HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-14, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1949 May we remind you to read the Classified Ads regularly every week? I «• • Coach,in new car1946 FORD condition, 1938 FORD hair trim, 1936 FORD clean inside and out. 1938 SPECIAL Ford Coupe, 30,- 000 miles, owner deceased, Name on request. 1932 CHEV Coach, as is, $175. 1939 DODGE Sedan. 1941 FORD Coach, heater, feet upholstering. heater,mo-Sedan,1 above average. Coach, new motor, Dodge & DeSoto ZURICH HELP WANTED FOR SALE HO of Staffa, is visit- son-in-law and and Mrs. Angus Church Service Take it Easy With Your Radio Wait, mister! Don’t throw that radio in the trash can —-it’s good for years of service yet! Call us when your radio has you cussing. Our expert servicemen will make it sing like new again. We use only factory­ perfect replacements and first - quality tubes. All work is guaranteed satis­ factory. Charges are mod­ erate. avers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter WANTED—Men between the ages of 30 and 50 to work in officer’s quarters. A P P 1 y— ■Chief administrative officer, R.C.A.F., Centralia. 14c HELP WANTED—Capable young woman to look after one child, live in, experienced, Please write particulars to Mrs. Ross Somerville, 315 Huron Street, London, Ont.14c A ZION Spring weather has arrived and the farmers in the com­ munity are busy working on the land. A large number from the community attended the Variety Concert in the Theatre, Exeter, on Wednesday evening last, the concert being staged by the South Huron Juniors. Mr, and Mrs. James Earl visit­ ed with friends in Seaforth on Thursday, Mrs. Gordon Sugion is spend­ ing several days with relatives in Nissouri. Mrs. Sadler, ing with her daughter, Mr. Earl. The Easter will be held on Sunday at 1:30. Rev. Wanless will deliver an Easter message and special music will be rendered by the choir. Miss Donna Bowden, of Cent­ ralia, has been engaged as school teacher for the coming year re­ placing Miss Annie Elford, of Elimville, who is resigning. Choir ractice will be held on Friday evening of this week at 8:30. All choir members are urged t0 be present. At the Communion Service on Sunday last, eight young people in the community joined the church by profession of faith. The following are the names of those joining, Marelyn, Elaine and Phyllis Hern, Bob Hern, Jack Hern, Tom Brock, Lome Johns, Roy Jaques. Miss Irene Brock, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welling­ ton Brock. James St. Mission Circle the was Lily the was Lois the was and The Easter meeting of James Street Mission Circle held at the home of Miss Miller. Bessie Johns opened meeting with an Easter Poem, followed by a hymn. Roll taken and minutes read. MacFalls took charge of worship service. A hymn sung followed by prayer scripture lesson. An Easter story “There is a Man on the cross” by Mary Niel and a story about “Easter Bulbs” was read by Helen McCurdy. It was . decided to send a parcel to the orphan­ age for Easter. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Bene­ diction. Lunch was then served by the committee in charge. the got Father: “Didn’t I hear clock strike three when you I in last night?” Daughter: “Yes, Daddy.„ was going to strike eleven but I stopped it so it wouldn’t ® waken you.” 11 $200.00 Reward A $200.00 reward will be given for information lead­ ing to the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing any poultry, etc. at any of the Lakeview Poultry Farms at Exeter, Dashwood oi* Lucan. Lakeview Poultry Farm WEIN BROS., EXETER SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY of 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, becoming your own boss! Re­ tail our 250 guaranteed house­ hold necessities including the full line in Insecticides, in a territory of youi’ choice. Part time agents considered. Hund­ reds of successful Familex agents started with a bor­ rowed $25. or $50. No risk— it is worth a trial. Travelling equipment essential in rural districts. Business Is Good — Write today for details and free catalogue — Familex — 10: 6tc 'FOR. SALE — International A tractor, starter and lights, tires nearly new, equipped with scuffler and bean puller, all in A-l repair; also Inter­ national new type low wheel power lift stiff tooth cultiva­ tor; International sugar beet lifter to fit the A tractor. These implements are all in god repair. —Harold Taylor, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39r8, 7tfc FOR SALE—Good work horse. Gordon Ratz, phone 161r3 Dashwood. 