HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-14, Page 7Gordon Pyke- of Galt visited Mr. and Mrs, WOODHAM Mrs, W. L. SAvitzer Jias ceived Avord of the death of sister-in-law, Mrs, William SaAvyer, of Vancouver, B.C., April 9, Mr. and Mrs, man and family on Sunday with F. McNaughton, Mr, anti Mrs, Henry Small of St. Thomas spent a feAv days with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Joanne Webb is spending a few days Avith her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Small, of St. Thomas, Mrs, W, Wynn has returned to her home in the village after spending the Avinter months in London. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Copeland, Bob'by and Sandra, of Paris and Mrs. William Bain, Ida and El­ bert of St. Marys visited on Sun­ day Avith Mrs. G. Copeland -and Mrs. M, Copeland. Mrs. Robert Ross of London visited one day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. William Thom­ son, Clarence and Dorothy, visit­ ed on Sunday Avith Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Miss training London, father, Mr. William Mills. Woodham Y.P.U. held a box social in the basement of the church on Friday evening. After a short program, games and contests, Mr. Ray Mills auctioned the boxes. Proceeds were $32.85. MAIN STREET UNITED Rhode of Thames Road. Marian Mills, nurse-in- at Victoria Hospital, spent Sunday with her A' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rll) ► ► $2.5Q each $2.50 each .50 per cwt. condition. Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR Dead Stock HORSES COWS HOGS According to size and Call Collect DARLING & GO. OF CANADA LTD, THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING; APRIL 14, 1949 ................................... ................................. .................................. ..." Come to CHURCH EASTER Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.nx.—“On Earth The Broken Arches, In Heaven The Perfect Round.” Eighth and final ser­ mon in series “Oux* Living Faith”. Baptismal service. Anthems: “Christ Is Risen”, “Lift Up Your Heads.” Solo; “Eastei* Morn”, by Miss Dorothy Davis. 12 Noon—Special Easter pro­ gram in th’e Sunday School, p.m.—“Barabbas”, a beautiful sacred drama presented by the Young People. Anthems: “He Lives,” “Hail The Day.” Quartette: “Come We ’Neath The Shrouded iSkies.” 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A.. M.A. Robert Cameron, Organist Easter Day, April 17 —.Holy Communion. a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.—H o 1 y Communion Sermon, Easter Hymns Anthems. Good Friday, April 15 p.m,—The Litany. Mr. 9 a.m.- 10:30 11:30 and and 8 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Fri., 11 a.m.—Good IFriday. Holy Communion. Fri., 8 p.m.—The Easter Pro­ gram by the Sunday School. You are invited; come early for a seat. Sun., 10 Classes for all ages. Sun., 11 Subject •Songs and music­ while service. Sun., 7:30 sp.m.—Come! the Ta­ ble is Spread. Solos and duets, a real song feast and showers of blessing are falling. a.m.-•Sunday School. a.m.—Easter Sunday. “A Risen Lord". a worth- ■» Decorate This Spring With K Kem-Tone Kem-Tone is really a modern miracle Avail finish. It covers most inside Avail surfaces with just one coat. We recommend this paint to you Avhen doing your Spring decorating. Think of a single paint that does all these things 1.Covers With One Coat o. 3. 4. Easy To Apply No Objectionable Paint Odor Dries To A Perfect Flat 5.Dries In One Hour 6. 7. 8. No Sizing, No Priming Readily Washable Newest, Smartest Pastel Colours Gallon $4.75 Quart $1.30 T Start your poults on Purina Checker-Etts ★ ★* Start poults on feed faster. Make faster growth. Make 20% bigger poults over mash feeding at six weeks. Poults like Checker-Etts better than mash be- shape . . » easy quickei*. And eat cause they're bite-size, irregular in to pick up. So poults start on them more of them. Don’t take health and And poults Chek-R-Tab Water* This disease and needless chances with lives of your baby chicks this year. Drop a Purina in each quart of drinking will prevent the spread of your flocks. Traquair’s Hardware SS- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN ’ Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Miss Muriel Whilsnuth, Organist 11:00 a.m.—Public ’Worship . “The Living Christ.” Anthem: -Selertions from the cantata, “The First Easter”, 12; 15 p.m.—Sunday School9 and Bible Class. ' Fri,, April 15, 8:00 p.m.—The community Good Friday ser­ vice in Caven Church. BLANSHARD Mrs. T. Waugh, of London, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. W. B. Young, of st. Marys, spent Wednesday with Mrs, Jas, Mossey, Mr. and Mi's. Lloyd Thomson, Murray and Ann, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Hop­ kins of Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thomson spent Sunday with Leslie of St. Marys. Misses Madeline Audrey Parkinson < spent the Aveek-end homes. Mrs, Fred Pattison spent Sun­ day evening Avith her sister, Mrs. Morvat Driver and Mrs. Driver, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Thac­ ker, Orrie, Elizabeth and Linda, Mrs. F. Waugh, were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Talbot of Zion. Mr, and Mrs. James Bryas and family of Prospect Hill spent Sunday Avith Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones. Mrs,Levi The “He JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein,* A.W.O.M., Musical Director 11 a.m.