HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-17, Page 4Page 4 TJHE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 »■ PROTECT Your Family With The GUARSMAN ALARM Fire protection 24 hours a day is what you’ll have with this simple alarm. It is a 7-ineli gong' which- clangs out a**warning, The heat of the fire sets it off, * There is no electrical connections or complicated installing; you merely hang it up on the wall. For a very nominal cost you can have this pro­ tection for yourself and your loved ones 1 ELIMVILLE The Elimville Euchre Club was held at the home of ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Johns. Prizes for the evening went to Mrs, Grant Ford for ladies’ high, Mr. Gil­ bert Johns for gent’s high and Mr. the the the Be Wise-Scrutinize the Want Ads! ® Plan to have your seed grain cleaned now before the spring rush. • Our cleaning plants are now in full operation. Bring your grain in now for cleaning. Three-week Delivery Clean Your Seed Now EXETER WHALEN SB' Open For Saturday We require a limited amount of Montcalm bar­ ley for seed. If you have this grain suitable for seed, contact us immediately. CANN’S MILL' LTD. ti­ Smart New Samples Smart new samples by Tip Top are here. They offei’ you an attractive selection of ga­ bardines, worsteds and flan­ nels for your new suit. We advise you to order your spring suit now. A small de­ posit will hold your garment until it is required. Samples in both Tip Top and Fleet Street clothes, both tailored by Tip Top. Tip Top $44.50 Fleet Street $57.50 Harvey Sparling received consolation prize. This week euchre club .will be held at home of Mrs. Thomas Bell, 'Quite a number attended the Euchre Party and Box Social at the ’Winchelsea School on Friday evening. Prizes went to Mrs. . - ■ ~ .................. high, gent’s wood, Mr. visited With iMr, and Mrs. Martin Laub, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Laub, of Exeter, visited .on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs-. Philip Murch. •Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner, •Mr. Laverne Skinner visited on Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. sei King, of ’Crediton. Y.P.U, and Mission Circle Hold Joint Meeting The Elimville ,Y. P. U Mission Circle held a meeting in the church basement on Monday evening. Misses Len- ore Cooper and Aldeen took the chair™, for the gramme. Meeting opened hymn 1181, followed by Mair leading in prayer. Scripture lesson was read by Beverley Skinner. Hymn 152 was sung, and business was discussed. Mr. Mair .gave all the Young People a special invitation to .Thames Road on Sunday evening at 7:45 •p.m., for a devotional meeting with Thames Road and Roy’s, with special i Clinton. Miss gave a reading, A Missionary.” Pym and Muriel Coward favour­ ed with a duet, "Let the Rest of the World Go By.” A humour­ ous reading was given by Betty Bailey. Hymn 27 was sung and the Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. Lunch was served at the close by the -Mission Circle. Alvin Cooper for ladies’ •Mr, Alvin Cooper for high and Florence Hey- the consolation prize, and Mrs, Crales Stephen on Thursday „ evening Rus- and joint Pym pro- with •Mr. speakers fro m Wilma Walters ‘‘Why I Became 1 Misses Aldeen REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT AUCTION SALES ‘ Taman’s BRINSLEY sympathy of the com- is extended to Mrs. Robt. and family in their® re­ FOR,, SALE—Two-storey ib r i c k house, Crediton south, Coutgct William JR Smith, auctioneer, Crediton, phone 43-2. 10:17* FOR SALE:—Two - storey frame housq and five good building lots well located in Exeter. Bath and modern kitchen in house, stable pn property. The property of the late John Hunkin. Apply Lewis Davey, phone 17r6 Crediton. 17c FOR SALE—50 acres of pasture land with young bush, small brick house, N% lot 11, Con. 17 McGillivray Township. Ap­ ply Box “S”, Times-Advocate. 