HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-12-13, Page 24THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2012. PAGE 23. The Council of the Municipalityof Morris-Turnberry recognizes thatit is important for the municipality to have ownership and equity in the fire services used for protection of the property and residents in the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry. The Council of Morris-Turnberry understands the importance of working co-operatively with North Huron, for the benefit of the entirearea.The municipality has given the public an opportunity to comment on the best options for the residents. Morris-Turnberry Council and North Huron Council met with representatives from the Fire Marshal’s office on Sept. 6, 2012 and discussed a joint fire service model. Since that date, the joint fireservice option has been reviewedand discussed. Therefore, the municipality has made the following proposal to the Township of North Huron: • Morris-Turnberry Council is willing to purchase 50 per cent of the North Huron Fire Department and enter into a joint fire service agreement with North Huron for theoperation and capital purchases forthe department. Morris-Turnberry is committed to pay North Huron up to $1,000,000 for the purchase of 50 per cent of the actual assets of the department. • As a second alternative, Morris- Turnberry would give consideration to a fire suppression agreement, with the levy based assessment, which will vary every four years. In this scenario with no ownership, Morris- Turnberry will not pay a share of fire prevention costs, reserve funds or capital costs. • Morris-Turnberry Council askedfor the opportunity to address the North Huron Council with this proposal, on Dec. 3, 2012, however Morris-Turnberry Council was denied the opportunity to address the North Huron Council. • Morris-Turnberry will be giving North Huron until Jan. 8, 2013 to respond to this proposal. “I feel that it is important to work together for the betterment of the area,” says Morris-Turnberry Mayor Paul Gowing. Continued from page 1 after the meeting, North Huron Reeve Neil Vincent said the decision was made not to allow Gowing’s presentation because of the nature of the negotiations between the two sides. Vincent said part of the problem is Morris-Turnberry’s leaders continually rehash issues spanning back decades ago while the fire service is something that took a lot of effort and investment. “One-million dollars doesn’t even come close to covering what we’ve invested,” said Vincent in reference to the first option of Morris- Turnberry’s offer. “Our volunteer fire departments are such a gift to our municipality. It is my obligation to give these guys the proper training and the proper equipment to use.” North Huron Council, which meets again Dec. 17, is likely to discuss Morris-Turnberry’s options as presented at its Dec. 4 session, though Vincent notes that meeting will likely be held in camera (closed to the public) session. Vincent also noted Morris- Turnberry has presented North Huron Council with an array of deadlines in the past. He adds Morris-Turnberry is also on record as pledging to create its own fire service. “Every time we’ve been in the same room, they’ve been throwing dirt at us, and trying to blindside us,” said Vincent. Vincent said it is his understanding negotiations are underway with Central Huron, and he said attempts have been made to f ind a compromise with Morris- Turnberry. “For not being in contract negotiations, we’ve tried to have joint meetings to see if there are points we can work on.” Morris-Turnberry releases its fire terms Challenge accepted The Grade 3/4 class at Hullett Central Public School accepted a challenge from the Huron County Christmas Bureau, as well as another one of the school’s classes, to collect the most items for the Bureau. The class recently delivered the items they have collected over the last few weeks. Doing a good deed are, back row, from left: Hailey Govier, Jason Eckert, Rorie Bromley, Mrs. Leeanne Middleton, Brianna Graf, Travis Wilts, Mason Wain, Grayden Jeffery, Bailey Coles and Axeton Wright. Second row, from left: Kieran Rhoads, Reid Button, Rylee Chalmers, Elianne Kreuger, Kennedy Huether and Ainsley Croft. Front row, from left: Ty Johnston, Kayley Kuntz, Hannah Boven and Kiera Henry. (Photo submitted) M-T has tried to ‘blindside’ NH says Vincent Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. ADVERTISING LOOKING FOR NEW BUSINESS and added revenue? Promote your com- pany in Community Newspapers across Ontario right here in these Network Classified Ads or in business card-sized ads in hundreds of well- read newspapers. Let us show you how. Ask about our referral program. Ontario Community Newspapers Association. 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