HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-03-10, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH JO, 1949 Mrs. Westlake Doing Well Mrs, Arnold Westlake of Hib­ bert, who is ill in 'St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having under­ gone an operation the beginning of last week, is getting along nicely. Leavitt’s tUwUHfli afl MMtH* A jwjjwwwtff whmwlIre 9H .ywwyHiw g*wti jjga'Mi“rTHEATRE Previews its.,- Coming Attractions Mrs. Wllliaxh Murdoch^ of Hamilton, is visiting for a couple of weeks with her parents. Mr* and Mrs- William Wood. On Thursday evening last, following choir practice at James St. church, a few friends were entertained at the home of Mrs. Percy MeFalls as a surprise for Mrs. Murdoch on the occas­ ion of her birthday. Keep Young Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to Phbllsh these items. We and pur readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 3iw Mr. and Mrs* Amos Darling, Mrs. C* E. Shell and Darlene, and Mrs. a K. (Schlimxne, visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Inglis of Cayuga. Miss Eileen Thompson, Peter­ borough, and Miss Edith Cook, Blenheim, were guests with Rev. H. X and Mrs. Mahoney ovex' the wSek-end, Rev. H. J, Snell and Mrs. Snell were at Weston on Sunday where Mr, Snell conducted an- iilvex-sary services of the West* minster United Church, FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 11 and 12 TWO FEATURES ‘The Dude Goes West’ ® Eddie Albert e Gale Storm ‘Wild Horse Mesa' & Tim Holt A healthful, clean exercise, Open Bowling Every Afternoon Sweitzer Lanes Mrs W. Martin and daughter, Mrs .Gerald %wicker, of Creditor are motoring to Florida for a holiday. Mrs. George Hunter returned Wednesday after visiting with relatives in London over the week-end. * .Mr Earl Witmer has returned from Sunnybrook Hospital, Tor­ onto, where he has been a pat­ ient for tlie past four ■weeks, All Ex-Students Of Exeter District High School are cordially invited to attend the At Home MONDAY, TUESDAY, March 14 and 15 TWO FEATURES ‘Fury at Furnace Creek ® Victor Mature ‘The Dark Past’ © William Holden WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY March 16 and 17 ‘Saraband’ » Color by Technicolor - A J. Arthur Rank Production © Flora Robson © Stuart Grainger EXETER ARENA “ Fri., March 18 - featuring - Johnny Downs COUPLES ONLY — $2.00 ‘Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick’ will be presented by the Kirkton Anglican Y.P.U. in Caven Presbyterian Church Fri., March 25 at 8:15 p.m. — Admission — Adults -10c, Children 25c HON. STEWART S. GARSON — Minister of Justice, who will ad­ dress a meeting of the Huron- 'Perth Liberals at Hensali Satur­ day afternoon at 2:30. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. -Seth Winer were Mr* and Mrs. O. 'Winer, Mr. and Mrs. Don Winer and son Phillip, all of Hamilton, » Mr. and Mrs. Oren Winer, Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Winer and son, Phillip, of Hamilton visited with the former’s mother and other relatives and friends over the week-end, Mrs. Jean McTavish is visit­ ing with her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McTavish, of town. She will re­ main with them for several weeks. Mrs. McTavish is now able to be around in a wheel chaix* and will be pleased to see any of her friends. Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. William L, Butler and Mrs. Alice Cudmore are en­ joying their trip to St, Peters­ burg, Florida. The distance travelled in going down was 1450 miles, When they arrived the temperature was 81, trees were in bloom and stock all out in the fields._ Compound Fracture of Leg Clare Balkwill is laid up with a fractured leg. A student at the Exeter District High School, he broke the leg in two places be­ low the knee at the school Mon­ day afternoon. Coming Events RED CROSS Red Cross pack­ ing day, Friday, March 11, the Canadian Legipxx rooms at l:oo p.m. Executive meeting prior to packing. DANCE •— .st. Patrick's Night Dance, Looby’s Hall, Dublin, the CKNX Barn Dance Gang, Danc­ ing fronx 10 p,m. to 1 a.m. * JUNIOR FARMERS will hold choir practice Friday evening at 8:30 in the public school, c EUCHRE—A progressive euchre party will be held in the Easterxx Star rooms oxi 'Friday evening, March 11, commencing