HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-24, Page 10ofPridham, IJ Kirk- With Louch .spent and the W. Mr. Nelson Statton is Hl In St. Joseph's hospital, London. at C. Stephens gathered a Mrs. girls, was ob- School on Missionary George Wilson C. Clerk Sanitone Cleaning Special Tour Last Chance For Basement Excavation Chas. P» Dietrich R.R. 2 Crediton PhQiie 2Qr33 Crediton THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1949 William Shaddock The funeral of the late Wm. Shaddock was held Monday after­ noon at the Greenway United church followed .by interment in the ParkhiU cemetery. Mr, Shad­ dock. who was 92 years of age, died Saturday at the home of his .daughter, Mrs. Hugh Hod­ gins, of Stephen Twp. He was predeceased by his wife, the for­ mer Margaret Thompson. Exeter Council .—-Continued From Page One $202.81; Huron Lumber Co., town hall shod $28.05, tile $3«- 00, $31,05; Mather Bros, gas and oil, truck, $13.84; Henry Sterling, coal, town hall, $80,45 County of Huron, hospitalization, 33.00; Gerald Cornish, labour, $2L79; Samuel Grainger, labour, $23.69; Arthur Paynes, $25.49. AH motions were carried. Ad­ journment on the motion of Councillor Snider. C. v. Pickard Resting Comfortably The many friends of Mr. J. Hubert Jones will be pleased to know that he is resting com­ fortably and .is doing as well as can be expected. Co-op Enjoys Banquet One hundred and fifty mem­ bers of the Exeter Co-op sat down to an excellent banquet in the James st. Church basement Wednesday evening in connec­ tion with their annual meeting, MRR t im lown topics Mr. and Mrs. Pon Collier a.nd Sandra are ■spending a few days in Detroit as guests of their uncle, Mr* C. B. Lightfoot. Items of Social and personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Tfmes-Advpcate is, always pleased to publish these Items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31 w 'M FOR FEBRUARY Any Pair Unlined Drapes Any Any Any Any Pair Curtains Chair Cover pair Blankets Pair Car Covers or Motor Rugs 65 cents J WOODHAM and ,Mrs. Glenn Lambert, on Sunday Mr of Melbourne, visited with Mrs. M. Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Frank, of Hamilton, week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Switzer. Mrs. W. few days Mel. Louch Miss Gladys Switzer ton, spent the week-end Miss Ruth Hazelwood. Mr. and Mrs. William Thom­ son and family visited, on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. William Rhode, of Thames Road, Mrs. M. Copeland, Jean and Glenn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mountain, of .St. Marys, Misses Marion , and Muriel Stephens and Jean Copeland, of St. Marys, Misses Marion Rodd, Phyllis Wheeler, Fern Rodd, Arnbjra Copeland and Mrs. Ken “ . “ , spent the at their homes here. Brine, of St Marys, few days with h e r Donnie and Marilyn L. Switzer spent with Mr. and of Hamilton. of Evans Inquest Postponed The inquest into the death of Joseph Evans of Wingham, who lost his life as the result of an accident north of Hensall Feb­ ruary 10, was opened at Hensall Wednesday afternoon but was postponed until April 6 due tq some of the occupants of the ears involved in the accident be­ ing still confined to hospital. Fairfield Makes Mrs. Maud Heywood is visit­ ing for a few weeks with friends and relatives in London and Windsor, Mrs. R. G. Gilies, of Midland, spent «*the past week visiting with her mother, Mrs. S. Martin, at the Melville inn. Mr. and Mrs. T, J.