HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-10, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 at'Mir H FARMERS ATTENTION We Are Open To Contract Malting Barley And will supply the seed for same. We have a good market for this barley. Growers interested* please call pr write MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED NOTICE—-Anyone wanting a ride to the Airport at 7:10 a,m., call 404J. ♦ W. G. Thompson GRAIN ELEVATORS - HENSALL, ONT. Day Phone No. 32 Night Phone No. 2 PLASTER CONTRACTING-— Plain or ornamental. Guaran­ teed satisfaction, Free esti­ mates. Phone Eashwood 122, D, C. Fjrby, 20:27:3:10* FOR SALE— Two story brick house. Contact William H. Smith, Crediton. Phone 43r2 10c FOR SALE—-A large quantity of 12 inch cord wood, also slabs, Fred C. Kalbfleigch and Sons, Zurich, phone 69, G:6tc WANTED to RENT—Garage, vicinity business section,, phone Mrs, (Gilbert, 342J - IQ* Insulation ’I Smart Three-week Delivery Tamarfs si- ft< fit- CORN BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST market price and shelled at farm, See me while the price is high. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood (formerly Lloyd Lippert farm, phone Dash­ wood 31rl5. 25tfc FOR SALE—-10Q acres, produc­ tive clay loam near Exeter; 8-room brick house; L-shaped barn, 60 x 40, 40 x 40 ce­ ment silp, garage, implement house, never - failing water supply, hydro available, R, D. Hunter. 17* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—-Cabinet also Treadle pairs to all Sewing Centre, Stratford. and Electric, machines. Re­ makes. Singer 78 Ontario St. 2tL’o HORSES WANTED — An un­ limited number of good work horses for sale or exchange, G. J, Dow, 27:3:10:17s Protect your home against cold and heat by Rock Wool Insula, tion, Blow-in-metliQd used. For For information contact Everett Haist, District Representative, Phone 160, Dashwood, New Samples Smart new samples by Tip Top are here. They offer you an attractive selection of ga­ bardines* worsteds and flan­ nels for your new suit. We advise you to order your spring suit now, A small de­ posit will hold your garment until it is required, Samples in both Tip Top and Fleet Street clothes* both tailored by Tip Top. Tip Top $44.50 Fleet Street $57.50 TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE-—50 acres of pasture land with young bush, small brick house, N% lot 11, Con. 17 McGillivray Township. Ap­ ply Box "S”, Times-Advocate. 10:17:24* FOR SALE-—Single bed, springs and mattress, two years old, "'but only used for about a year in good condition. Apply Doug Pryde, telephone 41w Exeter. Electricity Is Your Cheapest Servant Are You Using it As You Should? Do You Have Sufficient Lighting In Your Home Or Office? Do You Have All Of The Electric Appliances You Need? Are You Still Doing Many Jobs By Hand That Can Better Be Done With Electricity? R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. ■ LADIES! We Can From Our Very Complete Stock Fine Black Kid Ties Dr. Nilsson’s ^Aj^ A B Four Lovely Styles Two Heel Heights Murray One hundred grass farm be­ longing to the William Penhale estate, being Lot 6, Con. 7, Hay Township, for sale by tender. Windmill with good well of water on farm. Sealed tenders to be in by February 16. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Terms: cash. Address tenders to the William Penhale estate, % Asa J. Penhale, exe­ cutor, R.R.l, Exeter. 27:3:10c FOR SALE—2 storey brick house, Exeter, well located. Furnace, air conditioner, 3 piece bath upstairs, 2 piece- main floor, garage, all in good condition. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 20c FOR SALE- also scuffler and lift plow. Will sell Wally Wein, 25rl Dashwood. •V.A.C, Case tractor hydraulic separately. BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICKS - Several ■breeds in our brooders now. Some 2 weeks old. Cockerels available on certain dates, Book your order now. —Neu­ hausel* Hatcheries, 81 King St., London. z NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl9 3; 10 c APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received for the position of janitor for the James Street United Church, duties to commence at once. Married man whose wife is will­ ing to assist preferred. Apply stating salary expected. For par­ ticulars apply to the secretary, J. M. Southcott, Times-Advo- cate. 2tc FARM FOR SALE—99 acres, 1% miles,north of Dashwood, buildings in good repair, with hydro, 5 acres bush, 11 acres fall wheat and 40 acres fall ploughed, $7,500. Part cash, with "balance on mortgage at 4%. This offer withdrawn af­ ter March 1. —A. V. Tieman. phone 108J Dashwood. FOR SALE—1 Bronze gobbler, hatched in June, 1948, suit­ able for breeding purposes. If interested communicate at once with Ed. Turnbull, 52rl0 Dashwood. 3: 10* FOR SALE—Solid timber frame 26x4 8x24 ft post with gerts and braces complete, in the flat, ready to load. A. Dayman R.R. 3 Exeter. 3:10* NEUHAUSER Barred Rocks — "Park” and "Lake Winthrop” strains, We have invested in good breeding. Fast feather­ ing, plenty of vigour, great layers — splendid egg size. Everything you want in a chicken is here. Neuliauser Royals $18 per 100. Pullets $3,2. 3A matings $16 and $29. Neuliauser Hatcheries, 81 King- St., London. HELP WANTED ■ Tom Semple SIGNS Trucks, Windows, Store Front Signs, Gold Leaf Lettering PHONE 155M EXETER •ft M. FOR SALE—'Two storey brick house, insulated, S room, fir trim hardwood floors, modern kitchen, newly shingled and painted exterior, Immediate , possession. Two blocks east of library. Phone 219m ■ 10c FOR SALE—Cockshutt, No.l, 4-row beet and bean cultivat­ or . Good as new. W. J. F. Bell, Kippen, phone 91rl2 Hensall 3:10* FOR SALE—1-939 Ford truck, ■one ton pick-up, new tires and s'tock rack. D. H. McGregor, R.R.3 Parkhill. 10:17* HELP WANTED—-Married man to help on farm. Free living quarters with all conveniences, 1 2^ miles N..E. Exeter. Apply Clarence Down, phone 177r2 Exeter. 10:17c PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effec­ tive. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 Weeks’ $5, at RobertsoiVs Drug Store. FEMALE HELP WANTED FARMS FOR SALE— 100' acres, Usborne Twp. On county road. Good brick house, barn and drive sjjed. Hydro and water pressure. 17 acres wheat. 40 acres ploughed. Spring possession. 150 acres, Usborne Twp. highway and school. FOR SALE—19 34 Ford Deluxe Coach, built-in radio, heater and slip covers, in good con­ dition. Jack Coates, telephone Kirkton 481T8, 1% miles east Riddell’s corner. " 10* REPORTER—To send news of new buildings, fires and eng­ ineering information. Station­ ery and postage supplied. Interesting work for spare time. Write now stating quali­ fications. MacLean Building Reports Ltd., -3 45 Adelaide Street West, Torontn, Ontario. FOR TRUE ECONOMY. Maxwell House costs only ® fraction of a cent more per cup than the lowest-priced coffees sold. You get so much more for so little more. Ifi. HELP WANTED—Girl as Tele­ phone Operator at Kirkton Central. Apply to Blanshard Municipal Telephone System, Kirkton. 10c WANTED—Two girls, one for dining room, one for upstair work at the Queen’s Hotel, Seaforth. 10* near Good brick house, large barn, silo, hydro. Spring possession. 90 acres, Hay Twp. Near high­ way and village. Brick house, ’ barn with good stabling. Hyd­ ro. 9 acres hardwood bush. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE —• Underwood type­ writer No. 5 in ?good working­ condition, $45.00. Sandy El­ liot, phone 64w Exeter. 10o FOR SALE—1937 Chev Coach, good mechanical condition, 4 new tires last spring, heater, radio, insurance till September . '49. Phone Exeter 104, eve­ nings after 6:30 p.m. 10* notices Of E EE EEE « TIES ACE PUMPS AAA A C 4— 8V2 5— 9 4—10 Stenographer Full Qr Part Time PHONE 14 EXETER Experienced In Typing And Shorthand Stenographer WANTED PHONE 92 EXETER '8 Huggers FOR SALE—Five room house, hydro and town water. Base­ ment. Immediate possession. Price $2700/00. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—150 acre farm, 1O0 acres clear, 50 acres bush and pasture: half mile from highway; 3 miles -from Exeter. Possession April 1. Part cash. 2 good wells, spring, residence, barn and shed. H. Hogarth. Brick drive- Box 145 Exeter. Fred 3:10:17* THREE FARMS FOR SALE— 66 acres, house, small barn, h y d r 0 passes. TO 0 acres, . house, large .bank barns, hydro passes. S5 acres all til­ lable 1 0 a m,house, driveshed, henhouse, bank barn, handy to markets. Others to choose from. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—66 acres, Hay Township, house, small barn, hydro passes, $2,500. 100 acres, Hibbert Township, house, large bank barns, hy­ dro passes, $5,000. 85 acres, Stephen Township, full set buildings, handy to markets, $6,500. 90 acres, Hay Twp., full set buildings, hydro, §5,- 500. 150 acres, Hibbert, full set buildings, conveniences, hydro, $14,000. 115 acres, Usborne, full set buildings, conveniences, hydro, $11,500. —W. C. Pearce, realtor, Exe­ ter. 3 c HOUSES FOR SALE—Hensall, 5 rooms, roll brick siding, garage, hydro, $1,000. Hen­ san, 6 rooms, brick, full base­ ment, hydro, $3,500, possess at once. Exeter, one floor, 4 rooms and bathroom, $3,000, possess at once. —W. C. Pearce, realtor, Exeter. 3c FOR SALE—Six building lots, fronting on Thomas and ing Streets. Phone 233 6 p.m. Carl- after 27:3c FOR SALE—10 pigs, 6 old; also 1941 Pontiac Apply to Herman Powe, 154R Exeter. weeks sedan, phone 10c FOR SALE—York hog, ready for service. Russel Manson, Zurich. 10* ' ALL OWNERS OF MOTOR VEHICLES TAKE NOTICE1 Motor vehicles must not be left parked on the Main Street, or other streets, of the Village of Exeter between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. from December 18 to April 1. This law will be enforced in order that snowplows may keep our streets properly cleared. Owners leaving cars on the streets do so at their own risk. By Order, A. J. SWEITZER, Reeve. 8 a. FOR SALE—New 6% ft. John Deere cultivator, power lift. Gerald O’Brien, R.R. 3, -Ailsa Craig. 10 * FOR SALE—Moffat cook stove, $12.00. —19 Anne St. 10* FOR SALE—-3 6” Hornet chain saw, A-l condition, only used 2 months, getting a larger machine. Gordon Prance, Woodham, telephone Kirkton 37r22. 10* FOR SALE:—Must be sold, no reasonable offer refused. Mo­ dern 7-piece light oak dinette suite; ivory and black annex heater; ivory and black coal and wood range; modern bed­ spring and inner spring’ mat­ tress; white enamel kitchen cupboard; round centre table; Northern Electric console radio; solid oak bookcase; electric mixer; sleighs; doll- hed; child’s table and chairs; lawn swing; quantity of quart fruit sealers; floor_ lamp; 2 congoleum rugs; lawn mower and garden tools. —N.E. Cor­ ner Station and Main Streets. 10:17* VILLAGE OF EXETER ‘To the property holders of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter—re closing part of Gid- ley Street and Brock Street in the Village of Exeter. The following is a copy of a by-law which has been given two readings and will ibe finally passed- finder authority of Sec­ tion 49 5, Chapter 26 6 of the Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1937. Any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially af­ fected by the by-law may make application to the Clerk, to be heard by the Municipal Council in regard to such claim. CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER BY-LAW NO. 6, 1949 WHEREAS the Exeter District High School Board owns land on both sides of that of Gidley Street running from the corner of Gidley and Senior Street and WHEREAS the said Board owns land on both sides of Brock -Street and wishes to build acress the said street. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That, that part of Gidley Street extending from a point in line with the Westerly lines of Lots 1129 and 1121 and extend­ ing East to a point in line with the Easterly lines of Lots 1137 and 1116 be closed. 