HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-10, Page 10THE; TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 Red Cross News Bed Cross packing day will be on, Friday, February 11, in the Canadian Legion room at 3 p.m. Leavitt’s IMUMO « g »» A MTHEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY •February », 10 4 Wrong Number’ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT « Barbara Stanwyck ® Burt Lancaster FRIDAY, SATURDAY February 11, 12 ZION Master Richard. Westcott, of Exeter, visited for several days, during the past week, with his grandparents, Mr. and' Mrs. Eph. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter ancl family, Mr. Jack Hunter, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr.,and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Mrs. L. Kyle, of Exeter, visit­ ed in the community during the past week. The Young People’s Class and Intermediate Class, of the Sun­ day School,, were Saturday evening, of Mr. and following Wjas enjoyed Exeter Arena, entertained at the home rs. Ward Hern, a skating .party, which >y all, at the ..... ............/ delicious lunch was servedim the hostess and the committee^in charge. Miss Irepf^f Brock, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Welling­ ton Brock, The Junior Red Cross are holding a Valentine Euchre party on Monday, February 14 at 8:30 P.M., in the school­ house. Admission will be, thirty and fifteen cents. Everyone invited to attend. is fl Ki ‘Fighter Squadron’I stephen Council • ! ___Pnntinnpd from IN TECHNICOLOR © Robert Stack ® Edmond O’Brien And An AU Star Cast MONDAY, TUESDAY, February 14, 15 TWO FEATURES ‘Jiggs and Maggie in Society’ © Joe Yule (Star of Broadway stage play, “Finian’s Rainbow’”) with © Renie Riano © Arthur Murray ; —Continued from Page One fees, $5.00; total, $437.92. Woodburn Drain; F. W. Mor- lock, clerk's fees, $40.00; Oliver Amos, clerk’s fees, $40.00; Oli­ ver Amos, by-laws, $40.00; total $120.00. Shapton Drain: F. W. Mor- lock, clerk’s fees, $45.00; C. V. Pickard, clerk’s fees, $125.00; Village of Exeter, by-laws, $125.00; Henry Strang, clerk’s fees, $30.00; Henry Strang, by­laws, $20.00: George Either, as-’ sistance on survey, $7.00; Wil­ fred Shapton, assistance on sur- $5.00; Cecil J.ones, assist- on survey, $5.00; total. vey, ance $362.00. On motion of Swartz and Morrissey, the meeting was ad­ journed. to meet again on Tues­ day, March 1. 1949, at 1 p.m.Joe Palooka J © Leon Errol © Joe Kirkwood (Based on the comic strip by Ham Fisher) i DANCE Come One, Come AU To I WEDNESDAY February 1G J M-G-M FEATURE © Montgomery Clift >® Aline MacMahon Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50fi» In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50c, Addresses Zurich Lions Mr. W. G, Cochrane Zurich Monday evening an address at a meeting of Zurich Lions Club. was at giving the fl births Joseph’s Hosp- ■, February 1st, and Mrs Donald a son. Hunter’s Tuesday, LAC and a son, BLAIR—-At St. ital on Tuesday 1949, to Mr Blair of London DYCK—At Mrs. ing home on ruary 8, to David Dyck, Charles; a brother for Dianne. GETZ—At Mrs. Batten’s nursing- home, Exeter, on Monday, February 7, to Rev. and Mrs, J. H. Getz, Dashwood, a son, Donald. HENSHAW—At Mrs. nursing home on February 5, to LAC a a nurs- Feb- Mrs. David Hunter’s Saturday, and Mrs. daughter, sister for Mrs. Gerald a on at Complete® Thirtieth Year Mr. Norm Hockey is com­ mencing his thirty-first year of barbering in his present esta­ blishment. WOB WJWI own Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-AdYQCate is always pleased to publish these Items. We and our readers, are iuterested in you and your friends. Phone 31w Harry Pougall attended the executive meeting of the Y.P.U. held in Clinton last Sunday, Valentine in Dennis Henshaw, Dianne Lorraine; David. MASON—Mr. and. Mason of Dashwood are happy to announce the birth of son, Larry Gerald JJean, Wednesday, February 2, Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home. ■MOIR—At Hensail on Sunday, February 6, 1'949, to Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, a son. FETSKIE—At Mrs. Pearl Step­ hen’s Nursing Home, Hensail, Monday, February 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Petskie, a son. DEATHS late 14, I BILYEA—Suddenly at his residence, Lot 5, Con. London Township, on Satur­ day, February 5, 1949, Fred­ erick, beloved husband of Jen­ nie (McKone) Bilyea, in his eighty-first year. SCHROEDER—At her late resi­ dence in Dashwood on Thurs­ day, Feb. 3, 1949, Martha Willert, beloved wife of David Schroeder, in her eighty-fifth year. ENGAGEMENTS Junior Institute Meets The joint meeting of the Junior Institute and Junior Farmers was held with Helen Howatt presiding. Discussion of the “Variety Night" which is being held at a later date was led by Harry Hern. The Thames Road Orchestra gave selections Anna Brock gave readings. A report of the