—Out of the Night. Anthems: “God So Loved World”, “Easter Morn.", Is Risen”. Solo: Mrs. T. Fletchei’Ladies’ Trio; Mrs. T.JCoates. Mrs. P. McFalls, Miss Mar­ garet Dougall. • Organ and Piano Duets: Law­ rence Wein, Gordon Koch, p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Because Christ Lives. Anthem: “Rise Glorious Con­ queror.” Solo: Grant McDonald. 3 7 CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: H. F. Currie Sermon; The Victorious Christ •Eastei’ 'Communion and Reception of Members Shipka — 10:15 Crediton — 11:30 Brinsley — 2:45 ZION Evangelical-United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms, Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Sun., >6:30 a.m.—Sunrise Service followed by breakfqast. Sun., 10 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: “Seeing Him Alone” Baptisms at this service. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:3o p.m.—Evening Service, Sermon: “Living the Eastei' Faith.” Mon., April 1:8, 8 p.m.—-Youth FelloAvsliip Meeting at ’ the United Church, , Fri., April 22, 8:15 p.m.—Mis­ sion Band meeting in the church school room. CALVARY Evangelical-United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. H. Getz, Minister all’s. Ken McCrae, Organist Good IFriday service, 10:30 a.m. —Holy Communion. Rev. E. Roppel, preacher. # Eastei’ Day, 10:30 a.m.*—Mor­ ning Service. 11:30 a.m,—Church Service. Promotional exercises. 7:30 p.m.—Easter Drama. Can­ dlelight Service. “The Light of the World”. (Cast of 50). H. DASHWOOD Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Hopcroft attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Roundtree, of Wood­ bridge, last Aveek. Mona Kellerman, avIio recently undreAvent an operation for ap­ pendicitis, has returned home. ■Mrs. Elgin Merner and Joyce spent the AVeek-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Luft, in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolfe and son, of ’Clifford, Avere Sunday visitors Avith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreiches. Mr. and Mrs. iMilfoi'd Merner and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tie­ man, Mrs. Susan Merner, Elgin Merner and Mr* and Mrs. Arnold Merner, .of Zurich, spent Sunday with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smythe, of London, spent Sunday .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinhagen, IMr. and Mrs. W. Tilkins, of Howell, Mich*, spent the Aveek- end Avith her parents, Mt. and Mrs. William Nadiger, also at­ tending Mr. and Mrs. Nadiger’s forty-eighth anniversary. S. S* Class Entertains Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiemau, of town, Avere pleasantly surprised on,. Friday evening when the members Of the Bethany Sisters Sunday 'School Class gathered at their home and presented Mrs. Tiernan with a lovely Bible in recognition of her services as teacher for so many years. After a short program and election of officers a very dainty lunch was served. Felix Wild Felix Wild died at his late residence in Dashwood on Mon­ day, April XL 1949, in his eighty-fourth year follOAVlng an Illness of about a week. The funeral took place on Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Hoffman Funeral Home. Interment in the Bronson Line Lutheran Cemet­ ery. Rev. L. Higenell officiating, Bunn of ] I at and London i their THAMES ROAD Several from this community atended the ‘“Variety Concert” in Exeter Theatre on Wednesday evening -of last week sponsored by members of the Junior Harm­ ers from Exeter district. •Miss Ella Robinson is still confined t0 Victoria Hospital. We hope she will be home' soon and enjoy good health again. Miss Lois Pym, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. The Y.P.U. met in the church basement on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Lillie and Mr. J. Miller Sr., of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. EdAvin Miller, on Sunday last. W.M.S. and W.A. Meet The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. J. Selves, on Wednesday afternoon of last Aveek, with Mrs. M. Gardiner presiding. The meeting opened with quiet music by Mrs. Morgan. Hymn 98 Avas sung, folloAved with prayex* by Mrs. Gardiner. Mrs. Lamport read the scripture lesson. Those taking part in the “Devotional” were, Mrs. Fergu­ son, Mrs. Rohde. Minutes were read and roll taken. Letters of thanks Avere read. Mrs. M. Gard­ iner and Mrs. Wiseman were appointed delegates to the the Presbyterial in Hensail. Mrs. Ballantyne gave a Christian Stewardship reading and Mrs. Cann gave a travelogue on her trip West., HymUni.13 Avas sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. M. Gardiner. A dainty lunch was served and social time spent over the tea cups. Easter Sunday services will be at the usual hour 'on Sunday. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m., church at 11:15 a.m. Let us all worship togethex* at this service. Mrs. have frosts made KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Harold O’Brien and f a m i 1 y moved from the village to theix* new home on the base line, Blanshard. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall Avere Sunday guests Avith S. N. Shier at Brianston. Some of the farmers started seeding. The recent and bright sunshine have the soil quite tillable. .. Mrs. Truman Tufts, Ross and Le Roy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. EdAvin Tufts, at don. Mrs. Jack Switzer spent of the past Aveek in London Avith h e 1* grandmother, Mrs. James Kemp, to be her little son Raymond, Avho is in the Children’s is much improved. Little Marian Russelldale, spent this Aveek Avith her aunt, G. H. Burgin. “The Class That Counts” Holds April Meeting Mrs. Russel Morrison lent hei* home for the April meeting of “The Class that Counts”. Easter being the theme, Mrs. Batten gave a splendid paper on it. The scripture Avas read byx Verna McElrea, followed by prayer by Greta Humphreys. Evelyn Ham­ mond and Gladys Paton gave readings. Bernice Christie appointed card secretary and Gladys Paton, press secretary. Evelyn Hammond was to pur­ chase Easter Lily for Sunday School. TAventy-two m embers and visitors answered the roll call. A visit to the library Avas a highlight of the evening .which was enjoyed by all, Contests were given by Verna McElrea. A dainty lunch Avas served .by hostess and committee. Presented With Silver Cup Miss Pauline Paton, accompan­ ied by her .mother, was a guest at the I.O.D.E. banquet held in Mitchell recently. Pauline was presented with a large silver cup which she keeps for one year* and a small replica of same for herself. Pauline was judged the most outstanding girl in ,the junior section at the Mitchell Fall Fair, and the I.O.D.E. pre­ sents the cup for this honor. Lon- part with Mrs. with Hospital. He Pridham, some of time Mrs. was The cinema usherette was in the dentist’s chair. , “Now, miss,” asked the dent- ist, “which tooth Is giving yon all the trouble?”“Second from jthe left in the balcony,” she replied. GREENWAY A number of friends and rela­ tives attended the funeral of the late Mr, w. J» Prance in park” hill on Monday. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Carruthers and family of Lobo Village visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Golleji. Mr. Harold “Pollock of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Milton pollock, Mrs. Russell Brown and Gor­ don spent a feAV days last week Avith her jsister, Forbes Mrs. Sunday Miss Mi’S. William of Forest. Albert Polock with relatives Marion Hicks1 visited on in Detroit, of London Spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks, Miss Devina Mason of Park­ hill visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. LaAvrence Pollock. Mr, and Mrs, Walter McPher­ son visited on Sunday with mother, Mrs. R. Snowden, Parkhill. FOR SAFE SPRING DRIVING ■Summei'-weight lubricants Cooling system inspection Brakes adjusted Steering Wheel alignment Tire service Motor tune-up li er of beThe small boy had to .H bribed to take his twice-daily dose of cod liver* oil. A penny Avas put in a money box each time he took it. When the bottle Avas finished his father solemnly opened the saving box and counted the contents. “One and tenpence,” he said “Ah just the price of another bottle of cod-livei* oil.” The Times-Advocate requests all advertising copy to be in by Monday noon at tne latest. Last Fall you had your cai’ winterized for cold weather driving. Now, after a hard-driving Winter, have your car ad­ justed to warm weather. You don’t get your money’s worth out of a car that is still winterized in wann weather. Expert Diagnosis • Prompt Service - Reasonable Cost Snell Bros. & Co. CheArroIet and Oldsmobile Case Tractors and Implement Sales EXETER . ‘ PHONE 10© Sell Those Unwanted Articles With a Classified Jones & May Complete Showing of Merchandise FOR EASTER We are ready for the last rush for Easter wearing apparel with a complete stock of wearing apparel for ladies, men and children. had in years. For ladies, misses, and girls — new coats, suits, dresses skirts, blouses, sports Avear, etc., at reasonable prices. A large stock of neAv shades in nylon hosiery for Easter. For men — topcoats, suits, hats, ties, braces, raincoats, etc. a very large stock to chose from. Men*s Gabardine Raincoat The Avell knoAvn Du-Val brand, all sizes, prices range from $16.75 to $18.00. Men*s Balbriggar Underwear Penman’s make, very scarce merchandise, now in stock in shirts and drawers; combinations in short length; and short sleeve, ankle length. Get ments now. sleeve, knee your require- Mens* and Boys* Work Clothes The largest stock of Avork marked at very close pices. clothes Ave have PHONE 32 Housecleaning Time' New Furnishings for the Home New Draperies — curtains and curtain nets, curtain rods, window blinds, etc. The best values we have had in years. Full Line of Packaged and Most of the popular varieties of garden seeds in bulk, the economical way for either large or Small quantities. —- also —- Garden Seeds Floor Coverings At present aa*c have a large stock of congoieums by the yard — congoleum rugs, inlaid linoleums^ feltols and rexoleums. Prices are the same as last year* Rex-inats, 18” x 36” *— 25c each Congoleum mats, 18” X 36” ■— 50c each* Certified Seed Potatoes - Dutch Sets - Multiplier C Convenient Shopping **- Fresh Seeds