HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-01-06, Page 6’THE TIMES-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1949
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A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
Gleaned From Exeter District High School
Crediton W-l.
The Christmas meeting of the
Women’s Institute was held at
the home of Mrs. Lloyd Eng
land with an attendance of
twenty-seven, Mrs. H, Schenk
presided and roll call was ans
wered with a “Symbol of
Christmas”. Gifts were brought
in to be forwarded to the Pro
testant Orphanage. Mrs. Wm.
Gaiser reported on the District meeting. The meeting decided
to sponsor a sale of Home Bak
ing on Saturday, January 15th
and a card party on January
26th. Mrs. Gordon Morlock pre
sided for the program consist
ing of singing Christmas Carols
led by Mrs. E, M. Fahrner, a
paper by Mrs, Ed. Finkbeiner,
two poems by Mrs. Irvine Fink
beiner and a demonstration on
Scarf making by Mrs. E. r
beiner. A contest followed
an exchange of gifts was
joyed, A delightful lunch was
served by the committee
charge comprising Mrs. G. :
lock, Mrs, Mabel Ewald,
R, Finkbeiner, Mrs. E. K.
rner, Mrs. E. Finkbeiner
ter of
from a
Sunday .
is a patient at Byrpn,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bell, of
London, visited on Sunday with
Ml*. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson,
Carolyn and Sharon
of St. Marys, holidayed
last week with Mr, ,and
W. Annett,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, _spent the week-end with’Mrs.
Ogden, I’hey were returning to
their home in Woodstock, Mr.
and Mrs. Ogden were married
on December 4th at the bride’s
home in Eston, Sask.
Mrs. F. Squire spent a few
days during last week
Mr. and Mrs, N. Ogden, of Exe-
Mrs, Waltei' Gunning visited
several days during last week
with Mrs. Archer, near London.
Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey
and Jean were recent visitors
with Mr.’and Mrs. John Thom
son, of Exeter.
A euchre party was held at
the school on Tuesday evening
with a * good crowd in atten
dance. Prizes were given as
follows: ladies’ high, Miss Mgry
Fitzgerald; gent’s high, Mr,
Cleve Pullman; lone hands, Mrs
Jack Dickins; consolation, Mr.
Drene. Lunch was served at
the close.
•Mr* and Mrs, Harry
is quite iu suffering
heavy cold.
Jack Dickins visited on
With Mr. Dickins, who
Mrs, J,
Ogden you use
Greenway W.A
W.M.S. Elect Officers
The December meeting of the
W.A. and the W.M.S. was held
at the home of Mrs. D.ean Brown
With the following officers being
elected for the W.A,: Honour-
ary president, Mrs. John Brown;
president, Mrs. Joe Horner* first
vice - president, Mrs. Lawrence
Curts; second, Mrs. Lloyd Bro
phey; secretary, Mrs. 'Carman
Woodburn; assistant secretary,
Mrs. Lawrence Pollock; treasur
er; Mrs. Russell Brown; audi
tors, Mrs. W. M. Hicks and MrB.
Henry Hartle; order funeral
flowers,_Mrs, Dean Brown; flow
er committee for the church,
Mrs. Carman Woodburn, Mrs.
Charles Curts, M r s. Russell
Brown, Mrs. Ervine Eggert and
Miss Evelyn 'Curts; visiting com
mittee, Mrs. Arthur Brophey,
Mrs. Wm. Hicks, Mrs. Joe Hor
ner, Sr., Mrs. H. Harlton, Mrs.
Joseph Eagleson and Mrs. E.
Bullock; pianist, Mrs. Roy Shep
pard; assistant
Brophey; pack 1
Milton Pollock
rence Pollock; 1
committee, Mrs,
and Mrs. Lawrence Curts.
For the W.M.S.: Honourary
president, Mrs. R. English; pres
ident, Mrs. J. Geromette; first
vice-president, Mrs. Russell
Brown; second vice-president,
Mrs. Bruce Steeper; secretary,
Mrs. Lisle Woodburn; treasurer,
Mrs. H. Brophey; Mission Band
superintendents, Mrs. (Rev.)
Wood and Mrs. Carman Wood
burn; <
W. T.
Mrs. Dean Brown;
Helpers; Miss Sophia Young;
Missionary Monthly secretary,
Mrs. Joe Horner, Jr.; press sec
retary, Mrs. Carman Woodburn;
temperance secretary, Mrs. Jos.
Eagleson; pianist, Mrs. Lloyd
Brophey; finance committee,
Mrs. J. Geromette, Mrs. H. Bro
phey and Mrs. L. Woodburn;
auditors, Mrs. E. Curts and Mrs.
L. Curts; Baby Band superin
tendent, Mrs. H. Isaac; to look
after cards, Mrs. Milton Pollock.
