HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-17, Page 5> < I THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 >DASHWOOD Mrs, and Mrs. Garnet Wild- fong spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. A, E. Qstreiche^ ' spent the week-end in Toronto, where she attended th trousseau tea given by Mrs, w. A. Murray in honor of her bride-elect daughter, Mary Elizabeth, whose marriage to Dr, Donald L, :Oes treicher, of London, takes place on Saturday in the Weston Presbyterian Church. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cudmore ■and Miss Shirley Smith, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. E. Kleinstiver, Mr?, Cud- more is staying with her mother for a week, A good number from here attended “Handels Messiad” in London on Tuesday night. , Ray Snell where he has with the Bell . Mr?. Leo week-end with Mr. George Parker attended the hoekey game there Saturday night. Miss Dorothy Mason spent the week-end with friends in Toron­ to, and attended the Toronto- Detroit night, left for London, secured a position Telephone. Gibson spent and in Toronto, the Mrs. and hockey game Saturday NT Make for you. t J Forced the Want Ads work We are very sorry to announce to our many friends and customers that have been so kind and supported business in the last three years that our lease has expired. The landlord needs his premises toWx- pand his own businessZThank you kindly. our Herb and June Broom For a Durable As Well As A Beautiful Finish Use Lowe Bros. On Furniture / And Woodwork G Nepto-Lac’s hard, elastic film will cushion thousands of bumps without chipping. It will provide enduring beauty to furniture, toys, woodwork and all places required to withstand hard wear. Nepto-Lac’s beauti­ ful finish on walls and ceilings resist the heavy mois­ ture in bathrooms, steam in. kitchens. Purina Turkey Startena Do you want the best possible feed for those turkeys • of yours, this year . . . best in livability, best in growth, best in all-round dollar-producing RE­ SULTS ? Then spend a few cents a bag extra and get Purina Turkey Startena. It’s the cheapest in the end—and the end is what you’re working for! Purina Turkey Startena Delivers Chek-R-Tabs Don’t take health and and poults Chek-R-Tab water. This disease and needless chances with lives of your baby chicks this year. Drop a Purina in each quart of drinking will prevent the spread of your flocks. the RE$ULT$ ram atwxtvt Traquair’s Hardware a on Sunday Come to CHURCH Page 5 n 81 MAIN STREET LIMITED Rev, Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. WlHard, Organist XI a.m.—“Disciplining the Soul” Anthem; “Hark, Hark Soul” Duet: Miss Marie and Frank Wildfong. 12 Noon-—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“A Venture In Christian Friendship” M y ■Mr, ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V, Dahms, Minister Mrs. F. W« Morlock, Organist 10 a.m.—.“What Is The Lord’s » Day IFor?” 7:30 p.m.—“Aftei’ You Sin.” Monday at 8:15—Community Youth Fellowship in United • Church school room. JAMES STREET UNITED Rey. H. J. Sn,eli, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 11 a.m.—“These Three.” Anthem: Selected. Solo: Mr?., James Smith. p,m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Young People’s Service and Youth Rally; guest speak­ er, Miss Ruth Campbell, of London. Duet: Jean Donald. p.m.—Young ■together” in room. 3 7 8 and Grant Mc- People’s “Get- Sunday School TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A-. M.A. Mr, Robert Cameron, Organist 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.30 a.m.—'Morning Service. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Miss CWui'iel Whilsmith, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Dedication of Memorial to the late Miss Laura Jeckell, 12:15 .p.m.—Sunday School Bible Class. 3:30 p,m.—-Mission Band’. Thursday, Feb. 17, 8:15 p.m.— Young People’s Society Box - Social and entertainment. All welcome. and THAMES ROAD Mr. A*nt Van Dyk, and Astrid, a tobacco farmer from Quebec, visited with Mr. M» Van Dyck and Mrs. and Mrs, S. Roubol for a few days last week. Mis? Fern Rodq, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mr?. Melvin Gardiner, Mr, Ray Stewart, of London, spent the week-end at his home here, Miss Helen Howatt of Exeter visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Allison. The Thames 'Road tertained the Jaxhes Y.P.U. of Exeter in basement on Friday __ _ last week. The James St. Y,"P.U, provided the program, after which games were enjoyed. A dainty lunch was served by the Thames Road There was an sixty, Mr. and Mrs. entertained a young _people of the community to ‘a social evening at their home on Saturday evening last. Mr, and Mrs. John Dalrymple and family visited on * .