HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-04-07, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1949 Kippen Man Injured Jamos Upshali, Kippen, is in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea­ forth, with serious injuries to his leg suffered when a cattle beast he was turning out of the barn slipped and fell against him. What you hanker for is easy to get with a Want Ad WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALES M « Greeting Cards Wide Selection From Which Tq Choose K Notice Having purchased the building vacated by Ed Hunter-Duvar, we hope to serve you more effi­ ciently with our body re­ pair and painting. Thank you for your patronage in the past. WANTED—Barley and oat acre­ age. Get your contract now and be assured of good seed. W. E. Reid, phone 87, Dash­ wood. I 3:24; 6tc WANTED TO RENT — House. . $p5 reward to anyone locating an acceptable house. C. W. Hall, accountant, Bank of Montreal, Exeter, Ontario, tfc WANTED—We are prepared to grass a number of young cat­ tle for the season. —Ed Brod­ erick, Exeter. 4: 7tfc WANTED—A male Collie <pup. Edgar Cudmore, R.R. 1, Hen­ sail. Phone Exeter 171rl4, 7c LOST LOST—Saturday evening in the vicinity of Elliot Apartments, a $10 bill. Finder return to 106 Elliot Apt. Reward. 7* FOR RENT FOR RENT — Comfortable fur­ nished room. Apply Silas Stan- lake, Carling St., Exeter. 7* VACUUM CLEANERS WANTED—A man for clerking and office work. Must be good at figures. Apply in person at Huron Lumber Co, Ltd., Exe­ ter, 31:7c ESTABLISHED Rural Watkins Route available. ,If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to ,get established in a profitable bus­ iness of your own. particulars, write The J. R. Watkins Dept. O-F-6, 350 St. Rocli St., Montreal, Qu'e, 7:21c For full today to Company,, A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY of becoming your own boss! Re­ tail our 250 guaranteed house­ hold necessities including the full line in Insecticides, in a territory of yoi\r choice. Part time agents considered. Hund­ reds of successful Familex agents started with a bor­ rowed $25. or $50. No risk— it is worth a trial. Travelling equipment essential in rural districts. Business Is Good — Write today for details and free catalogue — Familex — 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 10: 6tc WORK WANTED WORK WANTED — , Reliable woman wants housecleaning, washing, ironing or any kind of work immediately. Clean and trustworthy. Apply Box K, Times-Advocate. 7* COAL—For immediate delivery, Ppcohontus nut and stove size boal. H. Bierling, phone Exe­ ter 299, 31:7c FOR SALE'’—A good 5-year-old work mare, Wanted — Some cattle for grass. Cecil Rowe, R. 1, Exeter. * NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—-Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. *■ 2tfc---------------------———-------------------■■-■Z""- FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers mo­ del B tractor, C pistons, equipped with pulley and hy­ draulic lift. William Stanlake, R.R. 1 Exeter, phone 17r5 Crediton.-----------------17:24:7c FOR SALE-—Baoy carriage, in good condition. A real bargain. Ted Jackson, phone 351J. 31c FOR SALE — Locomotive gas washing machine, nearly new, Al condition; also clover seed for sale at reasonable prices. Apply David Blackwell, Hen­ sail R. 2. Phone Zurich 88r8. 31:7* FOR SALE—>Frame house for wrecking. 2'0x30, second storey over half. Must be moved at once. Arnold Gaiser, R. R. 1, Dashwood, phone 32r28. 7* Beavers Hardware■» K Broderick Bros. Findlay ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week EASY POUR LESS FEED WASTE NEW CRACKED FT? GRAIN CHICKS LIKE 'EM FOR SALE—Two sets team har­ ness, 2-row cultivator, James­ way oil brooder stove, colony house and range shelter. R. D. Hunter, Exeter, phone 113W. 7 i Combination Wood an d Coal Stove in homes where the range heats the kitchen in cool weather, the Findley combination is an ideal unit. In winter it heats the room whilq. it cooks and bakes, and in summer you use electricity. Best of all,, a little electric heat brings the oven up to temperature when the coal and "wood fire is low. This is a stove that will save