HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-03-10, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMPS.APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1949 Lieury Farm Forym The Lieury Forum met again after a short absence at the hoine of Mr, anil Mrs, Scott Reid, with an attendance of 20 members. Four groups were formed for the discussion period and decid­ ed-—A farmer’s income was so very uncertain compared to a salaried business man. Income tax is a fair means of taxation if all were taxed and no one evaded their share. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson on March 14. LOST FOR SALE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE " FOR RENT Make the Want Ads work for you. ' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson* Dashwood Phone 35rl9 \______________________J For Better Used Cars Try Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HEN SALL, ONTARIO “We sell the best and junk the rest.’* Club con- blue, 1947 FORD Super Deluxe Coupe, grey. Immaculate dition. 1947 FORD Deluxe Coach, built-in radio. 1946 MONARCH Sedan, black, built-in radio, sun visor and fog lights. Don’t miss this! 1941 HUDSON Sedan, grey. 1938 TERRAPLANE Coach, blue 1935 TERRAPLANE Coa., black 1934 PLYMOUTH Coupe, black. 1931 ESSEX Sedan, 1929 ESSEX Sedan, Bus. 54 Phone black, black. Res. 178 LOST—February- 23 on Main St. a toy black spaniel dog, red plastic collar, prised as a gift. Kindly return to Mrs. D’Alt- roy, care of Mrs. Lee Wilson, Main St. » ‘ 10* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet also Treadle pairs tQ all Sewing Centre, Stratford. and Electric, machines. Re­ makes, Singer 78 Ontario St. 2t£c BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER CHICKS — Thou­ sands available weekly, all breeds and cross breeds. Gov- vernment Approved. All chicks guaranteed, Started chicks in our brooders now. Some two weeks old. Come in and see them. N euhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New ‘get acquainted’ size only 60c. All druggists. Elimville Farm Forum The Elimville North Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Johns. The radio discussion was “According to Worth", bringing out the importance of Income Tax. Dis­ cussion groups were formed and the groups thought the farmers, whose wives and, child­ ren help on the farms, should be allowed some consideration, in regard to Income Tax. We thought that Income Tax was a fair means of taxation as it has the advantage over other taxat­ ion in being based on ability to pay. T. B. testing’ and basic herd were also discussed. There were twenty-three members present. Lunch was served at the close. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, and the topic will be “Many Happy Returns". Order Your Easter Tip Top Suit Now To assure your new suit for Easter and spring, we advise you to place your order with us now. The new new high fabrics are here from which you can select youx’ garment and they offer you quality. Extra trousers now the usual Tip Top available. .... a.-........ .......——.------— --------------------,----———------ ------------es Fixtures Are you planning on adding extra fixtures in your home, replac­ ing others, or pur­ chasing them for your new home? If so, drop in and we’ll ibe glad to show you our selection o f modern fixtures. Suitable de­ signs for any location. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont Continues All This OVERALLS — $3.39 PANTS — $2.98 DRESS PANTS MEN’S RUBBERS 98c LUMBERMEN’S RUBBERS — $1.00 We Will Soon End This DON’T BE Great Money Saving Event! TOO LATE! 1 FOR SALE—Farnmll «H’ Tract­ or with scuffler, 3 years old; 13-disc Massey-Harris drill, 3 years old; Cockshutt M spreader, 4 years old; 4-sect­ ion Bi.ssell drag harrow, Apply Elmer McBride. Phone 20'6r, Exeter. 