Junior Farmer Convention held in Toronto, was given by Harry Hern. Christine Dobson gave a report on the Folk School held near Seaforth. Russell Ferguson gave an inter­ esting talk on his trip to Flor­ ida. The meeting closed with recrea tion led by Howard Pym and Bill Rowcliffe. Lunch was provided by the boys. The February meeting o’f the South Huron Junior Institute was held February 2 in the Exeter High School, with the new president, Christine Dobson presiding. Kathleen -May gave the motto, “If we never flatter ourselves, then the flattering of others will never hurt us." Mrs. Hilton Lang gave an interesting- talk on “Banking.” Current events were given by Alice Passmqre. Marion Rundle spoke ' briefly on the Short Course being held later this month. An enjoyable sing-song closed the meeting. Stanley Hall Lucan Wed., Feb. 19 Dance To ADAM BROOK From 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sponsored By The | Clandeboye Woman’s Institute j Proceeds for the Memorial Arena Hockey EXETER ARENA Admission 35c and 15c First Game at 7:80 pan. Skate To Music At The CREDITON vs. DASHWOOD CREDITON vs. LUCAN DASHWOQD vs. ZURICH Monday Night’s Games Will Be The First Of Home-and-home Series, Goals-to-count Monday 14 EXETER vs. DUBLIN Kirkton Indoor Skating Rink CARNIVAL Thursday, February 17 —— Sponsored by the Kirkton Skating Rink ------ Ice reserved free for those in costume tin til judged. — PRIZES AWARDED FOR — Best Gent’s Costume ............... as King of Best Ladies* Costume ................ as Queen of Fourteen years and under ........ Girls’ Fourteen years and under ....... Roys* Fifteen years and over ............ Girls’ Boys* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fifteen years and over 7'. 8. 9. 10. 11. Best Comic Costume ............. Best Characterization ........... Youngest Skater in Costume Oldest Skater in Costume Skater 1. 2. 3. 4, & Carnival Carnival Costume Costume Costume Costume 1 Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Male or Female Male or Female in Costume trom farthest distance Box SocialMr. W. E. Middleton is Toronto on business. St, Valentine’s Day will Monday, February 14. Mr, and Mrs. G. A. *Cann spent the week-end in Dunnville. Mrs. H. R. Anderson spent Monday visiting houses in Toronto. Mrs. Alda Schoff Gordon Forrest called in town Wednesday. Dr, A, C. and Mrs. McLagan, of Preston, visited with the lat­ ter's mother, Mrs, Winer, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Easton were in London Monday attend­ ing the funeral of Mr. Frederick Bilyea. ( Mr. Clark Fisher is in Toron­ to as a delegate from the Exeter Fair Fairs Association. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Trieb- ner were in Windsor last week­ end attending file funeral of the late Edward Lucier. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield are in Toronto attending a con­ vention of the Hardware Retail Dealers’ Association. Miss Olive Wood, R.N., of Toronto, visited over the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wood. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinhon of Richmond Hill spent the week-end with Mrs. Rose Russell and Mrs. M. MacKinnon. Mr. H.O. Southcott, Miss Stella Southcott,"Mrs. J. Strange and Mrs. Edna Hearts motored to Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs-. Harry Parsons of Windsor, and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Burns of Detroit, spent the week-end visiting relatives here. Mrs. May Payne, of Good­ lands, Man., and Mrs. Bertha Oke, of London, visited on Sat­ urday with Mrs. George Hunter. Miss Pliylis Gibson of town, Lloyd Keller K of Dashwood and Gussie Davies of Crediton spent the week-end with Mr. and' Mrs. William Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Tra- quair were in Toronto over the week-end and attended the Ontario Retail Hardware con­ vention at the Royal York hotel. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson were, Mr. and Mrs. William Davies -of Crediton Roy Gibson of town, Miss Aud­ rey Keller and Donald Keller of Dashwood. be wholesale and Mrs. on friends Board to the Provincial Mr, Billie Consitt, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Consitt, north of Hiljsgreen, has return­ ed to school following an illness in War Memorial Children's Hospital, London, Reeve Hugh and Mrs. Berry, of Ushprne, and Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Anderson, of Toronto, are leaving the lattei^ part of this week for to spend south. Mr. J, spent the week-end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kestle, Mrs. Kestle and daught­ er Susan, who spent the week here, returned to Hamilton with ■Mr. Kestle. Mr. George Braithwaite, of Mt. Forest, the newly-appointed manager for the Canada Packers branch in Exeter, has moved into the dwelling on South'Well­ ington Street recently purchased from Mr. A. Hawkins. EUCHRE CROKINOLE LOST HEIR