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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-07, Page 6
4 Armstrpng-Batten A quiet but pretty wedding took place at .the Thames Road Manse on Saturday April 8, at 2 pan.; of Gladys Marguerite only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten .to ’William Henry Arm strong, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, of Hensail. Rqv, William Mair performed the double ring ceremony. The bride was .attractively dressed in a gown of white brocade satin In princess style. Her only orna ment was a solid gold broach worn by her ’grandmother on her wedding day. Her fingertip veil was caught to a headdress of white lillies. The bride carried a white Bible _ Easter Lillies and red roses. The bride’s only attendant was Miss Jean Armstrong, sister of the groom, dressed in blue faffetta with a headdress of lillies and she carried a nosegay of sweet peas. Mr. Donald Mousseau, friend of the groom, was best man. Following the reception at the home of the bride’s parents, she donned a wine gabardine* suit with accessories and shortie coat of grey with a corsage of sweet peas for travelling. Aftei’ a short honeymoon to London, Sarnia, Port Huron and the States, the happy couple will reside near Winchelsea. headdress of tapered with man!Customer: “Heavens, Do you want to burn me. That towel is scalding hot!’’ Barber: “Beg your pardon, Sir. I couldn’t hold it any long er!” The Correct SUPPORT Makes you feel better as well as look better! That’s why smart women like the entirely different principle of design used in Spirella < fl* THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1949 T T A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-^Advocate i FOUNDATION- GARMENTS It will do the most for your figure. For an interview phone 125 MRS. V. ARMSTRONG Gwen Whltsmith New Sorority President On Thursday, March 31, Mrs, Ada Dinney was hostess to the Alpha Fi Chapter, when Miss Margaret Melville installed the new officers for 1949-5'0. They are as follows: Sponsor, Mrs. Fred May; .Director, Mrs. F. Milner; President, Gwen Wliil- smith; Vice-President, Eileen Morley; Corresponding Secretary Geraldine Prout; Recording Sec retary, Elsie Gainer, Secretary Treasurer, Ruth Hess, At the close of this very im pressive .ceremony, co-hostesses, Mrs. Elmore Gaiser and Gwyn Whilsmith assisted with p very lovely lunch. Miss Anna Brock presented Miss Margaret Melville with a gavel guard, set .with nine half pearls, which is the official badge for a Past President. o i i K"' ' - I/' IB' Ogg. : '-w'J'* I 4 $ Bi :>-.C 3 :ii J® *. ; * J ; >* 5 J Bo Ham Preparation Tips For The Easter Menus V/oodham L.Q.B,A. Agnes Watson Memorial Lodge 146’7 held’1 a special meeting when R, W, Carrie Boat, of Windsor, paid her annual visit to this Lodge, Other guests were present from Windsor and Lon-, don. Congratulations and best wishes were extended to the newly formed Lodge on the .pro gress made, Presentation of the Warrant for the Lodge took place. A social time was enjoyed! by all. KINARD’S LINIMENT ► Apply freely, and rub. That’s all. It’s greaseless, fast-drying; has no strong odor. And it brings quick relief to muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, lumbago. Trivitt Ladies Guild Trivitt Memorial Ladies Guild met at the Rectory, Thursday evening with a large attendance of members present. The meet ing opened with a hymn and prayer by the Rector. It was de cided to hold a Tea and Home Baking .Sale on Saturday, April 23. Mrs. E. Irwin was elected, treasurer t0 succeed Mrs. Homer Russell. Rev. C. L. Langford gave a very interesting address on “Easter Thoughts”. Little Sally Acheson favoured with an Easter solo. The hostess served a dainty lunch assisted by Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Acheson and Mrs. Crawford. ACADEMY AWARDS FOR 1948 have gone to Jane Wyman for best acting in “Johnny.. Belinda” and Sir Laurence OJiviei* for his acting in “Hamlet”. Claire Trevor won the award for best supporting actress for her role as Edward G. Robinson’s girl friend in “Key Largo”. Veteran Toronto-born actor, Walter Huston* got the Oscar for the best male supporting performance in the movie* “The Treasure Of Sierra Madre”. —Central Press Canadian SAINTSBURY The play, “Where’s Grandma” presented by the Elimville play ers last Monday evening, was well attended and exceptionally well presented. It is full of good clean comedy. „ Mr, and Mrs. E. B'. Smyth, of Midland, and Mr. and .Mrs. H. Davis were dinner guests with ofMaines, Centralia W.A. The March meeting of the W' A. was held in the basement of the church on March 10. with a fair attendance of members and visitors. The devotional part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, opening in the usual way with