Pentecostal School
Organizes for 1949
On Wednesday evening,
cumber 29, the Pentecostal Sun
day School held its annual
meeting. The reports showed a
substantial increase in atten
dance, Missionary givings and
financial standing.
The following officers and
assistants were chosen: Superin
tendent, Mr. E. Cudmore, Mr.
Ken -Sweigard; Sr. Bible Class
teachers, Mr. E. Cudmore, Mr.
Garf Thompson; Jr, Bible class
teachers, Mr. Ted Prouty, Mr.
Garf Thompson; Young People’s
teachers, Mrs. T, Jolly, Miss P.
MacLaren; Intermediate Girls
teacher, Mrs. R. MacDonald; In-
, Mr.
Ken Sweigard, Mr, T. Jolly;
J unioi- Class teachers, Mrs. ,G.
Parker, Mrs. C. MacLaren;
Primary Class teacher, Mi's. E.
Cudmore, Miss Marjorie Cud
more; Beginners Class teacher,
Miss Jean. MacDonald, Miss
Marion Triebner;- Cradle Roll
Superintendents, Miss Jean Mac
Donald, Miss Ida Blanchard and
Miss Marilyn Bender; pianists,
Mrs’. E. Cudmore, Mrs. R. Mac
Donald; secretary, Mrs. C. Blan
chard; treasurer, Mr. Stewart
Triebner; librarian, Miss Mar
jorie Cudmore.
Two outstanding features of
the Sunday School work during
the year were the Daily Vaca
tion Bible School so successfully
conducted by Miss Shirley Van-
Andenarde and a Sunday School
Convention on Labor Day. The
On New Years Eve a congre
gational meeting was held |o
conclude the business of the
year and to elect officers for the
coming year. The reports show
ed a marked increase along all
lines. Most encouraging and in
spiring was the report of victory
along spiritual lines including
salvation, baptism and dedica
tion. A large number remained
for the watch-night service,
many of them being young
A hearty vote of appreciation
was tendered to Rev. and
Kendrick for their
faithfulness during
year with best
coming year,
message from
New Year was
prayer and praise to God, the
giver of eternal life.
)_____ ..........____ ________
Fink- ’ termediate Boys teachers, I and I — - - -
> in
Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner. Apprec
iation was .expressed by Mrs.
Lloyd Gaiser and Mrs. Nelson
Twins Celebrate
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ervin Gingerich, Bronson Line,
Hay Township, the family of
MT. and Mrs. Chris Erb, of Zur
ich, was present to celebrate the
sixtieth birthday
Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. M. Beckler,
Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn
Gerber, of Adamsville, Pa., were
of the twin
Mrs. Erb and Mrs.
Litwiller, of Manson,
will be held yearly, the
“Without a .Sunday
Vision the 'Church Per
pianist, iMrs. H.
sick boxes, Mrs.
and Mrs. Law
monthly meeting
. Lloyd Brophey
Christian stewardship sec
Mrs. Fred Steeper; liter
secretary, Mrs. Stanley
; strangers secretary, Mrs.
Ulens; supply secretary,
Dean Brown; Associate
Keep Your Beauty
Up to Date □ , .
. . . with one of our long-lasting,
season - fashionable permanents,
molded into a hair-style to suit
your face type.
One Block East of
Trivitt Memorial Church
The Glee Club members are
preparing for an important date,
January 20. They have* been in
vited to sing over CKNX, There
are about forty members in the
Glee Club. Last year they *re-
presejited us go well at the fes
tival that we expect equally fine
entertainment for a much larger
audience. Very soon we hope to
give you details concerning the
exact time,* * * *
The basketball schedule has
been posted: on the hall bulletin
board. On January 7, we will be
playing Mitchell in our own
gym.* *. * *
On Monday, we came back to
school, wide-eyed and eagei* for
knowledge. For most of us it
was a matter of hearing what
and how they passed the time.
Poor Grade 13 had their little
hearts pierced by the cruelties
which inevitably accompany re
port cards. They were probably
anxious to get their marks but
on second thought the holidays
spent in their innocence might
have been$
Grades 16 and 11 will appreciate
that. They have their classrooms
in the. two newer schools. One
is the “chicken coop”, a very
comfortable corner of -the cam
pus, but just too isolated. Its
distance means that on stormy
days when the snow is blinding,
these unfortunates must blaze a
trail to the lab, the home econ
omies room and shop. Often
........ ............. —.......... ..........-■
they run a gauntlet of snow
balls, which is no fun when you
have a bad aim or no mitts.
This is only one situation which
will be remedied with the advent
of our new building. It is really
fun to dream about, and only
one year away from us!
