HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-01-20, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1949 tf1 m eh An Extra Keep an Eye on this Page for Bargains! APPLICATIONS WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BABY CHICKS You’ll get a. lot of pleasure with an extra radio in the den ox* any other room of the house, These small portables can give you a great deal of entertainment, besides being an attractive piece of furniture, See our famous GE models in both plastic and wooden cabinets. Applications "will be received for the 'position of janitor for the James Street United Church, duties to commence at once. Married man whose wife is will­ ing to assist preferred. Apply stating salary expected. For par­ ticulars apply to the secretary, J. M. Southcott, Times-Advo­ cate. 2tc FOR BALE—5 room cottage, new, with all conveniences. Apply to John Caldwell, Hay P.O. 'Phone .131’11 Exeter, 20* ★1948 ★1947 ★1940 ■k 1931 A 1936 as $26.50 WANTED *1933 R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 FORD & MONARCH PARTS & SERVICE Exeter, Ont. •P FARMS WANTED—W e have good inquiries for farms. If you are interested in selling, give us a ring or come in and talk the matter over. C, V, Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE-—2 storey brick house, Exeter, well located. Furnace, air conditioner, 3 ipiece bath upstairs, 2 „piece main floor, garage, all in good condition, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, ______ 20c FOR SALE—Small home. One of the nicest in Exeter. 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen, All conveniences, .garage. Im­ mediate 'possession if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FOUR NEW TRACTORS—Get your tractor fox’ spring now while we still have some of 1 the old reliable Centaier left, Phone 311’15, H. Peterson, Dashwood. R.R, 3. 6:13;20c FOR SALE-—1935 Chevrolet se­ dan; 1930 Ford coach, good running "condition, cheap for cash, Phone 31rl5, .General Sales Co,, R.R. 3, Dashwood. 6;13:20c FOR SALE—A large quantity of 12 inch cord wood, .also slabs. Fred C. Kalbfleisch and Song, Zurich, phone 69, 6:6tc YOUNG MAN DESIRES Room and board in private home with breakfast and supper. Phone 336W Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—Two storey house in Exeter, full basement, hy­ dro and modern conveniences. Centrally located, phone 206R 13:20* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet also Treadle pairs to all Sewing Centre, Stratford. and Electric, machines. Re­ makes. Singer 78 Ontario St. 2tfc WOULD the person who picked up end .gate, of truck on Huron St. East Thursday of last week kindly notify Wm, Coward? Phone 371’19 Kirk­ ton- 20* PLASTER 'CONTRACTING-— Plain or ornamental. Guaran- teed satisfaction. Free esti­ mates, Phone Dashwood 122, D. C, Firby. 20:27:3:10* PLASTERING and BRICK LAY­ ING—'By experienced work­ men. Free estimates on large or small jobs. Apply Box B, Times-Advocate. 13:20c WANTED—A piano, any make. W. Martin, Exeter South. 20* HORSES WANTED — An un­ limited number of good work horses. G. J. Dow. 30:4t* FOR SALE — Immediate pos­ session. Two bedroom house with town watei’ and hydro. Nice lot, EXeter. Brick house well located in Crediton. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, FOR SALE—>1929 Pontiac coupe, good tires, .motor needs some repair. $100. Ap­ ply at* Times-Advocate. 20* FOR SALE—A play pen. Phone 353w Exeter. 20c Ford S.D. Sedan Ford Coach Dodge Coupe Ford Coach Terraplane Sedan, economical transportation, clean throughout. Come In for a Demonstration on THE NEW “ANGLIA” Ford’s English-built 4-cylinder car SANDY ELLIOT PHONE 64W EXETER 0 Have you tried a classified lately ? This Year Give Your Chicks a Real HYING START" with the New PURINA STARTENA j*£< CORN BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST market price and shelled at farm. See me while the price is high. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood (formerly Lloyd Lippert farm, phone Dash­ wood 31rl5. . 