HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-17, Page 7r ■%. Notice TOE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINC, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 Gleaned From Exeter District High SchoolI have disposed of my garage and service business at tiie Blue Sunoco Gas Station, to Mr, Fred Dobbs, I wish to thank all who in any way helped to make iny business a success. I ask the same support be given to Mr, Dobbs that he too may be” successful, I am specializing in Welding-and Machine Work in the rear shop of the Sunoco Station and solicit your business, Page 7 Sell with Confidence Highest Prices Paid for Live Poultry of Ail Kinds Weigh on the farmer’s scales at his door. Phone Kintore 17r9 Collect Riverside Poultry Co. . Howard Ferguson, Manager THAMESFORD ONTARIO Phone Kintore 17r9 or Hensall 80r2 Garage Mechanic: “What’s the matter, lady?” Mrs. C. Clutchbuster: “They say I have a short circuit. Could you leng­ then it while I wait?” We might not be able to remedy it her way but, whether it be mechanical or electrical service you need, our boys can and will be glad to do it for you. South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 'Hi i®' Citizens Of HURON And PERTH Arc y^u happy about your Income Tax? IF NOT, remember who is fighting your battle for reduced taxes — GEORGE DREW. Arc vou content with the present costly and un­ fair system of Income Tax returns for Farmers? IF NOT, remember who has demanded a special committee of Parliament to attack this problem — John Diefenbacker. With your support these men will force tax re­ form and tax cuts. Throw Your Influence Behind Them The Progressive Conservative Association Snfoy (tin active life with the SPORTSMAN TRUSS t HUPTDRED? Unbelievable and Guaranteed Not To slip I Or Money Refunded, single Style Double Style ........ $11*50 ® Steel trust wearers * . . Now it is possible to get maximum retention with real comfort. The Sportsman has ho steel bands or mfetal parts to gouge or pinch. There is nothing io bind. Every part is flexible. Yes, and it 'CAN’T SUP! Why? Because the inner pad remains fixed in its position, While the soft, pliable truss moves with the body. The Sportsman provides maximum reten­ tion for all reducible inguinal hernias and won't slip Under1 stren­ uous activity, active sports arid everyday stretching and bending. Consider these essential features • Real Comfort Without friction • It is Unconditionally Guaranteed Take Home-Put On and Forget Your Rupture! • Scientifically Designed for Self-Fitting • Maximum Protection Nd Personal Fitting Buy Over Counter A Robertson’s The senior students had their oratorical contest finals tor the school at the Main Street Church last Wednesday, Judges were Miss Siegper, Mr. R, Creech and Rev, Mahpney. Mr. Sturgis, the chairman, announced the speak­ ers. There were eleven students representing Grades XI, XII and XIII, and without exception they had interesting topics which they delivered very well. The jects, Gaiser, Helen Sweet, William ~ “ Betty Green, Joyce Chambers. Murray Jardine, Velma Ferguson, sure Time”; Sterling Ince, mobilization”; Colleen Gill, History Of Grand Bend”; ine Bowden, William Mero. The winners of the contest were Velma Ferguson and Murray DesJardins, both of Grade XII. They will probably compete in Listowel and we feel they will represent, the school worthily.* On Wednesday afternoon, the Grade XII home economics class will be entertaining the wives of the teachers to a tea. Because of preparations they will be making, the girls will not be having their guests until 2:15. Despite this condition the after­ noon promises to be enjoyable. '•'W'.1'! ........' ...... ..........LB'W.W J.!*1!”.....................LM The senior teams last Tuesday easily captured the tri-school title. They arc now South Huron champions and will be compete ing with Nprfh Huron in their next games. On Tuesday they play away from home at Clinton and on J ‘ ' Normal. Both are to be evening games. Thursday * * 0 at London speakers with there, sub- were as follows: Betty "The Espionage Case”; "Russia Today”; O’Brien “'Sports”; "Etiquette Is Fun”; Des- “Lei- "De- "The“ . Max- ‘Youth Camps”; "Farm Forums”, * * Members of the Glee Club en­ joyed the novelty of listening to themselves on the radio last Fri­ day night. Many of the students heard the broadcast and they appreciated the consideration of motorists in the district who avoided hydro poles -from 8:30 to 9:00 p.m, * * * * A contest is being sponsored by The Inkspot " work in prose and the junior as well contributions. The money and worth By this system arouse the interest of the stu­ dents and repay the efforts of those whose .poems and stories we shall be printing. A deadline has been set for March 4 and unlike most contests these days there will be no box tops or labels to submit with articles. However, we may insist on an investment in a copy of The Ink­ spot. for the best poetry among as the senior prizes will be working for. we hope to -Theresa Dietrich KIRKTON We welcome Mr. ami Mrs. Nelson Rpach pf St, Marys to our village. They bought the property of -the late Miss Rachel Kirk. We are pleased to report that Mrs. H, Greenstreet, who has been a patient at Stratford General Hospital, was well enpugh to return and is conva- lescing at the (home pf her sister Mrs. Frank Routiy. Mr, L. Funnell and sen, Dan­ ny, of Woodstock, spent part of the past week with Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. N. Doupe guests at the twenty-fifth ding anniversary of their and nephew, Mr. and Mrs, man Paynter, The immediate family of the bride and groom were .present. The Kirkton Community As­ sociation has donated $100.00 to the community skating rink for the purpose of paying for the wiring and lighting system in the rink. Mr, jmd Mrs, Jack Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Robinson, spent the week-end with friends at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Rath- burn .were .Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. ' “ Granton. We are glad to sell Heard back Kirkton, who was absent three weeks through illness. MM k J ■txeter Motor Sales weye wed- niece Her- S. Lambert of see Mrs. Rus- to school at ACCOMMODATION—For Cla­ ssified Ads in the Times-Advoca- te—Sure-fire Results F IS Having leased the building known as the Blue Sunoco Station, and.purchased parts and equipment from Mr* Coates, I solicit the continuance of present trade and welcome new business, We will continue to operate as before under the trade name of “Exeter Motor Sales”. We are steadily building up our stock of parts for servicing our products with as little delay as possible, It is indeed fortunate that we have as service manager, Air. Roy Campbell, he having attained over ninety per cent in his examination on carburization and ignition. We will appreciate a chance to tune up your motor or do your repair work, Our hope is to serve and to satisfy. Protect your motor by using Dynalube Oil and Blue Sunoco Gas Dodge and DeSoto Cars Dodge Job-rated Trucks Fred Dobbs PHONE 200 EXETER M HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Al Pearson of Toronto spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stan- lake and Douglas of Exeter visited recently with Mrs. Stan- lake’s mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. The many friends of Mr. John MacBeath regret to hear of his illness. He is at present under­ going treatment in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. The Hensail branch of the Canadian Legion is holding a bingo and dance in the town hall, Hensall, on Wednesday, February 23. Good prizes and music by Howe’s orchestra. The Hensall Women’s Insti­ tute is sponsoring a euchre and dance in the town hall, Hensall, on Friday evening, February 18. Cards start at 8:30 p.m. sharp. Music is by Murdoch’s orchestra. Ladies please .provide lunch. Miss Helen McNaughton and Glenn McNaughton, of Toronto,, spent the week-end parents Mr. and Mrs. Naughton. Mr. Harry Dinnin spent the week-end parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dinnin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore spent a few days this week in Toronto. Miss Peter Buchanan of St. Thomas visited during the week with her sister, Mrs. liam Bell. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. R. Dennison and with their Lorne Mc- of Toronto with-' his past Wil- Miss Juen Brandon were hostesses to the Evening Auxiliary at the former’s home on Monday eve­ ning. Mrs. J. 'Corbett presided and the meeting opened with the theme song, followed by the Lord’s Prayer and singing of “O God Our Help In Ages- Past”. The roll call, minutes and col­ lection were taken up. The scripture was read by Mrs. Wes Jones. The devotional, “Faith in God”, was ably given by Hedden, after which Mrs. den and Mrs. Hess sweetly “Sweet Hour Of Prayer”. Mary Buchanan gave tile sionary item, referring Chinese girl. The new book, "West of the Gorges introduced by Mrs. Lillian who discussed Chapter I. bers are asked to offer a < tion of tea towels’at the ' meeting to be held,at the home of Miss Mary Goodwin, who will be assisted by Mrs. R. Drysdale. The social committee, assisted by the hostesses, served delicious refreshments 'at the close. Municipal Council Meets The regular meeting of the Hensall Village Council was held February 8 at 8:00 p.m. in the council chambers with all mem­ bers present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read.and adopted. H. ■ Parker, caretaker of the rink, reported the cash receipts as being $33.85; he also stated some of tered. J. A. garding $450.00 date as being $1,760.00; he also reported in regard to the water­ works. F. Marburii reported regard­ ing the snow removal. It was moved and seconded by Jones and Farke that council instruct the clerk to get the prices and time of delivery on a hydrant hand pump No. 21 from the Canada Valve & Hy­ drant; also order one No. 1 snubber from Operating and Maintenance Specialties. It was moved and seconded by Moir and Tudor that the tax collector be instructed to proceed wth’tlie tax collecting as provid- Mrs. Hed- sang Mrs. mis- to a study was Hyde, Mem- collec- March the difficulties encoun- Paterson reported re­ tax arrears as being and the prepayments to ed by statues, and turn in the collector’s roll the first meeting in April. Carried. Bills and accounts amounting to $11,641.92 were read and ordered paid. It was moved and seconded by Parke and Moir that the clerk and two members of the council attend the convention in Toron­ to on February ried. Considerable place regarding tions for the operation of the waterworks. The clerk was in­ structed to prepare the same in the form of a by-law for pre­ sentation at the next meeting. 21 and 22. Car- discussion took rules and regula- Ethel's Beauty Salon Special on Permanents For February Heat Wave ........... $2.50 Cold Wave ........... $3.50 Machineless ........... $4.50 — Includes — Shampoo, Fingerwave And Cut Prop.: Ethel Desjardine GRAND BEND Phone 451’13 Dashwood Supply Your Needs ★ Good supplies of Bran and other feeds on hand. . ★ Aluminum Roofing. ★ ★ * ★ IG-foot and 14-foot Steel Gates. Steel Posts and Barbed Wire. Loose Wool Instdation; many other farm supplies. KEEP IN MIN’D Banquet Supper & Annual Meet- • ing to be held in the basement of James Street United Church. (Look for further details under “Coming Events”, page 10.) EXETER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE The New CFPL is entertainment Office 287w —-H Phones — CHANGING » * changing to 980! On Sunday, February 20th, we’re changing to 980 on your radio dial. That means new a new high in good listening. Remember . . * Sunday’s the day ... be sure to listen to the new C F P L at “The Centre Aisle on Your Dial!”980 5000 WATTS • DAY ANO NIGHT