V’s Beauty Shoppe
Exeter and District’s
Most Modern Shoppe
Have you consulted us about the
All Types of Permanents, Gold,
Heat and Machineless
All lines of Beauty Culture
Vera C. Fraser, prop.
Tel: 112 Exete,
wishes for
After a fitting
the Pastor, the
welcomed with
Dot’js Beauty Shoppe
(north of Bell Telephone)
Naturelie Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
Open Wednesday Afternoon
Dorothy G. Reeder, prop.
Tel. 71 Exeter
■Mrs. Aaron Wein and Arliss
spent a day in Zurich last week
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truem-
ner and son, Ronald, of Belmont
spent Sunday with Mr,
Truemner and Mr. and JVIrs.
Aaron Wein. Mr, Dan Truemner
returned to Belmont with them
for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glan-
ville and sons spent Sunday in
Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Glanville.
Mr. -and Mrs. Ohlen Truem
ner and Lyle, of Grand Bend,
visited with Mr. and
Aaron Wein on Monday.
Grand weather prevailed over
the New Year holiday, providing
dn opportunity for many happy
family reunions. We wish our
many readers continued happi
ness throughout the New Year.
Pupils of the public school
enjoyed an extra0 holiday on
Monday, due to furnace trouble
in the school. .
Mr. Thos. Trevethick’s many
friends are sorry to learn he
is confined to his room through
illness and wish him a speedy
, Mrs. 'Victor Kestle, of Exeter,
is spending some time with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Trevethick.
Residents our our community
were deeply shocked on Monday
to learn of the sudden passing
Of Mrs. Albert Morlock in Lon
don Hospital where she was
taken on Sunday evening and
she passed away early
Our deepest
1J4 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. celery salt
Ji tsp. white pepper
5 tbs. shortening
^^?E>WrT£ST$£ cup milk, or half milk
atu! half water
K cup sliced onion
1 can Condensed tomato
lb. ground raw beet
3 tsp. Magic Bakirig Powder
Sift together flout, baking powder, tsp.
salt, celery suit and pepper; add 3 tablespoons
shortening; mix in thoroughly with fork. Add
milk an<J stir Until blended. Melt remaining two
tablespoons shortening in 9" frying pan, and
cook onions until soft. Add tomato soup, re
maining 1$ teaspoon salt and ground meat;
bring to bon. Spread baking powder mixture Oil
top of meat mixture and bake at 475°F. for about
20 minutes. Turn out Upside down on large
plate. Serves 8.
r I »
Stomach Upset Again!
Shame on You!
Stomach sourness, biliousness, heartburn,
headache^ belching or other temporary
disturbances, are often caused by over
indulgence. ‘Burdock Blood Bitters’ should
give quick relief in such cases.
‘Burdock Blood Bitters’ will help tone up
the stomach, kidneys and liver, aid digestion
find bring quick relief from indigestion and
Monday morning,
sympathy is extended to
Morlock and son Martin.
Our sympathy also goes
to Mrs. F. W. Parker and
ily, of London, in the passing
of Mr. Parkei’ on. Saturday last.
We are glad to report that
from .St. Joseph’s Hospital on
Wednesday. We trust she will
soon have regained her
good health.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
and Glenn, of petroit,
over the holiday with the for
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F
W. Clark.
Miss Janet Kestle, of Exeter
Visited lost Week With
Mrs. F. W. Clark.
Mrs. Harry
few days over the
with her sister ’TT
Mr. and Mrs.
Belle Ewart,
week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S.* Wuerth.
Mr. Royal Haist, Of Chicago,
spent a few days last week at
the home .of His parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hy. Haist.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beaver
and son, Of Pittsburg, Visited
last week with Mr. and jvirs. H.
0. Beaver.
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Woodall were, Mr. and
Pry de and Johnny, of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
and Judith, of Wind-
Miss Laura Woodall of
was the former
Robt. and the late
.Gower, of Crediton
of Mr.
Clayton •Sims returned
' 'COl)shpation. Buy a bottle to-day.
BURDOCK blood bitters
Mr and
spent a
in Hamilton.
Ken Baxter, of
visited over the
Mrs. J.
Mrs. ,J,
sor, and
ney Bowman, of Windsor, spent
the New Year holidays with Mr
and Mrs. E. Guettinger.
Velma Guettinger, of
and Mr. and Mrs. Rod-
Miss Ella Morlock left this
week for Nova Scotia where
She will continue her duties as
teacher. We wish her success.
The Correct
Makes you feel better as well
as look better!
That’s why smart women like
the entirely different principle
of design used in
It will do the most for your
figure. For an interview
phone 125.
friends got for Christmas
more fun.$ ❖ $
back to -school this
pretty much routine.