2. That, that part of Street extending from Gidley Street North to Victoria be closed. 3. That, effect on the final passing thereof. the part East ............ —ft CEMENT WORK i Foundations , Sidewalks ; Free Estimates Doug Triebner Phone 17rl2 Crediton Income Tax 1948 forms are here. Don’t wait till April 29 Arthur Fraser Exeter 355W ft K Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. FOR SALE—12” hardwood, $5 per cord; also plenty of mixed wood, $4 and $4.50 per cord. All orders for 5 cord or over delivered free. Orders for 16” or 18’’inch furnace wood should be placed immediately. Apply LeL Morley. Phone 619r24 Ailsa Craig. l'0‘.*17:24c FOR SALE—1942 Farmall "A” Tractor with lights, pulley, and scuffler in, good condi­ tion. Apply to Roy Ballantyne, phone 21-21 Kirkton. 10* Get New Pep* Vim, Vigor What a thrill I Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollow t fill up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses hall- starved, sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands ol girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud ot shapely, healthy-looklng bodice. They thank the special vlgor-bulldlng, flesh-bulldlug tonic, Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, invlgorstors, Iron, vlaamln Bi, calcium, enrich blood, improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained the 5, 10.15 or 20 lbs, you need for normal weight. Costa little. New “get acquainted” site only 60c. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all drugtitta. Brock Street this by-law shall take HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR DEAD STOCK HORSES each $5.00 CATTLE each $5.00 HOGS per cwt. $1.50 According to size and condition. Collect Exeter 235 I Seaforth 15 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LTD.C. V. Pickard, Clerk Dated: February 8, 1949.NEW BLANKETS FOR OLD WOOLLENS 1 You can use old Woollen blankets, scarfs, Sweaters, etc. as part highest Auto Rugs, Ski Cloth, etc. new All-Wool, full-size blan­ ket can be obtained for as low as $3.00 with 12 lbs. of old woollens as part payment. Write today to Dept. 27, Mid­ land Mills, Midland, Ontario, and ask for free price list. FARM FOR SALE—$5,000.00, 6 miles north of Goderich, 127^ acres, good land, part clay loam, part sandy loam, 22 acres wood lot, 45 acres ready for spring seeding, spring water supply, fruit trees and shrubs. Good 6-roohi 2-storey frame house, ■barn 36 ft. house. Hydro not installed but signed for. Possession April 1. C. F. Chapman, Real Estate Broker, phone 18, Goderich, Ont. • 3:10c socks, underwear.Z payment for new. quality Blankets A Be My Valentine Is Always Best Said With FLOWERS OxfordsBrogues Plain* sturdy shoes, for your every day comfort; Walking heels; brown or black. A, C, D* E, EEE — $3.95 to $5.95 28’ x 28*. Bank x 54 ft. Hen 450 Modern Patterns in Wallpapers PHONE 376 ft WORK WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute, on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250> products: Toiletries, Vitamins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powde/, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Fur­ niture and Shoe Polishes, etc. Each Individua I a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities. Write for FREE details and cata­ logue. FAMILEX, 1600 Oelor- imier, Montreal. 13:8tc GET READY for Spring. Have your Machinery repaired be­ fore the spring rush starts. Pethrsbn, Tel. Dashwood 31rll. c H. LOST LOST OR STRAYED from Staff Qtrs. R.C.A.F., Centralia, a small black spaniel, Answers to.. name "Nigger”. Name in­ side ’Collar. Cali operator at Airport, ^Reward. 10*x. MAY WE SUGGEST —A pot of cyclamen or cineraria, —A mixed bouquet of daffodils* tulips* snapdragons*, stalks and carhations —A gardenia or lioSegay EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 X