HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-03-03, Page 7THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1949 11 3 7 Cor- wel- Cabinet Work Wall Brackets Toys, Novelties Kitchen Cupboards Phone 286J Exeter -The Pic- the Tom Semple SIGNS Trucks, Windows, Store Front Signs, , Gold Leaf Lettering PHONE 155M EXETER TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican —- Rector, Rev. O. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Mr, Robert Cameron, Organist 10:15 a,m.—Sunday School. 11;30 a.m.-—Holy Communion. A—" Ill I jl , ........ Come to CHURCH PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor The Revival confines- throughout the next two weeks. God is blessing, follow the crowd and come. This is our answer to Modernism and Communism. Subjects, Tues., 8 p.m,- ture of a Man Full of Holy Ghost. Wed., 4:30 p.m.—Sunshine ner, children’s hour. All come. Wed., 8 p.m.-—To Know JAMES STREET UNITED Rev, H. J, Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, AAV.Q.M., Musical Director’ a.m.r—F/L Rev. Wm, Wil­ liams, padre of Centralia Fly­ ing School, A welcome is ex­ tended to all RCAF personel. Anthem: ‘God Of Our Fathers’ Solo: Mrs. Thomas Fletcher. p.m,-—Sunday (School. p.m,—F/L Rev. W. Williams. Duet. Mrs. Percy McFalls and Mrs, William Murdock. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN • Rev, Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Miss Muriel Wliilsmith, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship. “The Sovereign Lord.” 12:15 p.m.—Sunday School. 3:30 p.m.—(Mission Band. JI I* DASHWOOD . E. Kleinstiver under­ went ah operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last Thursday. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. D. Tieman Is on the sick and Mrs. Donald Oestrei- bridal couple, spent Sun­ day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher, after re­ turning from their honeymoon, spent in New York City, They will reside in London where the groom will continue his post graduate studies in Victoria Hos­ pital. The Youth Fellowship of the Evangelical-UfB. ‘Church attend­ ed an Easter sound film in Zur­ ich Evangelical Church on Bun­ day night and on Tuesday night the young people had a roller skating party in the London Arena which was much enjoyed. Him and the Power of His Resur- ection. Thurs., 8 p.m.—The Life Is in the Blood. * Fri., 8 p.m.—Breaking the Devils Chains, a healing message. Sat., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School, classes for all ages. Sun., 11 a.m.—Missionary day and Communion. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—A Great Service. Sun., 8 p.m,—A. message to all men, but Orangemen invited, Why Did the Rod, Blossom, Bloom and Bring forth Al­ monds in one night? Tues, night, March 8, through­ out the week—Special speaker Mr. Howells of Kent, England, Minister Interim at London Church. Sun- Song ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms, Minister Mrs. F. \V. Morlock, Organist 10 a. m.—Morning Worship. Sermon; “Pray without Ceas­ ing.” 11 a. m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p. m.—Evening Service. Sermon; .The Master’s Call. Friday March 4, 3 Day of Prayei’ United Church. •Monday March 7, ,8 munity Youth Fellowship” in Zion Church. p. m. World meeting in Geo. Wright continues to liquidate his stock. We have been replenishing our counters and tables from "this huge stock. Customers are pleas­ antly surprised at the low clear- ing prices on this fine staple stock. We Again Offer 20-Doz. Real Ribbed Wool Sox at 3 pairs for $1.00 Wool Mackinaws $9.90 Heavy Plaid Shirts $2.39 ’ 11 Winter Work Shirts $1.50 Tables of Women’s Shoes $1.00 Rubber Boots, Overalls, Smocks, Everything You Want At Honest Savings! MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—“God In Christ”. Se­ cond sermon in the Lenten series, “Our Living Faith”. Anthemsj_JExalt Ye The Lord’ ‘He Leadeth Me’. ’ , 12 Noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“Firom Coast To Coast”, illustrated with missionary slides. Thurs., March 17—“A Canter­ bury Tale.” BRINSLEY Mr. Arnold Cunningham, of the 2nd concession of Biddulph, has rented the farm of the late Hectoi’ Mitchell, 2nd concession of Stephen, for grass for the coming summer. ■ P/M Peftea/tea Winter-Worn Homes VITAMIN E TREATMENT BIG CONTROVERSY May, 1945, three doctors in London, Ont., Evan V. Shute, Wilfred E. Shute and Arthur Vogelsang, announced they liad successfully treated heart and vascular diseases with Vita­ min E. Doctors have been divided about its usefulness ever since. While the controversy goes on, the work of the Shute Institute in London is being continued. The two brothers, Dr. Evan and Dr. Wilfrid Shute, above, carry on their work along the pattern set by the Mayo clinic in the United States. —Central Press Canadian THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. T. McIntyre, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne motored t o Shallow Lake on Sunday and visited with Mr. Walter Rydall and Mrs. R. Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. Roohol visited over the week-end with relatives in Ridgetown. Miss Eleanor Dawson, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at her home. Miss Nija Roohol spent the week-end with Miss Doris And­ erson. The World Day of Prayer will be observed in the Thames Road Church on Friday afternoon, March .4. Elimville ladies will join with the Thames Road ladies for this meeting. The Y.P.U. held their t regular Sunday evening meeting on Sun­ day night in the church base­ ment, with a good attendance. Mr. Ray Stewart, of Western University, spent the week-end at his home. A social evening was held in the Thames Road School on Friday evening of last week. Dancing and euchre were enjoy­ ed by all. Farm Forums were held ah the .home of Mr. and Mrs. A Hunkin and Lumley School House on Monday evening of this week. Sunday Services the usual hour on day School a t church services at Y. P. U. at 8:30 p.m. will be at Sunday. Sun- 10:15 11:15, a.m. a.m., *«w tnmntUwT-hfflUD* imi in**u«r When you paint the in­ terior of your home he sure to use Lowe Brothers’ Nepto - Lac Enamel. You'll find that good duality paint is the best in the long run. Nepto-Lac. gives you a hard durable surface and good coverage, as well as an at­ tractive appearance. take and Don’t' health 6 and poults Chck-R-Tab water. This disease and needless chances With the lives of your baby chicks this year. Drop a Purina in each quart of drinking Will prevent the spread of your flocks. Purina Chick Startena If there is one feed that completeness and quality of the ration are all-important, it is your chick starter. Since chicks consume only very small quantities of feed, it is absolutely essential that they get their full quota of needed nutrients in every beakfuL Start with good chicks—then insure future profits with top quality starter and that means Purina Chick Startena. * BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford, Walter and Donnie were Sunday dinner guests of Mt’- and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, of Clandeboye. Mr. and -Mrs. Edwin Saokel, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Leiber, of Mitchell, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper. Mr, and Mrs, Alex Dobson, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mts. Fred Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang­ ford and John, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins and ’Simmy and Joan, of Granton, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Orrie, Elizabeth and Linda were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm, of Woodham, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr., and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Miss Madeline Dann, of Lon­ don, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dann. Mr. and Mrs. .Will Thomson were Monday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper Social Evening Held The monthly social evening of Metropolitan School was held on Wednesday evening, with a large attendance. The evening was spent in playing progressive euchre. Ladies* high, Mrs, Fred Mills, ladies, lone hands,. Mrs. W11 f o r d Wilson, ladies^ low score,, Wilford Wilson, gent’s high, Mr. Fred Thomson, gent’s lone hands, Mr. Kenneth Park­ inson, consolation for man, Mr. Jack Thomson. The committee in charge were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hern. The committee for next month are Mr. Xoungson, Baker. Mr. and Clare and ■With Mr. Facey, of CENTRALIA The Neodult group will meet in the basement of the church on March 9. The World Day of Prayer will be observed in the schoolroom of the church, on Friday after­ noon, March 4, ' “ members of meet at 2:30 p.m. for their ular monthly meeting. Recent .visitors with Mr. Mrs. R. J. Smith were, Mr. Karl Kalbfleisch, My. and Mrs. Emil Kalbfleisch, Mr. William Deem, of Stratford, Mrs Ewart Schenk, of London, Mrs. J. M. Gray, of Millbank, Mr. Earl Mattress, of Merritton and Coulter. . Miss Mildred London, spent with her parents, Mr. M. Elliott. Mr. M. HarJX^h and -Master Benny Harlton, o‘f' London, were Sunday visitors with" Mrs. A. Harlton, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Proct­ or and son, of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A, Proctor and Doreen, pn Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. George Bayn- ham visited on Sunday with Mr E. Carruthers, in London, Mrs. Sweet and Helen, of Ex­ eter, were Friday evening visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Field. Mrs. Anker, of Lucan, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. •Mrs. Harold Hern and her niece, Miss Marion Brock, of Zion, visited on Wednesday of last week .with Mrs. W. Bowden, Mrs. Alex Wells, of Londes- boro, visited during the past week with Mt. and Mrs. George Hicks. The many friends of Mr. Dave McKee are sorry to learn that he .is confined to his home and under the doctor’s care. We wish him a speedy recovery. The play presented by the Ailsa Craig Young People, in th© schoolroom of the church on Tuesday evening of last week, was well attended and pnjoyed by all. Mr. Alan Elston was guest soloist, and entertained between the acts, There were seventy-nine at the school on Friday evening for the films. The pictures .were good and everyone is looking forward to the third showing on March 25 at 3 p.m. the W.M.S. L.A.C. Elliott the •----", . and Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Mrs. Qladwyn Hooper, Very! spent Thursday and ’Mrs, Kenneth Belton. Hardware ‘’How's