IFtnmt Qua£ifX| tea
McD oh-
procrastination, is
time. Interruptions
for numerous rea-
if you understand
These machines are built by sjiecialistsj designed
by engineers who know a woman’s laundry problems.
The New Coffield has everything you. ever Want
ed in a washing machine. See it today !
4th Line Blanshard
“Your Electrical Contractor for Everything Electric”1
No More Pickup and Delivery
Laundry Brought In and Picked Up
Will Be Done as Usual
exptect to be spending the
day in 1950 in very differ-
surroundings. Already we
visions of oui* new home—<
lockers, .extensive library
everybody in one building.
Hello Homemakers! Resolu
tions made? It is not too late.
Do not make them too difficult
or you’ll break them too easily,
and so, .subtly, lose confidence
in your will power and integrity.
Let your resolutions have some
■bearing on your everyday life.
Since many homemakers ■’Sgree
that they would keep resolutions
if they only had the TIME, you
will probably agree that inter
ruption, not
the thief of
are upsetting
sons. Maybe
why. you will be calmer.
1 Unpreparedness. You begin
every household task with a
mistaken idea (although it
may be subconscious) that
you will be permitted to com
plete it in uninterrupted bliss.
Consequently you are unpre
pared for time-out.
Frustration. Your thoughts,
Which direct your’actions,
move in a stream of conscious
ness. It’s like water flowing
downhill—once the stream is
started, it doesn’t want to
Stop. Consequently, you feel
frustrated if stopped suddenly.
Anger. This is a natural hu
man reaction. The adrenal
glands pour adrenalin, into
the system which upsets the
balance of the entire body
when one is angry.
Confusion. You feel confused
because you are temporarily
“unbalanced”. That’s why you
put sugar into your cake
twice and cut one .trouser leg
too short.
How Can We Combat
Disorganization? •
1. Change your attitude. Accept
the possibility of interruptions
as a normal part of your
housewife’s job, as being
called out in the middle of
■the night is part of a doctor’s
job, or walking in the rain,
part of a postman’s job.
2. Start your day right, Say to
youi’self, “I’ll remain calm to
day, no matter how madden
ing the interruptions are.”
3. Rian your day’s work to allow
ten or more minutes for inter
ruptions in each hour's work.
Don’t get angry. It’s not the
interruption that does the
damage, it’s yqur anger. So,
encourage the cheerful habit.
Put your unconscious mind to
work. Relax when you can
and then do things calmly.
Irene Adelaide Foster-Vaclavik,
a clerk in the U.S. embassy in
Prague, is reported to have been
one of three U.S. embassy per
sonnel who were recently dis
robed • and searched by Czecho
slovak officials. She was subject
ed to a 45-m-inute seach at Ru-
zyne airport in Prague December
8, and forced to remove her
clothing. At the time of the
search, she was enroute to Oslo,
Norway, for a post there. The
U.S. embassy in Prague has pro
tested to the Czechoslovak gov
ernment. Mrs. Foster-Vaclavik is
a former Chicagoan.
Central Press Canadian
Mrs. C. W. asks: How to keep
fruit from sinking in a cake.
Answer: The washed raisins
and currants should be drained,
patted dry with a towel- and
tossed with one-third of the
measured flour, from the recipe.
Mrs. J. R. asks: Why did my
candy become sugary when test
showed soft-ball stage?
Answer: Wrap a damp cloth
around the tines of a fork and
wipe down the sides of the ket
tle to prevent any sugar crystals
from going back into the syrup.
Miss M. K. asks: Why did
butterscotch candy not harden
when we boiled the mixture
slowly over direct heat?
Answer: IFIrst, do hot allow
sugai' mixture to boil until sugar
is all dissolved. Secondly, a
steady boil-—not a simmer—-is
necessary to thicken candy
New Yeats visitors
community were:
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
gins ahd family, of near
Jon, with Ml', and Mrs. <
Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshall
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Parkinson and Ronnie, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs.
George Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, of
Zion, with Mr. and Mrs. Milne
Miss Ann Eavkoy, of Toronto
and MisS Olive Richards, of
•Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Hodgson,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodg
son with Mr, and Mrs. Birtch,
of St. Marys.
New Years visitors away were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin
son and Glenn with Mr. and
Mrs, Gordon Docking, of Mun
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Squire
with :Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Kin
kade, of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. . W.
with -Mr. and Mrs. Rob
aid, of Munroe.
Mi\ and Mrs. Gordon
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann,
of near Exeter.
Mr. Bill Morley with Mi', and
Mrs. Alvin Cooper, of Elimville.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland
and Marion, of Kirkton with
Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey
anti family.
Little Sharon Squire, daugh-
Snow White Laundry
For Effortless Wash Days
Buy a Coffield