HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-01-13, Page 4Page 4 V THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1940 SHIFKA Several of the children have been confined to their homes the past week with colds. Mrs. wood, friends Mr. week-end friends, W.A. Meeting The regular W.A. was held ternoon at the home of Mrs, ■Chris Baumgarten with a fine attendance. Mrs. Ross Love, the ^president, -was in charge. After the Devotional period, reports were given. Discussion led to have a supper in February. A beautiful message was given by Mrs, Bend, prayer Lunch mittee Wm. spent here. Major in Mason, of Dash- last week visiting Baker spent the Windsoi’ with meeting of the on Thursday af- (Rev.) Wood, of Grand The meeting closed with by Mrs. (Rev.) Currie, was served by the com­ in charge. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS For a premium of only a few dollars, Medical Payments in­ surance can be added to your automobile policy. In the event of injury to occupants of youi- car (including yourself) this coverage pays medical expenses up .to $500.00 on each occupant. Ernest C. Harvey Insurance Agency. 13:20:27c i WOODHAM Mr, and Mrs. and, Ronnie, of on Sunday with Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Betty visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lome Walters, -of Fullarton. Miss Marian Mills, training London, with her father, The annual suppex* was held of the church on Monday even­ ing with about one hundred in attendance. Reports from the various organizations were read and adopted and the business dealt with, Y.P.U. Meeting The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held at Zion West Church on Sunday evening with about thirty present ing, under the direction Missionary Committee, Wheeler and Annie Jean opened with the Theme, Song, hymn and Lord’s Wray Sweitser Shipka, visited Mr. and, Mrs. Ray Mills anu at Victoria spent nurse-in- Hospital, week-endrhe Mr. Wm. Mills, congregational in the basement The meet- of the Phyllis Spence, Theme prayer. Jean Copeland read the Scrip­ ture, Annie Jean Spence led in prayer* A story by Ruth Hazel­ wood and an instrumental by Lorene Jaques was followed by a discussion on "The Challenge of Home Missions” with Bessie McCurdy, Glenn Copeland and George Levy taking part. The meeting closed with hymn and the Benediction by Rev less. Wan- ' NOTICE . WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone S5rl9 in McBrine Ba! ZION and Mrs. Warren Brock, Brock and Mr. and Wellington Brock visited Mr. of News of Hensall H''M Mr. M'rs. Wm. Mrs. on Sunday evening with and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, Exeter. Reductions Men’s Clothing Take Advantage of These Discounts Now in Effect >s McBrine Luggage qualitv luggage and looks the part. But, there’s a lot more to McBrine quality­ meets the eye. It’s not just ther. but the hidden details add extra years’ service, that rich., flawless of craftsmanship than lea- that ■ ES Mr* und Mrs. Lloyd Cook and family visited recently with re­ latives. in Lucan. Mrs, Effie Bell returned to her home in London after visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. William Dignan. Mrs, Elsie Case and Miss Mavis Spencer visited with rela­ tives and friends in London this week. Mrs. F. Adair and children visited recently with the form­ er’s sister, Mrs. James Morris, in Goderich, ' Mr*, and. Mrs, William’Brown, Carol and Billie, were recent visitors with relatives and with friends in Lucan. Mr. John Beer, of Labrador^ is spending his furlough at home of his parents, Mr, Mrs. Fred Beer. Mr, and Mrs. Westcott Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy, of ter, visited recently with and Mrs, Bob Cook. Mrs. Jones, who has* spent the past several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, returned to her home at Walkerton. Miss Helen Woodiwiss of the Operating Room staff of Victor­ ia Hospital, London, spent week-end at the home of and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Gordon Munn, son of Mr. Mrs. Robert Munn continues seriously ill at his home. Mrs, Walker, R.N., and Mrs, H. Law­ rence, R.N., are in attendance, Mr. Ed Berry, a former Hen­ sall resident, and a number of friends from Windsor spent the week-end here and enjoyed a hunting trip north on Saturday. A number of members of the W.M.S and Arnold Circle of Car­ mel Presbyterian Church attend­ ed the annual