time and .fuel! Here's a different starter TWO OTHER STARTERS You Should Try I ETTER CALF STARTENA Try this on your Spring calves. You feed limited milk the first month, none after that. No mixing, no gruel at any time — no pails to wash after the first month. Think of all the time that will save you in seeding! SOW & PIG CHOW Mix “S & P” with your chop for the sow, both be­ fore and after farrowing, and let the little fellows nibble at it, too. Your pigs will get more milk, and at the same time get used to eating, solid feed before weaning—extra-good feed, too! FOR SALE—B lack Mallards (wild). Ross Hern, Granton R.R. 1, phone Kirkton 41-7. 7* FOR SALE—1947 Mercury special deluxe sedan, 15,000 miles, radio and heater, all in A-l condition. Hilton Truem- ner, Zurich, R. R. 2, , phone 85rll Zurich. 7* FOR SALE—Kitchen cupboard, six feet long, masonite .top, natural finish. Apply Edgar McBride, Kippen, phone Hen- sall 1001'25. 7* FOR SALE—L u ill b e r small building, size 10x14, alsa .a number of 2x4 scant­ ling. Apply Art Day, corner William and Gidley Streets. Exeter. 7 * FOR SALE—Two and gasoliqe ... engine jack. 19 28 Model “A” coach, good condition. Ray Clarke, phone 84r4, ton. from Horsepower Pump Ford Apply Kirk- 7* FOR SALE — Kitchen cupboard, finished in ivory. Phone Exe­ ter 125. 7 FOR SALE—1947 %-ton Dodge pick-up, in good condition, $1,150. Apply Charles P. Diet- rich, R.R. 2, Crediton, phone 20r33. 7:14:21* FOR SAIL®—2-bedroom cottage, with hydro and town water. Full basement with furnace. Possession June 1. 0. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St,, Exe­ ter. PLASTER CONTRACTING Plain or ornamental. Guaran­ teed satisfaction. Free esti­ mates. Phone Dashwood 122, I C. Firby_________10 tfn c FOR SALE—100 acres, One of the best farms in Exeter dist­ rict, An extra fine set of buildings. Hydro and water pressure. Everything ready for spring. Immediate possession, C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 24 FOR SALE—Good 7-room brick house, well located, Phone 2684 Exeter, 17c FOR SALE—Seventy-five acre grass farm, all cleared, water­ ed by creek and windmill. Lot 4, Concession 7, Hay, Apply Ed. Broderick. Exeter. 17:tfc acres, north Line, home­ water bank FARM—Consisting of 100 being located half mile of Zurich, on Goshen known as the Koehler stead, has hydro and through the buildings; barn 75x55-35 feet high. Is in good state of cultivation, 1 of the best farms in the dist­ rict, 2 acres of bush, well fenced and drained. Posses­ sion can be had in reasonable time. FARM—Known as the Taylor farm, opposite the above men­ tioned farm, consisting of 70 acres of good tillable soil, all in good cultivation. Six acres of bush. Has house with hy­ dro. For further particulars, apply to proprietor, Leonard Geromette. ” 17:24:31:7c iFOR SALE—’Residence for sale: Well located in Exeter, 3 bed­ room house. Hardwood floors. Modern kitchen. Whole house recently re - decorated. Imme­ diate possession. C. V. Pick­ ard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 100 ACRE GRASS FARM for sale: Will carry heavy stock. Good water supply. Could be culticated. C. V. Pickard, Re-, altor, Main 'St., Exeter. FOR SALE—Nine room house, William St., 4 rooms and bath upstairs, 4 rooms and one- piece bath downstairs. Suit­ able for two families. Phone 290J. 31:7* HENS ALL 6-R00M brick house, metal roof, good cellar, fire­ place, hard and _soft water at sink. Centrally located. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 31c 100 ACRES choice clay-loam, Si­ mile to good shopping village, school, churches, 2 acres bush, balance tillable, well fenced and drained, .8 acres wheat; comfortable house, in good condition; spacious bank barn, 55 xx 75; new stabling with water, electricity, litter rier. Separate buildings implements, pigs, at once, tor, Exeter. car- for hens. Buy W. C, Pearce, Real- Yes — Purina Startena Checker-Etts are differ­ ent— particles ranging from mash to cracked grain size. Your chicks take to them, eat more. And this combined with the new fast-growth for­ mula results in really remarkable growth and sturdiness. Economical growth, too, 2 lbs. per chick is all it takes to get them away to a flying start — then they're ready for growing ration. You’ll be amazed at the growth you get on that 2 lbs. Purina Turkey Startena Checker-Etts (intro­ duced last year) gave real results. Ask any turkey raiser who fed them how he liked them! Start your chicks on ChickStartena Checker- Etts, your poults on Turkey Startena Checker-Etts, and you'll “see the difference Pur­ ina makes”. The quick, strong, fast-feathering start carries through in­ to the growing period, and means money in your pocket. Call in— see a sample-—order a supply! 