10:17:24* FOR SALE—-2 storey brick house, Exeter, well located. Furnace, air conditioner, 3 piece bath upstairs, 2 piece main floor, garage, all in good condition. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 20c FARM FOR SALE—99 acres. 1% miles north of Dashwood, buildings in good repair, with hydro, 5 acres bush, 11 acres fall wheat and 40 acres fall ploughed, .$7,500. Part cash, with balance on mortgage at 4%. This offer withdrawn af­ ter March 1. —A. V. Tieman. phone 10 8J Dashwood. FOR SALE—Two storey brick house, insulated, 8 room, fir trim hardwood floors, modern kitchen, newly shingled- and painted exterior. Immediate possession. Two blocks east of library. Phone 219 m 17c NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and. Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes, Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. 2tfc FOB SALE—L939 Ford truck, one ton pick-up, new tires and stock rack. D. H. McGregor, R.R.3 Parkhill. 10:17* FOR SALE—12” pei* cord; also ; wood, $4 and AB orders for delivered free, or 18’’inch should be placed immediately. Apply Lef. Morley. Phone 619r24 Ailsa Craig. 1'0': 17:24c ’ hardwood, $5 plenty of mixed $4.50 pel’ cord. 5 cord oi’ oyer Orders for 16” furnace wood FOR SALE—Shingles, $3.00 per bunch, 5x; Evaporator, $100 complete. Apply Ed Lippert, Dashwood. * 17c FOR SALE—1937 black Chev coach, 4 new tires, heater, de­ froster, fan, insured till Sep­ tember. Good running order, nearest offer to $725.00. IPhone 104 evenings._____17* FOR SALE—One Empire garden tractor, 6 h.p.; cultivator 36”, plough 9”; also set of discs, 5 plates 12”. Equipment only 2 years old. For price apply fFred Howe, Centralia, Box 27. 17:24* FOR SALE—1930 Desoto sedan, fail* shape. Apply at Times- Advocate. 17* Montcalm Barley Wanted munity Allison cent bereavement. Mr. Arthur Hutchinson had the misfortune to fall down the stair-steps in the barn, breaking his ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hartle and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Prest on Saturday eve­ ning. Mrs. Archie Webb of London and her < Knott (nee mont spent L. Amos. Mr. and Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Scott spent Saturday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hotson. ,Mr. and Mrs, Aldnzo Hodgins and family evening with Lewis. Mrs. Mary FARMS FOR SALE— lOO' acres, Usborne Twp. ' On county road. Good brick house, barn and drive shed. Hydro and water pressure. 17 -acres wheat. 40 acres ploughed. Spring possession. 150 acres, Usborne Twp. near highway and school. Good brick house, large barn, silo, hydro. Spring possession. 90 acres, Hay Twp. Near high­ way and village. Brick house, barn with good stabling. Hyd­ ro. 9 acres hardwood bush. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—(Good quality shelled natural corn. Low moisture content, makes good feed for fattening cattle. —Cann’s Mill Ltd. “ "17c FOR SALE—New 7 cubic foot ■McClary’s refrigerator $325; ibaby’s carriage $20; small crib $3;baby’s rubber tub $3; iplay .pen $4. Apply to Mrs. L. Meloche, % Mi's. Jack Carr, Huron Street 17* FOIR SALE ,— A {considerable quantity of feed turnips. Apply Robert Taylor, Exeter, Phone 83r23 I-Iensall. 17* daughter, Mrs. Roy > Jean Webb) of Bel- Sunday with Mr. J. Mrs. Joe Horner of spent Wednesday Mr. and Mrs.Earl FOR SALE1—Five room house, hydro and town water. Base­ ment. Immediate possession. Price $2700.'00, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—150 acre farm, 100 acres clear, 5i0 acres bush and pasture: half mile from highway; 3 miles from Exeter. Possession April 1. Part cash. 2 good -wells, spring. Brick residence, barn and drive­ shed. Box 145 Exeter. Fred H. Hogarth, 3:10:17* FOR SALE—'Male collie pups, apply to Ervin Devine, Dash­ wood, Phone 34r27. 