Presbyterial meet­ ing held in Clinton on Tuesday. On Friday night, January^ 7, the staff of Drydale’s Hardware along with their wives were entertained to dinner and a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drys­ dale and Jerry were in Strat­ ford Monday evening attending a meeting of the Retail Hard­ ware Association. A sacred cantata, "Messiah’s Advent” will be presented in the United Church on Wednes­ day evening, January 19, by the choir of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Come and enjoy this rare musical treat‘which is Hensall the and and Exe- Mr. the Mr. * and Meeting the On- Associa- being sponsored by the United Church choir. O.M.E.A. Holds Dinner The Huron branch of tario Music Educators tion held a dinner meeting on January 5 at the Clinton Hotel, with music supervisors present from North and South Huron. The guest speaker for the eve­ ning was Mr. Garfield Bender, Chairman of the Provincial Zone Committee, Kitchener. The next meeting is planned for March 15 at Goderich. Miss Kate McEwen Miss Kate McEwen, eighty- two years of age, a native of Hay Township, died on Tuesday in -Galt General Hospital after a brief illness. Born on the home­ stead farm, now occupied by her nephew, Hugh McEwen, Jr., and has been a resident of Galt for the past twenty years. Surviving are two brothers, Hugh, Hensall Duncan, Vancouver. Funeral ser­ vice was held from Bonthron’s Funeral Home -on Thursday at 2:00 p.m., conducted hy Rev. R. A. Brook. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Mrs. Pope Passes Mrs. Mary Ellen Graybiel Pope, eighty-five years of age, widow of John Pope, died Satur­ day at her home, 26A Belgrave Street, London. Born in Listowel in 1864, the deceased was a resi­ dent of Hensall for many years, taking up residence in London a few years ago. She Was a mem­ ber of Hensall United phurch. Surviving are four daughters— Mrs. Earl Clark, Nampay, Idaho, Miss Irene Pope, Mrs. Percy Ly­ dia Southern and Mrs. Ellen r Sonthon, London; two sons-— Harvey, Preston, and Kenneth, Huntingdon, Que.; bight grand children and three great grand­ children. The body rested at the Bolton K, Reathfield Funeral Home until Monday when it was removed to the Bonthron Fun­ eral Home, Hensall, where ser­ vice was held at 2:00 p.m, con­ ducted by Rev, R. A. * Brook. Burial in Hensall Union Ceme-. tery. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Carl Passmore acted as hostess for the Evening Auxi­ liary meeting on Monday night, January 10 - Lillian cupied Theme Song, Thee’ interestingly presented the story of "The Other Wise Man”, by Henry Van Dyke. Minutes were read and collection taken. The hymn Cross' report was given by Miss Gladys Luker. A reading, "A Recipe for the New Year”, was given by the president, Mrs. Corbett. The secretary read a "thank-you let­ ter” from Miss Elllis, referring to the flowers, fruit and mes­ sages of good will received dur­ ing her illness. A letter of thanks was also received from the London Protestant Orphans’ Home, voicing appreciation for the shipment of toys and other items -given at Xmas time. At this time, the yearly programs were discussed and arrange­ ments were completed through­ out. Mrs. E. Shaddick then ably dealt with the closing chapters of the Study Book. Master Let Me Walk and the Mizpah brought the meeting Dainty refreshments were served under the direction of the social committee assisted by the hos­ tess. Hensall Legion Installs The regular monthly of Hensall Branch 468 Canadian Legion, held Legion Hall on Monday featured the installation of cers for the year 1949, president, Comrade Sam Dougall was installing officer and wel­ comed. to their several offices the following: President, Jack Tudor; first vice-president, Syd­ ney McArthur; second vice-presi­ dent, William Brown; secretary, W. O. Goodwin; chaplain, Rev. P. A. Ferguson; sergeant-at- arms, Jack Peebles; executive committee, Harry Horton, James Clark, R. Smale and D.’McKaig; Committees named by the presi­ dent are as follows: Finance, E. L. Mickle, Edgar Munn, T. Sher- ritt, C. Kennedy; entertainment —P. McNaughton, W. Parker, D. Sangster, A. Clark, D. Day­ man, J. Drysdale, dance commit­ tee—J. Clark, B. Kyle, D. Mc- Kaig, R. Sangster; property—F. Beer, D. Sangster, Wes Jones, A. Clark E. Munn; sick and visit­ ing—F. Bonthron, J. Goddard, J. MacLean; investigation—Rev. P. A. Ferguson, S. MacArthur, E. Shaddick; publicity—Jack