25tfc AND TINSMITH- small or See us for H. PLUMBING ING—No job too none too large. quick service. H. Peterson, phone Dashwood 31rl5. x 16:6tc CROKINOLE BOARD—Must he almost new condition, but an old board is preferable to a used new-style board. Don’t let your old board collect dust, sell it now! Apply at The Times-Advocate. 13:20 FOR SALE—Beauty Shop iness with sing Shop located. Business well lished. C. V. Pickard, Realtor Main St,, Exeter, and may Bus­ modern hairdres- other equipment, be leased. Well estab- FOR SALE—An office safe, al­ so quantity of used brick. Apply Hodge’s General Store, Crediton, Phone 7. 20* NOTICES FOR SALE—Oak dresser, large oval mirror, half price $20.00 oak hall seat, $7.00. Rhone Crediton 4J. 20c EARLY CHICKS Neuhauser early chicks are the Money Makers, Early broil­ ers and early summer layers bring in the cash. Get them now while you have the time to look after them. Thousands hatching weekly. Some started chicks . in our brooders now, Come in and see them, Neuhausei* Hatcheries 81 King St., London . 2'0c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute, on 'Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250' products; Toiletries, Vitamins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Fur­ niture and Shoe Polishes, etc. Each Individua 1 a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities. Write for FREE details and cata­ logue. FAMILEX, 1600 Delor- imier, Montreal. 13:8tc AUCTION SALES Native of Zurich Dies Mrs. Harold Goetz, 37, the former Stella Callfas, of Zurich, died Wednesday in Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital after an ill­ ness of one month. Born in Zurich, Mrs. Goetz left that village fox* Kitchener 19 years ago. She is survived by her husband, I-Iarold a son, .William her father, William A. Callfas, two brothers, Lennis and Wes­ ley and a sister, Elda. The fun­ eral -was held Saturday in the Calvary Memorial Evangelical Church with interment in the Woodland 'Cemetery, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Triebner and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe of near Windsor week-end Maple Leaf vs. Detroit Hockey game. Zurich, motored to and Detroit for the and attended the farm, house, gale, bank cattle, hens, hydro FOR SALE—6'6 acre Dashwood. Frame small barn, hydro past quick possession. Stratford, 5 0 acres, barn, stabling for 25 60 pigs', 2 horses, 200 6 .room house, furnace, pressure water in house and barn, near school, cheese factory. $4,500 cash will take it. Tested dairy herd, tractor, implements can be .bought. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 20c IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Hen­ sail 2-storey brick house, fire­ place, hard and soft water at sink, full cellar, 3 rooms main floor, three up, metal roof. Corner lot could be built on. Near business section. Settling estate. W. C. Pearce, realtor, Exeter. 13* FOR SALE—120 acre Highway farm, mile to Mitchell. Extra good barn, silo, brick house. Pressure system, hydro, at­ tractive set-up. Equipped if “desired. 13 4 acres, 12J- bush, valuable gravel pit. Brick house, mod­ ernized. Bank bhrns, shed. Pressure system, two highways lx4 mile. On milk route. Convenient to school, churches, stores. Equipped if desired. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter.. 13* drive­ hydro FOR SALE—Rite-Way milking machine. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 20* FOR SALE—Child's kiddy car, like new $3.00. Phone 36SW, Exeter. 20c NOTICE—At a meeting of the vegetable growers in the Exe­ ter Town Hall Tuesday after­ noon, it was unanimously de­ cided to form a Vegetable Co­ op. Anyone interested in buy­ ing shares should contact any one of the five provisional directors as soon as possible. Bruce Tuckey, Cornie Faber, Hilton Ford, Bob Hunter, Ted Pooley. FOR SALE—19 31 Model good tires, good motor, g body. Phone . Harry A strong, 14rl8 Kirkton. insur- Auto- to do FOR SALE—Single bed, springs ■and mattress, two years old, but only used for about a year in good condition. Apply Doug Pryde, telephone 41w Exeter. FOR SALE—Sparton radio, ta­ ble model, f Apply at Fink’s Meat Market. 20* FOR SALE—Oak rocking chair, with leather seat. Telephone 177r34 Exeter. FOR SALE—Purebred red hog. Roy Dietrich, phone Dashwood 164r3. 