HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-12-20, Page 43THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2012. PAGE 43. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. ADVERTISING REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EASY CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. For more information Call Today Toll-Free 1-888-219-2560, Email: k.magill@sympatico.ca or visit: www.OntarioClassifiedAds.com. FOR SALE #1 HIGH SPEED INTERNET $28.95 / Month. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited Downloading. Up to 5Mps Download and 800Kbps Upload. ORDER TODAY AT www.acanac.ca or CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-281-3538. FIREWOOD - Quality Seasoned Hardwood. Hand-split and cut to length. Excellent for furnace or fire- place. $70/cord. CALL TODAY for Delivery and Pricing, 519-897-0340. 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With best wishes for a merry season. 104 Pine Street, Wingham 519-357-3712 Beside Steffen Auto Supply BROPHY TIRE Bridge closed to traffic near Londesborough Fletcher discusses Israel trip A ‘Celebration of Life’ for Arnold Riley was held at the Londesborough Community Hall on Friday, Dec. 14. Many area folk were there that afternoon to share memories and remember the good times. Arnold lost his fight with cancer on Dec. 8. Arnold and Bev lived much of their married life on Arnold’s family farm east of the village. Arnold spent his entire working life, some 50 years, as a barber in Clinton. He was a faithful member of the Clinton Kinsmen. Golfing filled many hours for Arnold in recent years which led to a hobby of golf club repair.Your concern and prayers for Bevand the family will surely help themdeal with their loss and adjust to life without him. Harlock Line is barely two miles in length and connects Blyth Road with Londesborough Road at the point where it meets Sawmill Road. Debbie Wray, who lives on Harlock Line, called last week to say that the bridge on the line has been closed. She was unable to get a clear answer from the municipality as to whether this is a permanent or temporary closure. Debbie wanted to make others aware that they need to change travel plans if they are used to going north along that line. She also suggested anyone concerned should make their feelings known to the municipality. From George Matthews Adams: “Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the Baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history because it has meant the pouringinto the world the healing medicineof love which has transformed allmanner of hearts for almost two thousand years....Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart.” In Holland the Dutch Santa Claus, or Sinter Klaas, visits on Dec. 6 with his assistant, Black Peter. Apparently Black Peter is the keeper of the naughty or nice book about children. Only a small percentage of Japanese people are Christians so the country celebrates the custom of gift giving and the togetherness of the season. Their Christmas figure is Hoteiosho who brings gifts. In Christian China Chinese Christmas trees are called trees of light and Santa Claus is Dun Che Lao Ren which means ‘Christmas Old Man’. Non Christian Chinese call the season the spring festival. They pay respect to their ancestors and the children receive many gifts. Firecracker displays are common. In Greece gifts are exchanged on Jan. 1, St. Basil’s Day.Mexicans start their Christmascelebrations on Dec. 16. The birth ofChrist is very much the central theme of the days of celebration and nativity scenes and enactments are poplar. Children receive gifts on Christmas Eve from el Nino Dios. On Jan. 6 they are gifted again by the Magi. As this is the last issue of the newspaper before Christmas, John and I wish each of you a pleasant holiday season whatever the traditions are in your home and may all your Christmas wishes come true.May you take the joy of Christmaswith you every day of 2013.We have already received a most precious Christmas gift, a new grandchild. Amelia Elizabeth Radford was born on Dec. 8 in Montreal to Brent and Jenny. Perhaps your Christmas spirit will be boosted if you take in the Christmas performance at Hullett Central School on Thursday morning beginning at 9 a.m. It features pupils from Kindergarten to Grade 4. Pastor Terry Fletcher lit the third candle of Advent at Londesborough United Church on Sunday, Dec. 16. He lit the pink candle, the candle of ‘joy’. The senior choir sang an anthem titled, “Glory to God”. An experience Terry had during his recent trip to Israel was discussed with the children who came to the front. Terry referred to the words in the Bible which state that a sheep knows well the voice of his shepherd. While in Nazareth the group happened upon a shepherd with a lone sheep and queried him about this. Each person in the tour group individually called the sheep, all with no response from the sheep. Then the shepherd walked off a piece and called his sheep. Immediately the sheep ran to the shepherd. Terry reminded the children that they need to be listening for the sound of God calling them, telling them right from wrong, etc. All Christians need to be listening to follow Him. “The Response to Joy” was the title of Terry’s message to the adults that morning. Supporting scriptures were Isaiah 43:19 and Luke 1:46-55. In Isaiah, God tells the prophet about His plans for the world. The Luke verses are Mary’s response to the news of her pregnancy. The responsive psalm was Psalm 100. Mr. Fletcher suggested that in light of the distressing news of shootings in the United States, it is important for everyone to focus on the joy in this season. And he stated that one should respond to the thought involved in a gift, not necessarily on the gift itself. Mary, a central figure in religions, responded with joy, not with fear or worry or any number of other emotions, when she learned the news of her pregnancy. Following the visit by the angel to assure him, Joseph, too, responded with acceptance and joy to this birth. Joy is an awareness of what Christmas is all about. Terry asked, “Do you share your blessings with joy to all the world?” That choice is our response to life. Laurel Mitchell read the day’s ‘Minute for Missions’ titled “The Wheels on the Bus”. Children from St. James United Church in Montreal were bused out to the Quinn Farm on Ile-Perrot. They spent the day learning about life on Please accept this load of good cheer, along with our thanks for your business this year! Have a great holiday! Christmas GreetingsChristmas Greetings By BRENDA RADFORD Call 523-4296 PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO NEWS FROM LONDESBORO Continued on page 46