Peebles, J. Drysdale, G. Hess; sports—W. Brown, E. Shaddick, S. Rennie; poppy—>F. Apple­ by; social — John Peebles; A. Scholl, Jack Peebles, J. Tu­ dor, R. Smale; by-laws—Execu­ tive committee; suspension pre­ vention—D. McKaig and mem­ bership committee; press corres­ pondent—iRev. P. A. Ferguson. Following the business of the meeting about fifty comrades enjoyed a barbecue. assisted by Mrs. Hyde. Mrs, J. Corbett oc- t'he chair. Following the "More Love to was sung. Mrs. Dennison ‘Jesus Keep Me Near the was sung. The financial Hymn, "O with Thee” Benediction to a close. Officers meeting of the in the last, offi- J?ast N Classified Directory Want Ad$ Serve You Well When You Want to Buy or Sell h>p. I K FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND PERSONAL FOR SALE—Year and a half old hog, 250 pounds, Phone 24r22 Crediton. 13c FOUR NEW your while the old reliable Centaier Phone 31\T5, Dashwood, R.R. TRACTORS—Get tractor for spring now we still have some of left. H. .Peterson, 6:13:20c LOST—-Between Crediton and St, Marys, license 31rl5, wood. trailer tail board, No. 38384T, H, Peterson, Phone Dush- 6;13:20c 3, FOR SALE—-Dark coat, nearly new, coat and vest, hanging fixture Phone 237 Exeter. grey size An in over- 44, also electric chrome. 13c FOR SALE—Mason and Risch piano, plain case, with bench $149.00. W. Martin, Exeter south. 13* FOR <SALE—Kitchen range oil butner or can be easily con­ verted to coal or wood, new grates, reservoir, practically new $75.00. Edwin Holden, % Cecil Eves, Biddulph Twp., Lot 11, Con. 2. Phone 15r22 Lucan. 13c FOR SALE—Single harness, complete. Phone 306W Exe­ ter. 13c -FOR SALE—Pram, reasonable. Apply 18 Ann Street. 13c FOR SALE—John Deere A.R. 19 47 tractor. Phone Ronald Fletcher, 841T2 Kirkton. 13* FOR SALE—-’One 1938 Delux Ford coach, in exceptionally good shape. One cook stove in good shape. Albert Armstrong S mile north of West McGil­ livray. Phone 6021T3 Park­ hill. 13* FOR SALE—600 or 700 bushels of feed turnips. Frank Par­ sons, R.R. 1, Hensall. 16* FOR SALE—19 31 Chev in good shape, new Phone Crediton 3 0r21. sedan, tires. 16* FOR SALE—’29 Ford coach, good cpndition. One York hog, serviceable age. Phone 35r2 Dashwood. 13c FOR -SALE- ton fur-lined coat, pair dogskin driving leather upholstered counter 8’ x21” top; feedhopper. J. W. Victoria Street. ----------------------------------------------------Z— FOR SALE—Ladies winter coat grey blue, size 16, excellent condition, reasonable. Phone 327. ' 13* ■Gent’s black Mel- size 42; mitts; rocker; chick Powell, 13c FOR SALE—An electric record player, phone 189J Exeter. 13c FOR -SALE—Dodge coach, 39, in good condition, new bat­ tery and new heater; also 1928 'Chrysler sedan. Apply Broderick Bros. 13* FOR SALE—An electric refrig­ erator, in good condition. Ap­ ply James McCarter, south of Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—G o o d cob corn, $30.00 per ton. D. Clark, Lucan, phone 80r2. 6:13* FOUND—In Desjardine’s Store Grand Bend, on Monday, De­ cember 20, a purse containing a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying for advt. 13* CHECK! HEADCOLDS, 'Sinus, Buzzing sounds in .the head, Catarrhal Deafness, NOW, by using edy cents son’s, NAMELESS Cold Rem- daily, Try it. Jars 60 and $1.0'0 at Robert- 13c REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS PLASTERING and BRICK LAY­ ING—By experienced work­ men. Free estimates on large or small jobs. Apply Box B, Times-Advocate. 13:20c ANYONE IN USBORNE TWP. intrested in selling Automobile insurance Delmer Skinner on or before January 15. Phone 32r5 Kirk­ ton. 13c Co-Op notify CORN BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST market price and shelled at farm. See me while the price is high. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood (formerly Lloyd Lippert farm, phone Dash­ wood 31rl5. 25tfc AND TINSMITH- small or See us for H. Peterson, PLUMBING ING—No job too none too large, quick service. phone Dashwood 31rl5. 16: 6tc NEW BLANKETS FOR OLD WOOLLENS! You can use old woollen blankets, as part highest socks, underwear, scarfs, sweaters, etc. payment for new. quality Blankets Auto Rugs, Ski 'Cloth, etc. A new All-Wool, full-size blan­ ket can be obtained for as low as $3.00 with 12 lbs. of old woollens as part payment. Write today to Dept. 27, Mid­ land Mills, Midland, Ontario, and ask for free price list. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received for the position of janitor for the James Street United Church, duties to commence at once. Married man whose wife is will­ ing to assist preferred. Apply stating salary expected. For par­ ticulars apply to the secretary, J. M. Southcott, Times-Advo­ cate. 2 to. WANTED YOUNG MAN DESIRES and board in « private with breakfast and Phone 33 6W Exeter. Room home supper. 13c WANTED- 50 to land, tion. Advocate. Will pay cash for 100 acres suitable for Apply Box of cheap reforests- C Times- 6tfc HORSES WANTED — An un­ limited* number of. good work horses. G. J. Dow. 30:4t* FOR SALE—Two storey house in Exeter, full basement, hy­ dro’ and modern conveniences. Centrally located, phone 2J6R 13:20* FOR SALE — Immediate pos­ session. Two bedroom house with town water and hydro. Nice lot, Exeter. Brick house well located in Crediton, C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE—Beauty Shop Bus­ iness with modern hairdres­ sing and Shop may located. Business well lislied. C. V. Pickard, Realtor Main St., Exeter. other equipment. fbe leased. Well ’1 estab- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Hen­ sall 2-storey brick house, fire­ place, hard and soft water at sink, full cellar, 3 rooms main floor, three up, metal roof. Corner lot could be 'built on. Near (business section. Settling estate. W. C. Pearce, realtor, Exeter. 13* FOR SALE—120 acre Highway farm, mile to Mitchell. Extra good barn, silo, brick .house. Pressure system, hydro, at­ tractive set-up. Equipped if desired. 13 4 acres, 12 bush, valuable gravel pit. Brick house, . mod­ ernized. Bank barns, drive­ shed. Pressure system, hydro two highways 1% mile. On milk route. Convenient to- school, churches, stores. Equipped if desired. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 13* FARMS FOR SALE— 150 acres, Usborne Twp., good house. Fine barn. Water pres­ sure. Close to < highway and school and to Exeter. 122 .acres. Stephen Twp. Brick house with modern conveni­ ences. Barn well equipped. Will carry large stock. 100 acres.. Blanshard Twp. Comfortable luruse with fur-"’ nace. Good rbarn with ’2 * ■ pressure, litter carrier silo. 100 acres. Tuckersmith Good house. Barn on Close to County road, acres. Edge of Hamlet, comfortable house, small barn. Garden Hydro throughout. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Street, Exeter. water and Twp. wall. 5 Very Good land. Main 6c NOTICES GLADSTONES CLUB BAGS DUFFLE BAGS c AUSTIN CARS MEN’S AND LADIES’ AEROPACKS R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. We Have Been Appointed Agents for MATCHED SETS It s Austin for Driving Comfort and Economy •---Clean, smooth and modern in design —40 h.p. valve-in-head engine At least 35 miles per gallon of fuel at 30 m.p.h. All steel, sound insulated coachwork Maroon, green or grey colours with Scotch leather upholstery —-Parts easily obtainable —Capacity of only 3 quarts of oil and 3 quarts of anti-freeze —Tire size 525 x 16 —Licence only $2.00 Pentecostal Y.P. The annual meeting of Exeter _____; People was held Friday nighf, January 7 with Stuart Triebner in the chair. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read and adopted. The financial report was read and the total receipts for the year was §163,21. One hundred dollars of this was Mission.s After all were paid a balance dollars was donated Beryl Smith’s home ten. Pastor Kendrick the chair for the . _ officers which resulted as fol­ lows: President, Stuart Trieb­ ner; assistant, Ted Prouty; secretary, Jean McDonald; trea­ surer, Phyliss MacLaren; pian­ ist, Marion Triebner; assistant, Marjorie Cudmore; Program committee, Alf Graham, noth Rennick, 'Blanche Joyce MacLaren; Ushers, Blanchard, Blanche MacLaren, Marjorie Miller, Joyce MacLar­ en, Steven Kendrick, Bob Mil­ ler Stuart Triebner expressed his thanks in closing, to the young people for their co-operation in the past year. The meeting closed with the chorus "We are able to go and take the country" prayer by Pastor Kendrick. FOR SALE—1935 Chevrolet se­ dan; 1930 Ford coach, good running condition, cheap for cash. Phone 31rl5, General Sales Co.. R.R. 3, Dashwood. 6:13:20c WANTED—Singer treadle oi el­ ectric sewing machine in good condition. Write Emmet Guiry, % Windsor Star. _________%___________30:6:13* the Pentecostal Young FOR SALE—A large quantity of 12 inch cord wood, also slabs. Fred C. Kalbfleisch and Sons, Zurich, phone 69. 