a hymn and prayer by -Mrs. George Godbolt, A reading entitled “Trouble in the Amen Come r” was very given by Mrs. Fred A piano duet was given A. Robinson aiid Mrs. A. Mrs. Gates held a short capably Bowden by Mrs. Essery. Bible quiz. The leader gave an other reading, “The Mother back in Ireland.” Mrs. L. Hodgson and Mrs. Brown favoured with a vocal duet. The business part of the meeting was now taken • by the president, making final l arrangements for the supper of 1 March 1G. LARGE ECONOMICAL SIZE 65c Mr. and Mrs. G. Maines, Lucan, on Tuesday evening. There is quite* a number people in this with. <flu. Mr. C. Davis a falling brick his house on Saturday. He re ceived a deep cut which required several stitches to close. Mr. Harry Carroll fell through a hay chute in the barn ,and sprained liis ankle. Mr. Mervyn Elston got his hand badly cut in a root-pulper. Mrs. Allan Elston, Sheila and baby son, David, are spending a few days with t h e former’s' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gibson, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner enter tained at Saturday dinner. Those present we/e Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis, Cameron and Sharon, and Mi’s. W. J. Davis and Ivan. It was for little Miss Sharon, who was one year old on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ings, of Lon don, were Sunday .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carr oil. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and Almarie were Sunday evening dinner guests .with. Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee. Alexia spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Greenlee. community of ill was struck with while wrecking CREDITON EAST Mr. Sam B ay n li a m spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Baynham, in Hensail. Mrs. Baynham, who lias spent the past two weeks there return ed home jvith him. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sims, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.\ Charles Sims .and .........J Coward, of Mrs. Cecil onimi, UL jxi a e l e r, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ,Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rawlings, of Ailsa iCraig, spent Wednesday with, Mr. and Mrs. II. Lewis. Mr. Murray Kiel is erecting another cottage on his property. Mr. and Mrs. Jim London, and Mr. and Smith, of Exeter, Even in those families where there is a demand for constant variety in everyday menus there is usually rigid adherence to tradition for holiday meals such as Christmas, .Thanksgiving and Easter, - Easter calls for baked ....... just as the other festivities sug gest turkey ,or goose. It may be a Whole ham, a .half ham, picnic liam, cottage roll or just a thick slice so long as it is ham. Or the “ham” may be a piece of1 back bacon baked and glazed just like a real .ham. ' A ‘ There are several styles of ham on the market today. Some are cooked, all ready to serve. The .type that requires home preparation has been modernized by partial cooking and is quite often sold as tenderized, pre cooked ham. Each type requires different treatment ,i n cooking. With the baked ham the right garnishes m a y add much to flavour as well 'as appearance. Here are some tips .from the home economists of the Con sumer 'Section, Dominion Depart ment of Agriculture. When the piece de resistance a whole baked ham the way is placed on the table makes difference to .the carver. The shank bone should be to the carver’s right with the beautifully glazed fat side up. An added help to the host in his carving is the marking of the aitch bone. This is a two- inch, slanting bone showing in the butt end of the ham. thin ham the E. BRINSLEY is it a slice is cut from the CENTRALIA If a ham on the side opposite this bone (this may lfe on the side near or away from the carver, de pending on whether it is a right or left leg liam); the carver may then cut several* .more slices from this side then turn the ham so that it rests on the cut' side. After that the ham may be sliced down to the bone in even slices. These are separated f o r serving by a lengthwise cut along the bone. Sim m e r Jiam in water t o cover until tender allowing 25 to 30 minutes per pound. Keep pot covered and the water just simmering. Remove skin, score the fat surface in squares or diamonds. Cover the surface with the following mixture: 1 cup applesauce 1 ' ' '2 2 Stick a whole clove diamond. Bake ham at for fifteen minutes nicely browned. A ten to twelve pound ham yields 20 to - 24 servings. Suggested Glazes for Baked Hani 1. A mixture of % cup brown sugar, yz cup dry 'bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon dry mustard and % cup fruit juice. Spread over the fat surface. 