14* FOR SALE — Raspberry plants. Apply Wm. F. Abbott, phone 401W. 14* FOR SALE—Two h.p. Century motor, completely rebuilt; also % size bed spring and matt­ ress. Phone 286W, around 6 p.m. 14:21c FOR SALE FOR SALE—K i t c h e n cabinet, ivory finish, in good repair. Apply Mrs. V. Armstrong, tele­ phone 125* Exeter. x FOR SALE—Gander; grey flan­ nel suit, $7.00, size 16; set of lamps, reduced to clear. Maga­ zines, books, novels 5c and 10c. Lawn rakes 30c, and many other articles. Apply A. H. Daynes, House of Signs, Huron St. W. 7:14* FOR SALE—’27 Chrysler sedan, good condition. Apply Albert Mitchell, Exeter South. 14* FOR SALE—Two sets team har­ ness, 2-row cultivator, James­ way oil brooder stove, colony house and range shelter. R. D. Hunter, Exeter, phone 113W. 14 from is a other Can­ FOR SALE—Seed field peas, OAC No. 181. Lome Oke, phone 177rl3 Exeter. 14:21* FOR SALE—Eleven head of yearling steers, phone 48rll Dashwood. . 14:21* FOR SALE—Oil burner cook stove. Can be changed to burn wood, phone 36r9 Dashwood. 14* FOR , SALE—Fifteen head of young cattle around two years old, all T. B. tested. Apply John Flynn R. R. 1 Centralia. , 14* FOR SALE—Clean Red Clover seed. Apply D. Watson, Ailsa Craig, phone 609r4.14* FOR SALE — Wooden water­ trough. Apply William Walt­ ers, phone 14rl6 Kirkton. 14c Rangettes » Wardrobe Accessories Your men’s store carries a complete line of wardrobe accessories — socks., belts, ties, braces, handkerchiefs, etc. See our selection when choosing your spring clothes. Country Correspondents The following is taken “The Printed Word” and tribute to our own and all Country Correspondents in ada. “Mrs. Wade is a successful historian. .For over thirty years she has been writing the history of Big Chute—and getting this history published too. Another feature that puts her ahead of some historians is that a good many people read every word she writes. And they like to read her history; this sends her away out in front of many much more erudite historians, whom people read only because they think they should. “Around Big Chute, which is not big at all, but only a very small village, nobody thinks of Mrs. Wade as bein; ’ ‘ ‘ They take her for wife good potato pies, known, of course, week she turns in “personals” that appear jn the newspaper of the nearby town under the heading of Big Chute News. Everybody in the village, who is old enough to read and young enough to see, gives close attention to the half-colunjn of Big Chute News sometime dur­ ing the week, although they don’t all subscribe to the paper, copies of which circulate on fair­ ly definite schedules from one house to another. “In Canada there are over five thousand historians like Mrs. Wade, although not all so good. They are the district cor­ respondents to weekly newspap­ ers. Unknown outside then’ dis­ tricts and not recognized in their districts as historians, these people have what every ambitious author longs for—an absolutely loyal following of readers. As a class the historians of the ’’personals” are in the very first rank, according to surveys of who reads what’s in the newspapers. They have the secret of literary success; they Write about theii’ readers.” FOR .SALE—-Gladiolus bulbs. Choice young high crowned stock. Large bulbs $3.50 per 100. Medium bulbs $2.00 per 100. Shipped express collect. Order direct, or from Bailey Flower Shop. Catalogue o n request0. Tyndall Gladiolus Gardens, Brucefield, Ontario. 14:21c FOR SALE—’29 Plymouth se­ dan, large kitchen cupboard, laundry stove, litter carrier poles, hydro poles 25 to 40 feet, clothesline poles, fence posts, 25 empty 5-gal. pails, new and used guns, pair lawn bowls, fishing tackle. Apply Gibson Service Station, Exeter. 