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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-17, Page 8
THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 W1NCHELSEA Quite ft niim,ber from the community attended the box so cial held at Winchelsea School on (Friday night. Mr. Delbridge of Exeter Visited on Sunday at the home Of 'Mr. ’Charles Delbridge. Mr. Harold Denham of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, W, L. Batten, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Horne. Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Brock: visited on Sunday at the home of Mr- Leslie Robinson of the Thamse Road. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Davis of Kirktoi^ visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Goldman Glenn and family of Brinsley spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Sher- wod Brock, H' AIRPORT NEWS ■I SA1NTSBURY ’ Mb ..--I r* «........ Canada igot her first national ipark when, in 1885, ten square miles around Banff's hot miner al springs were set aside for .public use, T Taxi Service Phone: Crediton 18rll Exeter 357 Wing .Commander. W. c. Van Camp DFC, Commanding Officer RCAF Station Centralia, paid an official visit to the Institute of Aviation Medicine in Toronto last week to study the methods used by the Institute in selecting recruits for aircrew training. At the institute recruits are given very comprehensive ‘tests to de termine if they will as pilots or as radio navigation lected come School officers. ' be trained the Flying Centralia, * * # tournament s Mess on be trained officers 01' Those se as pilots ; Training to to at * A bridge the 'Officer February 8, was attended by__20 ardent bridge ‘ ~ Hamilton, of Section, won first prize, Flying Officer “Bud’’ . second prize and Flying Officer “Mae" MacKenchie the consolat ion prize, * * * * Work is .proceeding rapidly on the new housing project at -Cent ralia, with a large number of the basements already complet ed. When the houses are com pleted during this year thQ housing problem will be slightly eased for RCAF personnel living in the vicinity. In the meantime there are many officers and air- held in Tuesday players. Mr. Ted the Meteorological Herr won the I!THE CANADIAN ARMY —"INSURANCE FOR PEACE wings of the Airborne/ The red beret, the proud wings of the paratrooper are world famous. His is one of the many interesting and exciting jobs in the new Canadian Army Active Force. The new Army gives you every chance for self* improvement and advancement. There is unlimited opportunity for promotion—if you have what it takes. You can become a paratrooper and enjoy the thrill and excitement of the newest Branch of the Canadian Army. This is your opportunity to join men who are starting a career with a future—if you meet these require ments good physical condition ... 17 to 25 years of age.«. veterans with airborne experience will be taken up to 30 . . . pass the Army’s entry requirements. There is extra pay for parachute service* If you would like to win your wings, write or visit your local recruiting office today. Bring your certificates of age and education with you, No. 5 Ftrsonnel Depot, King Street We»t, KINGSTON, Ont. No. 6 I’ertontiel Depot, Charley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No. ? Personnel Depot, Wolaely Barracks, Klizabelb Street, CONDON. Ont. Join the CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Now! . men still looking for suitable married quarters. Accurate re cords of local housing accom odation are kept by the station housing office. Anyone who has any available housing space in the vicinity is asked to register the accomodation with the hous ing office at Decal 3'0* at the airport.