3:10* FOR SALE—1939, lfc ton Ford truck. Apply .Lloyd Johnson, Parkhill, Ontario. 3:10* FOR SALE—-Underwood type­ writer in good condition, $45. Apply Sandy Elliott, Exeter. 3:10c FOR SALE—1946 model Chev­ rolet sedan, complete with de­ froster, heater, back-up light, and four brand new tires. Complete cai* in perfect shape. Mileage 18,500. Will stand in­ spection. Very reasonable. Ap­ ply C. C. Proctor, P.O. Box 281, Clinton, or phone Clinton 294R. 10c FOR SALE—Colony houses, shel­ ters, cabins, made to order. Ford & Farquhar Moulding. Phone 121J Hensall. 3:10* PICK UP production with Dr. Salsbury’s Avi-Tab, popular ■poultry tonic. Peps up run­ down and convalescent birds. Easy to use and economical, too. Ask for Avi-Tab here. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, Ontario. Phone 266. 9 FOR SALE—Montcalm Seed Barley. Prize winner at Royal Winter 'Fair. Apply James Harris, phone 3 3rl8 Kirkton. 10:17* FOR SALE— Building 20x28, suitable foi' double garage or henhouse. Priced reasonable. Ph-one 372J Exeter. 10:17c FOR SALE’— A young gander, mistakenly kept over. Write W. F. Batten, Woodham Ont., or phone 14rl8, Kirkton. 10* FOR SALE — Allis Chalmers tractor, Model “B" with “C” pistons, in good running order. Apply Reg Hodgson, phone 18r3 Crediton. 10c FOR SALE,—1936 Dodge sedan, four good tires, heater, radio. Phone 54 Crediton. 11:IS* FOR SALE—Two young Dur­ ham cows, due in March. Ed. Munn, R.R. 1. Exeter 10:17* FOR SALE— “Fink" snowplow, complete with wing .and hy­ draulics, $775, also, rubber tired wagon. Apply Leon Triebner, R. R. 1. Hensa|U. Phone 171r24 Exeter around 7:00 a.m. 10:17:24* FOR SALE—A Bridgewall coal and wood range, good condit­ ion. Apply Mrs. John Thom­ son, Huron Street, Exeter.* Phone 232M. 10* FOR SALE—One electric radio, like new; Hawaiin guitar, in good condition; 1939 Chevro­ let, low mileage, ’ for quick sale. Phone 41r5 Dashwood. 10c COME AND PLACE your order for the new grain thresher fol* immediate sale. Apply Lome Becker, R.R. 1, Dashwood or phone 41r5 Dashwood. 10c CHICK-RAISERS who want better broods use Dr. Sals­ bury’s Ren-O-Sal, convenient drinking - water medication. Just drop two tablets in each gallon, right from the start. Get Ren-O-Sal here. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter Ont. Phone 266 9 FOR SALE-—Insulation machine complete, on 4-wheel trailer, closed van, 14 x 7 x 7. Wis­ consin air-cooled engine, 100 ft. 3-in. hose. Hammer mill and force feed, U.S.A, make, positive blower. The entire machine like new. If interest­ ed in a good paying business with a machine of your own, write Box *K*» Times-Advocate Exeter. 10:1*?* FOR SALE—Model A Ford, well Cared for. New motor, seal beam headlights, springs, top, brakes, windshield and wiper, fan, meter, muffler, paint and tires. New licence and insur­ ance included. W. 0. Pearce, Exeter. 10c FOR SALE—-40 pieces of 2" x 10” cedar plank, 14 and 16 feet long; 2 pieces of angle Iron for brick wajl. —R, Mc- Innes, Exeter. 10* FOR SALE—1937 Ford coach; best offer over $475. Phone Exeter 258 evenings. 10c FOR SALE—A buffet, natural, with red trim; two glass doors and three drawers. — Phone 353R. 10c FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Allan Westcott, phone 176r32, Exe­ ter. 10c FOR SALE—3 York SOWS, due the first week in April, weigh­ ing 250 lbs. —Roy Dietrich, phone 164r3 Dashwood, 10 FOR SALE—1937 Ford sedan. Apply p, R, Durand or phone 407J Exeter. 10'C FOR SALE NEW; 5-ROOM COTTAGE Good Lot, Town Water, Hydro Price $310Q R, E, Balkwill* FOR RENT—50 acres of land on shares, Jack Wein, Dash­ wood, R.R. 1. 10:17* FOR SALE—International trac- toi' disc harrow, 6-ft., nearly new, Apply Roy Ballantyne, phone 21r21 Kirkton. 10* FOR SALE—Blue folding baby carriage, good condition. Ap­ ply Times-Advocate. 