HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-01-27, Page 6Page 6 I, HIS 1 iii^*Jk*#** tUwAi L,aU JANUARY 27, W & fss* Don’t foe tortured by Get relief fast. Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril. It helps. ~ eacn nosiru. Al neiysdrain sinuses, brings Wlwlww welcome relief. VA-TRO-NOL » Hairdressing Permanent Waves Cold Waves - Phone 145 » Jean Hennessey Keep Your Beauty Up to Date . . . . . . with one of our long-lasting, season - fashionable permanents, molded into a hair-style to suit ; your face type. One Block East of Trivitt Memorial Church Paris Beauty Shoppe Evelyn A. Paris, Prop. Phone 245w Exeter V’s Beauty Shoppe Exeter and District’s Most Modern Shoppe Have you consulted us about the NEW RADIO WAVE ? All Types of Permanents, Cold, Heat and Machineless All lines of Beauty Culture Vera C. Fraser, prop. Tel: 112 Exetei Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (north of Bell Telephone) . Naturelie Permanent Waving ■ Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. . Tel. 71 Exeter $■»*»»Titneat Quxtfchflea A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-AdvQcate 8Y ffwtC. Hello Homemakers! have potatoes. They best vegetable for use round and the easiest to serve in a Why don’t we them? Some are fattening, as fattening most often used to replace them —bread, macaroni. Potatoes contain lots als and vitamins, their jackets they vitamin value which peeling. Therefore, your resolu­ tion should be: baked four watch cook soggy Potatoes are one staple foods which may be ser­ ved twice daily for their energy value as well as economy. BAKED POTATOES - Select potatoes of medium size; scrub thoroughly and prick skin with fork; brush with dripping. Bake in electric oven at 350 degrees for .about 70 minutes. Variations: 1. Core the potatoes; stuff with chopped raw baking. 2. Core the centre with piece of raw 3. Core potatoes lengthwise and place weiner in centre or sausage meat. When potatoes are baked, make a cross through skin and squeeze potato edge stands up. butter and dash POTATO Cook the potatoes in jackets. Then, remove cut lengthwise in thick pieces. Brush with dripping and roll in grated cheese. Bake in hot oven for 15 minutes. QUICK POTATO SOUP Cook two tablespoons of fine­ ly chopped onion in two table- spons of fat for a few minutes. »>I SEE Yes, we t Stir in two tablespoons of flour are the | then slowly add 1 quart of milk and 1 cup of grated pota­ toes. Cook 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. MASHED TURNIP POTATO Cook equal portions turnips and potatoes Drain and mash with milk, h teaspoon sugar and and the year vegetable of ways.variety .all cook more of folks think they but they are not as the starches or times the clock—do them or they and grey. are dash AND of rice, etc. of miner- Cooked in retain the is lost in of' diced together. B cup of salt serve potatoes with skin on Then over­ turn boiled every week, not may pepper to taste. CREAMED POTATO CASSEROLE medium potatoes tablespoons fat tablespoons flour teaspoon salt of our onions before potatoes; stuff ■cheese and put core on top. until the -cut Add a piece of of paprika. TIDBITS their skins; stick ^one loves 8afey Everyone will want to try the SENTIMENTAL CELEBRATING ( AS., A great new name for a beautiful new cake; For high days, holidays, Sunday or any day this new Purity Flour triumph is bonny to look at, royally good to eat : . . and lucky, lucky it’s homespun in cost. Clip the recipe right now. Better still skip out to the kitchen and start baking. /o%O°mSes?Let gk5e°‘?Set" 5-10 minutes before cCSFd waS beater. Add salt and; fh fffiChaJethei spread on cold A t dd floun tatter over heat add flour. mixture slpwly_over efcg, . continuously. Cook i constant y. PRINCE CHARLES CAKE 14 cup butter, shortening, or ** other soft mdd fat ia teaspoon vanilla extract cups brown sugar id sifted PURITY FLOUR 2& Sdon/baktng powder gSpchowe^ walnut meats /Z A few half-walnut meats to decorate. beater until foaffiy* aaa b • . 10 'together Add | or 4 addt- This and so many other wonderful recipes call for Purity Flour. It’s the reliable favourite for cakes, pies, cookies, buns or bread. "Whereveryou shop you’llfind this fine flour . •. milledfrom Canada’s finest hard wheat. rraa ran 'on ra w km nfl mo BMrai am ms m sb® $1 buys you the famous PURITY I ~ COOK BOOK with its 875 recipes R developed in the Purity Flour Kitchen. B Send to your nearest Purity Flour Mills I Office—St. John. N.B., Montreal. Que., S Ottawa, Ont., To: onto, Ont., Winni- fl Man., Calgary, Alta., Vancouver, j Name... Street*-- City.,** YOU NEED ONLY ONE FLOu« OATS-. • (WANOtOft “■ JREWCEAST PURIW \ FCBUR | FO» ONE EESULT-PtKFECtlON Province.......... 6 2 2 1 2 cups milk J cup grated 'Onion i cup grated carrot * Dash pepper Peel and slice potatoes. Grease casserole and add layer of potatoes, then sprinale on flour and onion and dot with the fat. Fill with sliced pota­ toes; pour in milk. Sprinkle the seasonings and grated rot on top. Bake at 35D grees in electric oven l’or minutes. POTATO SALAD 3 cups cubed cooked pota U cup grated onion Salt and popper % cup salad dressing •Mix together lightly. Variations: Grated raw turnip, cookec diced /vegetables (parsnips, car­ rots, celery), corn niblets, peas, parsley or grated cabbage. car- de- 45 from this the shower Ross Skin- Jo h ns or WINCHELSEA Quite a number community attended at the home of Mrs. ner for the Misses Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walter; and Margaret visited on with Mr. and Mrs. Frayn e. Mr. and Mrs. Harold visited on 'Sunday with i near iCrediton. Miss 'Ola Johns spent the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Lewis villc. Mr. and Mrs. spent one day Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirkton spent Sunday and Mrs. George Davis. Georg' Johns of Elim- Sherwood Br< last week w Glenn Davis of with Mr. New Books at ' Hensail Library Fiction Pilgrim's Inn .............., Groidge Within the Hollow Crown ................ . ,. Barnes My Lady of Cleves ........ Barnes The ‘Presipice .........McLellan The Crusaders ............... Hey in Young Mrs. Savage ..Stevenson Dinner at Antonies ....... Keyes The Big Fisherman ...Douglas Yonder Shining Light .... Keith Sanghree ..... ............. Slaughter Tom Jones ..................Fielding The Bishop’s Wife ...... Nathan White Shadows ............. Wadell Shannon's Way ............. Cronin Hatter’s Castle .............• Cronin Cloak and Dagger .......... Ford And the Deep Blue Sea.. Knotts The Scabob Murder Case ....................VanDine Prairie Guns .............Hallerson Journey into Fear ...... .Ambler Mother .......................... Norris Tomorrow will be Better.. Smith Crosswinds ..,...............Cheavers Spotlight ........................ Miller Too Many Yesterdays....... Roger Daisy Kenyan ............Janeway Dangerous Legacy ........... Cox The Golden Hawk ......... Yirby Fool’s Goal .................... Bower War on the Saddle Rock ....................... Ermine The Lighted Box .......... Cooper To Effect an Arrest ..... Steele Ravenswood ....................Doner The Gulf of Time ......Standish The Cleft Rock ............ Hobart The M'cKerny’s Carry On ..................... McKinnery Fear Kissed 'my Lips ...... Ames The Captain of the Polestai* ................... Doyle Silent in the Saddle .......... Fox Rainbow Cottage ............. Hill The Doctor on Elm Street ...................Hamilton A Time for Love ............ West The Last Trail ................ Grey Troubled Range ............ Mann The Red Widow Mystery ................... Dickson The Case of the Careless Kitten .................... Gardner Non Fiction Green Fields Afar ....Middleton Laughter in .the Next Room ..................... Sitwell In Search of South Africa ...................... Morton ■ How to Stop ’ Worrying ............Carnegie Smile Please .................. Topp Gettings Things Done ..... Laird s This New Canada .. McWilliams Stairway to the Stars.Dimibille Algonquin Story ........ Sanders . Face .Powder and Gun Powder ...................... Elite The Gathering < Storm .................Churchhill v Bevin ............................. Evans f That’s Me all Over ...... Skinner GRAND BEND Nothing like being up to date. That is what Mr. Bert Wain­ wright thinks. He has his 'gar­ den dug up and onions planted. The sympathy of the •commun­ ity goes out to the Brown family in the death of Mr. William Brown. He was well known here. Mr. and Mrs. Barto, of De­ troit, visited with Mr. W. A. Mollard over the week-end; also Mr. and Mrs. troit. The W.M.S. in the United evening. You it. ("The shine"). Mr. and girl, who Hospital, is home improving nicely* Also Mrs. Ralph’s little baby is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oliver spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. sell Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pherson, of Buffalo, visited friends Week. Mrs. Midi,, Mr. Pollock has been sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton returned home from a west, going by motor. Mr, and Mrs. Wainright Were in Detroit this week-end MA Wainright’s sisteis Ill. Ben Yeo,of De- is having i Church on will want Tempest and a play Friday to