HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-10, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 .aiwvni^^ Want to Gash In Next Summer & Fall? the eggs, egg size now that with thru v Buninier end. fall are times to cash in on , nowadays, That’s when prices are highest, and premiums biggest, plan to take full advantage of fact—-aim to cash in good big eggs ALL the top - price, top • premium period, not just the last weeks of it, Order husky, fast-growing Bray Chicks, hacked by many generations of selection for good egg size, Do it now! Bray Hatchery Phone 346 Exeter Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open this Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week MOORE’S Service Station. Pink’s Chatter —Continued From Page Three fay this month at the Sweitzer Lanes are: Bob Nicol, 339; Hank Reeves, 316; and Ross MdKinnon, 311, Fred Darling continues to lead the E,M,B.L. with an average of 218, Bob Nicol of the pinpoppers moved into the .second slot on 'Monday night with 214, Ken Hockey climbed to 205> while Norm Walper with 199 and Har­ old Wolfe with 196 are the other players in the. first five. District Bowling League Formed On 'Wednesday, February 2, a new district league got under way at Sweitzer Lanes, with four teams competing. The new league is comprised of four teams—H e n s a 11, Grand Bend, (Exeter Legion and Jones, Mac- Naughton Seeds Ltd., of Exeter. It is expected that another two teams will enter the league on Wednesday, "3" ' that will every 9:00 set : six , will this will highIn B _ 1' met the Grand Bend team and completely boys from the lake, 2,642 - good evening for rolling ' ‘ son took the second place hon­ ours with 538 (230). Jack Cut­ ting had one good game of 237. For the Grand Bend boys, Webb with one game of 223 led in that department, although Des- jardine had the best evening with a total of 547 (195). The Legion took two games and total pins for three points. In the other match o.f the evening, Hensail met the Exeter Seedsmen. The games were miich closer with the Seedsmen coming- out on top with two of the three games. The Holtzman twins bother over aged ovei’ 200, Harry rolling 653 (253), -and Howard 6 63 (245). Charlie Mac-Naughton also had a .good night for the Seedsmen with 577 (219). For the Hensail team, Brown led his team with three well bowled games over 200 and a total of 693. His high game was Sangster’s one game of however, led "the Hensall in that department. Standings February 9, and the new six-team league take over the trundling ••Wednesday from 7:00 to p.m. Handicaps are to be from averages of the first games, The league leaders roll off foi' championship spring and suitable awards be given to winning .team, scorers and high averages. l the first game, Legion No. overshadowed the 3,387 to Vern Heywood had a very ■the Legion, 728 (336). Glenn Robin- ****** **** SI—— Officers of the Flying Train-1 ing School held a farewell party I in the Officers' Mess on Febru­ ary 3 for Flight Lieutenant “Puke" Warren, who is leaving for St. Huberts . in the near future. At St. Huberts Flight Lieutenant Warren will take a short course on Vampire Jet Aircraft nnd then will proceed to the United a Fighter Duke’s wife, company him UK. On Friday, Officers' Mess al Valentine's NCO’s iMess is celebrating Val­ entine’s Day with a dance on February 18., and likewise the Airmen, who are holding a dance in the Sport's Hangar, where the Station Band will be in attendance. With the ROAF policy of commissioning' airmen, m a n y men who a few weeks ago were serving at Centralia as airmen are now wearing officer's uni­ forms and are flying again, Fly­ ing Officer J.L. Donovan, who a few weeks ago was servicing radar equipment- in Radar and now a pilot with the Flight. Flying Officer Donovan took .his pilot training during World War II. Since May, he has lived in Kirkton where • he has been Kingdom to take Leader's Course. Melba, will on his trip to ac- the tlmFebruary Hr is' holding a form­ Dance. The Senior Communications Flight-, is 1 240. 243, team Stewart’s Taxi PHONE Legion No. 1' ........ Exeter Seedsmen .. Hensail ................. Grand Bend .......... AV 2 2 1 1 CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. R, J Smith son were recent vsltors with and, Mrs. J. W. Reid in Harring­ ton West, Miss Margaret Cook of Water­ loo spent the week-end at her home, Mr* and Mrs, B. Forsythe of Carlyle, Sask., were guests of Mr. and Mrs, R; B, Gates and F/S and Mrs. Jack Andrew on Wednesday of last week. A beautiful bouquet of flowers was placed in the church on Sunday by Mr. Wesley Webber and daughter in memory of Webber who died one year Douglas Wilson, son of and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, is fined to his home suffering from injuries received while skating one day last see him out near future. The Young hold a crokinole party in the school room of the church on Monday evening, February 14. kits, sleeping bags, fishing gear,! There will be a congregational flashlights, seeks, mitts, helmets * meeting in the church on Thurs- and Veri pistols. Flight Sergeant day evening of this week. Pridham’s most recent assign-I ment before liis posting to Cent­ ralia was assisting to set up the Ground Controlled Approach sy­ stem at Dorval, 'Montreal. ^Besides having its own hockey team in the O.H.A, Intermediate “B” League, the Station is well represented on the Grand Bend Hockey Team. Corporal H.G. Stewart from Maintenance Wing plays defence, Flying Officer Paul Paquette of Flying Train­ ing School plays center and LAC G.F. Bandet plays goal, The Station Hobby Shop is scheduled to open during the week of February 7. Much new equipment has been purchased by the Committee in charge and the final touches are being put on the organization prior to itsb opening. Facilities will be avail­ able fr wood working and leather-craft with other facilities to be added as time goes on. The opening of the Hobby Shop will mark a big step forward in providing facilities for spare time activity on the Station. Much credit is jiue to the Chief Technical Officer, Wing Com­ mander H.E. Bishop, and Serg­ eant Raymond Grandy for their work in getting the project started. Great interest is contiiiuing in the popular league bowling competition which is scheduled every week night. High spot of last week’s bowling was Corpor- j al “Grassy/ Cunnington’s score -- which is the highest ,,^,,,.8.,,. ------ prominent in the local baseball team and Kirkton Community Association. A new comer to the ranks of the Senior NCCFs on the station is Flight .Sergeant A.J. Prldham of Alliston, Ontario, who takes the position of Senior NCO in charge of Flying*.Control, Flight Sergeant Pridham has had wide experience ' in Flying Control activities. Stationed at Dart­ mouth, N,S., in 1947 he organ­ ized and trained bush rescue personnel to assist in rescuing survivors of crashed aircraft. The training, says Flight Serg­ eant Pridham, was done largely in the airmen's spare time and consisted of many practice ex­ cursions through the bush on loot and on skiifi or snowshoes, Equipment carried by the rescu­ ers included walkie talkies, Mess I and Mr. I Mrs. ago. Mr. con- week. We hope to again in the very'1 People’s Union will Centralia Wins —Continued From Page Three Marlow). Centralis, Casselman (Hallett). Penalty—Horton. Second Period Centralia, Rhude (Harris, Pump el. Centralia, Harris. Centralia, Cook (Quickfall). Penalties — Quie'kfall, Cook, Rhude. Bhaw. Third Period Climton, G.E. Clarke-Marlow (Norris, Singleton). Clinton, Norris Clinton, K.G. (LeBrons). Clinton, .Helmar Clinton, Tetrault Penal'ty—Boland. . . , .SEAFORTH—Goal, p. Wilson Cameron, Nicholson; C. Wilson; Wings, Eisler; Sub^, Bouffer, Hildebi’and, q, Jlllde- FOR super traction WITHOUT CHAINS (Cunningham). Clarke - Marlow (LeBronc). (Crowden), 335 Exeter '0 We Have . WHITE PINE Some Dressed, Some Matched. Good Quality and It Is Dry. Prices Are Right* A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 13 We Deliver Granton 3 s 1 1 of L Pts. 1 1 2 2 Through the co-operation Charlie MacNaughton, we hope to he able to have the facts and figures of the District Bowling League in this column each week. Scanning Sports —.'Continued from page three. Art should lose the sight of one eye. “Gunner", as fans will re­ member, played for 'Crediton a few years back. IF MONDAY night’s playoff preliminary between Dublin and Exeter can be judged as a sam­ ple of what is to come when these two teams meet for the “A" group title, then district falls are going to see a. real series in the very near future. Dublin had the locals stagger­ ing in the third but the home crew managed to hang on to maintain their unbeaten streak. This Thursday night the two teams hook up again in Sea­ forth. Only a half-point separ­ ates the two squads for the league leadership. The playoff series should be getting under way almost any-| 3^ is> * single score for last year and to ~ „ z... tllig year. “Grassy” jS a member of the Sparkies which at present is leading League No. 3 in the •competR-fon^ ■ ■ •- As man expands his scient­ ific knowledge- of ’ industrial pro­ cesses, lie increases the hazards to his health. Health hazards in industry include chances for physical injury and exposure to many toxic or poisonous sub- stauces used in some industrial procedures. Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTzlL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j Oosed Wednesday Afternoon ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER. ONTARIO DR; Ji W; COR&ETT D.D.S.t L.D.S* DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building* Exeter Telephone 273 GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS (I EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 3 to 5 p.m. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron , and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING IBS Is JOHN WARD Optometrist EXETER Chiropractor and MAIN STREET, Open Every Week Wednesday Day Except Phone 348 ARTHUR FRASER all-important contests to deter­ mine winners in the three group­ ings. Dublin has decided to move into "A”, which means ,as we said before, that they will play Exeter. In the “B” division, Hensall and Lucan battle it out, while for the “C” Crediton, Dashwood, and Zurich wilF play a series. THE DISTRICT O.H.A. loop is Winding up into quite a race. Milverton are away in front of the pack and are as yet un­ defeated. They have twenty-four points. Tied for second place are Clinton Radar and Mitchell while one point behind them is Wellesley, and another point down finds Centralia and Sea­ forth tied with seven. Clinton and Goderich bring up the rear. It lias been very difficult to get an accurate standing this season because of many post­ poned games. However, up until Tuesday morning this is as ac­ curate a summary as we can ob­ tain. “JUST A NICE little work­ out!’ is the Way Coach George Shaw sums It up after the locals finish their tilts. That certainly is putting it mild since coach generally plays the full sixty minutes. The former member of championship Centralia Flyers has been a great asset to the locals this season, both in pop­ ping in goals and in coaching. Unfortunately ice h'as been ex­ ceptionally scarce this season but in the few team able vast this played to date he has scored seven goals. TWO DISTRICT the the this practices the has had, George has been to get across some of his hockey experience, season in the four So far games boys ALVIN WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specializing in Farm and Pttrebred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 IL 1 DASHWOOD Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann $tM EXETER, Phone 35<5w USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE> INSURANCE COMPANY WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOr Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value bn sale day. Graduate of American * Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 E. F. CORBETT * LICENSED AUCTIONEER • Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER. R.R. 1 Phone Zurich ©3r7 Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R.R. 1, Mitchell Vice-Pi’csidoht Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin John Hackney, R.R. 1, Kirldon William A. .Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L, Barris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary •Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter i Solicitors I Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter have now played games wltli the Clin­ ton Colts. Jim Hayter, coach of the Dashwood six, and Bill Mus­ ser from the locals have been in the lineup twice. Haytei’ scored two goals and was credit­ ed with two assists against Mit­ chell, while Musser assisted in one tally. However, We under­ stand that Tory Gregg has ruled they must stick to W.O.A.A. hockey. WE STILL are of the opinion that it was an unfortunate thing that the Airport and Exeter couldn't have thrown in together to form otte O.H.A, entry this season. The Airport have come up with a this yeai' chance of With the Shaw and local squad the combines would have made a still better showing and might have given any of the teams a battle for the league honours. However, this is just one person's humble opinion that certainly isn't shared by all. At any rate Centralia stands a good chance of making the playoffs and Exeter will definitely be fighting it out with Dublin for the W.O.A.A, °A” group hon­ ours. better than fair team and stand a good making the playoffs, addition of George several others on the The Alert Mission Band will meet on Sunday morning during church service hour at the home of Mrs. Fred Bowden, Skate to music evenings in the provided through of LAC. Busselle. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mitchell and family of London visitors with Mr, Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn spent Sunday with and Mrs. Bowey in London. on Thursday church shed, the kindness were Sunday and Mrs. K. and Mr, Amos Wright SHJPKA defence, ' centre, O’Shea, Sills, IL bra,nd, Dale, Mclvor, Knight. Centralia— Goal, MacDonald; defence, IPumple, Horton; centre Harris; Wings, Rhude, Cook; subs, Millar, Casselman, Shaw, Turner, Anderson, Quickfall. First Period Seaforth, O'Shea (Eisler), Centralia, Pumple (Cook) 'Centralia, Anderson No penalties Second Period Centralia, Anderson I Casselman) Seaforth, O’Shea Seaforth, O’Shea Centralia, Harris Penalties Pumple, H. Hildebrand. Tliird Period Seaforth, C. Wilson. (Eisler). Centralia, Rhude (Harris) Penalties —- Oaiheron, Turner, Cook. Nicholson, C,Wilson (mis­ conduct. (Quickfall) (Pumple, Wilson) Wilson). (Cook), Nicholson, Eisler, No bother ...no delay/ with Firestone Studded Ground Ground Grips. Eigh(-sided, deep, sell-cleaning studs take hold—pull you thru snow and mud without chains. Be winter-sure with super-traction, Don't delay drive L today. theThe regular meeting of W.A. was held Thursday after­ noon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner ance. Mrs. president, devotional were given. Further plans were made for the valentine supper on F e b r ua r y 14. Mrs. Rev. Currie gave ‘the first chapter of the Study.Book which was, very- interesting. Mrs. Jack Rate will be in charge of the second chap­ ter at the March meeting. The meeting closed, by all repeating with a good attend- Harry Sheppard, viee- was in charge. The period and » reports Cedar Shingles For Sale Ed Lippert Phone Easlnvood 31r25 (■C, (C. firestone STUDDED GROUND GRIPS John 3: 16. A lovely lunch was served by the committee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fossold and Ruth Ann of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Ratz. Mrs. Fassold gave a very interesting story and illustrations by Flannelgraph of the Good Samaritan in the Sun­ day school. Miss Ruth Ratz, of Windsor, spent last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Webb have returned home after month's trip to Florida. The Women’s Association having a Valentine supper Monday, February 14, public school; supper is from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. short program follows. Mr. Karl 'Guenther is sent in Victoria Hospital where he has had an operation on his ear. a is on in the served and a at pre- GRAHAM ARTHUR MAIN ST. PHONE 210 Incomplete SERVICE Walker Kitchen Cupboards Cabinet Work PHONE 286J EXETER HANDS IN TRAINING.FOR ONTARIO Learning to Make Plastics • »»***i**»*»»**'»»».|.****»**».IN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc* are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing* medical care and other necessities which contribute to onr security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow Of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which arc important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then* the co-operative efforts of government, industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers,young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. Tor instance* as in the .pictures shown here, every effort of Ontario’s newly •skilled plastics workers Wall mean better plastic products-—will • help to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and work, * ♦ w 11 Our Way o£ Life Rewards Traitted Hands Ontario workers know they can Carn more, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard of living in direct ratio to the skills they ac* quire and the way they make use of them. Thai’s always true in a free economy —-that’s why our com­ petitive system will continue to make Canada great and a great place in which to live.THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO)