, passed away on Tuesday ixx His forty seventh year. For month ho condition, at Grand and Mrs. twelve years ago, mated to Exetei' and here he opened, up a ’billiard parlor. Surviving, besides his parents, are his wife, the former Lixxnea Whittle; three son s, Gibb, Fred and Lynn; -also one brother, Gibb, of Sarnia; and one sister, Miss Virginia, Grand Bend. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 froxn the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, with Interment Ixx the Grand Bend Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Woods will officiate. year. For the past : has been. in a critical Mr. ‘Station was born Bend, a son of Mr. Walter Btatton. About years ago, the family from Forest, Mrs* Fred Sharp Is ill In Joseph’s Hospital, London. St. •Following a couple of cold, days with snow, Easter Bunday turned put bright and warm and special Easter services were held in an the churches, AU of them were well filled with worship pers and in some gases there were record-breaking crowds for an Easter service. Caven Presbyterian At Cavexx Presbyterian Church there was a splendid attendance. Special music by the choir con sisted of selections from the cantata “The First Easter", with Miss Muriel Whilsmith at the organ. Mrs. Harold Simpson and W. G. Cochrane sang solo parts in the anthems. The minister, Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, took for his subject “The Living Christ”. Main St. United Large congregations wor shipped in Main Street United Church on Easter Sunday. The choir rendered several joyous anthems, with Miss Dorothy Davis as soloist. From a ’text in I Cor. 15:25, “For He must reign, till He doth put all ene mies undei" His feet”, the’inxnis- ter, Rev. H. J, Mahoney conclud ed a series of sermons on “Our Living Faith”. The Christian be lieves that Jesus Christ has abolished death, thus challeng ing all pagan philosophies and all materialistic interpretation of man’s destiny. Eastei’ proclaims the hope and conviction in the ultixnate triumph of goodness in God’s universe, thus conquoring evil . and despair. Personality survives in the resurrection of the body and this conscious re lationship with God and with each other can never be de stroyed. A beautiful sacred drama en titled “Barabbas” was presented at the evening service by mem bers of the Young People’s Union. The following is the cast: Barabbas, Jack McKnight; Anna, Joaxx Hopper; Cleona, Patricia Hopper; Gaius, Bill Armstrongs Deborah, Margaret Willard; Mary, Marie Jensen; Roman sol director, Mrs. Wm, Dearing Mrs. William Dearing, a long resident of this community died at ■her home Monday after a. lengthy illness. She was in hex’ seventy-sixth year. Her maiden name was Christina Finkbeiner. She was born in Stephen Town ship, a daughtei’ of the late Matthew Finkbeixxei’ and was one of eleven children. Foi’ many years the family farmed on the second, concession of Stephen be fore retiring .and moving to Exe ter, where her husband prede ceased her. She was a member of the James St. United Church. Surviving are one son and. two daughters,.,,.’Preston, of Stephen; (Gladys) ’Mrs. Luther Reynolds and (Madeline) Mrs. W. Witmer, of town, also four grandsons and two great grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Ed. Fahner, of Exeter; Mrs. William Nichols, of Adelaide; Mrs. Jack Mallet, of London and one brother, A. F, Finkbeiner. The funeral, Wed nesday afternoon, was conducted by Rev. H. J.. Snell, The bearers were Messrs. William May, B,W. Tuckey, T. O. Southcott, John Willis, A. O. Elliot and Frank the life- dier, Wayne Tuckey; Rev. H, J. Mahoney. Pentecostal On the morning of day, April 15, service in the Pentecostal Church and communion administered. In the evening the Sunday School pre sented an Easter program which was well rendered and much appreciated. On Eastei’ Sunday the services were in charge of the pastor, Rev. H. Kendrick, and suitable music was provided. At all the services there was a good at tendance and a worshipful,spirit. Romans 4:25 “Who was deliver ed for our offences and was raised again fox* oqy justifica tion” was the message of the cross and the empty tomb. .James St. United In JameS Street United Church the large auditorium was (practi cally filled, with large numbers in the galleries. A special bap tismal service was held for Mar lene Joanne* daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Noels and Peter Alexander- McKenna, infant son. of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Grant. Beautiful memorial flowers for Charles and Hannah Keddy, Hil ton Sanders, Mrs. M. Fletcher ani' Mrs. Bowey adorned the pulpit rostrum. Special music was furnished by the choir. The anthems were “God So Loved The World”, “Easter Morn”, and “He Is Risen”. Mrs, T. Fletcher sang a most impressive solo, “Open The Gates Of The Tem ple”. .A trio was sung by Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. P. McFalls and Miss / Margaret Dougall, The minister' Rev. H. J. Snell, took foi’ his subject “Out Of The Night”*, At the evening service the choh* sang “Rise Glorious Conqueror”. A solo was sung by Grant Mc Donald. Good Friday Service A Good Friday service was held in Caven ’Church with a fair attendance. It was a union ser vice of several of the churches. Rev. H. J. Snell was the speaker* Good Fri- was held Mary Elizabeth Down Miss Mary Elizabeth (Polly) Down, daughter1 of the late Will iam and Grace Down, formerly of Exeter, passed away in Lon don oix Sunday, April 17, aftex* a lengthy illness. She is survived by two brothers, ,Rev. Wesley Down, of Belleville Ontario, and Albert, of Huston, Minnesota. The funeral took place from the Dinpey Funeral Home on Tues day, April 19. Rev. C. W. Dowxx officiated. Interment .was inTaylor. Exeter Cemetery. Attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haist and two children and William Haist, of Marlette Miclx., Harry Cornish, of Kingston, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Florando Sweitzer and Mr. and ■Mrs. Arthux' Sweitzer, of' Sebe waing, Mich., and Mr. James Dearing of London. Attend Hearne Funeral Mr. and Mrs. R* N. Creech were in Burford Tuesday at tending the funeral of the late George Melville Hearne, who died in Guelph Saturday in his seventy-seventh year. Mr. Hearne is survived by his widow and foui’ daughters, the eldest of whom is Hugh Creech (Dorothy) and Air. Switzex* visited Mr. and . Mrs. of St. Max*ys. W. L. Switzer, and Mrs. Mel Louch and .Frank Visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Switzer, of Ridgetown. Miss .Carrie Wynn, of London, spent the week-end with her Mrs. W. Wynn. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family visited on Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small, Of St. Thomas. Mr, axid Mrs. Oscar* Brine, Donnie and Marilyn visited oxi Sunday with Mr. and Mrs* oscax* Pfaff, of Cx'editon. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hern, of Toronto. Miss Ruth Lombard, of Wind sor, spent Easter with Miss Roberta Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kirby. Meeting Easter meeting of the ■ •- A basement of the church mother Mr. i Mass Production Mr. Albert Fahner, of Credit- on, is the proud owner of a cow that gave birth to triplets. A few days previous another cow gave birth to twins. GIVES SELF YP—Freda Linton, 33, who was sought for more than’ two years as an accomplice of those4 involved in transmitting vital war information .from Cana dian government files to Russian embassy officials in Ottawa, sur rendered to R.C.M.P, in Mon treal. A •former employee ,of the government national film board and of the International Labor office on McGill University cam pus, Montreal, she is now a mar ried woman and Is expecting a child in June. , —Central Press Canadian AVALS. Yhe -------, . . W. M. S* was held oix Apx'il 7 ixx the with twenty-two present. The W.A. had charge of the Worship Service with the president, Mi’s. F. Pattison, presiding. This con sisted of scripture readings by Miss A. Hopkins and Mrs. ,G. Dann, prayei' by Mrs. M. .Hooper and solos by Mrs. G. Waxxless and Mrs. I. McCurdy, a reading by Mrs. E. Rodd. Mrs. G* Wilson had charge of the programme “Advance in Home and Overseas Missions” with Mrs. B, Wilson, Miss ’ L. Hackney and Mrs. W, Wilson taking part. Also “Ad vance in oui’ Auxiliary” assisted by Mrs. A. Dewai’, Mrs. M, Cope- laiid, Mrs* F* Doupe, Mrs. A. Rundle, Mrs. L McCurdy, Airs. C. Camm, Mrs. W. Wilson and Miss B. McCurdy, Mrs. A. Do wan and Miss L. Hackney enacted -a short temperance drama, This was followed by til© business and th© meeting closed with benediction. Undergoes Apperidictomy (Miss Helen Shaploxx Is Ill In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having undergone an appendict- oixly operation, Saturday, She Is Improving nicely, OIL-RICH FARMER GETS Rib OF WEALTH -Made wealthy at seventy-tight by oil found on his Leduc, Alberta, 'farm, Gottlieb Wcuman, right, is not worried about debts these days—his chief problem is getting rid of his money* Father of twenty-rave children, he gave a gift of $1,000 to $3,000 to a son of daughter when they married. Seventeen of the children ajp married. Shown here with his son. Jim my, a member ojf a crew drilling for oil, Mt, Wedman has split his royaltieinto twenty-five equal parts. His wife con tinues her farm Shores as before, —Central Tress Canadian Attends Education Convention Miss Pepper of the Public School Staff is attending the Ontario Education Convention Toronto. in Celebrate 40th Anniversary Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Corbett, who will be celebrating their fortieth wed ding anniversary on Thursday, April 21. ZION Mrs* Laverne Nikscli, of Gary, Indiana, visited with her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hern, on Saturday evening. Misses Eleanor and Caroline Hern, of Woodham, spent the week-end with theii’ grandmother Mrs* J. T, Hern. Mx\ George Eai’l, of Exeter, spent .Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell, of Grimsby spent the week-end with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph, Hern, -Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hunter and family, Miss Gerta Hunter, of London, visited with Mr, Ward Hern, On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hem and family visited on Sunday with •Mrs. Marten©, of Dashwood. •Mr. and Mrs, Norman Johns and family, of London Township, Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon Johns and family, of Woodham, Mt, and Mrs. Howard Hodge were Sun day guests with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Johns., Cngratulattons to the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques, whose wedding took place In Kirkton, on Saturday* A number from the community attended the wedding. and Former Hensail Pastor Named To O.A.C. (By Hensail Correspondent) Rev, W. A. Young, of Fergus, has beexx appointed Chaplain and lecturer of the Ontario Agriculture College, A graduate of the O.A.C. 'in 1926, Mr* Young has been minister of St. Andrew’s Presbytexdan .Church, Fergus, since 1939. In 1932 Rev* Young was inducted into the charge of .Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, where he min istered until called to Fergus ten years ago. Rev, Mr* Young is a native of Alberta. After graduating from the O.A.C. he entered Knox College, Toronto, and gi'aduated in 1929. Alisa Craig Council has decid ed to adopt Daylight Saving on April 24. Ml*. Fred Dobbs left Saturday tot the West, where he hopes Jto purchase a number of cattle.