at 8:30, Lunch will be ^served. Everyone welcome, Admission 35c. 10c CHOIR CONCERT—The Huronia Male Choir will held its annual concert on April 1, in James Street United Church. Supper Woodham Orange Hall n«, March 11 Supper will be served from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Followed By A Good Program —• Admission —. Adults $1.00 Children under 13 years 00c Auspices of L.O.L. 402 E. Paton, Wor, Master ‘The Canterbury Tale’ J, Arthur Rank moving picture production filmed in English countryside, Main St United Church Thurs,, March 17 ADMISSION Adults 50c, Children S5c Tickets Available From j Members Of The Young People’s US BAKING SALE—Ladies! Drop those aprons! Come to our extra special Home Baking Sale and White Elephant Sale at the Legion Hall, Exeter, Saturday, March 12, at 2:30 p.m. Spon­ sored by the Officers’ Wives’ Auxiliary of RCAF Station, Cen­ tralia. Hold Your Scrap Paper 4 SEED FAIR under the auspices of the Huron Crop Improvement Association Clinton Collegiate Institute A Friday, Sat. - March 11, 12 Program: Friday, exhibits in place by noon; Satur­ day, 9:30 a.m., Junior Judging Competition; 1:30 p.m., Speaking Program (Guest speakers: Douglas Hart, Woodstock; R. E. Goodin, Dept, of Agriculture, Tor­ onto; Prof. R. Keegan, O.A.C., Guelph; Prof. R. J. Bryden, O.A.C., Guelph); Auction Sale of 10 bushel lots. ■*’ EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION FREE Unique Farm Forum * The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Horner’s with thirty-one members and two guests present. Mrs. Ethel Merner led the dis­ cussion on “according to worth” which went as follows: A far­ mer’s income is dependent upon his farming knowledge, his hard work, the weather, luck and markets, whereas many other occupational groups receive their salary regardless of above men­ tioned facts. We think income tax is a fair method of taxation because the people with the high incomes are the ones who can afford to pay taxes. The next meeting will be held at Mr and Mrs. Aaron Oestrei- oher’s with Mr. William Edig- hoffer leading the discussion on “Many Happy Returns”. Mrs. Glare Geiger was in charge of recreation. The hos­ tess served a delicious lunch. Cromarty Miss Margaret Scott of Lon­ don is spending a few days With hex- mother, Mrs. Russell Scott, oxx the old homestead. Mr, Robert McCoughey is all smiles—it’s a 'boy. Christmas Seal Sale In Huron Nets $5,422 Chairman Rev, W. A. Beecroft of Wingham, Monday, released the final results of the Huron ■Couxxty Xmas Seal T.B. drive. Total receipts were $6,221.79 and expenditures $799.26. Standings for the county mu­ nicipalities were; Goderich, $1,-’ 245.74; Wingham, ,$1,238.95; Exeter, i$967.70; Seaforth, $682.- 05; Clinton, $655.46; Zurich, $507.10; Howick, $445.14; Blyth $345.30; Brussels. $134.35 MARCH 15th In Person VAUGHN ANO Hl$* ORCHESTRA Featuring •k JAY LAWRENCE •¥■ CECE BLAKE Imrirossionist Vocalist * EARLE HUMMEL * ZlGlLV>£NT VAlinisi q, Good Rumor * THE MOONMAIDS ★ THE MOONMEN ^DANCING 8.30 - 12,30 Al •*. I: < REGULAR ADMISSION $1.60 1,000 ADVANCE TICKETS AT $1.25 Advance Tickets now ott sale At HeintxrHan’S, Hotel RldoiiL F'rfeddy’s Smoke Shop, Arena Box office; in St. Thbrnas, at Ahthorty’S Music Store. March 18 Deadline For Licences and Plates March 18 is the last day to get your vehicle registration plates 'and driver’s licences, Highways Minister Doucett has announced. The Highways Department had extended the period in which 1948 plates <and licences were valid to avoid crowding at regis­ tration offices. The department found in recent weeks, however, that the offices were ^operating at only one-third, capacity. Mr. Doucett predicted long queues if motorists don’t apply soon. Motor vehicles registered in 1948 numbered 862,171. So far, only 65,000 have been re­ gistered this year. Driver’s li­ cences issued in 1948 numbered 1,209,406 and so far this year 650,000. THAMES ROAD The Mission Circle members are asked to have their quilt blocks finished and handed in at the March meeting. •Misses Nona* and Lois Pym, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen and family have moved to their new farm near Fullarton this week. Rev. Langford of the Anglican church, Exeter, addressed the Y. P.U. Sunday evening and gave a very interesting talk on