14:21:28* rug, 9 springs double spring- and mother g .a historian, granted as a who makes It is well that once a a handful of FOR SALE—Congoleum x 12; steel single bed, and mattress; wooden bed, sagless springs, filled mattress, all clean and good as new; small dresser; kitchen couch; 2 trailer tires. Apply Mrs. Harlton, phone 27r6, Centralia, Ont.14c SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE— Chick brooders, new Buckeye large size oil brooders, $19.95 while they last. —Neuhauser Hatcheries, Si King St., Lon­ don. Taman’s Men’s Wear We have several designs of hotplates in both single and double burners. Well-constructed plug-in rangeties. The ideal cook­ ing and baking stove for summer and for apartments and cottages. R. E. RUSSELL IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE A hen is not supposed to Much common seiise or Yet every time she lays an egg She cackles A rooster Of intellect But none the have Enough sense to crow. The mule, the most despised beasts Has a persistant way Of letting folks know he’s aroun’ By his insistent bray. The busy little bees they buzz; Bulls bellow and cows moo. The watch-dogs bark, the drakes they quack, And doves and pigeons coo. The peacock spreads his tail and squawks, Pigs squeal and robins sing. And even serpents know enough To hiss before they sting, But man, the greatest master­ piece That nature could devise, Will often stop and hesitate Before he’ll advertise, have tact, forth the fact, hasn't got a lot to show; less most roosters of Phone 109 Exeter, Ont ALWAYS—Look ih the CLAS­ SIFIED ADS to make sure you are not missing any bargains. FOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines, Re­ pairs to all makes, Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford, 2tfc FOR SALE—-1947 %-ton Dodge pick-up, in good condition, $1,150. Apply Charles P. Diet- rich, R.R. 2, Crediton, phone 20r33, 7:14:21* FOR SALE—Bull calf, suitable for veal. Apply Oliver Row- cliffe, phone 85r43 Hensall, 14* FOR SALE<—A McCormick Deer­ ing W.30 tractor; a Percheron mare, weigh about 1,400 lbs. Apply Wm. Ratz, Crediton. 14:21c FOR RENT FOR RENT—House with hydro, 3-piece bath, hot water heater; modern kitchen. Conveniently close to Airport. Immediate. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. FOR RENT—Permanent pasture land, near Exeter, plenty of water and will have good fence. Apply I. M. Willis, Clin­ ton. ‘ 14c FOR RENT'—3 oi’ 4 unfurnished rooms, vicinity of Exeter, hy­ dro and bath. Apply Box “M”,y Times-Advocate. . 14y FOR RENT—Will take up to' 15 cattle to pasture for summer, four or more parties. For Sale —250 bushels turnips. Isaac Dunsford, Dashwood 35r24. 14* FOR RENT—50 acres pasture farm, lots of water, on No. 6 concession. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. 14c For Rent VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware LOST AND FOUND LOST—-A licence plate 9T741 be­ tween home and Dashwood. Wes England, phone 34rl2 Dashwood. 14c LOST—‘Licence plate 30T8, Fin­ der please phone 171rl2 Exe­ ter collect. E. J. Pymn. 14c LOST—Licence plate No. 20T85, vicinity Exeter' or Dashwood. Leave at Times-Advocate. 14* WANTED FOR SALE BY TENDER WANTED—Fifty acres of grass laud for pasture, phone George Batten, 42r9 Kirkton. 14* WANTED—'Cedar wood, stove length for kindling. Exeter Creamery Co., Ltd. 14c MT. PLEASANT Church Shed, size 90 x 48 feet, timbei' frame. Tenders to be in 'by May 1. Ap­ ply to Wm, Simpson, Science Hill. ‘ 14:21* WANTED—Barley and oat acre­ age. Get your contract now and be assured of good seed. W. E. Reid, phone 87, Dash­ wood. 3:24:6tc WANTED TO RENT — House,. $25 reward to anyone locating .... ~ w. o f tfc an acceptable house. C. Hall, accountant, Bank Montreal, Exeter, Ontario. WANTED—We are prepared to grass a number of young cat­ tle for the season. —Ed Brod­ erick, Exeter. 4:7tfc BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER’S Famous Chicks— Famous for quality and satis­ faction. Twenty breeds, Cana­ dian approved. Thousands available weekly. Started chicks in our ‘brooders now. Some two weeks old. Come in and see them or phone Met­ calf 7 482. —Neuhauser Hat­ chery, 81 King St. London. NOTICES NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS YOU ARE required, on or be­ fore April 15 of this year, to se­ cure a tag foi* each dog you own and to pay taxes on each dog according to the following sched­ ule: Male Dog $2.00 Each Additional Male 4.00 Female Dog 4.00 Each Additional Female 6.00 Spayed Female Same As Male WARNING:—Please pay this tax promptly at Clerk's Office. This is the final notice. C. V. PICKARD, Municipal Clerk 14ccI MISCELLANEOUS NOW IS THE TIME to make ar­ rangements for spraying your fruit trees. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. BARNS CLEANED and white­ washed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. pressure. Work done to inspector’s satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44r9. Fred Har- burn. 4-14-tfc PLASTER CONTRACTING — Plain or ornamental. Guaran­ teed satisfaction. Free esti­ mates. Phone Dashwood 122, D. C. Firby 10 tfn cI TENDERS WANTED Hay Telephone System The Council for the Hay Mun­ icipal Telephone System hereby calls for tenders for the installa­ tion of a flusli toilet system and water basin, one in Dashwood Central and one in Zurich Cen­ tral. M’aterial used to be of stan­ dard equipment, all vitreous toi­ let, cast iron stack, steel septic tank, cast enamel basin 17 x 19 inches, and to be installed ac­ cording to the most modern plumbing practices. Tenders call for completed job, digging, tile, equipment and labour. The man­ agers, T. H. Hoffman, or H. G. Hess may be contacted for in­ structions and inspection of loca­ tion. Tenders to be separate for each Central, and to state when, work can be completed. All tenders to be in the bauds the Secretary-Treasurer by " 13, 1949. H. W. BROKENSHfRE1, ’Sec.-Treas., Hay Munici­ pal Telephone System Zurich, Ont. 7:14e of April Gravel Tenders Township of McGillivray Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o’clock noon, Friday, April 29, 1949, for loading and hauling 7,000 yds., more or less, pit run gravel any place in township. Tender to be accompanied by marked cheque foi* $200.00 as guarantee. The gravel to be put on between September 1 and October 15, 1949, Lowest or any tender not. necessarily accepted. A. D. STEEPER, Road Supt., Ailsa Craig, Ont. R.R. 3. 7:3 4c AUCTION SALE OF USED FURNITURE AND CLOTHING, BRICK BUILDING AND FLOWERS At Sceli’s Store, Lucan SATURDAY, APRIL 16 at 3:00 p.m. CONSISTING OF: Used furni­ ture; electric fireplace and man­ tel; men’s and ladies’ used clothing; flowers of all kinds— Easter also store lillies, geraniums, etc.; brick building containing and 7-room residence. ALEX SCELI, Prop. W. S. O’NEIL, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneers AUCTION SALES FOUND—Man’s wrist watch; ownei’ may have same by proving property and paying foi' this ad. Apply Ralph Bat­ ten, Exeter. _ 14c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—One 2-row Cock- shutt beet scuffler, one 8-ft. Case disc, both nearly new; one International riding scuff­ ler with Oliver bean puller; one team of black Percheron horses, 6 and 8 yrs. old. >—W. H. Parker, Stephen Twp. 14c FOR SALE—Couple of calves suitable for veal. Apply Bert Selves, phone 177r23 Exeter. 17c I FOR SALE—-Man’s COM used bi­ cycle, reasonable. Apply Times- Advocate. ? FOR SALE—Pop cooler, recently overhauled. Priced for quick sale. Phone 17 Sri 4, Exeter. Gerald Godbolt* 14* FOR SALE—Girl’s light green coat, size 5, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Ed WUriil, Gidley ■Street. 14* 'FOR SALE—1932 Ford Coach, ih good condition. Apply Jean ■Coward, Kirkton, phone 33r22 14* FOR SALE—11-disc fertilizer drill; 13-disc fertilizer drill; 7-ft. in throw disc harrow; 6- ft, cultivator; 7-ft. cultivator; 3-base tractor plow; 2 base tractor plow, both new. Apply V. L. Becker & Son, .phone GOW Dashwood. 14* FOR SALE-—V.A.’C. Case tractor With plow and scuffler, nearly new. Priced for quick sale, Wally Wein, Dashwood, phone 25rl, 14:21* FOR .SALE—G i r 1 ’ s reversible plaid coat and beanie, 6 yrs. size. Boy’s coat and cap, 4 yrs. size. Contact George M* Taylor, Co-op Store, Exeter. 14* FOR SALE—Plain blue rug, 6’9 X 9. Call 413W. 14c FOR SALE1—4 yearling Durham steer calves. Telephone S6tll Dashwood, Norman Kleinfeldt. 14* TURNIPS for sale. Will sell cheap. Apply Harry Saber, Hensall, phone 85rl2, 14c FOR SALE—Possible poultry plant, 11 1-5 acres ■with barn 45xl0pi having 24 foot posts, flaxmill >36x60, colony house 12x16. Terms cash. Apply Edmund Geiger, Hensall. 14c FOR .SALE—2-bedroom cottage, with hydro and town water. Full basement with furnace, Possession June 1. C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. FOR SALE—100 acres. One of the best farms in Exeter dist­ rict. An extra fine set of.- buildings. Hydro and water pressure. Everything ready for spring, immediate possession. C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main * St., Exeter* 24 FOR SALE—Seventy-five acre grass farm, all cleared, water­ ed by creek and windmill. Lot 4, Concession 7, Hay. Apply Ed. Broderick. Exeter. 17itfc FOR SALE—Residence for sale: Well located in Exeter, 3 bed­ room house. Hardwood floors. Modern kitchen. Whole house ■ recently re - decorated. Imme­ diate possession. C. V. Pick­ ard, Realtor, Main St., EXeter. 100 ACRE GRASS FARM for sale: Will carry heavy stock. Good water supply, Could be culticated, C. V. Pickard, Re­ altor, Main St., Exeter. HENSALL 6-RO0M brick house, metal roof, good cellar, fire­ place, hard and soft Water at sink, Centrally located. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 31c 100 ACRES choice clay-loam, i- mile to good shopping village, school, churches, 2 acres bush, balance tilltiblo, well fenced and drained, 8 acres wheat; comfortable « house, in good condition; spacious bank barn, 55 xx 75; new stabling with Water, electricity, Utter tier. Separate buildings for implements, pigs, ihens. Buy at once. w, Pearce, Real­ tor, ExOter. car- HAY TWP, 75 ACRES pasture, bush, watered by creek and well with windmill, W. C« Pearce, Exetor. HOG FARMERS 1. Are your hogs aneamic, pale or scurfy? Use (Finn’s Hog Fix —one pound treats one pig. 2. You should deworm your hogs with Finn’s Hog Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser. Simply fed in the feed. 3. Save money on your hog feed, at least fifty cents per bag. Mix Finn’s Hog Minerals, con­ tains no salt. No concentrates are needed on our plan. 4. To have healthy, strong Utters of pigs feed your sows Finn’s • Hog Minerals at least twenty-; five pounds from breeding to ' weaning. Costs $2.50 to in-; sure a strong healthy Utter. I 5* Do your sucking pigs scour? Use Finn’s S.E.S, tablets, one dose does the job. Costs 10c Per pig. Contact Wm. Morley, our dist­ rict salesman. Phone Kirkton 1 35r4. He can help you. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd,, Lon­ don, Ont 7:14:21:28c AUCTION SALE In the Village of Hensall on THURSDAY, APRIL 21 at 7:30 p.m. HOUSE: A 2-storey, 7-rocm frame house with brown asphalt siding; town water, and base­ ment. PROPERTY consists of a dou­ ble lot. TERMS: Sold subject to a re­ serve bid. Terms: Cash. MRS. PEARL STEPHEN, Prcn. ED CORBETT, Auctioneer ‘ 14:23<& tl CATTLE MEN—Cattle men, do you have some non-breeders? Do your calves have scours? Do you have some cows which are not doing right? Do you have mastites or garget in your cows or mangers? All can he taken Morley, phone have mastites your herd? Do calves eat the these problems care of by Wm. Kirkton 35r4. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., Lon­ don, Ont. 7:14:21:28c POULTRY FARMERS 1. Revive your aneamic, weak, scoury chicks and turkey poults with Finn’s Red Blood Quickly tablets. Costs quarter cent chick, half cent turkey poult. Simply put in drinking water. Avoid 'Coccidiossis by using Finn’s Kew Tablets and Finn’s Poultry Conditioner and Intes­ tinal Cleanser every month for three months. Simply fed in the water and the feed. 3. Mix your own growing mash for your birds. Save from 60 to 80 cents per bag by using Finn’s feeding plan using Straight grain and Finn’s Poul­ try Tonic. Start feeding at 8 weeks of age. These products have been ted and recommend­ ed by Harmon Morton, turkey breeder, Ailsa Craig, for nine years and thousands of On­ tario poultry flocks. Contact Wm. Morley, our dist­ rict salesman. Phone Kirkton 35r4 about all your livestock problems, he can help you. R. A, Finn & Co. Ltd., Lon­ don, Ont 7:14:21:28c 2. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Of Mr. O. W, Christie be held at late residence ra. Ann .Street, Exeter on SATURDAY, APRIL 23 An itemized list will appear in next week’s issue. Will CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Being the estate of the latfe Misses Huston’s* Main Street, Exeter WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 at 1:30 p.m* Upright piano; chesterfield and chair (like new); antique chair to match; up- 2 antique large din- ami desk antique i; ;g dining 4 bolstered arm chair; end tables (walnut); ing room cupboard (both walnut and carved walnut gate-lei room table and 8 chairs: 4 small tables; hand painted china; crystal and lots of dishes; brass candle sticks and wall brackets; *3 bedroom suites (walnut); 2 painted bedroom suites; springs and “mattresses; 2 chests of drawers and odd chairs; rug hooked mats; congoleum rug (12x12); drop leaf kitchen table and chairs; pillows; cush­ ions and bedding; lamps; mir- ror,s$ card tables; refrigerator; (Westinghouse); electric stove (Beach); 2-hurner hot plate; electric washing machine; vacu­ um cleaner; s e w I n g machine; electric iron; 2 radios; all elect­ ric appliances are fairly new and in good Condition;lawn mower; kitchen utensils, and other art­ icles too numerous to mention. No reserve—everything must be sold, as the Estate Is being settled. TERMS—Cash H. d. -RIVERS, Ex, FRED DAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auct.