HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-03-17, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1949 CEMENT WORK Foundations Sidewalks Free Estimates & Doug Triebner Phone 17rl2 Crediton REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE $PERSONAL For Basement Excavation WANTED TO RENT—A Danish farmer wants to rent a farm 50 to 150 acres or would like a farm 150 to 250 acres on shares. Apply with full infor­ mation to Box VMt Exeter Times-Advocate. 17* FOR SALE'—Allis Chalmers trac­ tor, on rubber model “C”, lights and starter, scuffler and beap puller attachments. Reg Knight. Phone 174rll Exeter. 17*tf NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Llectrio, also Treadle machines, Re­ pairs to all makes, Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford,2tfc SLENDOR TABLETS are effec­ tive. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 w e e k s’ $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store, • see I Chas. P. Dietrich R.R. 2 Crediton Phone 20r33 Crediton w Flock Run-Down? Try This Pickup For birds that are run-down or convalescing from disease, we recommend Dr. Salsbury’s AVI-TAB as a tonic. Easy to use in the mash. Low in cost. Use as a monthly treatment. For a springtime pickup in produc­ tion, try AVI-TAB. I I I ■x s- v. L. V. Hogarth Phone 266 J HIGHWAY — 81 acres, 24 wheat, 20 ploughed, 7-room red brick house, wired, fur­ nace, 3-piece bath, pressure water, garage, bank barn, spring possession. —W, C, Pearce, Realtor. 17c FOR SALE—’46 Dodge special deluxe sedan, in first class condition; ’39 Chev coach; ’32 Chev coupe; ’30 Chev coach. Good used car radio. Apply at Broderick Bros,, phone 277 Exeter. 17* FOR SALE—125 acres level till­ able dark clay loam, brick house, large bank barn, 2% miles to public or separate schools. $6,000 cash or terms. April possession. Hay Twp., 72 acres pasture with some bush, creek, well and wind­ mill. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 17c REAL ESTATE—10% -acre chic­ ken farm on Highway 83, one mile east of Dashwood, room piece bath. furnace, large lawn, 30 fruit trees, 100's strawberries and raspberries, pig pen, water in both barn and 80 x 25 chic­ ken house. Ideal location for tourist and roadside selling. Price $7,500. Apply J. N. Cowan, Hay P.O. 10:17:24c 10- white brick home, 3- , hardwood floors, FOR SALE—2-bedroom cottage, with hydro and \own water. Full basement with furnace. Possession June 1. C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. ' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rlO v_________________________J "X There Is Still Time To Order a Corsage ... if you do it now ! We have roses, carnations and gardenias in shades to match every gown. Our store will be open Friday evening till 10 p.m. for your convenience. EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey & Family Phone 276 'K Order Your Easter Tip Top Suit Now To assure your new* suit for Easter and spring, we advise you to place your order with us now. The new fabrics are here from which you can select your new garment and they offer you the usual Tip Top high quality. Extra trousers now available. FOR SALE—-1947 Mercury spe­ cial deluxe sedan, 15,000 miles, radio and heater, all in A-l condition. Hilton Truem- ner, Zurich, R.R, 2, phone 85rll Zurich. 17:24* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Good 7-room brick house, well located. Phone 268J Exeter. 17c BUILDING LOTS—We have a/ block of 12 lots for sale. Well located and reasonably priced. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE— 100 acres, close to Mt. Carmel. Fine brick house. A complete home with every convenience. Good barn on wall. Drilled well. 100 acres, Usborne Twp., good brick house and comparatively new barn on wall. Hydro and water pressure. 150 acres, Usborne Twp., good brick house, fine barn, silo, hydro throughout, close to school and highway. 122 acres, Stephen Twp., brick house with modern conven­ iences. Roomy barn. Hydro and water pressure. acres, on surfaced road. Com­ fortable small house, good barn, henhouse. Garden land, I hydro. | —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St. Exeter. 