see Sun- Mrs. Foster’s little was in St. Joseph’s around the burg Don Webb, visited with and Mrs. Sol of Lausin her parents, Pollock. Mr. laid up tot Mathers trip out visiting who is Protect Yourself Many people accept colds as inevitable and tuilinpof- tant. But colds can be danger­ ous. They may lead to bronch­ itis, pneumonia or slnusitis.Souud physical condition helps ward off colds. This winter piotect yourself by dressing and ea’intr properly, avoiding sudden drafts and close, stuffy rooms. winter A small pinch of salt added to the olive oil, if the taste is considered unpleant, will mine I It agreeable. -aven W.M.S, C a ve n Auxiliary Women* Missionary Society met ,at the ome of Mirs. G. Dow Tuesday ith Mrs. H. H, Strang preside ig. The devotional excercises "were 1 charge of Mrs. F. Whilsmith peniiig the meeting with a call i worship and singing "Teach le Lord The Perfect V/ay." as recorded * in St. Matthew and St. Luke were read by Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Hatter. The hymn "Jesus Calls Us O’er The Tumult’’ was sung, followed by p r a y e r. Mrs. Sinclair read some interesting anecdotes from Christian World Facts. Mrs. Sillery reported current events from Glad Tidings magazine and the Press,she also read extracts from letters received fropj missionaries in foreign fields. Mrs. Moir reviewed the hymn "O n w a r d Christian Soldiers." Mrs. H. v H. Strang introduced the study book "Enter China," giving an outline of the geo­ graphy and population. China has a history “of ancient culture and progress, the people being hardworking, thrifty, polite and possess a sense of humor. The meeting closed with sing­ ing "O Spirit of the Living God” and prayer. lie .Beatitudes, as Canada’s, depend o n vitamin D Bottled Sunshine In a climate such children cannot getting sufficient from the sun to .prevent rickets and build strong bones and teeth. Nor is the regular diet usually rich enough in vitamin D. 'Sufficient vitamin D may be had only in the form of fish liver oils and other reliable preparations. Juvenile Fiction Happy 'Playtime ......... Grannan Paul .............................. Foster Little Pictures for Little People .................. Adventures of 'Chippy Bobby ................. Timothy Tobby Oat .. Barbara Lamb .......... Boppet Please Stop It, Boomtown Boy ......... Circus ......................... An A.B.C. of Birds ... Five-acre Hill ............ Seabird ....................... Yellowstone Scout ..... Mystery up the.'Winding 'Stair .........’........... Orton Lost Treasure Trail .... Maxwell Vicki’s Mysterious Friend Jacob Ranger ........................... Strong Danger at the Draw Bridge ........... Wirt The Sea of Adventure .... Blyton Black Beauty ................. Sewell White Boots ........-......... Watson Luke Baldwin’s Vow Steedman Bachilder ...... Cam ...... 'Cam ... Binney ... Luiski ... Disney ..... King .... Corey .. Hulling ..... Rush Callahan WE STILL HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF LADIES’ BABIES’ WEAR See Our Fur Coats On Sale Now Melvin’sIT’S SMART IT’S THRIFTY TO SHOP AT Clearance Th is Is the Last Week of Our Store-Wide SALE Bargains BUT THE / CHOICE IS GOING QUICKLY! Coats, Dresses Blouses, Underwear All Greatly Reduced CHILDREN’S AND can you see Rufi- of CanadaALUMINUM COMPANYMc- Witli Not only tilings for the kitchen. In fact, more than 1,000 “Well,” you say, “it depends on the kitchen.” Producers and Processors of Aluminum for Canadian Industry and World Markets TORONTO • WINDSOR • MONTREAL • QUEBEC ’• VANCOUVER ...and here’s why . aluminum is so useful-in a kitchen? Always looks smart Heats quickly, evenily Strong aha light # $ Mow many made of Right! The more modern the kitchen^ the more aluminum you will see. For aluminum is the modern metal. It has so many advantages. It is light, strong, good-looking, will not rust. No wonder more and more people want more and more things made of it. Canadian firms are shaping aluminum into products as big as railway cars, as small ah hair curlers. All this means a lot of work for Canadians. There are 15,000 people on the Alcan payroll. Then, too, there are all the fifty-odd thousand people who make the thousand-and-one aluminum articles which you see in the stores. Yes, aluminum means a lot to you and to Canada! Aluminum novertutit Lighter to Use In ANY HOME, tbilOy 6t tomorrow, you are likely to find aluminum duet­ pans, garden tools, light­ ing fixtures, paint, Venti­ lator covers or hot sir vents, vacuum cleaner attachments, porch furni­ ture, Venetian blinds, window frames with fly screens and double win­ dows built right in.