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalrymple at Roys. The Farm Forum met at Lumley School House on Monday evening last. Sunday services will be at the usual hour on Sunday mor­ ning—Sunday school at 10:15 a.m. and church at 11:15 a.m. The Y.P.U. will meet at 7:45 p.m. on Sunday evening and the guests speakers are a group of young people from Clinton who will foe in charge of the gather­ ing. All are welcome. Sugars and other sweets owe their places in the diet to the popularity of their flavor alone. Contributing calories only, sugar can be replaced by other energy foods with higher food values. Care and moderation as to quan­ tity and time of eating of sweets should be exercised. z' S. NOTICE WHITEWASHING * Arrangements pant be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 10 Ml Y,P,V. en- St. Church the church evening of Young People, attendance of Charles Allison number of the CAR PARTS! The Right PRICE tPARTSThe Ri We’ll give you prompt service of genuine Factory- Approved GM Parts and Accessories , . , perfect­ fitting . . . longwearing . , . backed by GM’s good name. Call or drive in — Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Case Tractors and Implement Sales EXETER PHONE 100 •c. WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and Joyce, of London, Mr. Clayton Ross of St. iMarys, Mr. and Mrs. William Rhode, of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson. ‘ Mr. and Mrs ,Harry Rodd visit­ ed on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small and family, of , St. Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Norris Webb. The Mission Circle held their annual Valentine . social and bazaar on Friday evening in the basement of the church, with a good crowd . in attendance. A programme of readings, musical numbers and skits was given. Lunch was served and proceeds amounted to $10S.00. 3 Y.P.U. Hold Fireside Service. Woodham y.P.U. held a fire­ side service on Sunday evening, in the basement of the church. Kirkton Anglican and Kirkton Unitd Church young people also attended. A worship service was given and lantern slides on the life of Christ, also pictures that Rev. on a were R. Gates visited T. ,G. Wanless took Mission field in the shown. while west, CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. E. Willert, of Dashwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport, on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot and Joanne, of Grand Valley, were week-end guests .with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West. Mr. and Mrs. with friends in Clinton, on Sun­ day. Mr, and Mrs. C. Rollings and family were Sunday visitors with W. Lewis. Mr. Harold Mitchell, of .Lon­ don, purchased the property of the late Misses Wilson at the sale on Wednesday of last week. The , sympathy of many friends is extended to Mrs. Geo. Baynham in the death of. her sister, the late Mrs. E. Car­ ruthers, of London. Pictures will be show'n. in the school on Friday evening Feb­ ruary 25, under the auspices the Library Board. Everybody welcome. ’ ■Mrs. W. Bowden fractured bone in her hand when she fell in her home on Saturday even­ ing. W. M. The met at Elliott S. Meets inembers of the home of on Tuesday for of is a Jones & May First Showing of Lad ies\ Misses and Girls’ Ready-to-Wear for Spring lines in this department are PRIHG arriving daily. Our stock is fai- from complete, but many new lines of dresses, coats, suits, skirts, blouses, etc., are now in stock. We will be glad to show you the new spring styles. House dresses, all sizes, new styles, at $3.95 each 9 ZION Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and family visited on Monday eve­ ning with Mr. Harvey Parkinson of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques and Ray visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore of Thames Road on Wednesday last. Miss Donna MdFalls of Exeter spent the week-end with Anna Brock. Mr. family guests of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern family visited recently with Gulbert Hern, and Mrs. Tom Hern and were Saturday evening with Miss Minnie Hern, Men‘s Wear Department * We have a complete stock for spring in all the latest new shades. White Broadcloth Van Kirk $5.00 Crean $5.00 Stetson $8.50 Spring Suits, Topcoats One hundred yards of fine, white English broadcloth; a regular 85-cent value, on sale while it lasts at 69c yd. On Sale Two pieces of heavy satin finished drapery, 48 inches wide, gold and rose shades, floral designs; regular price $3.75 yd., on sale this month at $2.95 yd. the W.M.S. Mrs. Murray evening ‘of last week, for their monthly meeting. Nineteen members and two visitors were present. The president, Mrs. Lome Hicks, was in the chair for the busi­ ness. A report of the “Ways and Means” Committee was given by Mrs. Weir and suggestions for raising funds for the year were offered and discussed. The pres­ ident paid tribute to, and ex­ pressed regret over the loss of our oldest member, in the per­ son of the late Miss Wilson. Miss Flossie Davey led the worship .service. Hymn 375 was sung and “The General Thanks­ giving” was repeated in unison. A duet was sung by Mrs. W. Skinner and Mrs. K. Hodgins. A prayer of intercession for China was offered by the leader. “Work for the Night is Coming’’ was sung by a ladies quartette, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Penwarden, Mrs. W. Essery and Mrs. L. Hodgson with Mrs. Weir at the piano. The chapter in the study | book was dealt with in a most interesting manner by the lead­ er, Mrs. Pen warden, Mrs. Ker­ shaw, Mrs. Frank Lewis and Mrs. Hepburn. Prayers were of­ fered by Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. R. jGates and Mrs. Weir. At the close of the meeting a dainty luncli was served by the hostess, •Miss Agnes Anderson and Mrs. Howe. The World Day of Prayer will be observed in the church on March 4. . ladies of the asked to be service. . A. Meeting The monthly Women’s at the home of Mrs. Weir, when twenty-four members answered the roll call. The president was in the chair for the business part of the meeting. It was de­ cided to have a supper on March with tlie different committees being .named. The to be used again March meeting is the tenth as tlie Prayer is to be Week of March, committee, with leading, then took the meeting. Mrs. K. HodgiriS favoured with a piano solo. kA reading was given . by Mrs. Wright “Sunshine in Your Heart”, also, by Mrs. Hepburn “Don’t Miss a Chance?’ Mrs. R. Smith gave the life Eistory of John C. Whittier, ’telling of some of the hymns he wrote. Lunch was served, by Mrs. Ger­ ald .Go’dbolt, Mrs. George God­ bolt and Mrs. A. Robinson. EXTRA SPECIAL-100 Pairs Ladies1 Nylon Hosiery, New Shades, Sizes 8 1-2 To 11. Very Slightly Imperfect - On Sale At 98c Pair and Mrs. Myron Lucan. Freddie and Earl the week-end with parents, Mr. Miller of Exeter. Mr. and of Exeter with Mr. Hern. Mr. and Brock and evening guests with Mr. Mrs. Fred Penwarden of Cen­ tralia. Miller spent their grand- and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Arthur Kerslake visited on Thursday ■and « Mrs. Melville Mrs. Wellington family were Hriday and - AT THE Full Gospel Preaching You Are Invited to Attend - Bring >■ enda Lively Singing Special Numbers 4 Stop! Look! Read! Beginning TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, on EVERY NIGHT—8:00 p.m, except Monday and Saturday SUNDAYS—2:00 and 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY—4:30 p.m., Children’s Meeting Pentecostal Tabernacle MISS L. WYNN All members > community present at meeting of Association Was dime bags are this year. The to be held on World Day of held the first The program Mrs. Hepburn Charge of held See our new top coats in English covert cloth. These are expertly tailored and priced at $3*7.00 ?llj w Our new suits for spring are arriving daily and we now have a wide selection to choose from in both single and double-breasted styles. You will find such popular materials as English worsteds, gabardines, serges, and pick and picks in many new shades of brown, sand, blue, grey, teal, etc. We carry a complete range of sizes from 35 to 48 in regulars, naturals, tails, and short stouts. Priced from $35.00 to $55.00 We Are Still Clearing Our Stock Of Men's And Boy’s Over coats, Parkas And Windbreakers At Greatly Reduced Prices. iMMMMMnM o * < t