17c FOR. SALE—One range in A-l condition; also a good kitchen stove; will sell at a bargain. Apply to Ernie Thompson, Parkhill R.R. 8, phone 605rl3 17c FOR SALE—11 good weaner pigs. Apply James McCarthy, R.R. 3. FOR RENT OR SALE' — 100 acres; steel roof barn, 60 x 60, frame house; 12 acres of bush, 60 acres ploughed, hy­ dro available. Lot 14, N, boundary Stephen, Highway 83, Hilton Ford’, Hay. 17:24:3* FOR SALE OR RENT—To good tenants, five-room cottage, all conveniences, Apply to John Caldwell, Exeter North, or phone 13rli. 17* MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE'—I will not be respons­ ible for any debts contracted ,by my wife, Geraldine Taylor. —Clarence Taylor, 17* GRAVEL TENDERS Township of Hay For crushing and hauling gravel —sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the under­ signed until 6 o'clock p.m. Sat­ urday, March 5, 1949, for crush­ ing and hauling approximately '5,000 cu. yds. of crushed stone %-inch size. Gravel to bd used from the Welsh pit. Tenders to state price for hauling on a flat rate, also at a rate per cu. yd. per mile. 'Contractor to supply crusher, .power, and trucks; Hay Township to supply one truck. Work to be completed by Octo­ ber 1, 1949. All work to be done under the direction of fhe Roads Superintendent. Marked cheque for '$200 to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. Contractor to satisfy the Council as >to Compensation Insurance carried. Contract to be signed as soon as tender James Masse, Road Supt., Zurich, Ont., R.R. 2 is accepted. H. W. Brokensliire, Clerk, Zurich, Ont. NOTICES ALL OWNERS OF MOTOR VEHICLES TAKE NOTICE1 Motor vehicles must not be left parked on the Main Street, or other streets, of the Village of Exetei' between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. from December 18 to April 1. This law will be enforced in order that snowplows may keep our streets properly cleared. Owners leaving cars on the streets do so at their own risk. By Order, • A. J. SWEITZER, Reeve. George Wright’s Monstrous Sale In The Store Formerly Occupied By Broom’s Meat Market A SALE WHERE COST IS FORGOTTEN! $25,000 Worth Of Good Clean Merchandise Out On The Auction Block Look For Details Next W#ek RUBBERS FOOTWEAR SHOES WORK CLOTHING SUITS Everything You Want!! Come In And Get 3 Pairs Of Good Work Socks For $1.00 BRING $40.00 AND TAKE HOME $100.00 IN GOODS ON SATURDAY! i 1 Turner, been spending some her daughter, Mrs. George Hodg­ son, is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lovie, of Park­ hill. The McGillivray W.I. is hold­ ing a .play in West McGillivray Hall on Wednesday evening, February 23, sponsored by the Young People of Ailsa Craig United Mrs. Sask., and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lift Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Suther­ land of Mount Brydges. Miss Hazel day afternoon Hotson. Mr. Milton been visiting daughter, Mrs. troit, has returned to his here. Mrs. Friday afternoon with Mrs. Luther Morley. Miss Betty Ellwood week-end with friends Mrs. Ruth Watson, and Mrs. Levi White spent Sat­ urday evening with Dr. and Mrs. Watson of Lucan, Miscellaneous Showei* Held A shower was held in West McGillivray Hall on Wednesday afternoon in honour of Miss Audrey Morley, daughter of Mr. Cyril Morley and the late Mrs. Morley. A program consisting of a number of instrumentals, readings, and solos, was given. Mrs. Gordon Scott escorted Aud­ rey to the chair while Mrs. Fred Fenton played the wedding march, Mrs. Art Erskine read the address, Mrs. Beatrice Dixon, Mrs. Carl Pickering and John Hotson presented the ^liile Mrs. Gordon Scott Mrs. Art Erskine assisted rey In opening her gifts. Audrey with her usual smile thanked them in her own kind way. All sang “For She’s A Jolly Good Fellow”, after which lunch was served. who time has with •Church. Levi White of