HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-24, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1949 V NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements cap be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 85rl9 'V-.....______________________________________________________ HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR Dead Stock HORSES $4.00 each CATTLE $4.00 each HOGS $1.00 per CWt. According to size and Kirkton Fsrm Club Membership of 325 was shown at the Kirktoft-Woodham Farm­ ers’ Club annual meeting, The yearns business amounted to $95,'QOQ.OQ. Officers named, for 1949 are: President, Fred Switzer; vice- president, Hugh -Berry; secret­ ary-treasurer, Alvin Crago; as­ sistant secretary- treasurer, Jack Urquhart; recording secretary, John Berry. Directors — Crago, Dobson, Duffield, Big results from these small ads await you! WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED—A good sized tent in good condition, Apply Box *T’ Tjmes-Advocate, 24* condition, Exeter 235Call * Collect Seaforth 15 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD. AUCTION SALES GRAVEL TENDERSFOR SALE-—-Two - storey frame house and five good building lots well located in Exeter, Bath and modern kitchen in house, stable on property, The property of the late John Hunkin, Apply Lewis Davey, Phone 17r6 Crediton, 24c FOR SALE—White enamel cook stove, Empire, also, large- size Quebec heater, both like new. Plipne 3 71’11, Exeter. „ 24* AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned .will sell by public auction on Main Street, Exeter TUESDAY, MARCH 1 at 1 o’clock 3-piece bedroom suite; ant­ ique 3-pjece bedroom suite; suite hand made; 3 toilet sets, ' 2 congoleum rugs; 10 pillows; f e a t h e r mattress; blankets; quilts; sheets; table cloths; hand and tea towels; Hotpoint electric range; Good Cheer coal, and wood range; kitchen cab­ inet; chairs; table; couch; cooking utensils; clocks; elect­ ric iron; electric toaster; paper rack; 5 'coal oil lamps; garden hose; trunks; verandah chairs; verhandah seat; chesterfield suite; library table; electric table lamp; radio and cabinet; victrola and records; rockers; 3 rugs; rugs; mahogany parlor mahogany oval fable; hall rack; ures; fernery tension table; room chairs; Township of Hay For crushing and hauling gravel —sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the under­ signed until 6 o’clock p.m. Sat­ urday, March 5, 1949, for crush­ ing and hauling approximately 5,000 cu. yds. of crushed stope %-inch size. Gravel- to be used from the' Welsh pit, Tenders to state price for hauling on a flat rate, also at a rate per cu. yd. per mile. Contractor to supply crusher, power, and trucks; Hay Township to supply ’one truck. Work to be completed by Octo­ ber 1, 1949. All work to be done under the direction of the Roads Superintendent, Marked cheque for i$200 to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. Contractor to satisfy the Council as to Compensation Insurance carried. Contract to be signed as soon as tender is James Masse, Road Supt., Zurich, Ont., R.R. 2 WANTED TO BUY—R* C. A- F. officer’s raincoat. Phone 407- *■ W Exeter, after 6 p.m, 24* Paul Armstrong, Garth Blackley, Everett Doupe, Ray- Francis, Fred Jamieson, George Kemp, Fred Rogers, R. H. M, Cecil Bert uuiuciu, Milton Hooper, FredHerman Paynter, Ottis Sawyer, Ernie Selves, M. Simpson, Robert Somerville, John Stephens, Fred Switzer, Jack Urquhart, Wilfred Wilson. Johnson, WANTED — Kitchen cabinet. Apply Times-Adyocate 24* WANTED TO BUY—One pair of yearlings or two-year-old colts, Clyde oi* Percheron. Phone 29r32 Crediton, James Glavin. 