the Len­ ten season. The Day. of Prayer was observ­ ed in the church on Friday with Elimville ladies joining with the Thames Road ladies for the ser­ vice, -Mrs. Win. Ferguson was in charge of the meeting and the Day of Prayer program was fol­ lowed. Those taking part were Mrs. Pym, Mrs. Herdman, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. M. Gardiner, Mrs. S. Coward, Mrs. Cann and Mr A Wiseman. Mrs. Biford gave a talk on the use of money from the Day of Prayer, Mrs. A. Passmore favored with an instrumental; Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Wm. Cann with a, duett. At the close of the meeting lunch'was served, A short business meeting of the W. A. followed. Mr, and Mrs. A. Gardiner, Bert and Mary, of London, visit­ ed oh Sundlay with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore. Sunday services will be as us* ual, Sunday1 school at 10.15 a.m. church services al 11.15 a.m and Y.P.U. at 8.30 p.m, Miss Shirley Potter, of Lon* don, visited With Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym over Sunday. Junior Farmers, institute Hold Regular Meeting The March, meeting of the Junioi* Farmers wUs held in the Exeter Arena, on March 2, with Harry Dougall in charge. Plans were made for the boys to play a hockey game with Clinton, the following evening. Clarence Ren­ nie, the Assistant Agricultural Representative, outlined plans for the coaching class for the Seed Fair to be held in Clinton, in the near future. Instead of having a guest speaker at this meeting Mr. Bennet had a re­ cording of tlxq, speach which Professor Phuxxke, of the O.A.C,, gave in Toronto at the Annual Meeting of Uhe Crop Improve­ ment Association. At ten o’clock the meeting adjoxxrned foi* the joint meeting with the Junior Institute. Joint Meeting Harvey Hodgins presided for the joint meeting of the Junior Institute and Juniox’ Farmers. Harry Hern outlined the plans on the Variety Night. Anna Brock, president of the newly formed County Junior Institute, spoke. Helen Shapton sang a solo, and Johnny Davidson gave an accordian solo. Mr. Bennett showed the film oxx Huron County named “ The Books Drive On”. Elaine Johnson, Leona Davies sang a duet, ac­ companied by Leona Davies with guitar. Games and lunch brought a successful meeting to a close. Reception & Dance For Mr, & Mrs. Arnold Campbell Fri., March IS EXETER OPERA HOUSE Commences 9:30 Dundas’ Orchestra ADMISSION 50c Everybody Welcome Ham Supper Centralia United Church Wed., March 16 6:30 p.m. - Program - Short Play Musical Numbers Readings ADMISSION 60c & 35c mA* when the 1st Exeter Boy Scout Troop will make a collection. For more details concerning this drive, see next weeks paper. PLAY Elimville Community Is Presenting A Comedy Play On Tues., March 15 at 8:00 p.m. Elimville United Church Entitled Z/Where*s HON. LESLIeSi. FROST, pro­ vincial Treasurer, and Miftistei’ of Mines, who delivered the bud* gat in the Legislature on Fri­ day, Mar. 4. The budget showed a surplus of $1,182,000 for the current fiscal year, atxd an esti­ mated surplus for the 1949-50 fiscal year, of $157,646. Mi\ Prost reported wide expansion atid development throughout the •province. The Times-Advocate requests all advertising copy to be hi by Monday no on at the latest. Admission 40c and 25c GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY, SATURDAY Match 11 -12 ‘Last Roundup’ • Gene Autrey and his famous horse, Cimmiiion It’s the kind of entertainment that’s made him famous. Cartoon, ’THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT’ Sport Short, ‘NO HOLDS BARRED’ ‘SUPERMAN IN DANGER* Monday, Tuesday March 14 * 15 Tops In Entertainment On A Big DOUBLE BILL ‘Big Town Scandal’ and Plus A PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL GEORGE DREW Leader Progressive Conservative Party will speak Thursday Night MARCH 17 ON THE SUBJECT "The Nation’s Business” CBL - Toronto - 7:45 p.m. Progressive Conservative Party Annual Meeting Huron-Perth and Huron LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Saturday, March 12 hi 2:30 p.m. Hensali Town Hall HEAR Hon. Stewart S. Garson MINISTER OF JUSTICE Don’t Miss This Outstanding Speaker! W. H. Golding, M.P. AND OTHERS Huron-Perth and Huron Liberal Association ALBERT KALBFLEISCH 4 W. L*. WHYTE Piesident Secretary “God Save The King”