Girven, and Mrs. Ruth Watson Donald spent Wednesday Lewis spent Fri- with Mrs. John L. Banting, who has recently with his Carter, of De­ home Alonzo Hodgins her spent sister spent the in Lucan. Donald PERSONAL Mrs. gifts and Aud- SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for -double results; new iheal- thy flesh; new vigor. New ‘get acquainted1 size only 60c. All druggists. HOUSES FOR SALE—Hensail, 5 rooms, roll brick siding, garage, hydro,, $1,000. Hen- sall, 6 rooms, brick, full base­ ment, hydro, $3,500, possess at once. Exeter, one floor, 4 rooms and bathroom, $3,000, possess at once. —W. C. Pearce, realtor, Exeter. 3c FOR SALE—Baby carriage, used 9 months. Large size crib, 24” x 51”, good condition, a real bargain. Apply J. G. Lortie, Newton’s Apt. 17* FOR SALE—Six-piece breakfast suite, like new. At 41 Ann St., Exeter. 17* AUCTION $ALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned will sell >by public auction on Andrew Street, Exeter SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1(1 at 1 o’clock Bed; dresser; comode; ress; set springs; feather number of pillows; cushions; day bed; chairs; niatt-^ tick; some desk;-fable; writing 4 chairs; 2 rocking 2 pieces of linoleum; sewing' machine; china cabinet; some picture frames; 2 um­ brellas; 2-burner stove, electric; wardrobe; wash dish; pots and pans and some dishes; silver putter dish; set dishes; 3 cream and sugar sets; fruit set; 2 sil­ ver pickle dishes; water set; set bread and butter plates; half­ dozen knives and forks, folding screen; toilet set; bedroom suite; folding single bed and mattress; wooden bed; chest of drawers; rocker; number of chairs; table; Raymond sewing machine; 3 wire hydro' stove; coal oil stove; coal oil heater; several dozen sealers; tubs; clot h"e s baskets; graniteware; tins; pans; dishes etc.; number of articles; blue oil burner; 4 new garbage cans. TERMS: Cash. The household effects of the late MRS. G.. KERSLAKE BEN WILLIAMS, Executor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry Rader, deceased ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate Rader, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 27th day of Novem­ ber, 1935, are particulars of Elmer D. Bell, Exeter Ontario, 10th day of March, A.D. after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 15 th day of Feb­ ruary. A.D. 1949. Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. of Henry of required to file the same with K.C., Solicitor of on or before the 1949, FARMS FOR SALE—100 acres, Hibbert Township, house, large bank barns, hydro passes, $5,000. 85 acres, Stephen Township, full- set buildings, handy to markets, $6,500.00. 6 150 acres, Hibbert, full set buildings, conveniences, hydro, $14,000. 115 acres, Usborne, full set buildings, conveniences, hydro, $11,500. —-W. C. Pearce, realtor, Exeter. ‘ 17c F>OR SALE—-Wood moulding of all kinds, colony houses, cab- inets, and outdoor toilets made to order, Order now—Ford & Farquhar Moulding, Exeter, phone 121J Hensail after 6:00 p.m. 17:24* FOR SALE—1937 Chevrolet standard sedan in excellent condition, 4 new tires, new gas heater; 1934 Ford sedan, in good condition, practically new tires. Apply Broderick Bros., phone 277 Exeter. 17* FOR SALE—Collie pups, mother real heeler. Frank Parsons, Hensail R.R. 1, phone 921’33. 17* TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until February 26 for beech and hard maple body wood, to be delivered at the following schools of Stephen. Township School Area: S.S. 4, 10 single cords, sin. cords, sin. cords, sin. cords, ARTHUR Secretary, Exeter, Ontario. 17c FOR SALE—1948 John Deere “AR” Tractor,’used less than one month. Apply Victor Jef­ fery, R.R. 3 Exeter, phone 173rl3. 