HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-03-31, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1949
Tom Semple
Trucks, Windows,
9 Store Front Signs,
Gold Leaf Lettering
Mother was slow to
head what seemed So
clear to little sue. The
the family was talking
“A tedder?” mother
“Why, you know, mummy,”
(patiently explained Sue, “it’s a
leaf from a chicken.”
pride of
about a
Gleaned From Exeter District High School
Wait till you see the Bargains
£7 ,
After getting them off to a fast^tart with Roe
Vita Food Chick Starter, switch at the seventh
week to Roe Vita-Grow Growing Mash.
Made fresh daily, these profit-making feeds
are produced in Western Ontario especially
for Western Ontario chicks and pullets. Both
of these Roe Feeds have what it takes to
build big frames, sound flesh, healthy internal
organs . * . this means bigger profits for you
later* One season will prove that it pays to
use Roe Feeds. See your Roe Feed dealer.
Last 'Saturday’s game with
Tillsonburg began with , plenty
of action and with _ our team
leading by eight points at half
time. Somewhere, somehow, they
seemed .to lose a bit of their
energy and the opopsing team
was able to pass their score,
The game was uncomfortably
close all the way and most ex
citing. This was the last game
in the W.O.S.S.A, series. Certainly
there is nothing but praise for
a team that has come so far,
This was -the second time our
boys played in the W.O.S.S.A,
finals. For this and all their
victories throughout the season
we have reason to say they have
been very successful.
Last Thursday the boys played
at the Centralia Airport. The
game was a decided victory for
Exeter. .They defeated the air
men 'by a wide margin of 41-22.
...■■■....................... ......
The Senior ana Junior girls
■Played in Stratford last Wednes
day, The .Seniors won by a score
of 32”17, The Exeter Juniors
lost by a score of 19-11.
* * ♦.
has been .moved to
ward, now common”
the “Chicken Coop”
among the proper,
(Hade 1'3
our isolation
ly known as
or “Annex”
Their removal to this restricted
area was for a very special pur
pose. As tlie time of year would
indicate, they are writing Easter
examinations. On Monday their
exams will be over and we lower
aschool will still have
before ours start.* * * *
Jones, who keeps ourMr
Commercial Department rolling
and Grade 13 mathematics on
their toes, has been ill. We hope
that very soon he will be back
with us.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and
daughter, of Lucan,
week-end with 'Mr.
Earl Dixon,
The teachers of
School area attended
in Mr. Campbell’s School House,
West Williams, on .Monday eve
A number from the commun
ity attended the dance held in
the London Arena on Thursday
evening last, sponsored by the
Junior Farmers.
Mrs. Earl Dixon,
Ellwood and Betty
week-end with Mr.
Ben Whittard, of St.
Mr. and Mrs. George ,Mercer
and family spent Sunday with
friends in KJlworth.
Mrs. John L. Hotson and Mrs.
Ted Hotson have returned home
aftei* spending some
friends in Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe
family spent Sunday
latter’s parents, Mr.
Eli Rosser, of Ailsa
being Mr. Rosser’s eighty-third
birthday. Congratulations to Mr.
Mrs. Beatrice Dixon spent the
week-end with friends in Lon
don. ,
Mrs. Marwood Prest and fam
ily spent Saturday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. W i 1 li a m
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swartz
spent Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hotson.
We are sorry to report
Master Billie, son of Mr.
Mrs. Goldwin Glenn., has
under the doctor’s care.
At the time of writing Mr.
John L. Hotson is confined to
his bed with the flu.
Mrs. Beatrice Dixon attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Mc
Intosh, of 'Greenway, on Sunday
Frank Cunningham Dies
The funeral of the late Frank
Cunningham was held from the
Miurdy Funeral Home, Lucan, on
Monday afternoon last. The ser
vice being conducted by Rev.
Mr. Harrison, of Lucan. Inter
ment i n iSt. .Janies Anglican
Cemetery. Mr, Cunningham was
a life long resident of McGilliv
ray Township, where he farmed
all his life, except the last four
or five years, when he lived in
Clandeboye. He is survived by
one son, Harold, of Elginfield,
and one daughter, Mrs. Roy
Watson (Vfola) of Parkhill. The
pall bearers were Clifford Lewis,
Thomas Lee, George Mercer,
John W. Morgan, Cecil Ellwood
and ,Roy Schenk.
spent the
and Mrs*
a m’eetin'g
.Mrs. Cecil
spent the
and Mrs.
time with
Amos and
with the
.and Mrs.
Craig, .it
Mr, and Mrs. E. Atkinson
were dinner guests on Friday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. ,G.
Latta, of London.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Greenlee and
Mr. and Mi’s. E, Greenlee were
dinner guests at the home of
Mrs, S. Greenlee, of Brinsley, on
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dicldns
of Lucan, and Mrs. M. McDonald
and Hazel spent Wednesday at
the home of Mr. and Mi’s, H,
Rev. and Mrs. M> H« Elston
and Sheila were guests with Mr.
and Mrs. M. Colbert, of near
London, on Wednesday evening.
Mr. .and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins
visited on Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Smyth, of
Midland, . spent several days
visiting friends in this vicinity.
They spent the winter in Florida
and are on their way home.
Mrs. F. Davis is visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
M. H, Elston,
Mr. and Mrs. E. B, .Smyth and
Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis were
Sunday dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs. E. ..Greenlee,
Mr. G- Essery, of London,
visited with .Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Dobbs over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs, Rd. Dickens
spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. I. Hodgins, of London.
The male shopper playfully
squeezed one doll, and it holler
ed “Mama.” He squeezed an
other and this one yelled “Floor
Mbs. Harry Klilare is spending
a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
P.ickjes, of Byron.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sum
mers, of London, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron
ald Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster, of St.
Miarys, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. .Alex Baillie.
Mrs Thomas Simpson
last week in Toronto. .
Recent visitors of Mr.
■Mrs. Melleville Gunning
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl« and
Mr. .and Mrs. Allen Jaques, of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chapman
visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. (S. Bowers, Exeter.
Mr. and iMrs. James Beckett
and family, >of Kitchener, and
Mr. C. Millson, of Prospect,
visited recently with .Mr. and
Mrs. George Millson.
Mr. Thomas Morley, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Gunning visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Archer near
London, on Sunday.
Mr. Alonzo Knowles, of St.
Marys, was a Sunday visitor of
Mr. and Mrs., William French.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins
ana family, Mr. and Mrs. George
Squire, Mr. and Mrs, H. Squire
and Mr. and ,Mrs. F. Squire were
Saturday evening dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques,
of Zion. ,
Euchre Olub^Meets
The Euchre Club met at the
school on Tuesday evening with
a good atendance. Prizes for the
evening went to: ladies’ high,
Miss Mary Herbert; gents’ high,
Wilfred Herbert; lone .hand s,
Cleve Pullman; consolation,
Harr Squire. Those in -charge of
the evening were Misses
Morley, Ruth Whalen and
and Mrs. Cunnington. The
party will’be on April 5.
Have you ordered HER corsage yet? We have se
cured a few gardenias, plenty of roses) carnations,
sweet peas, u
The store will be open Friday evening for your
Congratulations to the RCAF on its 25th anniversary!
Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276
Sell Those Hens
Why not sell those hens that are not laying enough
to make you. a profit? As the market prices vary from
time to time, be sure to receive* the latest market
report by phoning—
Riverside Poultry Co.
Phone Hensall 8Or2 Howard Ferguson,
Phone Kintor^ 17r9 Manager ‘
Your Reliable Photographer:
• ®
Does not make misleading statements, offers or promises.
Takes an interest in portraits he makes of you and your family.
Sells photographs at the same price to all. No extra or hidden
Helps, through his/ taxes, to support the local community.
Takes pride in quality workmanship.
The P.A. of- A. recommends that you patronize studios which are
reliable. Save vourself embarrassment and dissatisfaction.*
7,000 Members
The Largest Association of Professional Photographers in the World
The Photographers1 Association of America
Copy., 194S, The P. A. of A., Cleveland, Ohio
Spring Grastet,
protein* arid vitamins are
harvested at their nutrition
peak, dehydrated In minutes,
then added to ail Roo Vita*
mixed Feeds « * » a "green
gold" diet bonus lor poultry,
Fairfield Farm Forum
Fairfield Farm Forum met in
the school house Monday night
for the final meeting of the sea
son. This took the form of a
ham supper and picture show.
Every family in tlie section but
two was represented, and one of
these was -prevented by sickness.
About fifty -partook of a deli
cious meal, after which a fine
showing of pictures was given : under the direction of Ray Lam-
mie of Centralia, One very in
structive film was on insect
pests and their control, although
it was thought to see those aw
ful insects travel there was not
much control over them.
In between reels was the elec
tion of officers for the new sea
son beginning in October; also a
reading given by Mrs. Morlock
from a clipping from The Times-
Advocate of eighteen years -ago,
giving the account of the first
supper held in the school. This
was 'the occasion, of the formal
opening of the school, when a
chicken supper was served and
an extra good program given,
The newspaper clipping also
gave tlie history of Fairfield
back to 100 years ago.
The new president is Jack
Hepburn; the secretary’s job will
be carried out by Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Richard, and Mr, and Mrs.
Elinor Bowe, jointly1. The recrea
tional committee consists of Mrs.
Ted Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. Wel
lington Haist, Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sel King, Joe White and George
The officials of last year are
very grateful for the whole
hearted support accorded to
them for the past year and ask
for a continuance of the same
for the Now Year. Any office is
made easy thereby, ”
Women's Suits - 2 skirts
Extra Pants FREE
Bond Suits NOW at Our Store
Through an agreement with Bond Clothiers, we have amalgamated our
buying with stores in Galt, Stratford, St. Marys and Hamilton, and now
offer you every advantage of organized buying.
No Better Values Anywhere! We Give You A Money-Back Guarantee!
Men's Suits - 2 pair pants
$35.75 Extra Skirt and Pants FREE
These cloths we offer are the finest imported Serges, Sharkskin,
Gabardines, Worsteds and Tweed that are made.
Think of it! Styled just the way you want it, and tailored exactly
to your requirements whether you are short, tall, stout or thin.
$44.75 to $59.75
These beautiful suitings have just arrived. Hundreds to choose
from, and we guarantee good delivery,
Our English Imported All Wool Tropicals
~ Cool, Practical and Cut Smartly —