HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-01-27, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1949 Off to California Mr. left trip will Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth Saturday for an extended to California where they visit the former’s brother, and Mrs. Edmund Wuerth at Van Nuys. After visiting at Van Nuys they will take the Pacific iScenic route Columbia and visit former’s sister,, Mr. A. “ _ minister. Wash,, I through to British with the and Mrs. E. Gjanville at New West’ . Returning to Seattle, they will return home the states. V. Hyndman, who hasMrs. been ill in Victoria Hospital, London has returned to h$r home. Coming Events Progressive Euchre will be held in the Eastern Star Rooms, Friday, January 28, Euchre to commence at 8.30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Ad­ mission 35 cents. c BAKING SALE—Associate Help­ ers of James. Street Church will hold a Baking Sale on Saturday, February 12, at 2:30 p.m., first door south of the Ford Garage. 27:3 Miss Maude Horton Miss Maude Horton, a res­ ident of Exeter for many years passed away suddenly Saturday night at the home of her brother J. C. Horton of Oshawa. The late Miss Horton was a resident of Usborne and taught school there and in Exeter at different times. She was principal of the Exeter Public School prior to her retire­ ment. She was a faithful mem­ ber of the James St. United Church and the Women's Organ­ izations and was an active worker for the Red Cross when able. ^She was also a member of the .Eastern Star. She resided in Exeter with her sister the late Mrs. Horney, who predeceas­ ed her in 1947, Those whom she was associated miss her kind ways and helpful service. Surviving is one brother, J. C. Horton of Oshawa and several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the Armstrong funeral home in Oshawa. with will ever ■ M H Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are Inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse. En­ gagements 50c. S BIRTHS Finger Badly Gashed Mr. Luther Reynolds had the misfortune to get his right hand caught in one of the elevator belts at the Co-Op mill inflicting a nasty cut in the middle finger that required five stitches to close, also abraisons. The elevator became clogged and in an to release it -pne of the caught the hand. other belt effort cups Leavitt’s Previews its Coming Attractions MONDAY, TUESDAY January 28 and 29 ‘The Man From Colorado’ Color by Technicolor ® Glenn Ford ® William Holden MONDAY, TUESDAY, January 31, February 1 TWO FEATURES Unsuspected’ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ® Joan Caulfield ©Claude Rains Harry E. Sutherland Mr. Harry resided with of Exeter, Hamilton on week, aged sixty-two years. Mr. Sutherland had gone to Hamilton only five days before his death to visit his son, Ar­ thur H. Sutherland. Mr. Suther­ land was born at Fredericton, N.B., and for many years was a -well-known resident of Ottawa and Kemptville. His wife pre­ deceased him in August, 1948, since which time he has resid­ ed in town. He was a graduate of the University of New Brunswick in 19 09 and served with the Topo­ graphical Survey Department for thirty-five years, retiring in 1934. Surviving are three sons: Ar­ thur W., Eric ter Grant Conley, of Camden, Maine and’ Mrs. Arthur ’ Shatford, of Fredericton; one ‘brother, Tem­ ple Sutherland, of Fredericton; 1 and three grandchildren. Inter­ ment was made in Westmount Memorial Park Cemetery, Hamil­ ton. E. Sutherland, who his son, Eric E. died suddenly in Wednesday of last H., of Hamilton; Herbert of Campbellton, N.B.; and E., an employee of the Exe- Hydro; two sisters, Mrs. Town Topics Items pf Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish, these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w ‘Race Street’ ® George Raft WEDNESDAY February 2 ONE NIGHT ONLY £ ® Ray Milland COMING! COMING! Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 3, 4 and 5 ‘THE BABE RUTH STORY’ ALLEN—In Exeter on January 23, 1949, to Mrs, Lorne Allen, of a daughter BECKER—At Mrs. Batten’s nursing home on Tuesday, January 25, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Emil Becker, Dashwood, a daughter; a sister for Alex, BURTON—A t Mrs, Batten’s nursing home on Saturday, January 22, 1949, to F/S and Mrs. Walter Burton, Exeter, a son, Russell Scott, CAREY—In Mount Carmel to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carey, a son, Donald Hubert, on Tues­ day, January 18, 19 49. MATHERS—At Bethesda Hospi­ tal, London, on Monday, Jan­ uary 17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mathers, of Lon­ don, a daughter. MOORE'—At Mrs. Batten's nurs­ ing home on Tuesday, Jan­ uary 25, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moore, Exeter, a son; a brother for Lloyd and Barbara. RUSSELL—A t Mrs. Hunter’s nursing . home o n Friday January 21, 1949, to Mr. and ” R. Russell, of a daughter, Ruth Sunday, Mr, and Kirkton, On January 19 th Mrs. A. E. Delbridge found in her garden a small species of pansy in bloom known as the “Johnny Jump Up." M r s. R. Centralia, Ann. WILLERT—Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vyn W'illert wish .to announce the birth of their daughter, Linda Marie, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, on January 19, 1949. DEATHS Mrs. Charles Becker Mrs. Charles Becker (nee Elizabeth Ziler), a resident of Concession 15 of Hay Township, •passed away at her residence early Monday morning after a three weeks illness. She had been in ailing health for many years. She was confirmed in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, and was in her sixty-sixth year. Surviving are her •* one son Leonard, at home; ---- two sisters. .Mrs. John Stephen of Zurich and M r s. Fred Schlundt of Dashwood. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, in Dashwood from where the funeral took place on Wednes­ day, January 26, at 1:30 p.m. Rev. L. Higenell officiated ami interment was in the Lutherai/ Bronson Line Cemetery. Al ex Taylor I Mr, Alex Taylor, a native of Exeter, and who for the past forty-three years has been a well-known tinsmith of Saska­ toon, Sask., died Saturday, Jan­ uary .8, aged seventy-six years. Born in Exeter, Mr. Taylor went to Saskatoon in 1906 and established a tinsmithing, heat­ ing and plumbing business which ■he operated until his health failed three years ago. Mr. Tay­ lor "was an active member of Knox United Church, being an elder for tjie last thirty years and a choir member since 1909. Survivors include his widow, one daughter, Mrs. E. I. Bell of Victoria, • B.O., and one son, Al­ lyn, Kamloops, B.C., and four brothers. Burial was in Wood­ lawn Cemetery, Saskatoon. Mrs. Garnet Frayne is a niece of the deceased. Mr, B. W. F. Beavers and son Reg, have returned after, a very enjoyable trip to Florida. They had fine weather all the way. Mrs. John Stire underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital Wednesday, Her ' many friends will hope for a speedy recovery, Mr, and Mrs,Lloyd Reynolds and family spent the week-end with Mrs, Reynold’s, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles * Stewart, of Welland. Mr, Frank Sheere and Mrs. G. Hockey were in Lansing, Mich,, Saturday attending the marriage of their igreat nephew, Richard Parker, to Miss Beulah Lott. Mr. and left Tuesday real where dry-cleaners week-end. Mrs. Edward Brady afternoon for Mont- they will attend a convention this Mr. John Gregus is suffering from a broken bone in the right hand. He owas working in the . _ Lstable around a cow when accident happened. Mrs, Mary Hannigan spent Sunday with relatives in Sarnia. Mrs. Pearl A. Powles, of St, Thomas, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Powell. Mr, and Mrs. James Squire Visited on Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs, Kirkton. Messrs, W. O. Southcott and Lansing, part of last week. Mi’, and Mrs. Jas, as their guest for the week-end the former’s sister, Miss Sudan Smith, of London. Mrs. John Hern and Mr. and Mrs. James Earl, of Zion, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, James Squire. Mrs. Alf. Holtzmann, Howard and Harold and Miss Mary Han­ nigan visited relatives in Detroit and Ortonville on Sunday. Bert H. Zurbrigg and family, of Hamilton, and Laurene Zur­ brigg of Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don visited with their mother, Mrs. C, E. Zurbrigg, on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Williams Is ill in Victoria Hospital, London, where she is being treated for a broken vertabrae. Miss Wilk jams sometime ago was injured in ail auto accident and fracture ed her spine and was in hospital for treatment. A recent X-Ray revealed another fracture in the neck which will confine her to hospital for a number of weeks, Laverne Stone, o£ WOODHAM ORANGE HALL . C. Allison and H, were Mich., in Detroit the latter Smith had Friday, Feb. 4 15 Rounds 35c Good Prizes With Feature Gaines Door Prize Under Auspices Of L.O.L. 492 THEATRE Mrs. S. <B. Williams and Mrs. M. V. Millar wish .to express their thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended at the time of Mrs. Kerslake’s death and to those who called and membered her during her ness; also to Rev. Snell. Miss Martha Becker wishes to thank all those who kindly re­ membered her with cards and treats in her recent illness. 