Winchdsea Schppl Datona Beach, (Florida, a month in the sunny R. Kestle of Hamilton week-end with his Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Coming Events PLAY — '“Aaron Slick Fro m Pumpkin Crick’’ will be present­ ed by the Kirkton Anglican Y.P.U. in Thames Road Church Friday evening, February 18, at 8:00 p.m. Admission; Adults 40 cents, children 25 cents. c Friday, Feb. 11 ' Ladies Please Bring Boxes \ Coine One! Come All! Junior Fa rmers Followed By Refreshments EXETER ARENA Wed, Feb.. 16 This party will not interfere with the regular skating. ALDON BAZAAR AND DANCE • — The Catholic Women’s League of Mt. Carmel is sponsoring a Bazaar and Dance in the Mt. Carmel Parish Hall on Monday, Feb­ ruary 21, at 7:30 .p.m. Music by the Syncopators. Lunch booth provided, Admission 50c. 10:17* THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS > WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wright of Detroit spent the Mr. and Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. Scottsville spent with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Miss Marion Rodd, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd. I Mrs. 1 turned . weeks _ . Wray Sweitzer and Mr. Sweitzer . of Shipka. I Mrs. Oscai Brine, Donnie and thpL I Marilyn spent the week-pnd with Lf%o®, A£® Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grierson of London. Mrs. Frank McNaughton has returned home after patient in St. .Joseph’s London, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rachel of St. Marys, and Mrs. Clifford Jean pf Farquhar, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert treats and | g^uth7 “““ Miss Winnie Gray spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gray of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. John Selves and Mabel of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and, family visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb of Grand Bend. • Woodham Y.P.U. The regular meeting of the » week-end with Willis. Grant Mills of the week-end PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE — The T.M.C. Club will hold a pro­ gressive euchre in the Parish Hall on Monday evening, Feb­ ruary 14, at 8:15 p.m. There will be prizes and lunch will be served. Admission 35c. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson of St. Marys announce the en­ gagement of their eldest daugh­ ter Doris Belle, to George Fred­ erick Batten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batten, Anderson; ; the wedding to take place the latter Mr. wish ment Bette eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ vin Link of Cayuga; the wedding to take place in of February. CARDS OF part of February. and Mrs. Robert Belling to announce I of their eldest daughter, > June, to Donald Keith, J the latter part THANKS Homer Russell their sincere J Bert Rundle has re­ home after spending two with her daughter, Mrs. being a Hospital, Levy and Scott visited and Mr. and onMr. and Mrs, wish to express thanks to those who remembered < ^Vs7 Zack Homer with cards, J ■ visits while a patient in Victoria | Hospital. c II I 1 Donald Fjsher takes this op­ portunity to say thanks to all those who so kindly remembered him treats with cards, books, and while sick this winter, c and Mrs. Sanford Lawson to express their sincere Arrive Mr. arrived In Sydney and Mrs. L.J. Penhale safely in Sydney, Aust­ ralia, January 22. They were two days late owing to engine trouble, so they stayed at Can­ ton Island. The temperature was 98 degrees and they are having a grand time, lots of fruit and picnics. EUCHRE AND BRIDGE A euchre and bridge, sponsored by the Catholic Women’s League, will be held Wednesday evening, February 16, at S:30 p.m. in the Social Centre, Library Building, of Centralia Air Station. Prizes and refreshments. 10c FRIDAY, SATURDAY February 11-12 Charles Dicken’s ‘Oliver Twist’ — plus — Chapter Two Of ‘SUPERMAN’ Serial DANCE Aberdeen Hall Kirkton Wed, Feb. 16 Dancing 9:30 to ? Music by FRED WALTERS And His Orchestra Admission 50c Everybody Welcome MONDAY, TUESDAY February 14 - 15 • • Robert Mitchum • Jane Greer • Kirk Douglas in ‘Out of the Past’ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT One of the most exciting motion pictures ever made! DONALD DUCK CARTOON and NEWSREEL Mr. wish thanks to their neighbours and friends for the kindness shown. them during their recent* be-I Y.P.U. was held on Sunday eve- reavement. Special thanks to j ning at Zion West Church Rev. Weir, Dr. Dunlop and the ' Hopper - Hockey Funeral Home; also to the pallbearers and those who sent floral trbutes. * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Treve- thick, of Crediton, wish to thank the many friends who remembe­ red them with cards, treats etc., during their illness. 