24c You have to see danger to avoid it. That’s why the Depart­ ment of Highways says to winter motorists; “Keep your wits and windshield clear ” Simplicity Washers Reasonable PriceDependable If you are considering a new washer, come'ln and check over the “Simplicity”. It combines quality workmanship throughout with reasonable price! Help the Red Cross carry on its many services. Give Generously!! \ R. E. RUSSELL * ex­ work R.R. WANTED •— Immediately; perienced single man to on farm. Mose Beckler, „ 1” Hensall, .phone 177r5 Exe­ ter.24c WANTED—A few copies of the January 6 issue of The Exeter Times-Advocate for which we will pay 6 cents each. WORK WANTED EMPLOYMENT wanted by young woman. Store or office. —Box 317 Exeter. 24* FOUND FOUND—Ring with keys and gas tank covei’ on 16th con­ cession of Stephen, may have same by property and paying vertisement. —Donald phone 41r7. Finder proving for ad- Keller, 24* FOR SALE OR RENT Phone 109 Exeter, Ont Smart Taman's «' n Monstrous New Samples Smart new samples bv Tip Top are here. They offer you an attractive selection of ga- bardines, worsteds and flan­ nels for your new suit. We advise you to order your spring' suit now. A small de­ posit will hold your garment until it is required. Samples in both Tip Top and Fleet Street clothes, both tailored by Tip Top. Tip Top $44.50 Fleet Street $57.50 £ Three-week Delivery CLEARANCE at George Wright’s This week we are using both stores for this real stock liquidating sale* We are not" concerned about what these good COST. We are wrapping up good clean staple items as Overalls, Pants^ Smocks, etc., at less than cost! Parkas $10.00 Whipcord Pants $2.95 Last Saturday AVe Passed Out 20 Doz. Overalls & Smocks $3.39 Wool Dress Pants $4.95 $6.95 $7.95 Reg. Up to $12.00 Work Socks Get Them Again This Saturday! Leather Coats $13.00 — Reg. $22.50 Rubber Boots — $2.69 with insoleS. 3 pr. for $1.00 Men’s Lumberman Rubber Pullovers, etc. at amazingly low prices to reduce stock. Rubbers $1.00 Items such as Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters, boys’ and men’s Wear, far too numerous to mention. Hurry and get your share of these savings. Watch Next Week For A Great Shoe Clearance IB—« FOR RENT OR SALE — 100 acres; steel roof barn, 6 0 x 60, frame house; 12 acres of bush, 60 acres ploughed, hy­ dro available. Lot 14, N. boundary Stephen, Highway 83, Hilton Ford, Hay. 17:24:3* MISCELLANEOUS EARN EXTRA MONEY. You can collect orders for blankets from neighbors or fellow club members and - make extra money for club. Ol£ underwear*, etc. are accepted in part pay­ ment for highest quality, new Blankets, Auto Rugs, Ski- Cloth, etc. A new, All-Wool, full-size blanket can be ob­ tained for as low as $3.00 with 12 lbs. of old woollens as part payment. Write today to Dept. 27, Midland Mills, Midland, Ontario, and ask for free price list. and - make yourself or your woollen socks, blankets, sweaters KIRKTON . and -Mrs. Lewis Fletcher, and Mrs. Allan Fletcher end family attended the wedding anniversary of the former’s sis­ ter, Mr and Mrs. Walker Kers- lake, of Londsboro. Messrs. Ross and Lome Mar­ shall attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Dr. W. D, Ferguson, of Hamilton, Friday. Mrs. Doris J. Callaghan and, daughters, pf London, left by plane, .Monday, to make their home in Vancouver, where Mr. J. Callaghan is employed. They were former Kirkton residents. Mrs. AV. S. .Cluff and son Paul, of Wiarton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Ross and family, of London, attended the lee Carnival at Kirkton, and called on some friends in the village, Thursday evening Mrs. D. Roger is spending this month with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Godbolt,at Centra­ lia. Miss .Velma Doupe, of London spent the week-end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. N* Doupe. her B. GREENWAY Miss Eleanor McLinchey of Detroit spent the week-end with her parents, Mr* and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Mr. Kay McPherson and Mr. Peter Clark of Toronto visited on -Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Milton Pollock, Ross and Carl.Mr, and Mrs. Dean BfoWiiJ Mr. and Mrst Russel Brown and Gordon visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Snowden, Messrs, Albert and William Bean, of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McIntosh of Ferndale, Mich., spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hartle and sons of Sarnia spent tile wd§k-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle, Master Jimmy Dixon of Park** hill is spending some time with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carruthers. Mr. Harold Pollock of Detroit and Mrs. Russell Pollock of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. -Ray Young and' Marilyn and Mrs. Harold Bro- phey spent the week-end with Mr. and .Mr§, Garry Gibson of Wroxfeter. Mrs. Brophey is re­ maining for a week’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks aiid Miss Marion Hicks of Lon­ don visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies and family of East Williams. FOR SALE—-50 acres of pasture land with young bush, small brick house, N% lot 11, Con, 17 McGillivray Township, Ap­ ply Box “S”, Times-Advocate. 10:17:24* FARM FOR SALE—99 acres, 1% miles north of Dashwood, buildings in good repair, with hydro, 5 acres bush, 11 acres fall wheat and 40 acres fall ploughed, $7,500, Part cash", with balance on mortgage at 4%. This offer withdrawn af­ ter March 1. —A. V. Tieman. phone 108j Dashwood. FOR SALE—Solid brick house, two-storey, new roof, eight rooms, new hot water heating, modern kitchen; to be sold at once, immediate possession; centrally located; $5,800. — P.O. Box 166 Exeter. 24* FOR SALE—200 acres, more or less, in Stephen Twp., being N. half lot 16, 17 and ,S. half lot 18, Con. 16. This is a good farm, well built on. Ed Lam­ port, Dashwood, phone 164rl. 24:3:10 3tc FOR SALE—Two storey brick house, insulated, S room, fir trim hardwood floors, modern kitchen, newly shingled and painted- exterior. Immediate possession. Two blocks east of library. Phone 219 m 24c FARMS FOR SALE— 10'0 acres, Usborne Twp. On county road. Good brick house, barn and drive shed. Hydro and water pressure. 17 acres wheat. 40 acres ploughed. Spring possession. 150 acres, Usborne Twp. near highway and school. Good brick house, large barn, silo, hydro. Spring possession. 9 0 acres, Hay Twp. Near high­ way and village. Brick house, barn with good stabling. Hyd­ ro, 9 acres hardwood bush. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—Five room house, hydro and town water. Base­ ment. Immediate possession. Price $2700,'QQ. U. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—-150 acre farm, 100 acres clear, 5.0 acres bush ■ and pasture: half mile from highway; 3 miles from Exeter. Possession April 1. Part cash. 2 good wells, spring. Brick residence, barn and drive­ shed. Box 145 Exeter. Fred H, Hogarth. 3:10:17* HOUSES FOR SALE—Hensall, 5 rooms, roll brick siding, garage, hydro, $1,000.- Hen­ sail, 6 rooms, brick, full base­ ment, hydro, $3,300, possess at once. Exeter, one floor, 4 rooms and bathroom, $3,000, possess at o,nee, •—AV. C. Pearce, realtor, Exeter. 24* FARMS FOR SALE— 85 acres, Stephen Township, full sefc buildings, handy to markets, $6,500.00. 150 acres, Hibbert, full set buildings, conveniences, hydro, $14,000* 115 acres, Usborne, full set buildings, conveniences, hydro, $11,500. —AV. C. Pearce, realtor, Exeter. 24* BABY CHICKS COCKERELS FOR MARCH — Cockerels available throughout March. All heavies 5c. Light hybrids 3c. All light cockerels 2c. •—Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, NEUHAUSER 3A AVHITE Leg­ horns. Two pure strains-—Tom Barron and Creighton Bros. Rugged type of Leghorns cap­ able of standing up under long periods of heavy laying. $15. per hundred. Pullets $32. —Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St, London, Ont. FEMALE HELP WANTED PART-TIME opportunity f o r women of above average in- telligance, resident In*or near 'Exeter, to take part in nation-wide survey in April, May and June, and to con­ tinue as resident interviewer if satisfactory. AVrite: Can­ adian Facts Limited, 146 Wellington St. AV., Toronto, at oftce. 