27c re- ill- c To Be Married Saturday Misses Ethelene and Eilene Johns, who have been employed with the Exeter Times-Advocate for. the past five years, have resigned their positions and on Saturday in a double wedding at the Elimville United Church will be united in marriage with Keith Alexander Fraser and Janies Lewis Grinney both of Mt. Pleasant. GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS William J. Brown William J. Brown, well-known farmer of Stephen Township, near Greenway, died suddenly of a heart seizure early Saturday. Mr. Brown had been about his farm duties the previous day. He was in his sixty-sixth year and was a ' member of Greenway United Church. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. John Brown; two daughters, Mrs. Perry Thomp­ son, of McGillivray; Edna, at home; two sons, Byron, Toron­ to,’and Ross, Stephen Township; also one brother, Dean, Stephen Township. The funeral service took place on Monday at 2:15 p.m., with Rev. K. Woods offi­ ciating. Interment was in Grand Bend Cemetery. have AN FRIDAY, SATURDAY January 28 - 29 ENORMOUS DOUBLE BILL ‘Speed to Spare’WOODHAM and JMrs. Glenn Lambert Sunday • Richard Arlen • Jean Rogers © Richard Travis • Roscoe Karns A thrill packed drama of danger drivers. ADDED ATTRACTION ‘Waterfront at Midnight’ Mr. Murray and Ann, were with Mrs. M. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs.- Beecher of Granton visited on with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small of St. Thomas. Mrs. George Ball, St. Thomas, who has spent the past two' weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb has returned home. • About thirty yqung people from Woodham and Zion West attended the Perth Presbytery Mitchell on BECKER—A t her late resid­ ence, lot 13, concession 15, Hay Township, on Monday, January 24, 19 49, Elizabeth Ziler, beloved wife of Charles Becker and dear mother of Leonard, in her 6 6th year. BROWN—Suddenly at his late residence, lot 7, 'concession 21 Stephen Township, near Greenway, 'Saturday Jan. 22, 1949, William J. Brown, in hig 66th year GASCHO—At his late residence Zurich,ont., on .Sunday, Jan­ uary 23, 1949, Joseph Gascho, beloved husband of Barbara Erb, in his 89th year. HORTON—In Oshawa on Satur­ day, January 22, 19 49, Miss Maud Horton, formerly of ; Exeter. MOIR—In Usborne Township at j the home of her son, Alvin v Moir, Tuesday, January 25, 3 1949, Janet Clark, beloved J wife of Peter M. Moir, in her V eighty-second year. ^LATER — Benjamin Franklin Slater, dearly beloved hus­ band of Grace Eller and father of John D., Dearborn, and Mrs. John E. Mounstep- h en (Jean) Exeter, on uary 19tli, residence in SUTHERLAND — x«uuuuu, Ont., on Wednesday, January 19, 1949, Harry E. Suther­ land, of Exeter, in his sixty- third year. MARRIAGES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis wish to express their grateful appreciation to the many friends who called on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary and also "to those who sent flowers, treats and cards. * The nephews the late Miss wish to express the friends and the kindness t and sympathy ex­ tended during her illness and their (bereavement. and nieces of Rachel Wilson ■their thanks to neighbours for IN MEMORIAM COWARD—In loving memory in c Hanson Sunday •husbandqH eighty-second year, me; also X V a ‘ if of Jan- liis formerly Wednesday, 1949, at Chatham, Ont. — At Hamilton of a dear wife and mother. Mrs. Roy Coward, w h o passeci away >one year ago, January 31, 19 48. When evening shades are fall­ ing And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes longing, If she only could come home. Friends may think we have for­ gotten When at times they see us smile, But they little know the heart­ ache, Our smiles hide all —Ever remembered and family. HUNTER—In loving a the while, by husband c Centralia Flyers Lose To Clinton Team 8-4 Clinton shot in three goals in little more than two minutes to start them on then- way to an 8- 4 victory over the Centralia air­ men in an OHA tilt at the Arena Wednesday night. McEwen, Hanley and Goodhue were the three Clinton marksmen that started the victory parade for the visitors before Casselman dented the twine for the Flyers’ first counter. Before the period ended Counter sank another for Clinton and Rhude retaliated for Centralia to make the score 4-2. There was no scoring in the second period as the Flyers fail­ ed to take advantage three Clinton penalties. •Pumple got one back airmen^early in the third have the Clinton crew three more, two from the stick of Goodhue and the other by Hanley. Casselman squeezed in his second goal of the night be­ fore Bartliffe sank the final tally of the game. CENTRALIA - goal MacLeod; defence, Pumple, Horton; centre, Harris; wings, Rhude, Shaw; subs, Trites, Cook, Alord, Millar, Quickfall, Anderson, Caselman. Turner. CLINTON-goal, Woodcock; de­ fence, Colqulioun, Schoenhals; centre, Goodhue; wings, Draper, Hanley; subs, Bartliffe, Counter, McEwen, Strong, Neilans, Steep, Cameron, Andrews Referee, Hubert, Seaforth MONDAY, TUESDAY January 31 - February 1 In Technicolor of the for the only to pop in skating party at Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. visited on Sunday Mrs. Oliver McCurdy of Kirkton. Y.P.U. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Monday eve­ ning in the basement of the church with twenty-six present. The worship service was charge of Winnie Gray Merle Hazelwood. Games contests were enjoyed by all and lunch was served. Ira McCurdy with Mr. and in and and ‘The Loves of Carmen’ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT © Rita Hayworth Glenn Ford Ron Randell Victor Jory Swashbuckling spectacle . . . the flaming love story of a fiery gypsy whom no man could love. PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL f- Gef Your Tickets on The Gun Club DrawHUNTER—-In loving memory of the late Mrs. Phlneas Hunter, Who passed away, January 30, 1947. —Ever remembered by her sons, daughters and grandchildren, c PASSMORE—In loving memory of our dear son and brother, F/O Gerald Passmore, who lost his life on air operations over Germany four years ago, February 2, 1945. Oh, what would we give .to clasp his hand: His dear face just to see: His loving smile, his welcome voice That meant so much to us. No one knows the silent heart­ ache, Only those who have such can tell Of the grief that is borne in sil­ ence For the one we loved so well. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by mother and father, brothers and sisters. c First Prize - Hind of Beef Second Prize - Groceries Sponsored by the Exeter Gun Club There’s Going to Be a 30, go Bring Your Friends to the Clayt Steeper s Band Exeter Arena ADMISSION 75c* BY WALLY BISHOPMlIGGS AND SKEETER R«iinr«d V. s. P.tent Cffii t a ♦ of to “'..■A'* 1 Sponsored by the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority this pro- Funds will be used for a game preservation in district where pheasants will be stocked and tected. Wedding Anniversary. CARDS OF THANKS<------- ------------- DANCERS! TOWN HALL, EXETER Mon., Jan. 31 - 8:30 p.m GUEST SPEAKER: WM. H. TEMPLE, M.P.P. The man that defeated Col. Drew by a smashing majority in Toronto Hyde Park constituency *48 Provincial Election. Bill Is Most Interesting and Instructive Everybody Come and Bring Yonr Neighbours and Friends! HURON PERTH RIDING ASSOCIATION Allen Campbell, Seaforth, Secretary FSB/) Balloon Ball Publ ic Meeting AND HIS BAND $1.00 Per Person Sandwiches Will Be Served ROUTLEDGE-HUMPHREYS— The marriage of Mabel Alice Humphreys formerly of Lon­ don, to Kenneth Arthur Rout­ ledge, formerly of Zurich, was solemnized at Christ’s Episco­ pal Church, Alameda, Califor­ nia, on January 11, 1949, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Johns, Usborne, will be “At Home" relatives and friends on Tues­ day, February 1st in the after­ noon from 2.30 to 5 o’clock and in the evening from 8 o’clock on the occasion of their Golden SOMETHING NEW! Big Balloon Dance EXETER OPERA HOUSE Saturday, January 29 DOOR PRIZE: FOUR BOXES OF CHOCOLATES Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks wish to thank all the relatives, neighbours and friends who re- membered them with cards and beautiful gifts on the occasion of their fiftieth anniversary. c Miss Lorraine Preszcator wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered her in every way while she was patient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wein, of Crediton, wish to thank their many friends for the messages of- good wishes on the occasion of their sixtieth wedding anni­ versary. POLLOCK—In reverent memory of my dear husband, Albert Pollock, at rest January 1946, There’s an open gate At the end of the road Through which each must alone, And there is a light we cannot see; Our Father claims His own. Beyond the gate my loved one Finds happiness and rest. And there is comfort in the thought That a loving God knows best, ■Lovingly remembered by his wife, Laura. , c Mr., Mrs. Feeney Mark Fifty-fifth Anniversary Sunday, January 16, marked an eventful occasion in the lives of Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Feeney, who quietly celebrated the fifty­ fifth anniversary of their wed­ ding at their home in Hibbert Township. The celebrants, who are revered residents of that community, w ere married Jan­ uary 16, 1894, and for many years were engaged in farming. For a number of years, Mr. Feeney held the, possition of as­ sessor in Hibbert Township. Mrs. Feeney, the former Mary Roach, is a daughter of the late Mf, and Mrs. Edward Roach. She marked her eighty-third birth­ day earlier this month. The couple are zealous mem­ bers of St. Patrick’s Church, Dublin. They have a family of six sons—Joseph, Hibbert Town- Ship;' Thomas, London; Elmer, Bert, Louis and Jerome, all at the family ihome. YAAAH! YA MISSED ^7 ■V _© £ Date of Draw to Be Announced TICKETS 25c OR 5 FOR $1.00 Dress Optional PROCEEDS FOR CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND AT VICTORIA PARK