'FOR SALE — International A tractor, starter and lights, tires nearly new, equipped with scuffler and bean puller, all in A-l repair; also Inter­ national new type low wheel power lift stiff tooth cultiva­ tor;. International sugar beet lifter to fit the A tractor. These implements are all in god repair. —Harord Taylor, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39r8. 7tfc HAY TWP. 75 ACRES pasture, bush, watered by creek and well with windmill. W. C< Pearce. Exeter.. FOR SALE1—-New 5-room insul- brick bungalow, just finished; large living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and dinette with mod­ ern cupboards, 3-piece bath. Full basement with furnace, one lot. Apply Wm. Hatter', ExeteryNorth.7c PURINA STARTENA SHECKERETTS Do not take needless chances wit h tlie health and lives of your baby chicks and poults this year. Drop a Purina Cliek-R-Tab in each quart of drinking water. This will prevent spread of «, disease, in your flocks. THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN FOR SALE—1946 Dodge special deluxe sedan and a 1934 Chev coach, both in good condition. Broderick Bros., phone 277 Exeter. 7* FOR BETTER birds, chicks that grow faster, use Dr. Sals­ bury’s Ren-O-Sal in drinking water right from the start. Also for control of cecal coc- cidiosis. Buy Ren-O-Sal here. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, Ont. phone 266. 30c FEED TURNIPS for sale. A pit about 800 bushels. Apply Al­ vin Moir, phone 171r4 Exeter, 7c FOR SALE—’48 Fleetline Chev coach; ’47 Fleetlfrje Chev coach; ’42 Dodge deluxe se­ dan; *41 Chev J-ton. —Lang’s Garage, Exeter, 7c FOR SALE—3-burner coal oil stove and oven, good condi­ tion. Apply Chester Lunn, phone 17r4 Crediton. 7c FOR SALE—Gander; grey flan­ nel suit, $7.00, size 16; set of lamps, reduced to clear. Maga­ zines, books, novels 5 c and 10c. Lawn rakes 30c, and many other artidles. Apply A. H, Daynes, House of Signs, Huron St. W. 7:14* FOR SALE—Good frame build­ ing. Apply to Silas Stanlake, Carling St., Exeter.7* FOR SALE—One 11-hoe Massey Harris grain and fertilizer seed drill, A-l condition* Ap­ ply Elmer Stewart, telephone 54r9 Kirkton. ...........7* FOR SALE—Good work mare, quiet and reliable. —Keith Weber, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 44r9. 7* FOR SALE 4937 Packard, in running conditio m Needs some body work. $275, phone V. Sprung, Kirktdh 48rll 7c FOR SALE—House, 6 - r o o m, -frame,’ storey and half, on lot 70 x 160, more^or less, base­ ment, good garden, good well. Cash deal. Apply J. S. Burn, Crediton. Phone 4W Crediton. 7* PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effec­ tive. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results? new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New ‘get acquainted* size only 60c. All druggists. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Davis All persons having c 1 a i m s against Davis, late of the Village Of Exeter, died oh or about the 4th day of February, 1949, are hereby noti­ fied to send in to the under­ signed on or before the 15 th day of April, 1949, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said eState Will be distribut­ ed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of ail others, and"*the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not’ then have notice for the assets so distribut­ ed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 17th day of March, 1949. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Sol’r for the Estate. the estate of Annie Widow, deceased, who z HOG FARMERS 1. Are your hogs aneamic, pale or scurfy? Use iFinn’s Hog Fix —-one pound treats one pig. 2. You should deworm your hogs with Finn’s Hog Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser, ■Simply fed in the feed. 3. Save money on your hog feed, at least fifty cents per bag,. Mix Finn’s Hog Minerals, con­ tains no salt. No concentrates are needed on our iplan. 4. To have healthy, strong litters of pigs feed your sows Finn’s Hog Minerals at least twenty- five pounds from breeding to weaning. Costs $2,50 to in­ sure a strong healthy litter. 5. Do your sucking pigs scour? Use Finn’s S.E.S. tablets, dose does the job. Costs 10c per pig. Contact Wm. Morley, our rict salesman. Phone Kirkton 35r4. He can help you. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., Lon­ don, Ont. 7:14:21:28c one dist- CATTLE MEN—Cattle men, do you have some non-breeders? DO your calves have scours? • Do you have some cows which are not doing right? Do you have mastites your herd? Do calves eat the these problems care of by Wm. Kirkton 35r4. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., Lon­ don, Ont. 7:14:21:28c or garget in your cows or mangers? All can be taken Morley, phone POULTRY FARMERS 1. Revive your aneamic, weak, « scoury chicks and t u r k e y poults with Finn’s Red Blood Quickly tablets. Costs quarter cent chick, poult, water. 2. Avoid Finn’s Poultry Conditioner and Intes­ tinal Cleanser every month fdr three months. Simply fed in the water and the feed. 3. Mix your own growing mash for your birds. Save from 60 to 80 cents per bag by using Finn’s f e e di n,g plan using straight grain and Finn’s Poul­ try Tonic. Start feeding at 8 weeks of age. These products have been fed and recommend­ ed by Harmon Morton, turkey breeder, Ailsa Craig, for nine years and thousands of On­ tario poultry flocks. Contact Wm. Morley, our dist­ rict salesman. Phone Kirkton 35r4 about all your livestock problems, he can help you. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., 'Lon­ don, Ont. 7:14:21:28c , half cent turkey Simply put in drinking Coccidiossis by using Kew Tablets and Finn’s V. TENDERS WANTED Hay Telephone System The Council for the Hay Mun­ icipal Telephone System hereby calls for tenders for the installa­ tion of a flush toilet system and water basin, one in Dashwood Central and one in Zurich Cen­ tral. Material used to be of stan­ dard equipment, all vitreous toi­ let, cast iron stack, steel septic tank, cast enamel basin 17 x 19 inches, and to be installed ac­ cording to tlie most modern plumbing practices. Tenders call for completed* job, digging, tile, equipment and labour. The man­ agers, T. H. Hoffman, or H. G. Hess may be'contacted for in­ structions and inspection of loca­ tion. Tenders to be separate for each Central, and to state when work can be completed. All tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer by April 13, 1949. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Sec.-Treas., Hay Munici­ pal Telephone System Zurich, Ont. 7:14c Gravel Tenders Township of McGillivray Sealed tenders^will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o’clock noon, Friday, April 29, 1949, for loading and hauliiig 7,000 yds., more or less, pit run gravel any place in township. Tender to be accompanied by marked cheque for $200.00 as guarantee. The gravel to be put on between September 1 and October 15, 1949. Lowest or any tender not, necessarily accepted. A. D. STEEPER, Road Supt., Ailsa Craig, Ont. CLEARING AUCTION OF TRACTOR, LIVESTOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS, COMBINE, HAY & GRAIN,, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneers have been instructed to sell by­ public auction On the premises, Lot 10, L.R.E., Bosanquet Township 3 miles south and half mile* east of Grand Bend, on Highway 21 on TUESDAY, APRIll 12 commencing at 12:30 pan. sharp Livestock HORSES: Aged team of Per- cheron geldings., CATTLE:-Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, due in May; Durham farrow­ cow, 5 years old; Hereford cow, 8 years old, with calf at foot; Durham cow, 10 years old, due in August; Durham farrow cow, eight years old; Durham cow, 8 years old, with heifor calf at foot; Holstein steer, 