20c FOR SALE—Chesterfield and chair with covers, $80.00, like new. Southwest corner of James and Albert Streets. 20* FOR SALE—1 9 3 9 Mercury Coach, new paint, new low pressure tires; mechanically good. Oliver Rowcliffe. 20* Medical Payments The Medical Payments ance endorsement on your mobile Policy has nothing with the question of whether you are or are not legally liable for an accident. It just goes to work when the accident occurs, to care for those in your car who are injured (including yourself). It relives your moral obligation by providing the reasonable expense of. necessary medical, surgical, ambulance hospital and professional nur­ sing services- and, in case the person dies as a result of the accident,, the reasonable funeral expenses*. (All within a year after the accident). Ernest C. Harvey Insurance Agency. 20c Revised Prize List Watch in the pletely revised Exeter Fall Fair Department.’’ mail for com­ prize list of for the “Home 20 AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction On the Property, Zurich on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 commencing at 2 pan. sharp. REAL ESTATE: This very de­ sirable property is situated on Lots 115 and 116 Vol. S, in the Village of Zuircli. Has a solid brick house, 8 rooms, soft water cistern, town water installed; also hydro and telephone. Three- piece b a t h r o o m recently in­ stalled, built-in cupboards and sink in kitchen. An almost new furnace, screened porch, Vene­ tian blinds, storm windows and. screens will be sold with the property. Very choice garden and plenty of fruit trees; hew gar­ age. An ideal home for anyone wishing a comfortable residence. TERMS OF PROPERTY: Ten per cent on day of sale -and bal­ ance in thirty days when possession will be given. Estate will be sold subject reserved bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: complete bedroom suite: 3 with springs and mattresses; spring-filled mattresses; sers; chest of drawers; 2 rugs, 9x12 ft.; New Williams sewing machine; breakfast set, consist­ ing of table and 6 chairs and •buffett; electric stove; range for wood or coal; studio nearly new; room extension table chairs; 4 rocking chairs; full Real to a One beds 2 2 dres- To The Please Eric H. appointed Collector, Exeter, in the place of Mr. Wm. C. Pearce, who has resigned. (Signed) C. V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk. Ratepayers of Exeter take notice that Mr. ■Carscadden has been to the position of Tax for the Village of couch, Davenport; dining and 6 . 2 par­ lor tables; medicine cabinet; dining r o o m buffet; parlor chair; Westinghouse radio; ver­ andah swing; Evans piano; large piece of linoleums electric washing machine; about 4 tons of coal and a quantity of wood; organ; kitchen chairs; lawn mower; pictures; and many ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. In case of bad weather, sale will be held in the Lutheran Church sheds. Everything goes to the highest bidder, to wind up the estate. TERMS: Cash. MRS. IRENE STEINBACH, MRS. ALICE THIEL, MRS. VERA FRASER, Executors Mrs. Clara Docker’s estate. - OSCAR KLOPP, Auct. R. IF. STADE, Clerk FOR SALE—One A.R. John Deere good Buick ence Clinton. FARMS FOR SALE— 150 acres, Usborne Twp., house. Fine barn. Water pres­ sure. Close to highway and school and to Exeter. 122,acres. Stephen Twp. Brick house with modern conveni­ ences, Barn well equipped. Will carry large stock. 0 acres.. Blanshard Twp. Comfortable house with fur­ nace. Good .barn with water pressure, litter carrier silo. 0 acres. Tuckersmith Good house. Barn on Closq to County road. 5 acres. Edge of Hamlet, comfortable house, small barn. Garden Hydro throughout. 0. V. Pickard, Realtor, Street, Exeter. good and Twp. wall. tractor on rubber, in running order. Also a 6-cylinder motor. Clar- Montgomery, R. R.1, 20* FOR SALE—1930 Chev, in good shape, new b a t te r y, good tires, sealed-beam lights, and. theater. )For quick sale, apply Gordon J'o h n s, Woodham. Phone Kirkton 22-5. ' 2<0c Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Directors and members of South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel. Hensail, on Tuesday, January 25, 1949, at 2 o’clock for the purpose of receiving the Finan­ cial Report, Election of Officers and other business regarding plans fox* 1949. Please plan to attend. .Geo. Armstrong, president, W. R. Dougall, sec.