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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-10, Page 7
THE TIMES^APVOPATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING/ FEBRUARY W, 1949 You don’t need a little bird to tell you that a Classified Ad brings direct results! TOPS IN POPULARITY. Maxwell House is bought $nd enjoyed by more people than any other Rrand of coffee iii the world any price. The reason? Its flavor is superb. Tim Department of Highways offers the following advice to winter-driving motorists: “To pull out of a skid, turn the front wheel in the direction in which the rear end is sliding, and apply the brakes with a light pumping .pressure. To STAY out Of a skid, keep youi’ speed down,, allow plenty of space for stop ping, and use your tire chains on ice and snow. * ■*- Canada has ceeding 1,000 area eleven lakes ex square miles in Contracted Make the Road And enjoy driving your car by having’ your aligm ment and steering linkage checked free' of charge at Mather Bros. Alignment Service. We are equipped to correct and make any re pairs necessary. Promptness and satisfaction guar anteed ! Mathers Bros <Mr, and Mrs. Ray Paterson spent the week-end with former's parents, Mr. and Robert Paterson, 4 Mr. and 'Mrs, A. L. Case i the .week-end in London the latter’s parents, Mr, Mrs. J. Reid. Mr. Douglas Cook of Western University, London, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook- Miss Jmen Brandon accompan ied Miss Barbara Michie of Ingersoll to the Ice Follies in Toronto on Friday.' Mr. and Mrs. William Brown attended the Hardware Convent ion held in Toronto this week, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook visit- eej with friends in London recently. Miss Jean Foster of London spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and {Mrs. A. Foster. •Miss Donna Giles of Palmers ton, visited during the past week with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, George Thompson. Mrs. Lee of London visited this week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. United Church Annual 'Meeting The annual meeting of the Hensall United Church held on Monday evening was. well attended. A pot-luck supper in charge of the Women’s .As sociation preceded the meeting. Rev. R.A Brook was chairman and Mr. James McAllister sec retary. The devotional period was conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook, assisted by Rev. R. H. Sanderson, Reports from the various organizations revealed a very successful year. Rev. Brook expressed his r gratitude for operation of and. members * ion. The reports were given -as follows; Young People’s Society, the •Mrs. 4 spent with and : in his address pleasure and deep the splendid co officials, leaders of the congregrat- Miss Rernice Jinks; Session, >Mr. William porrest; Sunday School Mr. Jack ©orbett, superintend ent; Baby Band and .Mission Band,, Mrs. R. A. Brook; Even ing ’ Auxiliary, Miss Gladys Luker; Women’s 'Missionary Society, Mrs. E. Geiger, disclos ing that three bales of clothing etc. valued at $175.0.0 had been forwarded to Europe, during the year; Women’s Association Mrs. T.J. SheiTitt; Fjower Fund Mrs. George Hess; Card 'Convener, Mrs. e.l. Mickle; Auditor's Report and Treasurer’s Report presented by G.M. Drysdale, revealed that $9,?10'.00 had been raised for all purposes. Mr, Oliver Roweliffe, conven er of the nominating committee, disclosed the following appoint ments; Board o f Stewards. Walter Fairburn, Edison For rest, E.L. Mickle', P.L. ’McNaugh ton; M? and M. Committee, W. B. Cross, M'iss M, Ellis, Miss Greta Lammie,William Forrest; Secretary Treasurer. G. M. Drys dale; Flower Committee, Mrs, H, McMurtrie, Miss Katie Scott, Mrs. W. Forrest, Mrs, S. Mitch ell, M'rs, W.R- Dougall, (Mrs George Thompson^ treasurer); Auditors, R.J. Mervyn Brown; Maude Hedden. A program consisting of community singinc led by Mt. St Dannie, rendinn Mr. George Follick, Vocal duet, Mrs, Hidden and Mrs. Hess, violin selection, Mr. Jarvis Hor ton, solo, Mr. S. Rannie, accomp anists, Miss Greta Lammie and Miss Gladys Luker, Mrs. Bossenbury and daughter of Forrest visited recently . W.R.Thompson, Paterson and • Press M r s. was presented with her parents,■Mr.and Mrs, Milton Russell and,sister and brother -in-law,Mr.