5 FOR SALE —Fifty acres of pasture land including four rock well and windmill, being the south half of Lot 10, Con- session IS, Township of Step­ hen. Apply to Elmer D. Bell, Exeter, ..Ontario, Ferdinand Haber er, Zurich, Ontario, oi’ Lloyd Gaiser, Crediton, Ont. 10:17c acres of young bush, FOR SALE—8 room, 1% storey farm home of wood construct­ ion, in good condition;. Elect­ rically wired; can and must b e removed from present property; located near Hens­ ail, If you want a good, low- cost home, this will make it. Apply Box “E” Times- Ad­ vocate, 17:24:31c FOR SALE—'Seventy-five acre grass farm, all cleared, water­ ed by creek and windmill. Lot 4, Concession 7, Hay. Apply Ed, Broderick. Exeter. 17:tfc acres, north Line, home­ water bank FARM—Consisting of 100 being located half mile of Zurich, on Goshen known as the Koehler stead, has hydro and through the buildings; barn 75x55-35 feet high. Is in good state of cultivation, 1 of the best farms in the dist­ rict, 2 acres of bush, well fenced and drained. Posses­ sion can be had in reasonable time. FARM—-Known as the Taylor farm, opposite the above men­ tioned farm, consisting of 70 acres of good tillable soil, all in good cultivation. Six acres of bush. Has house with hy­ dro. For further particulars, apply to proprietor, Leonard Geromette. 17:24:31:7c doors, HURON LUMBER CO. LTD At the Top of the Ladder! SCARFE’S EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTS You can’t go higher In quality *; * you can’t get more "surface satisfaction” * « » than you’ll find in Scarfed Exterior House Paints. For greater brilliance, more economical coverage, better protection and longer wear, use these finishes along with Scarje’s Non­ Fading Trim Paints for windows, eaves and down-spouts. FOR SALE—Montcalm Seed Barley, Prize winner at Royal Winter 'Fair. Apply James Harris, phone 33rl8 Kirkton, 1'0:17* FOR SALE— Building 20x28, suitable for double garage or henhouse. Priced reasonable. Phone 372J Exeter. 10:17c FOR 'SALE—1936 Dodge sedan, four good tires, heater, radio. Phone 54 Crediton. 11; 18* FOR SALE—Two young Dur­ ham cows, due in March. Ed. Munn, R.R. 1, Exeter 10:17* FOR SALE— “Fink” snowplow, complete with wing -and hy­ draulics, $775, also, rubber tired wagon. Apply Leon Triebner, R. R. 1. HensaJU. Phorie 171r24 Exeter around 7:00 a.m. 10:17:24* FOR SALE—Insulation machine complete, on 4-wheel trailer, closed van, 14 x 7 x 7. Wis­ consin air-cooled engine, 100 ft. 3-in. hose. Hammer mill and force feed, U.S.A, make, positive blower. The entire machine like new. If interest­ ed in a good paying business with a machine of your own, write Box ‘K’, Times-Advocate Exeter. 10:17* FOR SALE1—1935 Ford deluxe sedan in good condition, new motor, battery and heater, sealed beam lights. Apply G. Bonnallie, above Fink’s Meat Market, Exeter. 11:18* FOR SALE—Cow dve to freshen this "month, 4 years old, good cream cow, quiet. R. B. Quance, phone 25rl2 Kirkton.* FOR SALE—Timothy seed\$7.50' per bushel. Apply Harry Rodd, Granton, phone 17rl3 Kirk­ ton. 17* FOR SALE—1947 Ford Coach, black, custom, radio, new tires, new car condition, or­ iginal owner. Phone 214, William Lawrence, Zurich. 17:24c FOR SALE—Three big, strong' sows, due first part of April. Apply Major Baker, phone 164r6 DashWQod 17c FOR SALE—A quantity of feed turnips. Roy Westcott, phone 172rll, Exeter. 17* RAISE THE BEST brood of chicks you’ve ever seen with Dr. Salsbury’s R e n-O-S a 1, e a s y-t o-u s e drinking-water medication. Chicks grow fast­ er, do better, with Ren-O- Sal. Buy a box today. L. V. Ho­ garth, Exeter Ontario, phone 266. 16 FOR SALE--Coleman stove, 3 burner, with oven. Mrs, Chas. Regier, Dashwood R.R. 3, phone 163r7 Dashwood. 17* FOR SALE—Findlay -Condor range, all white enamel, coal or wood, like new; also con­ goleum rug, IV x 9’, nearly new. Phone 177-6, Exeter. * FOR SALE—A Shetland pony. Alton Isaac, Clandeboye. 17* FOR SALE—Studio couch, good condition. Phone Exeter 68W. 17c FOR SALE — Ten little pigs. Phone 41r5 Dashwood 17* FOR SALE—Electric Brooder. 500 capacity. Two coal burn­ ing brooder stoves. Apply Bruce Tuckey, phone 174r4. 17* FOR SALE—One used 1% h.p. Beattie grain grinder; one % h.p. electric motor. Apply to Morris Hern, phone Kirkton 4r9. 17* FOR SALE—1942 Chevrolet coach, iu good condition, de­ froster, heater, radio, spot­ light. Apply Brenner’s Garage, Grand Bend, phone 45r9. 