HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-01-27, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1949 Nut, Stove, and Egg Size also — ALBERTA LUMP MADERIA SOFT COAL and BRIQUETTES in stock. WHALEN Mrs, George Parkinson visited on Thursday with Mrs. Gowett and Edgar, of Kirkton. Sunday -guests o Mr, and Mrs. Melville Gunning were Mr. and Mrs, Wijson Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning, of Exeter; also Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen, Recent visitors with Mr. aiidt Mrs, Harry Klilare were Mr, and Mrs. E. Foster of St, Marys; •also Mr, and Mrs, Ken Hodgson ■and Mrs, Roy Hodgson, Mrs. J. Mawhinney, of Credi- ■ton, spent a few days during last week with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Squire and Sharon. Grafton 'Squire returned home on Sunday from Florida where he spent the past- two weeks. They travelled as far as wKey West. On his return home ‘Sun­ day be visited with Mr. and Mrs. William O’Neil, of Detroit. Howard Hodgson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, David Hodgson, of Windsor. Congregational Meeting The meeting was held Monday evening, January 17, the United Church with chairman, ReV. Weir, in charge. The ) meeting opened with the hymn, “Q Master, Let Me Walk With Thee’’, Rev. Weir led in the ‘‘responsive reading”. At this time Gordon Johnson was appointed congregational secre­ tary. The minutes of last meet­ ing were read and approved. The reports from the various organ­ izations were givdn. Alton Neil was appointed the new session member in Mr. William Morley’s place. Kenneth Hodgson and Frank Squire were the new stewards appointed in the place of Melville Gunning and Ernest ■F'oster. M. & M. 'Committee: Mr. Hazelwood, Melville 'Gunning and Alton Wallis. Parsonage Com­ mittee: William Morley, William Hodgson and George Squire. Cecil Squire was appointed trus­ tee to fill the vacancy of Ernest Foster, Auditors: Walter Gun­ ning and Alex Baillie. Melville Gunning moved a vote of thanks to all who helped to make the past year a success. Meeting was adjourned. Sunday school officers: Super­ intendent, William Hodgson; as­ sistants, Gordon Johnson, Ken­ neth’ Hodgson and Cecil Squire; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Khlare; secretary, Roy Hodgson; pianist, Elva Hodgson; teachers, Mr. Hazelwood, William Hodgson, Mrs. Ogden and Mrs. William Morley; missionary secretary, Harry 'Squire; temperance secre­ tary, Mrs. Duffield; missionary treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Johnson. The meeting was adjourned and^lunch served by the ladies. on in the ■a Hi Highlights Gleaned From Exeter District High School p.... ..... The storm last T affected us rather It did not take its gles but instead stoker was unable For an hour we lumbered about in our overcoats, fearing that the situation would continue and a holiday be forced on us. By the third period, however, we were awakened from this dream­ land by the buzzer, and a little later the radiator began to siz­ zle its uesday night unpleasantly, toll in shin- our electric to serve us, heart-warming monotone.* * * * hundred and fifty-seven for the oratorical contest One topics have been posted and they range from ‘‘Modern Jive” to “The Palestine Problem”, There will be a grouping for juniors and seniors, It will only be now before the library the third degree hy our tive orators.A $ The entertainment provided iby the Glee Club was very enjoy­ able, though for many of us in the Exeter district it remained a closed book. This was indeed a disappointment to the C 1 u b, whose members welcomed the opportunity of entertaining their families at 'home in a mp,re pr less professional manner. Their next venture is to have a record­ ing made of theii’ best numbers. No trip will be involved this a while is given prospec­ ..... .... .n I'......I. < time since it will be made right at •school. is * >l< $ These days no visitor could be in doubt as to our school colors. Everyday the corridors are a blaze of red. About 150 cardi­ gans were bought by boys and girls, from the Athletic Society. They are in a very appropriate shade of red and the three black bars on the sleeve make them even more attractive. The garb of the students is given an air of uniformity as well as< smart­ ness.’ It was first intended -that certain days would be named on which pupils would wear their school sweaters but everyone finds them so comfortable that it has not been necessary. A large six-inch “E” will soon be available to each member of the basketball team, Stars from now on will be the laurels of our W.O.S.S.A. champions, who very much deserve them. * * * * The junior girls last Tuesday held their own when they de­ feated St. Marys by 21 to 13. To the boys we would wish ter luck next time. On Friday the seniors journey to Mitchell to there. We feel certain that will contest an excellent game. —Theresa* Dietrich bet- will play they ZION Mr. George Earl of Exeter visited over the weefe-end with Mr, and Mrs. Angus Earl. Messrs. Nixon of Ralph und Bruce Granton spent the week-end with Mr. and Gerald Hern. Mr, and Mrs. cliffe of Exeter, Ffed Penwarden Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thames Road where evening g uests with Mrs, Warren Brock. M'rt . and , Mrs, Wellington •Brock visited on Friday evening with Mr, and Mirs, Whitney Coates of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Ward Hern visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern of Woodham. ■Mr, and Mrs, Milne Pullen and Donaldof Whalen visited on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl. Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Brock where guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns on Thursday evening. 'Quite a number of young people in the community attend­ ed the Perth Young People’s skating party in the Mitchell ar­ ena on Friday evening. ■Messrs Harry and Bob Hern, Tom Brock, Misses Irene and An­ na Brock visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, of Thames Road, Mrs. Eph. Hern spent several (fays during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott of Exeter. Luther Mr. •of fl' Chore Boy Mrs. Row- Mrs.and Centralia, Miller of Saturday Mr, and * Gives You Health Insurance GRAHAM ARTHUR MAIN ST. PHONE210 EXETER, ONT. COMPLETE Firestone SERVICE Shipka Farm Forum iShipka Farm Forum is again organized and are meeting each Monday night in the school­ house. Verne Sharpe is president with Gordon Ratz vice-president, Ross Pickering secretary and Ed Houlahan treasurer. After the discussion period next week pictures will be shown. Every­ one is welcome. Lunch. They’re Beautiful J They’re Comfortable They1 re New in Exeter SAINTSBURY v We are very happy to report that Mr. Jack Dickens,a patient in Byron 'Sanatorium was able to spend the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc­ Donald. Mrs. J. Dickens accomp­ anied him. vjsited with Mr. Noels of Aylmer. Owing to the illness of Canon church re- the in- On Sunday they and Mrs. H. James there was no service on Sunday. The January Guild was held at the home McDonald, on Friday. The spent in quilting, business meeting served a dainty ■meeting of Mrs. M. afternoon was and after a the hostess lunch. •Mrs. Fred week-end at the home of and Mrs. M. A. Elston. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis family and Mr. F. Davis dinner guests with Mr. and H. 'Godbolt, Friday evening. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Dobbs spent (Sunday at the home of Mr. George Essery of London. The family gathered to celebrate Mr Essery’s 8 7th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tucker of London, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee spent Sunday and Mrs. H. Davis. Miss M. Isaac of spent the week-end parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis spent the Rev. and were Mrs. with Mr. MOUNT CARMEL Miss Madeleine Hartman is covering from an attack of mumps. The new telephone system stalled by Harry Hoffman is giv­ ing excellent service. Rev. Fr. Fogarty has returned home after a few days’ visit with friends in London. 'Congratulations to Miss Shir­ ley Regan who has successfully passed her Registration of Nurs­ es examinations. Mrs. Thos. Ryan has returned to her home after her recent ill­ ness. Mr. and Mrs. William Dietrich and children spent the week-end with. Mrs. Mary Regan. Miss Betty Ryan is nursing at Hubert Carey’s. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Sharpe and son spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Regan. London, with her Isaac.G. thoseFORTUNE SMILES on who use WANT ADS. Phone 31w The patented no-pmeh fhltep makes Tangos comfortable ydierc most p'umps hurt. all leading style • BROWN SPECTATORS SOFT CALF ost CompleteSee Exeter District’s M Stock of Modern Wallpapers Patterns As seen in magazines—featured in “Har­ per’s Bazaar” and “Vogue”. bring new beauty NEWlCOMFOftT Io Yculr Feo fl o JET BLACK CALF SUEDE PHONE 376 One Ruined Cow More Than Offsets the Cost of a Chore Boy! YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO GET A FREE TRIAL $60. to $200 On Your Purchase NOW! Lovely in their “stitch-for- stitch” superb., more careful tailor­ ing. Lovely in those graceful. Teat and udder trouble is practically eliminated with low vacuum fast milking Never confide in a horse . . They carry tales, you know. CREDITON Mr. Howard Clark, of Strat­ ford, visited on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. William Mason, of Dashwood, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sin­ clair. Mr. Joseph W. Lawson seriously ill at the home son, Mr. Sanford Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ner and son, of London, the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner. Master Rickey Hoare, of Lon­ don, visited last week with 'his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahrner. Mrs. E. Hey, of Zurich, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Dahms, Rev. and Mrs. Burns and Rev. Getz, of Dashwood, attended the funeral service of Mrs. J. B. Dengis, of Stratford, on Tuesday. Mr. Lewis Faist, of Tillson- burg, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. E. Guettinger’s many friends learned with regret that she suffered a fall in her home and fractured H rib. Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Beaver attended the funeral of the lat­ ter’s aunt, Miss Rachel Wilson, of Centralia, on Tuesday of last week. Women’s Institute Meet The Women’s Institute met in the council chambers on Wed­ nesday evening with nn attend­ ance of twenty-two. President, Mrs. H. , Schenk occupied the chair and roil call was respond­ ed to by naming a member of Parliament. Several letters' of appreciation were read from shut-ins who had been remem­ bered with gift boxes? also an acknowledgement of gifts from the Protestant Orphanage. The meeting decided to serve. re­ freshments at the film showing in the Town Hall on February 2. The grandmothers of the ’Community will be entertained nt the February meeting. The program was under the direction of the Citizenship Committee and Mrs. William Gaiser presid­ ed for the following program: Song, ”0 Canada”; piano solo, Mrs. R. Johnston; paper on citizenship. Mrs. Sidney Smith; E. M. Fahrner and Miss contributed a duet and Mrs. Gaiser read very practical poems en- “The World Is Mine”, “Be to Yourself”, and "‘How to Your Society”, A social followed and & sumptuous ts of his Fahr- spent Mrs. E. M. Norma Fahrner vocal three titled Good Kill time _. lunch was served by the commit­ tee in charge, comprising Mrs. M, Beaver, Mrs. William Gaiser, Mrs. William Ratz, and Mrs. Leonard Wein, Mrs. Gordon Mor- lock voiced appreciation committee and those who I provide entertainment. to the helped ON YOUR OWN HERD No Obligation Melvin s Fur Coat SALE Of Famous *Rice Lake* Furs You Can Save Lovely in every detail of their exquisite craftsmanship. bold, becoming speak of the ,; fashion details that furs of tomorrow. Mr. Adam Brown will be In attendance person­ ally to conduct this sale and advise you regard­ ing furs. lllll III- w £‘- Russian Persian Lambs Mink Muskrats Northern Muskrats Muskrat Backs Bon Moutons Lambs Persian Paws Brown Seals Hudson Seals Pacific Seals There’s Never Any Skimping Quality in a Rice Lake Fur Coat The beautiful new furs of the new season are here now in sensational .15)45) styles . » ♦ in luxurious femin­ ine styles. Pelt upon pelt makes the extra fullness of these coats . . » gives them flares here, there and every- whero . * » YotCll love them all . . . but choose your favourite here now I Ladies' and Children^ Wear Exeter* Ontario