■and Mrs. Donald Joynt. Miss Katie Scott spent the week-end in Toronto, attending the Ice Cazpades. For Canada Making Company Centralia Farmers’ Supply met the the the CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Phone 27R11 Crediton Flame Thrower! PROTECT* INSURE Your Chimney James St. W.A. The regular monthly meeting of the James Street W.A. on Thursday afternoon in Sunday School room, with president, Mrs. Witmer in chair. The . meeting opened with the singing of the hymn 3 51. “He Liveth Long Who Liveth Well,” of the lesson, Lord’s unison. call and business part followed, with splendid attendance and good reports. ■Mrs. R. Shapton and Mrs. McFalls sang a very lovely “Grace is Greater than Mrs. Amy gave a on “The ” The followed by the parable talents, as a scripture read by Mrs. Pooley. The 'Prayer was said in The minutes and roll Fire has a short jump to your roof wheny your chimney is over heated or the flue is dirty . . . a n d the Wind is quick to carry sparks from neighbor ing houses. You can’t always protect your home from fire — but you can prevent fire losses with Insurance! Phone: Off fee 24 Res. 16 2 J Exeter, Ont. $2,490 W. Herman Hodgson The Insurance Man 1949 1948 1947 1947 1940 1940 1937 Monarch Sport Sedan, only 6,000 miles 'Ford Super Deluxe Fordor' Sedan, like new Ford Super Deluxe Fordor Sedan, 25,000 miles, heater and cushion covers Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan, 25,000 miles $1,575 Ford 'Deluxe Fordor Sedan, heater and radio, only 44,000 miles Ford Super Deluxe Coach, with heater 'Dodge Coupe, new motor $1,690 $1,590 $950 $890 $575 1946 Ford 3-Ton Truck, new motor and new tires Studebaker Pickup, like new1946 Studebaker Pickup, like new. 1939. International %-Panel, refinished 1936 Ford 2-Ton, new motor, only gone 5,000 miles $1,000 $1,190 $550 $275 Farm implements 1947 Ford Tractor, like new, with new Woods Corn Picker, all for $1,990, Three Different Kinds Of ■Front End Loaders In Stock — ALSO — Corn Pickers Packers Cultivators Discs Plows Tillers, etc. ALL AT LAST YEAR’S PRICES LAST I’, duet my very little meeting with the Mispah Bene- Sin.” splendid paper things in life, closed diction. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Glan- ville and sons spent Sunday with friends in Moncton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simpson of Owen Sound spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mr. and Mrs.Charlie Sims of Hamilton,Mr.and Mrs.Fred Sims and Mr.and Mrs.Jim Coward of London, Mr.and Mrs, Ralph Romplif and daugh ter of Thedford and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and son of Exeter spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims. Mrs. Clifford Hill was called to Pigeon, Mich., last week ow- ing to the illness of her mother. EDGEWOOD We are sorry to report that Mr. Joe Mitchell isn’t very well. Mrs. Roy Moore has been sick with influenza the past week. Mrs. ’ Gordon Mitchell uud baby have returned home from London. Mr. Billie and Ronnie May of London called Saturday on his brother, Archie May. Mr. Percy Armitage, while taking the kiddies to school on Friday morning, slid ditch. Fortunately, no hurt. Mr. Henry Beebo of ville called Saturday on Mrs. Roy Moore and family. Mr. Gordon Mitchell has been laid up with the We are sorry Joe Zubal is in bed. We hope to soon see him out again. in the one wqs Moores- Mr. and “flu”. to report Mr. Make the Want Ads work for you. & SERVICE SANDY ELLIOT TEL. 64W EXETER WHILE THEY FORD & MONARCH PARTS Crediton Ladies Meet • The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W-S.W.S. was held on Thursday evening in the Sunday school rooms with an attendance of thirty members and two visi tors. Mrs. H, M. Faist took charge of the devotional period. Mrs. E. M. Fahrner played quiet music entitled “All Hail Power Of Jesus’ Name”, was sung for the opening followed by prayer. The ture was read by Mrs. D. beiner; Ella duet, Me”; Book Mrs. ' Wes Wein and Mrs. Gaiser; an instrumental by Mrs. Ed Finkbeiner? A* short talk was giyen by Mrs. J. V. Dahms and the meeting closed with song and prayer, after which Mrs. G. Ratz, the president, took charge of the business part. Mrs. Wes Wein and Mrs. Albert Gaiser were appointed as delegates for the W.S.W.S. convention to be held in June at Pembroke. The March annual meeting will be held at the parsonage. Lunch was served and a vote of thanks to all committees was moved by Mrs. Albert Gaiser. The which hymn, scrip- Fink- Mrs. * L. Hey and Miss Morlock* favoured with a “He Is The Saviour For the chapters of the Study on China were given by Art Twenty-six People Join Staffs Church Rev. A. H. Daynard was chair man at the annual meeting of Staffa United Church, and Wal ter O’Brien secretary. Reports showed a good year with twenty- six new members. Russel Wor den gave the steward’s report, showing a balance, and the parsonage report was given by Mrs. W. O’Brien, W.A. report by Mrs. Cecil BownfSh, W.M.S. re port by Mrs. Les Butson, mis sionary report and maintenance by W. O’Brien, and Sunday school report prepared -by Miss Vera Hambly and read by Mrs. L. Butson. Trustees reported a $1,000 bond purchased with money being