17* BUCKEYE OIL Brooders—Large size, 52” canopy* Positive au­ tomatic regulation of heat. Blue steel combustion drum; cast Iron flame spYeader; spun glass kindling ring; heavy cast iron well type brooder. Special price of $26.75. A lot of broo­ der for little money. —NeU- hauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London.*f .. .......... ... . ........—---'- - - FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers mo­ del B tractor, C pistons, equipped with pulley and hy­ draulic lift. William Stanlake, R.R. 1 Exeter, phone 17r5 Crediton. 17:24:7c FOR SALE Hallicrafters Sky champion radio receiver, bass reflex and phono jack; also automatic record player, col­ lection of fine music records, Rev. A. Hinton, Kippen, phone 74r4 Hensall. 17* SKINNY MEN, WOMEN.’ Gain 5 to 15 lbs. Now pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New ‘get acquainted’ size only 60c. All druggists. NOTICES BY-LAW 8, 1949 VILLAGE OF HENSALL Reward re False Fire Alarms By authority of the Municipal Act RSO 1937 Section 404 (6) and Ammendments thereto, the Council of the Village of Hensall enacts jas follows: Be it enacted and it is hereby enacted by the Municipal Coun­ cil of the Corporation of the Village of Hensall, that a Re­ ward of $50.00 will be paid to any person who supplies infor­ mation leading to the apprehen­ sion or conviction of any person who causes a False Fire Alarm, as defined under The Criminal Code, Section 516A. • This 'By-Law No. 8, 1949, given first, second, third and final reading and finally passed in open Council this Sth day of March, 1949. ALVIN Reeve. JAMES Clerk. box; iron kettle; 5'00 four-inch tile; pig feeder; 12 cedar posts; 200 sap buckets and spiles; forks; shovels; chains; whiff le- trees; neckyokes; boxes; barrels; extension ladder; horse scuffler; and other cles. Ten tons of clover hay; 600 bus. of mixed grain; 4 bus, no. 1 clover seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Hall rack; parlor table; round table; kitchen table; china cabinet; congoleum rug, 9 x 12. Terms — Cash ALVIN WURM, Prop. FRED DAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. pails; McC. arti- belt, 1'0* cord of stove wood, harness, line shaft with hapgors and pulleys, emery, forks, shovels, hoes, whiffletrees, neck- yokes, boxes, barrels and niany Other articles; HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: —- Coal oi’ wood range, Beach kitchen range, coal or wood; 25 bags of potatoes, sausage mach­ ine, crocks and sealers, kitehen. chairs, boiler, churn, heavy duty electric stove, robe and rug. GRASS FARM: At the same time and place there will bo offered for sale the grass farm being lot .6, concession 7, Hay Township, belonging to the William Penhale estate; some bush, good water with windmill. 'TERMS: Chattels, cash. Terms of grass farm made known on. day of sale. A. J. PENHALE, proprietor. FRED DAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, W. A. public 23 sharp KER SLAKE, PATERSON, TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR DRAIN The Exeter District High School Board invites tenders for the construction of a storm, sewer for the new school build­ ing on Gidley Street to of the Aux Sable river. t0 do the ditching, lay build eight man-holes the back fill. Tile to be Surveyor’s profile and eer’s blueprints of the project are available for inspection at the office of Jones & McNaught­ on Seeds, Limited, Exeter. "Tenders addressed to E. Howey, secretary, Exeter District High School Board, Exeter, Ont., will be accepted up to 5 p.m. Friday, April 1, 1949. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. E. D. Howey, Secretary 17:24:30 the bank Tenderer the tile, and* do supplied, engin- D. RE—SPRAYING Tenders will be received the spraying of cattle in the Township of Stephen. The muni­ cipality will furnish the insecti­ cide powder. Tenders to state price per head. Two sprayings to be given cattle and three if re­ quested by farmer. Bond will be required from successful Con­ tractor. Lowest tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the before 1 p.m. for hands of the Clerk on or Tuesday, April 5, 1949. 