2. Mixture of 1 teaspoon dry mustard, 1% tablespoons vine gar, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 .cup water or stock. Pour over ham and haste several during browning period. 3. Mixture of % cup sugar and the grated rind orange. Spread over face. teaspoon mustard tablespoons .brown sugar - tablespoons flour in each 400oF., or until times white of an the fat sur- Hairdressing Permanent Waves Cold Wayes - Phone 145 - Jean Hennessey Dot’s Be (north of Bell telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. Tel. 71 Er ©tor V’s Beauty Shoppe Exeter and District’s Most Modern Shoppe Have you consulted us about the NEW RADIO WAVE? All Types of Permanents, Cold*. Heat and Machineless All lines of Beauty Culture Vera C. Fraser, prop. Tel: 112 -Exeter \YHead" First Into Spring With a New Hair Do MONTREAL. — Springlike and refreshing :as the prettiest Easter bonnet, is this joyful Easter dessert! Mould Lemon Jell-O jelly powder in a shallow* bowL When firm, run a fork through Jell-O, breaking it into flakes; pile into serving glasses. On each golden^ bed of Jell-O “straw”, place a mound, of sweetened whipped cream and nestle coloured jelly bean “eggs” in the* cream. Simple*. » . yet very effective! JELL-O’s seven delicious “locked-in” flavours are perfect for any occasion . ♦, and so thrifty, tool t --------- A Wise Easter Rabbit I know thought of this wonderful “Easter Egg present for young folk! ... a Savings 'Account at the BANK OF MONTREAL will be a real “Easter nest egg” for them. And they’ll be proud as punch to think they have money of their very own in the B of M. Add to their account every Easter . . .. and i-y*.. Christmastime, too! It’s the nicest way I know teach them the savings habit! And then you might take them visiting to “My Bank”. They’ll really enjoy it. Just as you enjoy your visits to the BofM. The friendly, helpful people on the counter will be glad to help you open Savings Accounts for your children ... so why not open that “Easter Account” now? “— You'll Be The Smartest Woman in the Easter Par ade if you give yourself a brand new-looking East er Outfit with All- fabric Tintex Tints and Dyes! Blue is Fashion’s Favorite color this Spring and you’ll like the Tintex Navy Blue . * . with Lavender • Old Rose - Ensign Red! Just think! A gay red blouse for Easter with your navy suit ... a faded dress *' perked up” with Navy Blue Tintex*. *« and sweaters dyed to Spring’s loveliest shades! * All worry and guess-work is eliminated from home-dyeing when you follow the easy Tintex instructions that guarantee good results 1 So ask for All-fabric TINTEX now * it costs just 15c a package. J» MOUNT CARMEL (intended for last week) Mr. Michael Ryan is visiting in Chicago with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morkin and children spent Sunday at Regans. The St< RftUlcks dance in the parish hall was well attended. Mr. pleted the installation bathroom. Gerald Regan has from Mr. Elliott, of new tractor with equipment. James Dalton is sporting a new Herb Hartman has com- of a new Monarch car. purchased Exeter, a full farm Permanent Waves Machineless Cold Waves4. Maple syrup, corn syrup may be the liam or be used in place of sugar in the above glazes. Cloves are .used with all the above glazes; into the fat poured over. honey o r poured .over Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell and family of London were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. M. Harlton and family of London visited on Sun day with the former’s mother, Mrs. A. Harlton. Miss Margaret Cook of Water loo spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. E. O’Brien and daughter, Strathroy, were -week end Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien. A number from the village at tended the Huronia Male Choir Concert in James Street United Church, Exeter, on Friday eve ning. Mr. Dave McKee, been confined to his several weeks is able around again. * The Alert Mission meet Sunday morning church service hour at the home of Mrs. F. Bowden. Miss Doreen Proctor was home from work for a few days last week owing to illness. who home to be has for out W These are stuck after the glaze is Tomlinson’s Hairdressing Phone 146 ft! CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Mor- lock spent Saturday in Chesley, We are glad to report that Mrs. Morlock’s sister, Mrs. Treumner, who suffered a stroke several weeks ago. has greatly improved. Mrs. George Eilber is spend ing a week at Grand Bend with her sister, Mrs. and Mr. Gratton. Mrs. Clarence taken to London week for observation. and Mrs. Lome of London, spent at the home of Herb Fahrner* services held in Church willBand during the Mrs. Ruth Watson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Lightfoot, of Ailsa Craig spent Tuesday evening with Mr. William Hodg ins and Alex. Mrs. Marwood Prest and child ren spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Jack Hodgson. Mrs. Laura Blake, of Lucan, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartle. Mr. Hilton Banting is spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dixon. , Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hamil ton and Anna spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- wood Prest. Miss Eleanor Pickering, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Dixon spent ’Saturday evening With Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hotson. The community will be glad to know that Mrs. George Hodg son, who is at present a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don, is progressing %ery favour ably. Mr. ■ J i ill m i e 'Chambers, o f Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Beatrice Dixon. Mrs. 'Mary carter is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Scott Treve thick, and is under the doctor’s care. •Miss Mayion Morton, of Ailsa Craig, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alli son. Mr, and Mrs. Frank McLellan, of Strathroy, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Allison spent Wednesday evening .with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Graven. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hotson spent Thursday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Harty Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins end children spent Tuesday eve ning with Mr, and Mrs. Murray Hamilton. Fred Gratton Fahner was Hospital this Hoare the Mr. ft Easter Coat Fashions Mr. and son, week-end and Mrs. Lenten Evangelieal-U.B. week proved helpful and inspir ing. The guest speaker was Mr. A. Chambers of Toronto. The Ladies’ Aid and W.S.W.S. of the Evangelical Church will meet tonight (Thursday) at the home of the president, Mrs. Wes Wein, Miss Ua Tilley is a .patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having undergone an operation for appendicitis. We Wish her a speedy restoration. Mr. Eugene Finkbeiner and Miss Wenonah Aenerson, Hamil ton, visited over the week-end at 4he home of the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fink beiner. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodall were Mr. Elgin Woodall, Joseph and Katheryn of Royal Oak, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. J. Pry de and John, of Exeter, and Miss Laura Woodall of London. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lowrie and family of Camlachie visited on Sunday with Mrs. Lena Cook and Mrs. A. Haist, Mr. and Mrs. iL Stelck of Dashwood visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. Mp. and Mrs. Herbert Haist of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fahrner over the week-end and attended the silver wedding celebration on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. " Shipka, Miss Velma Chicago, and Mrs, 4 We Have a Large Variety of COATS and COAT SETS for Tried To Take Ah "Opinion Poll** on how much babies like HEINZ BABY FOODS, Lot babies daren’t very talkative. But I’m sure you’ll be able to tell from the expression on your baby’s face — that he thinks they’re "scrumptious”! Mothers and doctors, too, recommend Heinz Baby Foods. Easy to pre pare — they’re “just tight” for tiny tummies. v Meat products, vegetables and desserts cooked to baby-ready digestibility in Heinz spotless kitchens. Buy them at your dealer’s in the convenient 5 ounce tin that’s vacuum-sealed to assure flavour freshness! They’re, every one of them, backed by the famous Heinz reputation for quality! Perhaps The Sight Of. The First Spring Crocus will inspire you to create such a dream as this! For it’s hard to equal the downright deliciousness* of an Angel Food Cake! My favourite recipe for this is found on the SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR package.* Befitting the season frost it With, a fluffy boiled frosting, tinted a delicate yellow, and dust it lightly over with shreds of snowy coconut, Remember, for feather lightness ,■ , . exquisite tenderness be sure to use Swans Down Cake Flour, the cake flour that’s sifted and resifted nnffl 57 times os fine as ordinary flout, I No One's Ever • BOYS » » Roy Ratz of Use two dusHdoths instead of one—then both hands are being useful. Guettinget of ___ ______ ___ Rodney Bow man of Windsor, spent several days this week With their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Guettinger. Mr, Rodney Bowman spent the Week-end here. Mr. Gerald Zwicker is excavat ing for a new Addition to his seed store. a \>Season*s Newest Colours Popular* Prices! Choose Your Coat Tomorrow Confirmation Dresses / Lace trimmed taffeta with detachable long sleeves. Sizes 7 to 12 years ............................................. $7.95 Jf PHONE 37 JL Ju*av. K