10* FOR SALE—Durham cow, due in March; also coal brooder stove; large drinking foun­ tains and feeders. Apply A.H. Gackstetter, phone 100r33. * FOR SALE—Single ibed with spring mattress, used two weeks; good strong extension table; a number of kitchen chairs. Apply Times-Advocate. 10* NORGE REFRIGERATOR, 7 cu. feet, almost new, $295. Phone 316 Extension 27, 10* FOR SALE1—193 5 Ford deluxe sedan in good condition, new motor, ibattery and heater, sealed beam lights. Apply G. Bonnallie, above Fink’s Meat Market, Exeter. 11:18* FOR SALE—.Good 7-room brick house, well located. Phone 268J Exeter. 10* FOR SALE.—E m p i r e range, white enamel, coal or wood, used about 3 months; also McClary 4-burner high oven electric stove, enamel. Phone 44rl3 Kirkton. 10* ■FOR SALE—Cow due to freshen this month, 4 years old, good er e am c o w, quiet, R. B. Swanee, phone 25rl2 Kirkton. 10* FOR SALE—A cream kitchen cupboard with a work top 2 ft. x 4 ft. A. Y. Willard, phone 174r5 Exeter. 10c FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Girl operator for the Bell Telephone. Good working conditions, good wage/. Apply Central Office, Exeter Bell Telephone Co. 10c PART-TIME ‘ opportunity for women of above average in- telligance, resident in or near Exeter, to take part in nation-wide survey in April, May and June, and to con­ tinue a s resident interviewer if satisfactory, adjan Facts Wellington St. at once. Write: Can- Limited, 146 W., Toronto, 24:3:10c WANTED WANTED— Unfurnished house. Exeter, Centralia or vicinity. No objection t0 farm, if hydro and water connected. Can take possession approximately April 1. Apply Times-Ad- vocate, Box W. 3:10; 17c WANTED—A numbei' of pigs 6 to 10 Weeks of age. Apply Jos. Ferguson, phone S0r2 Hensall. 10c WANTED TO RENT—An apart­ ment or home in Hensail, pre­ ferably near .highway. Apply Box “S”, Times-Advocate. * FOR SALE— 6 choice pigs ready to wean, 6 weeks old. Phone SSrll, Clarence McNaughton, Hensail. 10c FOR SALE—<125 acres level till­ able dark clay loam, brick house, large hank barn, 2% miles to public or separate schools, $6,000 cash oi' terms. Hay Twp., ..iJa some creek, well and wind- —Wm. Pearce, Realtor, 10c April possession, T~_. 72 acres pasture with bush, i mill. - Exeter. FOR SALE'—3 buildings lots with good drainage, nice loca­ tion; also frame barn, 22’ x 18’ on forick foundation. Barn must be moved. Apply Ralph Batten, Exeter. 10* REAL ESTATE—10%-acre chic­ ken farm on Highway 83, one mile east of Dashwood room * piece bath, J ' ‘ furnace, large lawn, 30 fruit trees, 100’s strawberries and raspberries, pig pen, water in both barn and 80 x 25 chic­ ken house, Ideal location for tourist and roadside selling, Price. $7,500. Apply J. N. Gowan, Hay P.O. 10:17:24c white brick home, 3- " , hardwood floors, FOR SALE—2-bedroom cottage, with hydro and town water. Full basement with furnace. Possession June 1. C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. CHOICE FARM of 115 acres, some bush. Brick house, sulated, new furnace, shed, large barn, stabling, water bowls, carrier, .electric grinder, roofs generally good. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 3* m- drive- has good litter silo, BUILDING LOTS—We have a block of 12 lots for sale. Well located and reasonably priced. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. with every convenience, barn on wall. Drilled FOR RENT- Highway 4, and excellent room. Apply Box “S", Times- Advocate. •Service station on Good gallonage chance for luncn 10* FOR RENT—Seven-room unfur­ nished house, hydro and bath, 7 miles from Airport or Exe­ ter; half mile off pavement. Would be suitable for young couples. Phone Kirkton. Jos. Bailey. two 141'8, 10* SALESMEN WANTED OIL DISTRIBUTOR — The ap­ pointment of a local distribu- tor will be made by an oil company with nationally known brands. The applicant appoint­ ed will be given proper train­ ing and continued sales assist­ ance through local newspaper and direct to consumer sales helps. Successful applicant must be aggressive, well known and well thought of in his own community and ibe able to furnish highest charac­ ter references. Applicants who appear to have the necessary qualifications will be given a personal interview. Apply Box “P’’, Exeter Times-Advocate. , • 10c AUGTIOH SALES WANTED—We are shipping to Toronto T.B, reactor cattle to be sold live weight through the United Farmers Gompany, subject to test. Phone John Hodgert, 184, or Ben Wil­ liams, 368J. 10:17c MEN WANTED A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY of becoming your own boss! Re­ tail our 250 guaranteed house­ hold necessities including the * full line in Insecticides, in a territory of your choice. Part FARMS FOR SALE— 100 acres, close to Mt. Carmel. Fine brick house. A complete home Good well. 100 acres, Usborne Twp., good brick house and comparatively new 'barn on wall, water pressure. 150 acres, Usborne ' brick house, fine hydro throughout, school and highway. 122 acres, Stephen Twp., brick house with modern conven­ iences. Roomy barn. Hydro and water pressure. acres, on surfaced road. Com­ fortable small house, good barn, henhouse. Garden land,, hydro. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St. Exeter. 5 Hydro and Twp., good barn, silo, , close to FOR SALE—200 acres, more or less, in Stephen Twp., being N. half lot 16, 17 and S. half lot IS, Con. 16. This is a good farm, well built on. Fd Lam­ port, Dashwood, phone 164rl. 24:3:10 3tc FOR SALE—O n Main i-Street, Hensail, 2-storey, 8-r o o m brick cottage with bath, hydro, furnace, sunporch, double garage. Possession early April. W. Dinnin, Hens­ ail. Phone 14 J. 10* FOR SALE —Fifty acres of pasture land including four •acres of young bush, rock well and windmill, being the south halt of Lot 10, Coji- session 18, Township of Step­ hen. Apply to Elmer D. Bell, Exeter, Ontario, Ferdinand Haberer, Zurich, Ontario, or Lloyd Gaiser, Crediton, Ont. 10:17c MISCELLANEOUS PLASTER CONTRACTING — Plain oi* ornamental. Guaran­ teed satisfaction. Free esti­ mates. Phone .Dashwood 1.22, D. C. Firby 10 tfn cI time agents considered. Hund­ reds of successful Familex' agents started with a bor­ rowed $25, or $50. No risk— it is worth a trial. Travelling equipment essential in rural ’districts. Business Is Good — Write today for details and free catalogue — Familex -— 1600 Delorimler, Montreal? 10: Gtc HELP! HELP! When you have problems, call on us for prompt efficient -poultry ser- ' vice. Experienced, reasonable. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter Ont. Phone 266. 9 TENDERS WANTED Fuller Dealer WANTED Fuller Brush Company I intend holding an auction sale in the near future. Anyone with hogs or tested cattle may enlist them by calling 36r33 Crediton. Terms reasonable. Plenty of stable room. N. St. Clair.___________ ioc AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, GRASS FARM AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell iby public auction, on Lot 20, Concession 2, Stephen Township. A half mile west of Exeter, onA half mile west of Exeter, Huron tStreet. on THURSDAY, MARCH 24 at 1.00 o’clock the following: HORSES: Matched team black geldings, real quiet. CATTLE: (All government T.B. tested, no re-actors) Dur- jharn cow due June 15, 5 Dur- bred t o freshen in the fall, 6 Durham old heifer, 3 registered Dur- ham cows, milking, of Tenders will be accepted by the township of Stephen for ihauling 1000 yards of gravel from Patterson’s pit, Grand ; Bend — to be hauled mostly in west end of township. Tenders to be in hands of the clerk by ' noon, Marell 12. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk. 3:10c lias good proposition for dependable man with car to call on regular customers and handlec our well known line of. brushes and household products bn a liberal discount basis that now Assures full time profits of $60 to $80 per week from start. Well esta­ blished territory this district now open. . Write Fuller Brush Company, Limited, Londoft, or phone L. G. Aitcheson, st. Marys 850, for in­ terview and full particulars. township of McGillivray Tenders For Tractor And Power Mower Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigneds up and until noon, March 25, 1949, plainly marked tender for one tractor, 2-furrow size, with side mower, hydraulic control. Tenders to give full description of machine and date of delivery. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. offered subject to a reserved bid the farm consisting of Lot North Half 21, Concession L.R.E., Hay Township, 75 acres, more' or less,, on which' is situated a white brick house, drive shed. 40 x 16 ft,; hen house and pig stable; bank barn, 40 x 60; all in good repair; all buildings re­ cently painted; 10 acres in wheat; 10 acres freshly seeded; 15. acres plowed. Also Lot 20, east part, Goo, L.R.E., Hay Township, contain­ ing 46 acres, more or less, 5 acres of mixed bush’, balance in pasture. TERMS of Real Estate: Ten per cent of purchase price day of sale and balance on completion of sale in thirty days. If pos­ session is desired’’before 30 days an additional 10% is to be paid as a deposit. AUTOMOBILE: 1938 Ford coupe, correct mileage 34,000 miles, orginal tires. This car is in perfect condition.^ LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY: Holstein cow, 8 years old; 30 hybrid yearling hens. FARM IMPLEMENTS: .Rubber tired wagon, 600x16 tires; Max­ well hay loader; 32-ft. extension ladder; quantity of lumber; oat roller; 8-in. plate grinder; 6 h.p. gasoline engine; 40 cedar posts, steel posts; 2 rolls barbed wire; 40 rods 8-strand wire fence; small roll 8-strand wire fence; 18 bunches no. 1 cedar shingles; block and tackle; 25-ft. rubber belt; 2 rolls single wire; cart; cutter; buggy; gang plow; De­ Laval cream separator; cross­ cut saw; steel pig trough; pig box; various carpenter tools; and numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: One steel bed;- 2 wooden beds;, side­ board; box stove; couch; leather rocker; organ; Edison phono­ graph, including 50 records; and othei' articles. Terms — Cash ALVIN WALPER, Auct. EARL BIRR, Clerk . SAMUEL HENDRICK LLOYD HENDRICK (Executors of the late Emil Hendrick estate) calves, two-year one-year olds, ___ __ ____ ham bull 2 years old. PIGS: Sow due in May, sow with 9 pigs, 4 weeks; sow with 10 pigs, 3%weeks; 12 stocker pigs, 10 fat hogs. IMPLEMENTS: 1(0-20 Mc­ Cormick Deering tractor, recent­ ly overhauled, mounted on rubber; new 'McCormick Deering 7 foot binder, McCormick mow­ er,Deering dump rake, McCorm­ ick side rake, Dain hay loader, McCormick 1.3 hoe grain drill, Cockshutt 4 row scuffler, M. H. scuffler with bean lifter, Bissell ipacker, new 2-furrow McCorm­ ick tractor plow, walking plow, set of Diamond harrows, 3- section lever harrows, McCorm­ ick m a. n u r e spreader M. H. corn binder, rubber tired wagon, truck wagon, 2 flat racks, bob sleighs With flat rack, cutter, fanning mill, circulai* saw, 2000 pounds scales, electric ick sugar beet lifter, McCormick cream separator, root pulper, pea harvester, colony house 10x12, <3 chicken shelters, elect­ ric brooder, art electric foot snow stock rack, (grain grinder belt, 1’0' cord of stove wood, harness, line shaft with hangers and pulleys, emery, forks, shovels, hoes, whiffletrees, neck- yokes, boxes, barrels and many othei’ articles1. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: — Coal or wood range, Beach kitchen range, coal or wood; 25 bags of potatoes, sausage mach­ ine, crocks and sealers, kitchen chairs, boiler, churn, heavy duty electric stove, robe and rug. GRASS FARM: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the grass farm being lot 6, concession *?, Hay Township, belonging to William Penhale estate; bush, good water with windmill. 'TERM'S: Chattels, cash. Terms of grass farm made known on day of sale. A. J, PENHALE, Proprietor. FRED DAWSON, Cleric frank TAYLOR, Auctioneer. platform scales, hog l-t3 h.p. heavy duty motor, riding McCorm- coal brooder, stew^ •cattle clippers, fence, trailer 200 With drive t h e some A. D. STEEPER, Rohd Superintendent, R.R. 8, Ailsa Craig, Ont, 10C AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On the promises, Hay Township Bluewater Highway, G miles North of Grand Bend Tile undersigned auctioneer has i been instructed to sell by public I Auction on f WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp ! REAL ESTATE: At the same time of said sale, there will be CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED AND FURNITURE W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 6, Concession 4, Blanshard, 1% miles east of Kirkton, on TUESDAY, MARCH 15 Commencing at 12:30 HORSES: Clyde. 10 horse. CATTLE: consisting of 3 fresh Durham cows with, calves by side; 2 Dur­ ham cows (fresh) with calves by side; 2 Durham cows, due end of March; Holstein cow, due April 1; Holstein cow, with calf by side; 5 steers; 4 heifers D u r h a m Durham Holstein heifer; (no reactors). HOGS: Six shoats, 150 lbs.4 11 chunks, 75 lbs.; York sow with litter by side; York sow, due in May; 4 young York sows, due in May. FOWL: 185 Sussex Hampshire pullets. xiAY & GRAIN: Fifteen tons mixed liay;_ 10 ft. ensilage; bushels mixed grain; 50 Barb-off barley. IMPLEMENTS: Ford son tractoi' and plough ber, in good condition; Harris binder, 7’ cut; Wood mower; Frost & Wood dump rake; Maxwell hay loader; Cockshutt 13-lioe drill, fertilator attachment; Steel land roller; set of 4-section diamond har­ rows; set of 3-section Massey Harris spring tooth drags, nearly new; spring tooth cultivator: 2 walking plows; Good Luck gang plough; McCormick Deering scuffler; Massey Harris root pul­ per; new stone boat; 16-ft. hay rack and roller rack; qpim rack; truck wagon; set sleighs; gravel box; bag truck; Chatham fan- mg mill with baggei4 and pulley; wheel barrow; 150 ft. new rope; hay fork and trip rope and pul­ leys; 32-ft. extension ladder; watei' trough; ^4-horse ball­ bearing motor, nearly new, hea­ vy duty; %-horse motor, new; emery; set of scales; pig crate; 2-wheel trailer, nearly new; log­ ging chain; Anchor Holt cream separator 650; set and half back harness; number of horse collars; electric fencer and wire stretchers; chop bin and feed: barrels; sap barrel, and 2 pans, one long, one small; 40 sap buc­ kets and spiles; colony house, 10* x 12*, in good condition, Xvire for electric; Jamesway elec­ tric brooder, new; coal brooder, complete; 2 shelters nearly new; feeders and drinkers; grass seed sower; lawn mower; forks, hoes, shovels; and small articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE: Three beds with dressers; springs and mattress; chest of drawers; couch; hand­ washing machine; kitchen glass cupboard; kitchen extension ta­ ble; enamel Findlay super oval range; 2 Quebec heaters; kit­ chen chairs; flour bin; battery radio; fruit sealers;' tent, 8* x 12*. Per cheron and years old; 1 aged Seven Milch cows, two-year-old Durham two-year-old Durham open; 4 one-year-old steers; heifer; one-year-old one-year-old 250 bushels Fergu- on rub- Massey Frost & X Xo reseiwe — farm sold YKRMS — tJAStt JNO. H. CLUFF-, Prop. W. U NAIRN, Auct.