24:3:10c FOR SALE—Natural and red kitchen cabinet with glass doors, also, large two door wardrobe with drawer. Phone 353R. * FOR SALE — Fada Cabinet •Model radio, also, Westing­ house Table Model, Good condition. . Reasonable offer, Phone Exeter 321J after six P. m. . 24* FOR SALE—Internatipai Farm- All A Tractors, with scuffler and plow. Good condition. Apply Harold Jeffery, R.R.-3 Exeter, phone 172R43. 24* FOR SALE—194S Ford, Super DeLuxe two-door with heater and .slip-covers, low mileage, like new. Phone London,, Fairmount 5 613AV. ' 24* FOR SALE—Best 1939 Buick, foul’ door Sedan, special on the road, complete overhaul, n e w motor, . clutch, drive shaft, muffler, brake job, shocks, pitman shaft, stealing post, four 7 60 air-ride tires, spare like new, spotless grey mpholstry. For information phone Exeter 361J after 5:30 p. m. 24:3c FOR SALE—Baby carriage in good condition. Apply at 45 Marlborough St. 24* FOR SALE—B a r g a i n ladies’ •black spring tailored suit, bardine suit, All size 16, clean, good condi­ tion. Apply Times-Advocate. 24* coat, $5.00; navy $15.00; blue ga- like new, $30.00. accepted. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Zurich, Opt. NOTICES NOTICE—Having loaned several books would appreciate some, espe­ cially the book The Book Of Genesis”. F. Abbott. not yet returned, I “Science And —AV. 24* NOTICE—Cement work and con­ tracting of the late Mr. John I-Iunkin will be carried on as usual under the supervision of his wife, Mrs. Ella Hunkin. 24:3* Stenographer Wanted 51^-day week Apply Box "W" TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE—1934 Dodge sedan, in good shape. Rubber good, deluxe heater, sealed beam lights, good motor.----Harvey Parkinson, R.R. 6 St. Marys, phone 18-5 Kirkton. 24* FOR SALE-—Approximately three tons of baled hay. —Mayfair Bakery, Exeter. 24c FOR SALE—School clothes for teen-age girls, sizes 12 to 14. Three suits, $5.00 each; rain­ coat and top coat, $4.00 each; dresses, sweaters, skirts? $1.00 each; potted Sansiveria and African Violet plants, $1.00 each. Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Huron St. East, phone 15. 24c FOR SALE—’3 6 Oldsmobile Cab­ riolet, A-l condition, price $725. Apply Ed Mawhinney, Victoria Street., Exeter. 24* FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet. Phone 219M. 24c FOR SALE—Northern refrigerator, phone 15 Exeter. Electric $150.00. Keddy, /24* FOR SALE—International ferti­ lizer drill, 13-disc, in good shape. Reason for selling, got new tractor drill. Apply James McCarthy, Ailsa Craig*, Ont. 24c FOR SALE—1939 Chev coach, like new, very low mileage. Phone 31rl5 Dashwood. 24c FOR SALE—International trac­ tor; model “A”, on starter, lights, and nearly new. Richard Dashwood. rubber, scuffler, Ayotte, 24* FOR SALE—Heifer calf, Jersey and Durham. Apply Robert Mitchell, Exeter South. 24* VILLAGE OF EXETER To the property holders of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter—re closing part of Gid- 'ley Street and Brock Street in the Village of Exeter. The following is a copy of a by-law which has been given two readings and will be finally passed under authority of Sec­ tion 495, Chapter 2*6 6 of the .Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1937. Any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially af­ fected by the by-law may make application to the Clerk, to be heard by the Municipal Council in regard to such claim. CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER BY-LAW NO. 6, 1949 WHEREAS the Exeter District High School Board owns the land on both sides of that part' of Gidley Street running East from the corner of Gidley and Senior Street and WHEREAS the said Board owns land on both sides of Brock Street and wishes to build across the said street. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That, that part of Gidley Street extending from a point in line with the Westerly lines of Lots 1129 and 1121 and extend­ ing the and 2. Street extending Street North to Victoria be closed. 3. That, effect on thereof. East to a point in line with Easterly lines of Lots 1137 1116 be closed. That, that part of from Brock Gidley Street this by-law shall take the final passing C. V. Pickard, Clerk Dated: February S, 1949. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. * 2tfc FOR SALE—12” per cord; also : wood, $4 and All orders for delivered free, or 18”iUch __ __ should be placed immediately. Apply Let “ Morley. Phone 619>r2 4 Ailsa Craig. l(0:17:24c ' hardwood, $5 plenty of mixed $4.50 per cord. 5 cord or over Orders for 16” furnace wood FOR SALE—One Empire garden tractor, 6 h.p.; cultivator 36”, plough 9”; also set of discs, 5 plates 12”* Equipment only 2 years old. For price apply Fred Howe, Centralia, Box 27. 17:24* FOR sale- all kinds, inets, and to order. Farquhar phone 121J Hensall after 6:00 p.m. 17:24* —Wood moulding of colony houses, cab*- outdoor toilets made Order now—-Ford & Moulding, Exeter, In the Estate of Henry RadeY, deceased ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate Rader, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County Huron, Gentleman, who died “on or about the 27th day of Novem­ ber, 1935, are required to file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor of Exeter Ontario, on or before the 10th day of March, A.D. 1949, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 15th day of .Feb­ ruary, A.D. 1949. Elmer D. Bell. K.C., Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. of Henry of ■< GLADIOLUS BULBS—To room for a larger and .stock of Mixed Coloured we are selling these Yellow Bulbs at 75c per 100; small, 35c per 100’, Bulbets, 25c per 500. Postage extra. These bulbets will bloom this year, Purcell Flower Gardens, Seaforth. 24:3c PERSONAL make better Bulbs Early SLENDOR TABLETS are effec­ tive, 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. several several scatter suite; oval fable; oak 4 arm chairs; piet- round oak ex-. 4 oak "dinin g- rwm vixaixp, oak buffet; a number of small .tables; knives; forks; silverware; dishes; White sewing machine; electric vacu­ um cleaner; fruit sealers; coal oil stove; 5 gallon oil can; 2 galvanized tubs; hand wringer; wash board; boilers; watering can,; lantern; bake board; clothes baskets; wheelbarrow; shovels; axes; hammers; leaf rake; 4- tined manure fork; mattock; Bucco cultivator; spade; turf edger; grass shears; hand saws; bucksaw; 5 i feet Racer crosscut saw; 6 foot step ladder; 2 extension ladders; 2- wheel cart; wrenches; 2 cedar timbers; screwdrivers; squares; axe handle; quantity of .lumber; about 10001 used white brick, tightener; glass, and onion screen; wire window sash with other articles. TERMS: Cash. SAMUEL ROSS FRANK TAYLOR Prop. Auctioneer. *7 BY RUBBING IN ► Brings quick relief. Grcaseless, fast-drying, no strong odor. large, economical I size, 65c | ‘ian6 qf Walker 19-46 Of Woodworking Cabinet Work Wall Brackets Toys, Novelties . Kitchen Cupboards exeter Ontario Don’t Miss These Specials 1947 MERCURY 114 marooa coach, bUilt-in radio, excellent condition. 1941 HUDSON, grey sedan. 1941 FORD, super deluxe blue sedan. 1938 1936 1935 1934 1929 TERRAPLANE1 black coach. Dodge, black sedan. terraplane coach. PLYMOUTH coUpe. ESSEX special sedan. These Curs Are Winterized And Equipped With Heaters* Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HENSALL, ONTARIO Bus. 54 Phone Res. 178; Highest Prices Paid for Live Poultry of All Kinds Weigh on the farmer’s scales at his door. Phone Kinlore 17r9 Collect Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Fergwsoh, Manager THAMESFORD ONTARIO Phone Kintore 17r9 or Hensall 80r2