HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-14, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, QNTAWi THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL H 1949 Page 9’ ORDERS taken FOR Hot Cross Buns . For Delivery * GOOD FRIDAY MORNING PHONE 8, EXETER Brock’s Bakery ii —— ---------------__________ h We Are Again Contracting Barley FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY If Interested, Get in Touch with Us Geo. T. Mickle & Sons HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone 103 Nights 133 >•--......v........——-.......— ■ ............=— ==: ■--/.... « W—---------------- --------- - ----------------------——..................................................... ■! Lilies for Easter For this special season of reverence and joy, for church or home decorations-—the Lily in stately splen­ dor, Plants and Spring Flowers fresh with dew—all join in glorious salute to Easter. Potted Croft Lilies From $1.75 to $5.00 EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey & Family Phone 276 Sell Your Poultry NOW While The Prices Are Still High Riverside Poultry Co. HOWARD FERGUSON, MANAGER — Phone Collect: — Ingersoll 449jl3 - Kintore 17r9 - Hensall 80r2 — ------------------- ---------------------------*— —J ATTENTION Tomato and Vegetable Growers Liquid Fertilizer e CLEAN • ECONOMICAL • EASY TO APPLY « ONE OPERATION DOES THE JOB Use For Planting And Side Dressing . Order Today From Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. EXETER ONTARIO "Na-Cfwrs" Plant Food Co. of (Canada) Ltd. London..Ontario 1 GETS ‘VICTORY’ SIGN ASSIST Homeward bound on the S. S. Queen Mary, Winston Churchill flashes his famous “V” gesture and grins with pleasure as a little boy joins him in the act. Pentecostal WMC The March meeting .was held on March with a real good attendance. The meeting opened by singing “Higher Ground”, Mrs Kendrick offered prayer. Hymn “Alone with God” was then sung. Roll call was answer­ ed by a verse on Brayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. A bulletin was read from the District Sec­ retary thanking the groups for their efforts and gifts, also stat­ ing the different , appeals for funds for food and clothing. This was discussed and it was decided to send a donation of money for .clothes for a return­ ing missionarie’s family, also a donation ot money for food for the 'Worlds Conference which is to be hold in Paris in May, Mrs, Kendrick thanked the ladies for their kind remembrances o f flowers, cards and treats while she was ill, It was also decided that we remember all our shut- in members with cards at East­ er. ■ Mrs. Allan Millar gave , a reading. Mrs. Ted Prouty favored With a solo, “Jesus Shall Lead me all the Way”. Hymn, “All for Jesus”, was sung. Mrs, Keith McLaren then brought the after­ noon message.’’Matt 6, 1-15 .was read alternately. She .chose for her theme, “Prayer”, Mrs. P. Durand asked God’s blessing on the message. Mrs T. Jolly read the prayei' bulletin, and prayer requests were made known be­ fore going to prayer. Mrs. F. Perkins dismissed the meeting with prayer. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron, Mrs. A. Moon and children and Mr. and Mrs. S. Gregg, all of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visited on Sunday with .Mrs. John Love, of near Varna. •Mr. Edgar McBride has hired Mr. Lawrence Reichert for the summer .months. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Ernie White­ house have moved from Mr. Allan Cochrane’s farm to the farm they recently purchased from Mrs. Carrie McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Alec McMurtrie and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and Gail Ann spent Friday in London. W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. met on Wednes­ day afternoon last at the home of Mrs. Robert Elgie, with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Robert Elgie, presided and opened the meeting with hymn No. 112. Mrs. J. McLellan then read the scripture lesson and led in prayer. The minutes and roll call were taken by Mrs. Parsons. Mrs. C, Kennedy, of Hensall, then sang “My Jes^us I Love Thee”, accompanied by Mrs. R. Broadfoot. Hymn No. 249 was sung. The .guest speaker for the meeting was Miss M. Ellis, of Hensall. The subject of her ad­ dress being “Our Need of Faith In .Gocl”. Mrs. Kennedy again favoured with the ever beautiful solo “My Task”. Mrs. Henton moved a vote of thanks to Miss Ellis and Mrs. Kennedy. The meeting closed with hymn 376. The Benediction by Mrs. Elgie. A delicious lunch was served by Circle No. 3. Hi Highlights Last Wednesday Grade XII girls won the last game .in the V.olley Ball schedules. They are now the Senior 'Champions. * * * 5* Everybody is in a serious mood these days, that is every­ body in lower school who is writing Easter Examinations. They started last Friday and will be finished on the last day of school* which is Thursday. V 4* Despite the heavy schedule of examinations, preparations are being .made for Commencement. It is to be on Friday, April 29. That is just one week after Easter vacation, so you see why we c o m b i n e our exams with practice. Centralia W.A. The monthly meeting of the W.A. was held in the church basement on Thursday afternoon, April 7. The devotional exercises of the meeting were in charge of Miss F. Davey, leading in an Easter program. Opening with a poem, “A Long Distance Disciple”, and the sing­ ing of a hymn, the leader led in prayer, The scripture lesson com­ bined with a reading on this scripture, was given by the leader. A piano solo was played by Mrs. W. Skinner. Several Easter papers were read—-one on “‘Lent” was given by Mrs. H. Godbolt, “A Happy Easter In Tile Making’* by Mrs. R. Hodg­ son, and “The Easter Lily” by Mrs, L. Hicks. Mrs. Robbins of Crediton favoured the meeting With a vocal solo. The meeting was then taken over by the president for busi­ness. After the reading of the minutes, several items of busi­ ness were transacted and the meeting closed With the benedic­ tion and lunch being served by Mrs. A. ESsery, Mrs. J. Essery, Mrs. H. Lightfoot, Mrs. G. Rayn­ ham. Airmen’s W ives Club Ways and means of raising money for charitable purposes were discussed by the newly organized Airmen’s Wives’ Aux­ iliary meeting in the library building lounge at Centralia Air­ port under the new president, Helen Collier. Secretary Rose Pascal presented the minutes of the election meeting at which others elected were Jackie O’Al- troy, vice-president, and Helen Anderson, treasurer. The future meetings will be held on the se­ cond Tuesday of each month in the same building if permission is obtained. Announcement was made of a concert to be staged by airforce thlent in the airport theatre ■building on May 11 to raise money to instal chimes on the airport chapel, Eileen Robbins, soloist for the BRINSLEY On Sunday next Rev, H. Cur­ rie will give ft special Easter message in the Brinsley United Churih. A number of randidates will be received foi* church membership, after which com­ munion will be received. Mrs. Hess of Zurich is at pres­ ent confined to her 'bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Jas. Trevethick. We wish her a speedy recovery, Mrs. Ken Kuhn of Crediton spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Fletchei’ *Gower. Mrs. Wm. Greives spent Mon­ day afternoon with Mrs, Alonzo Hodgins. Mrs, Mary Carter is spending a few days with Miss Mary B. Amos. Mrs- Ken Carter of Moores­ ville visited recently with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Lee, Mr, and Mrs. Marwood Brest motored to London on Friday last. Mrs. Wilson of Crediton is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Fauldpr. Mrs. Amy of Exeter has re­ turned to her home after spend­ ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. James* Trevithick. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mathers entertained a number of friends on Friday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, Phyllis and Bobbie spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Law­ rence Scott of^Greenway. Master Richard Clendinning of Putman is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamil­ ton and Gerald of Lucan, and Mrs. Hilton Banting. Mrs. Prouty of Exeter is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgson. meeting, was accompanied by LAC Crane. As. the roll was called the girls present responded by giv­ ing the name of their stationary home. Vancouver seemed to he in the majority at this meeting. Marjorie Plunket was pianist for the evening’s sing-song. Those present were divided into groups, the leaders being Melva Baker, Peggy Dupuis, Connie Cussons, Marjorie Plun­ kett. Refreshments were served by Helen Anderson, Jackie D’Altroy, Rose Pascal, Lilian Foster, and Vera Ritchie. Fencing Requirements We have received a new shipment of fencing. Place your order now to get delivery, We have? Poultry, Hog, and Stock Fencing; Chain, Link Fence; Steel Gates; Barbed Wire; Anchor Posts, Cedar Fencing Posts; and Brace Posts. CANN’S MILL LIMITED EXETER WHALEN CORNERS .i .....-........w.......iiinwmHmwi ~------—----—----1® 4c * ★ * ★ ★* 194-9 1949 1948 1946 1946 1940 1929 Monarch, light blue, low mileage, Ford Custon/ Tudor. Ford Sedan. Chev Sedan. Chev Coach. Plymouth Sedan Custom, new motor, $995.00 Ford Coach, $185.00 TRUCKS ★ Need a Buck Rake? We have a ’36 Ford Truck that would make a good one. ★ 1937 Ford Pickup. New Trucks? See Us About Your .Needs. TEL. 64W EXETER SANDY ELLIOT >W We appreciate the co-operation you have shown during the period! of change-over from the “Magneto” to the new, greatly improved ‘'Common battery” system. HENSALL now has a completely modern telephone System. The introduction of this new system is part of otir continuing development program designed to provide more and better tele* phone service at the lowest possible cost. It means greater tele­ phone value to every user. C. B. SYMONDS, Manager BELL TELEPHOME COMPANY CANABA .. . •