business?” a passer-by asked the old scissors grinder. “Fine,” lie said, “I liever saw things so dull.” The will reg­ and Lindsay R.N., of week-end and Mrs. Kippeo WX Mrs. Alex McGvegov was hos­ tess for a meeting of Kippen East Women’s institute, the president, Mrs. W, Kyle, presid­ ing. A talk prepared by Mrs. James McNaughton was read by Mrs, T. Kay. A demonstration on the honing of fish was in charge of Miss Margaret McKay and Miss Gtace Broadfoot gave a paper on household hints. Mrs. Harry Caldwell was guest speaker. The soloists were Mrs, R, Dalrymple, of Egmondville, and Mrs. Butts. The accompanist was Mrs, John McGregor of Egmondville. It was decided during the business period to donate $50.00 to the Children’s Wai’ Memorial Hospital, London, and $25.00 to the Hensail branch of the Cana­ dian Legion. Discussion also took place regarding the Hensail com­ munity building fund and a mo­ tion was passed that when build­ ing operations take place to help furnish one room foxes and Blanshard Snell Bros. Co. Mr. and St Marys, Mrs. I. N. Drive in today . .. and every thirty days It’s your money that’s wasted when you neglect regular lubrication .of your car, causing excessive wear, uneconomical fuel consumption. Make a habit of getting our The right lubricant ... in the right quantity ... at the right time at every point. KIRKTON Miss Ann Wright, of Factory-Specified Lubrication Service Bath Towels ___ ___ _____ __ Mt. Forest, and Mrs. M- Dickson, of St. Davids, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Wise­ man. Dr. G. H. Jose attended the Good Road Convention at Tor­ onto, this past week. Miss Christine Dobson is at­ tending the sewing course at Exeter this week. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Roy Switzer were Sunday guests with Mrs. James Kemp and Mrs. Mabel Sherman, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routly and daughter Muriel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey God bolt, of Centralia, Mrs. D. Roger re­ turned home with them. Miss Alice Ward, of Monkton, has 'accepted a position as oper­ ator at the Blanshard Municipal Telephone System. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgin and daughter Marian, .of London were Sunday guests* with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin. Mr. and Mrs. Lome .Marshall, Billy and Ronald visited Mr. and Mrs. Lou Guest at Thorn­ dale, this week. When the Kirkton Hunt Club boys were on their rabbit drive Saturday, besides a numbei’ pf rabbits they got two saw three deer, in Township. Mr, Fred Lankin, 'Mrs. Fred Moore, of visited with Mr. and Marshall, this past Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bucher Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. .Gunning, all of Granton, visited with friends in the village, Saturday. Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Case Tractors and Implement Sales PHONE 100 Jones & May March Sale We are placing on sale this month hundreds of the well known brand of Caldwell “Gold Medal” bath towels. Get a good supply at these low prices! Lot No. 1-—A good quality terry towel size 21” x 42”, white with candy stripes. Reg. price 90c, March price 79c each. Wash cloths to match 15c ea. Lot No. 2—-An exceptionally good wear­ ing towel, 22” x 42”, in pastel shades, pink, blue, green, gold, rose, with black and Mrs. A. Pringle, of •Sunday with and Mrs. M. coats Ask td see Otir canvas back Scotch Inlaid Linoleums I MWtwam^Muni Hopkin, .of Sunday with the funeral of their Mrs. Arthur Tarringtoh, border. Our Reg. $1.35 towel, March sale price $1.19 each. Wash, cloths to match, full size, 25c each. Lot No. 3—-Extra heavy towels, 22” x 42”, pastel shades in jacquard patterns, our Reg. $1.65 towel, March sale price $1.49 each WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly, of Kirkton, and Mr, W. Wynn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Vodden. Mr, London, visited on Mrs. G. Copeland Copeland. Mrs. George ■Mitchell visited on Miss Ada Hopkill, Herb Hopkin and Mr.Mr. George Hopkin, of Mitchell, At­ tended Ufei'CO# in Detroit, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace visited, on Sunday, with Miss Amanda Shier, Mrs. Adams, of Toronto, Opent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. T. G. Wanless and Rev. Waniess, The Y.P.U. held a' social evening on Friday night, with about twenty-five p r e seat. Gaines and contests were enjoy­ ed, and lunch was served. YJ*.U. Hold Meeting The regular Y.P.U. meeting was held on Sunday evening, with about twenty present. The meeting was in charge of the Fellowship and Worshhlp Com­ mittee, Loren© Jaques ana Win­ nie Gordon. Gotham Nylon Hpsiery have been very fortunate in secur­ ing the agency for this district for the popular Gotham Gold Stripe Nylon Hosiery. The new spring shades are here in all sizes, 42. 45 and 51 guage. We also have the Gotham Adjustable Nylons. These can be adjusted from 29” to 35” in length at $1,50 pr. We also sell nylons in Supersilk, Orient, Gordon &Rennie brands. Hemstitched Pillow Cases s8 4 Ladies Spring Ready-to-wear New dresses —- suits — coats •— blouses — skirts, etc., Arriving daily! PHONE 32 For Spring Five dozen 42-inch fine quality white hemstitched pillow cases, Wabasso make, a real value, this month at $1.65 & pair EXETER s f