1 year old; red Durham steer, 1 year old; 4 heifers, 1 year old. These cattle are all of good quality and have been government T.B. tested, and were found 100 per cent negative, No reactors. HOGS: Yorkshire sow, due May 6; 10 choice stockers, aver­ aging 125 lbs. ea.; 9 choice stoc­ kers, averaging 165 lbs. each. : Implements, Grain Andi Household Effects COMBINE & LIGHT TRUCK: McCormick Deering 5-ft. com­ bine, completely equipped with motor, scour clean, grain tank, bean sieve, pick-up, etc. This combine was purchased new last year. A 1937 Chevrolet S-ton truck, stock rack, in good condition. TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS: Farmall A tractor on rubber, equipped with starter and lights, in perfect condition; tractor 4- row scuffler and puller; McD. 2- furrow tractor plow on rubber, like new; McD. 6-ft. tractor cul­ tivator; double tractor disc; McD. side delivery rake; Coek- shutt 13-disc fertilizer drill; Mc­ Cormick mower, 5-ft. cut; Cock- shutt No. 4 manure spreader; M-H binder. 7-ft. cut; M-H 3- horse cultivator; M-H scuffler and bean puller combined; 2 drum steel roller; 3 Fleury walking plows; set of boh sleighs; M-H hay loader; $-ft. hay rake; Bell cutting box with 30-ft. form mill; hook 9-in. roller bearing rubber tired wagon, like new; 2 steel tired wagons, 14-ft. hay rack, gravel box; large block and tackle with 100-ft. ,steel cable," suitable for extra heavy work; 6 bunches cedar shingles; Anker cream separator, 800-lb. ity; M-H root pulper; set harness) buzz saw; 2 barrows; 50 cedar posts; rubber belt; 2 gas barrels; light rope, 100-ft. long; set sling ropes; ditching scraper; 2 cross cut saws; Cyclone grass seeder; 100-ft. picket fence; electric fencer, posts and insulators; SO rods barb wire; 20 cow chains; colony house, 16 x 10 ft.; broo­ der stove, 500-chick capacity; 140-egg capacity incubator; chic- | ken shelters and feeders: 2.log- I ging chains; quantity of grain, ■bags; some lumber; various car­ penter tools; pails; ladders; shovels; forks; doubletrees; and many other articles too numer­ ous to mention. HAY & GRAIN: Fifteen tons good quality mixed hay; 35(b bales of oat straw; 150 bushels of mixed grain; 75 bushels Car­ ter oats, suitable for seed; 100- bushels barley; 2 bushels of "al­ falfa seed. # MAPLE SYRUP EQUIPMENT: Boiling pan, 5 x 2i ft.; ‘finishing pan, 3 x 2$ ft.; ‘ gallon supply pails and spiles. HOUSEHOLD _ _____ Loeamotive electric washing chine in good condition; kitchen stove; box stove; extension table; cupboard; small tables; 6 kitchen chairs; leather couch; churn; butter bowl; 1-lb. butter print; all kinds of dishes, etc. AS THIS is a large sale, sell­ ing will start sharp at 12:30. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Terms •— Cash IRA STEBBINS, Prop. EARL BIRR, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, J. R. MCLEAN, Auctioneers roller; plows; M-H hay loader; ; Bell cutting pipe^; 2,000-lb. cap. plat- scales; Clinton fanning set diamond harrows; set and tooth harrows; Vessot grinder; Beuler Timken Holt capac- double wheel- 20-ft. new galvanized tank; 250 EFFECTS: BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICK bargains while they last non-sexed, pullets, cockerels .two, three, four? five, and six weeks old. Also turkey poults two, three and four week old. Also day old chicks and turkey poults. Send tor spbcial sale price list. Free catalogue. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 7:14c NEUHAUSER CHICKS—Govern­ ment Approved chicks in 20 b r e e d s. Thousands available weekly, started chicks in our brooders now. Some 2 Weeks old. Come in and see them.-— Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King st, London. 7:14c 300- sap One ma­ AUCTION SALE OF USED FURNITURE AND CLOTHING, BRICK BUILDING AND FLOWERS At Sceli’s Store, .TAicati SATURDAY, APRIL 16 at 2:00 p.m. CONSISTING OF: Used furni­ ture; electric fireplace and man­ tel; men's and ladies’ used Clbth|iig; flowers of all kinds— geraniums, etc.; brick building containing and 7-foc>m residence. ALEX SCELI, Prop. W. S. O’NEIL, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneers Clothing; fiowi Easter Tillies? also store