6:6tc NEW SINGER SEWING MACH- INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. j,2tfc given to expenses i of twenty t to Missfor child-1 beautiful spreads, then took election of BABY CHICKS Ken- and Ida up and EAKLY CHICKS Neuhauser early chicks are the Money Makers. Early broil­ ers and early summer layers bring in the cash. Get them now while you have the time to look after them. Thousands hatching weekly. Some started chicks In brooders now, Come In and them, Neuhausel- Hatcheries 81 King St., London WANTED—A number of pigs, 6 weeks old; also some chunks 40 to 80 pounds. Apply John Hodgert, .phone 184 Exeter. IS* WANTED—Studio couch and china cabinet, in good condi­ tion. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. 13* The party who removed the dark brown overcoat "Prine Brand” from behind the door in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, Hensall, a few min­ utes before the close of the New Year’s eve dance has been iden­ tified and can avoid further trouble by returning the coat to the Town Hall by Monday, January 17. 17* CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $4.90 EACH At wholesale price; first quality * _ ’' ’ , well tufted, in all colors, for double or single beds, $4.99 each; full 90x100 spreads, with basket of flowers design, completely covered with chenille, §8.98 each; also Habi­ tant hand-hooked jugs, 18‘’x3'6” well made, 3 for §4.00. These articles worth double the price. Sent C.O.D., plus postage; money immediately refunded if not satisfied, handicraft Distri­ butors, 254 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec. 30:6:13:20c CROKINOLE BOARD—Must be almost new condition, but an old board is preferable to a used new-style board. Don’t let your old board collect dust, sell it now! Apply at The Times-Advocate. 13:20 NOTICE—At a meeting of the vegetable growers in the Exe­ ter Town Hall Tuesday after­ noon, it was unanimously de­ cided to form a Vegetable Co­ op. Anyone interested in buy­ ing shares should contact any one of the five provisional directors as soon as possible. Bruce Tuckey, Cornie Faber, Hilton Ford, Bob Hunter, Ted POoley* FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE—Waitress Wanted — age 18 to 3'0 years for Snack Bar at RCAF Station, Centra­ lia. Good wages. Night work is involved and applicant must arrange for own trans­ portation. Apply to Comman­ ding Officer, RCAF Station, Centralia. 13 c 6 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Hu­ ron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court Goderich, commencing January 18 th,- at Waterproofing Textiles LET IT RAIN! LET IT POUR! "Rainproof” all your clothes, Topcoats, overcoats, snow suits, overalls, ’work jackets, mattress­ es, sports jackets etc. etc. at home. .89c bottle Will do three topcoats. At Traquair’s Hard­ ware. 9tc Young Woman BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute, on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products: Toiletries, Vitamins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Gakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Fur­ niture and Shoe Polishes, etc, .Each Individual a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities. Write for FREE details and cata­ logue. FAMlLEX, 1600 Delof- imier, Montreal. 13:8tc for the FRONT OFFICE - this includes - Bookkeeping Typing Proof Reading Times-Advocate Stenographer WANTED PHONE 92 EXETER House, Tuesday, 2.0 0< pan. All accounts, putatious and ___ ______ requiring the attention of Coun­ cil should be in the hands Of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 15th, 1949. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 6:13c 4 notices of de- other business NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tile Estate of Joseph M. ofZilcr late of Dashwood the Village the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. ALIx PERSONS having claims against the estate of Joseph M. Zilef late of the Village Dashwood in the County Huron, Gentleman, , who died oh or about the 17th day of September 1948, are re­ quired to file, particulars of the same with the undersignedlt Executor on or before the 15 th ’• day of January 1949, after which date the Executor will distribute the Estate having re­ gard only to those claims of which hetice has been received. Dated this 31st day of Dec­ ember 1348. William John Ziler, iixecutor, Dashwood, Ont.V ?6:13 c in of of deceased,