\Page and ■sons, Tommy, Teddy and ' Paul, of Sarnia, visited ovex1 the week-* end with Mrs. M, Hannigan, 'Mrs, and Mrs. W. L, Butler, of London, and Mrs. Alice Cudmore, Exeter, expect to leave on Monday, February 21 for St. Petersburg, .Florida-• Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Colling­ wood, Russell, and Mrs. Larne Johnston, Bobby and David spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson, , of Arkema, Mrs, M« .Finkbeiner is leaving Grand Bend us she '.has bought a home in London. Mrs. Alien Wilkinson of Es­ canaba, Mich., is visiting With Mrs, Rose H. Russell, Miss Marilyn Bender visited with friends and relatives, in Toronto, over the week-end. Mrs. W. J. Hern returned on Monday from Owen Sound where she visited her brother, W. B. Phillips. Week-end visitors at th*e home of Mr, and Mrs. Lee Wil­ son were Mrs. Ted Wilson and Darlene of London, Hugh Wil­ son and Frank Tyndall, of Regina, and Jim Wilson of Dart­ mouth, N. S. Public Meeting Vegetable Growers and Farmers Monday, Feb, 28 at 8:00 p.m. To discuss important prob­ lems as to the final action to be taken in reference to ’ the EXETER RUTABAGA CO. Any Any Any Any Any Pair Quilts Pair Lined Drapes Comforter Bedspread Chesterfield Cover 85 cents Brady Cleaners PHONE 136 — EXETER Agencies located at Lucan, Centralia* Grand Bend, Dashwood, Hensall, Zurich, Seaforth, Bly th. Mill^ of , London, week-end Nancy spent a cousins, Brine. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and Betty visited on Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd “ ‘ " Thames Road, Shower for* Muriel The shower club the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephens, on Saturday , night and presented their daughter, Muriel, bride-elect of this week, with a kitchen shower. A mock wedding was performed and readings and contests were en­ joyed. After Muriel received hex’ gifts and thanked the lunch was served. Sunday School Observes Missionary Sunday Missionary Sunday served in the Sunday Sunday with . the Convenor, Mrs. in charge. Mrs. C. Cann read the* scripture, a reading by Ron­ nie Chatten and a piano duet by­ Betty Mills and Bessie MeCurdy was given. Rev. T. G. Wanless spoke on the theme “If Christ Should Come”. There was an 1 attendance of 145 and the of- I fering was $-14.00. Presentations The members of the Fair- field community met .in the form of a social on Monday evening at the ho’me of Mr. William Schroeder. ’Games and contests were enjoyed after .which pre­ sentations were made to mem­ bers of the community; to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe, who moved t0 Exeter, and to Mr. and' Mrs. 'Orville Schroeder .who recently married, •Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder presented with a lovely wall mirror while Mr. and Mr.s Powe received a desk chair. The Cen­ tralia W. M. ,S- at the same time gave Mrs. Powe a cup and sau­ cer in appreciation of her co­ operation and able assistance. The remainder of was spent in cards lunch was served. The next meeting field Farm Forum the Observes 89th Birthday Mr. Joseph May observed his eighty-ninth t birthday on Sunday and r e c e i'v e d congratulations from many friends. Mr. May enjoying fairly good health. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Horace home of Elmer is were were tlie evening after which of the Fair­ will: be Powe. DASHWOOD at • Miss Carol .Webb was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London last Tuesday, where she under­ went an operation for append­ icitis. Rev. and Mrs. Luft, of Han­ over visited with their daughter ■Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Merner, on Monday, Rev. J. H. ’Getz attended the ■funeral of the late Rev. W, O. Hayne, of St. Jacobs, in Kitchen­ er, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garr in Sarnia, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ,K. Streets, • of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D, Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reste- meyer, Mr. and M^s. , Hubert Restemeyer and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. McGrenere, all of London, were week-end visitors with their parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer. •Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oest- reicher and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicber, all o f Dashwood attended the Oestreiclier-Murray nuptials in Weston, on Saturday. I BRINSLEY Those who visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mor­ ley were;* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lee, Joan and Sandra, Mr. Bud Greines, of London, Mr. and Mrs, Robtrt Hackney, , Wayne, and Paul, of Sarnia. Mr. Alex s. with Mr. Greenlee, of Lucan. Mrs. Vic Manquie and Sandra have returned to their home in Buffalo after spending some time with Mr. William Morley. Mr. Harvey Morley is spend­ ing a few days with friends in Buffalo. Mrs. John L. tained the Guild of Church on Thursday last. The community will William Hodgins, and spent Saturday evening . and Mrs. Raymond Hotson enter- Gh r i s t afternoon 11 _ Del- bridge and family of Winchelsea Mr. 'and Mrs. Russell King and Wayne, of Crediton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper. Mr. Harry March and . Launie and Mr. Laverne Depoty, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch. •Mr. William Routly is , at­ tending the Good Roads Con­ vention Tn Toronto, A Wear-Ever Aluminium de­ monstration was given in Elim- ville Church, last Thursday, in order of a supper sponsored by the Women’s Institute. A de­ licious supper was served after the demonstration was made. A Dutch auction of a saucepan was given at the close. * Miss Wilma .Wolters, of Win­ chelsea, spent the week-end with Miss Lenore Cooper. Miss Marilyn Hern, of Zion, spent the week-end with Miss Aldeen Pym. We are sorry to report that i Miss Mary Skinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, was taken to the hospital on •Monday. The Elimville Euchre Club was held last week at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bell. Prizes for the evening were awarded to Mrs. D. Skinner for the ladies’ high, Mr. Harold Bell for gents’ high and Mr. the consolation. Johns received a special prize. This week the 'party be held at .the home of Mr. Kenneth Johns. Sorority Hears Talk On 'Art of Thinking' "The light in the window” at the home of Miss Geraldine Prout on Tuesday was to wel­ come the sisters of Ontario Al-„ plia Pi, to whom she was hos­ tess. The .president, Miss Mar­ garet Melville, conducted the business of the chapter. The topic for the evening “Art of Thinking”, was capably given by Mrs. Andrew Dixon, the guest speaker. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Eileen Morley and Mrs. Hazel Beaver. As the girls left for home their .parting theme was /‘Thanks, Geraldine , , . * t’was fun”. a Mrs, Coming Events RECEPTION & DANCE for Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Dinney at the Opera House, Exeter, on Feb­ ruary 28. Everyone welcome. ,c JUNIOR FARMERS’ meeting to be held in the Arena March 2 at 8:30 pan. Girls bring lunch. Everybody welcome. DANCE Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton 2Wed., March Kenneth . Johns, Mrs. William spot HENSALL Dancing t>:30 to 1:30 Music by THE SHAMROCKS Admission 50c Everybody Welcome World Day Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Passmore of Salford, visited recently with the former’s parents,. Mr. t and Mrs. John Passmore. tRev. R. A. Fergusdn Presbytery meeting in on Tuesday. Plan tp attend the attended Clinton Plan to attend the monthly Wohelo ’Class meeting, which will be held in the United Church school room, on Monday night, February 28. An excellent “Scotch” program will ured, consisting of musical numbers etc. Arnold Circle Meets The Arnold Circle Auxiliary held tlieir meeting ,at the home Charles Forrest, on evening, with Mrs. C\ be feat­ readings, Of Prayer Service James Street Church Fri,, March 4 At 3:00 p.m. All ladies are invited to attend this service. Service of Youth in same place at 7i30 p.m. This meeting should decide whether or not there will be a Co-operative Growers* Association in Exeter. County representatives G. Bennett and J. C. Rennie will address the meeting. Leavitt’s -M THEATRE Previews its * Coming Attractions ■ FRIDAY, SATURDAY February 25, 26 TWO FEATURES ‘Sixteen Fathoms Deep’ Color by Ansco ® Arthur (Dagwood) Lake * Lon Chaney ‘The Marauders • William Boyd ® Andy Clyde J i MONDAY, TUESDAY, February 28, March 1 ‘Song of My Heart’ # Sir Cedric Hardwicke • Frank Snndstron • Audrey Long Featuring the soul stirring music of Tschaikowsky. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY March 2, 3 ‘The Accused’ • Loretta Young • Robert Cummings THEATRE The community will be sorry to know at the time of writing that Mrs. Fred Fenton is under the doctor’s cate. Her many friends hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mt. Murray Dixon held a shinglitig bee on his barn, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLellan of Stratliroy spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower- Mr. and Mrs. Kooy sponsored a progressive euchth on Tuesday evening last * Mr, and Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald spent Sunday afternoon with the latter’s .parents, Mt. and Mrs. Major Baker, of Ship- ka. Miss Betty Morley’and Grace of Alisa Craig spent the Week­ end at their home here.The Young Adults of Brinsley United Church, Brinsley, enter­ tained the Young People of Christ Church, McGillivray, and the Young People of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Brinsley, on Tuesday evening last,Mr. Norman Amos of Guelph spent the week-end at his home hate.Mrs. Tillie Sholdice of London spent the week-end in Brinsley. Mr. Car! TtevetMck spent the week-end at his home hero. Mr. Melvin Ddrr of Moray rendered a solo In Brinsley Unit­ ed Church on Sunday afternoon last, Evening February of Mrs. Monday evening, wiui ivus. Kennedy co-hostess. Mrs. H. 0. Bell play­ ed soft , music proceeding the •program. Mrs. William Brown, vice-president, presided in the absence of the President, Mrs. Glenn Bell, and. read a beautiful poem, after .which, Mrs. P. A. Ferguson had 'charge of the devotional. Several hymns were sung and Mrs. Ferguson gave an 'outstanding address, stressing the need of prayer for spiritual guidance during this year that lies Uliead, The scripture was read by Mrs. John ;McEwan. Mrs, C. Kennedy and Mrs, A. Scholl sang a duet entitled “Sweeter as the Years Go By”. The .topic "Enter China” was most capably arranged by Mrs. Garnet Mous- seau. Interesting items were read from the Presbyterian Record, and Glad Tidings by Mrs. A. Scholl and Mrs. Btewart Bell. The roll 'call and business con­ cluded the, program, which Closed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. * Refreshments were served by- the hostess, co-hostess and iuncli committee, Thomas Huddleston Dios Suddenly Thomas Huddleston, sixty-six, a resident of Hensall* for a num­ ber of years, died suddenly pt Bonthron’s Furniture Store on Monday. Stricken with a heart attack, the deceased dropped on the street and was carried into the store. Medical aid was called at once, but, Mr. Huddleston ■passed away soon after Dr. God­ dard arrived. pne daughter in England Is the only survivor. The remains are resting at .Bon­ thron’s Funeral Home, where funeTal services wll be held on Thursday at two tn nn, conduct­ ed by Rev. R, A. Brook. Inter- meat avill be ,ih Maltiahbaiik Uemetoryf Seaforth. Come To The Pancake Trivitt Memorial Parish Halh* Tues., March 1 Commencing at 5:30 o’clock Oyster Supper Woodham Orange Hall FrL March 11 Supper will be served from 5i00 p.m. to SiOO p.m. Followed By A Good Program *— Admission —~ Adults $1.00 Children under 12 years 60c Auspices of L.O.L. 402 E, Phton, Wor. Master GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY, SATURDAY February 25 - 26 ♦ Jean Arthur • Marlene Dietrich- • John Lund ‘A Foreign Affair’ Here comes a load of laughter on an international plane. Superman as the ‘MAN OF STEEL’ MONDAY, TUESDAY February 28* Match 1 ‘To the Victor’ ♦ Dennis Morgan ♦ Vivcca Lindfors t • Victor Francen The screen’s first all-out indict­ ment of greed and selfishness, ‘THE EMPORER WALTZ’ At This Theatre March 4*5 Don’t Miss It! ANOTHER BtG Frolic and Dance Opera Hpose^Excter Saturday Night Keep young by getting In the Rin! CLAW RAND Door Prizes Ydu’ii Like