* Bert Proct- ♦ * * Lieutenant , has been posted from Station, Centralia, to , Manitoba. several Flight er, AFC, RCAF Station, Centralia, Brandon, Manitoba. The RCAF is opening several recruiting centers in Western Canada and Flight Lieutenant Procter has been selected to be in charge of the unit at Brandon Previous to his Brandon, Flight Procter was on the Instrument. Flying has served' with this unit Deseronto. ralia. During instructed at Dauphin, Manitoba Pearce, Alberta Ontario. Mrs. Lorraine son Richard are him to Brandon where they will take up residence for the duration of his posting there. # * * * Flight ■Mungall left last R.C.A.F. Station where he takes position as staff Air Navigation ! will be flying i equipped for flights. These recently in the ing a record from Sacrimento Summerside P. E. I. * * * * Warrant Officer First Class Russell Armstrong and Warrant Officer .Second Class Kenneth Bridges leave in the neai' future for a Master Mechanics course at Camp Borden and Trenton. This course qualifies Senior NCO's for the airman’s trade grouping able in the RCAF. * :|i t- The . Sergeant’s Night, Wednesday ninth, was very successful, 35 people took part in the games, danced picture, Manitoba, ■posting to Lieutenant staff of the School and at Trenton and 'Cent- the war “Bert” P'roctor ; and accompanying * Lieutenant “Bob” ; Thursday for Summer side, up his new pilot at the School. “Bob” aircraft especially long distance t aircraft were news after mak- non sto.p flight California to M5 these highest obtain- * Mess evening the Bank __ I j and sa,w the moving “The .Castaway’’.# * interest has recently * * Much been shown by officers on the station in curling. Every Satur day morning a dozen or more ardent curlers drive to the Lon don 'Curling Rink for the morn ings London sport, as guests .of the Curling -Club.* * * * station basketball team, Officer Bruce suc- So far games London L e a- gue. They have entered the semi-finals and on the ninth of February played .Ridgetown in the first semi-final game,losing 5 2 to 3 4. With their 18 point deficit they meet Ridgetown again in the Sports Hangar ,at Centralia on February 11. they win on total (points advance to the finals and play off with Goderich.4- 4* 4- The Centralia Hockey took two losses last week, on Tuesday night they lost five to one to Clinton Radar, and on Wednesday night, ten. to six to Welsley. ~ games three Cadets John MacDonald who had to fly, and Flight Cadet Quickfall, who has been sick, The team needs to win the next four games to get in the play offs, -but Coach Flying Officer George Kercher and Manager Flying Officer Frank . Apperley are confident they Will do it. The attendance at all hockey games has been very gratifying and the manager js exception ally pleased with the support that Exeter has given its local RCAF team.* Xi * * Leading Aircraftsmart Gerard ‘’Bill’’ Bilodeau of Montreal took <part on the fifth artd sixth oE February, in the Huntsville skiing meet, placing second in jumping the week-end he is Neige if he “Bill** Placid Inter- The coached Tettmar, has had cessful season to they have played and won six in District Intermediate They have entered - a! C40-6 by Flying a very date. nine the “C” If they will team During these two the Flyers were short stalwart players, Flight Turner and Lou night “.Sid° the long distance competition. .On of February 11 and 12, entered in the Cote des Competition at Montreal, is successful at .Montreal will be going to Lake later in the month for national 'Competition there. Mh. and Mrs. IL Carroll boys spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. H. W, Hodgins. . Week-end guests with and Mrs, R. Greenlee wore and and Mr, . .. .... Mr and Mrs, F, Guiloyle and Norm an, of isimcoe. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. C. Abbott were MT. and Mrs, If. Brock, of Thorndale, Miss J. Davis and Mr, " Barker were week-end guests with1 Mr, and Mrs. E. Greenlee. Mr. and ,Mrs, W, J. Davis and Sunday with Mr. Ilderton., We are'iglad ■Mr. R. Dickens is able to be out around again. Many from attended the , hockey game Centralia ----- - ing, Girl’s Guild Meeting The Girl’s Guild held February meeting at the of Mrs. E. Greenlee, on Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. M. McDon- and took charge of the meeting which opened by singing “The Lord’s My Shepherd’’, followed with prayer. The afternoon was spent m discussions and business. At the T H. Davis, Mrs. Ivan visited on N. Hodgins, of to report that on this community in even-Wednesday their home close of the meeting the hostess served, lunch. There, were eight members presnt. Women’s Auxiliary Meet Th W, A. meeting was hold at the home of Mrs, W, J. Dobbs, on Wednesday afternoon. Seven members were present. The meeting opened with the hymn “-Rock of Ages.’’ Prayers and scripture reading followed. Mie. J, Turner, in the absence of Canon James, explained the reading. The roll call was ans- weredwith bible, °A”, letter spent Mrs, meeting with hostess served meeting will home of Mrs. Vestry Meeting' The Ves’try Meeting was held on Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. .J, Dobbs. The encouraging a verse from the beginning with the letter Next month will be the “B”. ©he afternoon was in piecing quilt blocks M. H. Elston closed the prayer and the lunch. The March be held at R Greenlee. the Mr . 1T. _ ....... reports were very showing a substantial balance, with all obligations met. Mrs. ,L Turner was asked to be secret, ary-treasurer for 1949. Mr Davis, Minister’s Warden, R. Greenlee CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. (Eldon Marner and two sons visited, (Sundays with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, this com- . to Mrs, passing of The sympathy of munity is extended Clifford Hill in the her mother. iMr, and 'Mrs. Jim Parkhill, .spent ' the „„„. with the latter's parents, a,nd Mrs, Sam Sims. Mr. Russell Raynham, of Lon don spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Marcia MacDonald, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Baynham, Mrs, Alex Hamilton and son Bradley, of Grand Bend, visiting for a Tew days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mr and Mrs. William English, of London, spent Bunday with Mr, and Mrs. William <Motz. Mr. and Mrs, Lenard Wein and Mrs. H. Lewis and Mrs. Sam Sims and Doris spent Fri day in London. Daye,, ojl’ week-end , Mr, are Trucks, Windows, Store Front Signs, Gold Leal’ Lettering SIGNS PHONE J55M EXETER Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open this Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout tile Week FORD Garage H, Mr. , People’s Warden, Mrs. M. Elston, organist. Canon James was in the, chair closed with prayer. The hostess served lunch, Mrs. W. J, Davis and Ivan spent Friday at the home ,of Rev. and Mrs. Elston. Velvet Ladies’ Rubber Pullons Clearing At $2.89 Any Pair Only $2.85 lien’s Police Boots 12-in. Leather Uppers While They Last $6.19 Out They Go At $4.29 Rubber Bottom Hi Cuts Strong, comfortable, Goodyear welted, Red Only, instep Strap Reg. $3.65 Felt Boots Plain and Leather Trimmed, 3 Styles Money Saving Junior Farmers Meet Harry Dougall, the 1940 pres ident, was in the chair for the February meeting of the Junior Farmers. At the meeting the Club decided to again affiliate with the County Federation of Agriculture. Six .members of the executive have been named As sociate Directofs of the Exeter Fair Board. Tom Brock and Ross Kercher gave reports on “Livestock, Soils and Crops* and ’’“Community Programmes,’ respectively, . the short courses Which they attended at the OAC early in January* Harry Dougail ; led a discussion on the co- operative marketing of turnips land several of the beys applied for shares in the proposed new Co-operative Rutabaga Co, The Under Described Lines Of Quality Footwear Will Be Sold At These Prices From 8 a,m. Saturday February 19 Till 11 p.m. Saturday, February 26 Only. The Quantities Available Are Limited And Will Be Sold 'While They Last' ’ Overshoes Fur Trimmed Brown and Black Laced, Reg. $4.95 Clearing at $3.89 High Zipper, Reg. $5.95 Clearing at $4.89 Low Zipper, Reg. $5.50 Clearing at $4.49 Bedroom Slippers Shearling Lined, Loafer Style Reg. $6.95 Clearing at $5.19 Unlined Mules $2.19 Bowling Shoes Professional Type Ladies* Black and Red $3.49 7 Pair Men*s At $3.75 • • Leather Hi Cuts 14-in. Oil Tan Uppers Reg. at $7.50 and $5.50 Men*s Black $4.19 EXETER MM/LY fVori/i/EM & WUtAaPJM Work Boots 12 pairs only All Leather Panco Sole 19c Brand New Sunworthy PHONE 376