17* U.S.S. 8, 10 S.S. 10, 10 S.S. 12, 10 12” 16” 16” 12” J. AMY, long long long long BABY CHICKS CHICK RAISING EQUIPMENT— Brooders and brooder parts; peat moss; chicks guards; feeders; waterers; ventilators; draft equalizer; smoke hoods; roof flanges: metal nests; •thermometers; heating cones; toe punches; caponizing sets; starting mash; growing mash; tonics and remedies. —Neu- hauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London. CHICKS; CHICKS; CHICKS — Thousands available weekly; .all ’breeds; started chicks in our brooders now, both mixed chicks and pullets. Some two weeks old. Come In and see them. —Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St,, London. Before Newfoundland entered Confederation, Canada’s young­ est provinces were Alberta, and Saskatchewan, whhlch were ad* mitted to Confederation in. 1905. FOR SALE—Modern 7-plece na­ tural wood dining room suite, like hew, $100.00; ivory and black annex heater, $10.00; ivory and black kitchen range, $15.00; console radio, $35.00; . -porcelain tub Connor washer, $45.00; solid dak bookcase with 3 sliding ’doors and 3 drawers, $35.00; electric mix­ er, all attachments and bowls, $15.00; rocking chair, $1.50; round centre table, $2.50; fern stand, $1.50; 'adjustable cur­ tain stretchers, $1.00; floor lamp, $2.00; 2 child’s sleds, .50 and .75; 4-gallon crock, $1.00; quart and pint sealers, $1.00 dozen. All articles in very good condition. —N.E. Corner Station and Main Sts. 17c X WANTED WANTED—A baby crib. Apply Times-Advocate. * WANTED—Two boarders to share the same room. Roland Williams. 17c WANTED TO HIRE—A married couple for farm. Free house. Fred Ballantyne, R.R. 3, Exe­ ter. 17c HORSES WANTED — An un­ limited number of good work horses for sale or exchange. G. J. Dow. 27:3:10:17 VILLAGE OF EXETER To the property holders of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter—re closing part of Gid- ley Street and Brock Street in the Village of Exeter. The following is a copy of a by-law which has been given two readings and will 'be finally passed under authority of Sec­ tion 495, Chapter 26 6 of the Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1937. Any .person who .claims that his land will be prejudicially af­ fected by the by-law may make application to the Clerk, to be heard by the Municipal Council in regard to such claim. CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER, BY-LAW NO. G, 1949 WHEREAS the Exeter District High School Board owns the land on both sides of that part of Gidley Street running East from the corner of Gidley and Senior Street and WHEREAS the said Board owns land on both sides of Brock Street.and wishes to build across the said street. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That, that part of Gidley Street extending from a point in line witli the Westerly lines of Lots 1129 and 1121 and extend­ ing East to a point in line with the Easterly lines of Lots 1137 and 1116 be closed. 2. That, that part of Brock Street extending from Gidley Street North to Victoria Street be closed. 3. That, effect on the final passing thereof. Specials You Can’t Afford To Miss 1947 FORD special Deluxe Se­ dan, maroon, loaded with ex­ tras. 1941 HUDSON 6 Sedan, grey, ' lovely condition. 1947 FORD Club Coupe, blue, built-in radio and heater, low mileage. 1930 TERRAPLANE 8 Coach. 1930 CHEVROLET Coupe. AU These Cars Are Winterized? And Are Equipped With Heaters GOOD CASH PRICES For Your Oar! this by-law shall take Bob Cook HENSALL, ONTARIO - Rhone C, V. Pickard, Clerk Dated: February 8, 1949. b- Just heat and rub in MINARD’S, and note the quick relief you set. Greaedcea, fast-drying, no strong or unpleasant odor. LAftoe Get a bottle today; keep <cONOMtc*t it handy. »i« 65c ll' Phone 59W Exeter •<Crocker Refrigeration Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration and Oil Burning Equipment DOMESTIC REFRIGERATORS For Immediate Installation - $275.00 and up USED REFRIGERATORS Terms Can Be Arranged Sales and Service