10* Mr. and Mrs. John Johns wish to thank all the relatives, neigh­ bours and friends, who re­ membered them with lovely cards and beautiful gifts, on the occasion of their Fiftieth Wed­ ding Anniversary, Mr. Lome Passmore wishes to thank all those who kindly re­ membered liim while he was in St. Joseph's Hospital. The family of the late Mrs. David Schroeder wishes to thank the many friends, relatives and neighbours for the kindness and expressions of sympathy shown in Its recent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM with The (Phyllis about thirty-five present missionary committee Wheeler and Annie Spence) was in charge. Mrs. W. L. Switzer gave a very interesting topic on China. Elimville Farm Forum The Elimville North Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Williams in Exeter. The radio talk was inter­ esting, dealing with the topic, “Food in Sales Clothing." Dis­ cussion groups were formed after the talk, and the Forum thought that advertising of food products was in the best inter­ ests of the producer and con­ sumer, in that goods that have a trade name have to be up to standard. People get to know what these goods are and there­ fore will continue to buy. The responsibility of merchandising form products should be borne by the producer and processor. After discussion, a few games of euchre w e r e enjoyed, after which lunch was served. There were 36 members present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Johns in Exeter. The topic will be, “Food Takes A Ride.” a They’re Coming i i , ......... ........................... ..... ................... Stars of Stage and Radio ------ In Person ------ BOB MASON “Radio’s Tallest Singing Cowboy” AND HIS WESTERN SWINGBILLIES Big STAGE SHOW followed by BARN DANCE Opera House, Exeter SHIFKA February meeting of the was held Thursday after- Monday, February 14 8:30 p.m. to 12:00 Heard daily over CFPL, London, 11:45 to 12:15 noon FUN FOR EVERYONE Adults 75c Children 35c fW.A. ______| noon, February 3, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner, with a good attendance. The vice- president, Mrs. Harry Sheppard, presided. The meeting opened with the singing of hymn and prayer, scripture lesson was read, by Mrs. Milton Ratz. Plans were tine’s some gave study much The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and prayer. Lunch Was served by the com­ mittee in charge. Last Sunday was Missionary Sunday at S,S, Cyril Vansteen- kist gave a, recitation "A Prayer,” Eleanor Sharpe gave a piano instrumental. Mrs. Walter Fossald, from London, gave a very interesting Bible illustration. Mrs. Ed. Lamport had the misfortune to slip on the ice and rupture the ligament in her back. Glad improving, Mr, Karl present 1 n Hospital, He ion. His many friends are' glad to know that he Is getting along as well can be expected. LOOK! ■IS ---------------- LOOK! DICK—In loving memory of Benson G. Dick, killed in tion, February 14, 1945. Only a memory of bygone days, And a sigh for a face unseen; But a constant feeling that God alone Knows just what should have been. —Ever remembered by Flo. * SCHROEDER — In memory of F/L. W. G. Schroeder, who was killed February 9, 1945. A pilot now for God, he flies From star to star in purple skies, In grand f orm at 1 on—ungel throngs, His crew flies to right all wrongs. -—Ever remembered by Mom, Dad, brothers and sister. * STEWART—I n loving memory of Mrs. John Stewart, who passed away one year February 13, 1948. *the pearly gates were opened, A gentle voice said “Come", And with farewells unspoken, She gently entered "Horae”, —Lovingly remembered iby the family, * “MISS CHURCHILL” Miss Edwardihe Poitras, fur queen of the Trappers’ Festival at The Pas, Manitoba, who was named “Miss Churchill”, Girls competed in the contest from many dist­ ricts in the north country. The festival was highlighted by the Canadian championship dog der­ by. -- Central Press Canadian made for the St. Valeri- supper, also for quilting quilts. Mrs. Rev. Currie the first chapter of the book, which was very enjoyed by all present. Friday, February 11 Door Prize $5.00 In Cash Come One, Come All Canada’s first ten cities, in order of population are: Mont­ real, Toronto, Vancouver, Win­ nipeg, Hamilton, Ottawa, Que­ bec, Windsor, Edmonton, gary. Opera House Exeter BIG VALENTINE DANCECal- SPEED SKATING and under .......... . and over ................ and over ......... ...... I ,, Boys and Girls Boys Girls years yeaf-s years CLASSIFIEDS Saturday, February 12 ago, Eleven Twelve (Twelve Lighted dandle Race Fastest Reverse Skating Admission 35 c and 20c Refreshments Sold $6.00 for prizes donated by Reg Morrison and Cliff Moore of Supertest, Exeter WANTED—A number of copies of last week’s Times-Advocate, February 3, We will pay 6 c per copy. —Times-Advocate. ROOM AND BOARD for two sharing same room. Roland Williams. 10c to report she is is at Victoria Guenther London had ail. ear op erat. X. Clayt Steepens Band Door Prize Juicy Chocolates Don’t Miss This Cal a Dance!