-treas. FOR SALE—1936 Ford two ton ■.stake truck in good condition, good tires, 6B x 12 ft. plat­ form with 2 ft. .sides; 50 ft. of 6 inch rubber belt. Apply to Harvey Hyde, R.R. 1, Hen­ sail. Phone Exeter 177r42. 20:27* Very Good land. Before you decide on chick starter, this season, come in and see a sample of this new form of an old favorite •— Purina Startena Checker-Efts. Chicks take to these irregular particles ... peck at them ... eat more of them . . . do better, grow faster. They waste less, too- Chick Startena mash is famous,for the “flying start” It gives your chicks. Chick Startena Checker- Etts do an even better job. Order 2 pounds per chick —that’s all. PURINA , CHICK , STARTENA Os <TS MWi,- Protect your 'chicks from water-spread diseases—drop one Purina Chek-R-Tab in each quart of water that you give them. Take home a bottle of Chek-R-Tabs at the same time you take out your Starteiia. **M*U*»4-«****7. Here's She ssuff Ter disinfecting brooder houses Purina Chek-R-Fectl Main ‘’6c LOST AND FOUND FOUND—-In Desjardine’s Store Grand Bend, on Monday, De­ cember 20, a purse containing a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying for advt. 13* LOST—A light brown male o dog, Boston Bull terrier, child’s pet. Answers to name of Ted. Please call 3 20 J Exeter, , 20c FEMALE HELP WANTED CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $4.0!) EACH At wholesale price; first quality beautiful spreads, well tuited, in all colors, for double or single beds, $4.99 each; full 90x100 spreads, with basket of flowers design, completely covered With chenille, $8.98 each; also Habi­ tant hand-hooked rugs, 18”x36” well made, 3 for $4.00. Theste articles worth double the price. Sent C.O.D., plus postage; money immediately refunded if not satisfied. .Handicraft Distri­ butors, 254 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec. 30:6:13:20c Ro Insurance Policy holders of the McGil­ livray Mutual Fire Insurance Company who operate tractors on barn floors are, according to recent regulations passed by the Board of Directors, obliged to attach to their tractors an ap­ proved fire extinguisher. Failing to do this voids your insurance in .case of of such buildings. W. S. Patterson, secretary, 20:27:3c R.R. 8, Parkhill. a loss caused by use vehicle in insured Of NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl!) A Purina Pigtab Granules NO CATCHING NO HOLDING to Worm Pigs. Just Mix With the Feed Wormy pigs can’t make the best of feed . they become unthrifty because worms get so much of their feed. You can’t afford to feed worms. THE STORE with She CHECKERBOARD SIGN ■"■■IB ■■IB WANTED—An upstairs girl, ‘’al­ so kitchen girl. Apply at Central Hotel. 20tfc for the FRONT OFFICE - this includes - Bookkeeping Typing Proof Readlhg * Times-Advocate Stenographer WANTED PHONE 92 EXETER Waterproofing Textiles LET IT RAIN! LET IT POUR’ /‘Rainproof” all your clothes, Topcoats, overcoats, snow suits, overalls, work jackets, mattress­ es, sports jackets etc. etc. at home. .89c bottle will do three topcoats. At Traquair’s Hard­ ware, 2'0c WORK WANTED SITUATION WANTED — FE­ MALE—Young married wo­ man wishes full or part time position as typist, Rhone 291 J. Mrs. Stevens. ' 20* SITUATION WANTED — Book­ keeper, male, experienced, full Or part time. Apply Box “J”, Tim es- Ad vo cate. 20:27:3c PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; now thy flesh; new vigor, “get acquainted” size 50c. All druggists. heal- New only Smart New Samples Smart new samples by Tip Top are here. They offer you an attractive selection of ga­ bardines, worsteds and flan­ nels for your new suit. We advise you to order your spring suit now. A smdll de­ posit will hold youi* garment until it is required. Samples in both Tip Top and Fleet Street clothes, botli tailored by Tip Top. Tip Top $44.50 Fleet Street $57.50 Three-week Delivery