17:24c F. W. .MORLOCK Clerk AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 20, Con. 1, Usborne Twp. Two miles north of Exeter on No. 4 Highway on TUESDAY, MARCH 22 at 1:00 p.m. the HORSES: matched, 11 CATTLE: old, bred Jan. 5 yrs. old, fresh; Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs. old, due at time of sale; red cow, 5 yrs. old, due at time of sale; red heifer, due at time of sale; black cow, 8 yrs. fresh Feb. 24; 4 steers, rising 2 yrs.; 2 yearling I rising 2 2 small PIGS: sow due pigs, 125 lbs.; York hog, 2 yrs. old. IMPLEMENTS: Oliver 70 trac­ tor, like new, with lights, power lift, pulley; 2-row Oliver scuff­ ler, hew; tractor beet lifter; ; 3-furrow Bissel disc stiff tooth cultivh- M.H. binder, 6-ft.; 2 walk- McC. 13-hoe fertili- drill; 3-drum steel roller; following: Gray/ team, years old. Gray cow, 5 13; black yrs.; 3 calves. Young time of well years cow, old, heifers; heifer, yearling steers; sow with pigs, sale; 10 Stocker FOR SALE—A dark bay Clyde team, rising 4 and 5, very quiet; a dark red bull, 9 mos.; also some open heifers, good colour. Delbert L. Gaiser, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont. 17124:31* AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On the premises, Hay Township, Bluewater Highway, 6 miles North of Grand Bend The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH commencing at 1 o’clock REAL ESTATE: At the same time of said sale, there will be offered subject to a reserved bid the farm consisting of Lot North Half 21, Concession. L.R.E., Hay Township, 75 acres, more or less, on which is situated a white brick house, drive shed 40 x 16 ft.; hen house and pig stable; bank barn, 40 x 60; all in good repair; all buildings re­ cently painted; 10 acres in wheat; 10 acres freshly seeded; 15 acres plowed. Also Lot 20, east part, Con. L.R.E., Hay Township, contain­ ing 46 acres, more or less, 5 acres of mixed bush, balance in pasture. TERMS of Real Estate: Ten per cent of purchase price day of sale and balance on completion of sale in thirty days. If session is desired before 30 an additional 10% is to be as a deposit. AUTOMOBILE: 1938 Ford pos- days paid coupe, correct mileage 34,000 miles, orginal tires. This car is in perfect condition. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY: Holstein cow, 8 years old; 30 hybrid yearling hens. FARM IMPLEMENTS: Rubber tired wagon, 600x16 tires; Max­ well hay loader; 32-ft. extension ladder; quantity of lumber; oat roller; 8-in. plate grinder; 6 h.p. gasoline engine; 40 cedar posts, steel posts; 2 rolls barbed wire; 40 rods 8-strand wire fence; small roll 8-strand wire fence; 18 bunches no. 1 cedar shingles; block and tackle; 25-ft. rubber belt; 2 rolls single wire; cart; cutter; buggy; gang plow; De­ Laval cream separator; cross­ cut saw; steel pig trough; pig box; various carpenter tools; and numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: One steel bed; 2 wooden beds; side­ board; box stove; couch; leather rocker; organ; Edison phono­ graph, including 50 records; and other articles. Terms — Cash ALVIN WALPER, Auct. EARL BIRR, Clerk SAMUEL HENDRICK LLOYD HENDRICK (Executors of the late Eniil Hendrick estate) i AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned have received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 9, Con. 7, Stephen Twp. SATURDAY, JMAKQH 26 at 2 o’clock pan. STOCK: Three yearling T.B. tested; 15 hens. IMPLEMENTS: Massey 11-hoe seed drill, wooden horse collar, tension ladder chop boxes; chop barrel; ken feeder^; hens; post hole auger; bags and sacks; rope stretcher; chicken wire; pump cylinder, posts, new posts, new; braces; poles; electric fencer; insulators for 40 rd. wire; roll used barb wire. USED LUMBER feet for 800 feet joice, 18'0' feet new pine 2x4 scantling, 150 feet hemlock 2x4 160 feet elm and hemlock plank, 220 feet of hemlock plank, 8 bunches of 5X cedar shingles, fence slats, 1 pc. pine 4 x 4, 16 feet. Other useful material, 1 stick of timber; 24-foot sleeper for barn; jacking blocks and plank. Tool sharpener; scoop shovel; ditching scoop. Quantity of 1-foot wood; chains; bag truck; doors for stable or shed; Cockshutt 11-disc drill; oil broo­ der stove, complete. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Kitchenette cupboard; 6 kitchen chairs; combination writing desk; 2 parlour tables; parlour settee; wooden spool bed; '2 iron beds; bed spring; 2 dressers; 2 washstands: large glass cup­ board; flour bin; clothes rack; wringer; churn; tub; stand, new; Aladdin table lamp; oil other men- steers. Harris roller; new neckyoke; ex- ; 32 nearly new piano box; steel hog trough; chic- large feeder, for grain grass seeder; 2 chicken crates; 2 watei’ tanks; 3” piping; steel and used; cedar end posts and cedar rails; long cedar stakes and roll -barb — 7 5 0 hardwood flooring, Suitable colony house or granary; feet hemlock, 1” lumber, 60 flour bin; < ger; churn; Aladdin table lamp; lamp; fruit sealers; and articles too numerous to tion. Everything must be sold out reserve as farm is sold. Terms—Cash N. ST. CLAIR, Prop. E. SMITH, Clerk WM. H. 'SMITH, Auct. Crediton Phone 32r2 with- AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, GRASS FARM AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction, on Lot 20, Concession 2, Stephen _Township. onA half mile west of Exeter, Huron Street. of CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS In the Village of Kirkton WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 Commencing at 1:30 p.m. The estate of the late RACHAEL KIRK Terms — Cash MILTON MARRIOTT, Auct. Phone 251 St. Marys • 17c\ COMPLETE DISPERSAL HOLSTEINS 72 Head Of High Quality Holsteins ’— Cows, Heifers, All------ ’ jOliver bean lifter Cockshutt plow, new; - for tractor; tor; ing plows; zer “ M.H. scuffler and bean puller; 2 sets harrows; fanning mill; root pulper, new; grindstone; 1200-lb, scales; rubber tired wagon with truck tires; flat rack, new; 2 steel tired wagons; hay rack; gravel box; set of sleighs with flat rack; ’cutter; Renfrew cream separator with motor; wheelbarrow; hay fork; quantity of lumber; hay rake; mower; circular saw mounted on frame; 2 sets of double harness; single harness; 2 scythes; 2 tehee stretchers; pig crate; chop on THURSDAY, MARCH 24 at 1.00 o’clock , the following: HORSES: Matched team black geldings, real quiet, CATTLE: (All government T.B., tested, no re-actors) Dur- <ham cow due June 15, 5 Dur­ ham cows, milking, bred to freshen in the fall, 6 Durham calves, two-year old heifer, 3 oiie-year olds, registered Dur­ ham bull 2 years'old. PIGS: Sow due in May, sow with 9 pigs, 4 weeks: sow with 10 pigs, 3%weeks; 12 stocker pigs, 10 fat hogs. IMPLEMENTS: ^0-20 Mc­ Cormick Deering tractor, recent­ ly overhauled, m o n n t e d on rubber; new •McCormick Deering 7 foot binder, McCormick mow­ er,Deering dump rake, McCorm­ ick side rake, Lain hay loader, McCormick 13 hoe grain drill, Cockshutt 4 row scuffler, M, II. scuffler with bean lifter, Bissell packer, new 2-furrow McCorm­ ick tractor plow, walking plow, set of Diamond h at r 0 w s, 3- sectlon lover harrows, McCorm­ ick an a n u r e spreader M. H. corn binder, rubber tired wagon, truck wagon, 2 flat racks, bob sleighs with flat rack, cutter, mill, circular saw, 2000 platform scales, Ilog 1-3 h.p. heavy duty motor, riding McCorm* 1 Calfhood Vaccinated. At the farm: On No. 84 Highway miles West of Hensall miles East of Zurich on FRIDAY, APRIL 1 Commencing at 1 THE OFFERING Four cows, 6 years milk, or soon to o 4 I ■ftI Additional Classifieds on Page 5. Sleighs fanning pounds scales, electric ick sugar beet lifter, McCormick ; cream separator, root pulper, pea harvester, colony house 16x12, 3 chicken shelters, elect­ ric brooder, coal brooder, stew­ art electric cattle clippers, 200 I foot snow fence, trailer with stock rack, grain grinder, drive 1 H pan. slump INCLUDES: old, some in freshen; 4 cows, 4 years old, some in milk or soon to freshen; 20 heifers carrying first calf, some fresh or soon to freshen; 25 open hei­ fers rising 2 years old; 12 year­ ling heifers; 7 small heifer calves. These -cattle will be sold sub­ ject to T.B. test. No reserve. All sold under guarantee basis. HOGS: Four choice Yorkshire1 sows, 2 due at time of sale, 2 one month later; 301 young pigs, from 6 to 10 weeks old. OTHER ARTICLES: Maple sy­ rup equipment—3 sap pans, var­ ious sizes; 175 sap pails and spiles. Approximately 300 good cedar posts; l|-h,p. Inter nation­ combination;al, 32-volt Delco motor. s- SALE to be held Plan to attend this will be able to till every need in these selections. Terms —u Cash BRUCE KOEHLER & SON, Owners LEONARD ERB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, J. R. McLean, Auctioneers 17;24o under cover, auction. You