left from the estate of Jeffry. Election of officers with elders being New stewards to replace G. Agar and L. Hodge were C. H. Dow and Arthur Kemp. Archie Jeffry was appointed to the trustee board to replace Lome Hodge. Ushers appointed were Robert D. Sadler and Jack Butson, with W. O’Brien and Arthur Kemp as assistants, and auditors Spencer Jeffry and W. O’Brien. Sell with Confidence Lon- O»ADE NAME) Lon- with to see Mrs. W, R. Hodgffi& had the misfortune to fail break a bone in her hip shoulder. Bridges and on Thursday and Mrs. H. and Mrs. of Aylmer with Mr. also Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- MacDonald. H. Noels and were week-end and Mrs. H. These skate outfits have first class English blades and are being offered for a limited time only at these special reduced prices! Each Take the drudgery out of house cleaning. You don't have to get on your hands and knees to scrub floors! You don’t even have to get your hands wet) "Miracle" Mop’s quick efficient operation makes house dean* ing easier. Its uses are numerous, and is operation simple. Get one to-day and dean the "Miracle" way. £ Highest Prices Paid for Live Poultry of Ail Kinds Weigh on the farmer’s scales at his door. Phone Kintore 17r9 Collect mHARPLEY Mr. and Mrs, Ellison Whiting and family of Centenary spent Sunday afternoon at the home of her father, Mr. William Love. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Mrs. Mansell II o d g 1 n s and Maude went to Petrolia Satur day who and and Mr, Alex Love has been nurs- ffigg a sore foot. Mrs, Newton Ruyter and daughters, Linda and Barbara, spent Sunday afternoon with friends at Grand Bend. SAINTSJBURY Mr, and Mrs. H, W. Hodgins, Mrs. W. J. Davis, Mr. Ivan Davis and Mr, and Mrs. C- Abbott were guests with Mr, and Mrs, J. Turner on Thursday evening. Quite a number from here at tended the G r a n t o n-Centralia hockey game held in Granton, Mr. and Mrs. F, daughters visited evening with Mr, Davis. Mr. and Mrs, D.Maguire and Mr. and Mrs. W. Latta of don spent the week-end Mr. and/Mrs, E. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale of don spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis were Sunday guests with Mrs. W. J. Davis and Ivan. Miss Irene Coursey and Mar ion, of Lucan, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner. Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Hodgins spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. A. Caldwell and family of St. Thomas spent Sun day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mr. family guests Davis; Donald for Sunday dinner. Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Elston entertained on Saturday evening •in. honour of their son, Allen, who was celebrating his birth day. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Elston and Sheila, Mi', and Mrs. D. Abbott ’ of Lucan, Misses Wilma Walters , of Winchelsea, Janett and Al- marie Davis and Messrs, J. Bar ker and Hugh Davis. Mr, D. Simpson, of London, and Miss M. Isaac spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Isaac. Mr, and Mrs. C. Davis spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, the church James G. took place Unchanged. Box 54Phone 59W Exeter Kelvinator and Gilson Domestic Refrigerators $275*00 and Up For immediate installation. Power Oil Burners Quiet May, Gilson Economist fo ryour furnace. Krisky forced draft burners for your kitchen range. We specialize in the sales and service of domestic and commercial refrigeration and oil burners. Crocker Refrigeration HURON STREET EAST «■ Riverside Poultry Co, Howard Ferguson, Manager THAMESFORD ONTARIO Phone Kintore 17r9 or Hensall 80r2 Children’s sizes 13, 1 and 2. Regular price $10.95 SPECIAL $9.50 Ladies’ sizes 6, 7, 8 and 9. Regular price $17.95 SPECIAL $14.95 SPECIAL ask for "M/racLE” Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EX: Nearly 40,000 cheques — worth some two million dollars — covering last year’s Compulsory Savings Refund for 1942, are still unclaimed. They belong to Canadians who have changed their name or address, or both, since 1943, and failed to notify the Government. This year, cheques, which are going begging — worth up to as much as $15,000,000 — should be going out this March to as many as 200,000 Canadians for the return of 1943 and 1944 Re fundable Savings. But proper names or addresses are lacking. Do any of these refund cheques belong to you? Have you changed your name or address, or both, since 1943 and haven’t notified the Government? If so, we urge you to fill in a Change of Address Card and mail it as soon as you possibly can. You’ll find these cards at any Post Office. miss « 4 ... “StOn'"S s Th°usa y yzay- Bank of Montreal Exeter Branch: J. L. HENDRY, Manager