HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2012-12-06, Page 27THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2012. PAGE 27. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. AUTOMOTIVE Vehicle buyers are ONLY protected by OMVIC and Ontario consumer protec- tion laws when they buy from regis- tered dealers. There’s no protection if you buy privately and you risk becom- ing victim of a curbsider. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint: www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800- 943-6002. HELP WANTED Dairy, Beef, Crop, Sheep, Swine, Hor- ticultural work. Live and learn in Europe, Britain, Japan, Australia or New Zealand. 4-12 month AgriVen- ture programs available for 18-30 year olds. www.agriventure.com 1-888-598-4415. Canadian farmers may also apply for overseas trainees. MORTGAGES AS SEEN ON TV - 1st, 2nd, Home Equity Loans, Bad Credit, Self- Employed, Bankrupt, Foreclosure, Power of Sale or need to Re- Finance? 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The house chairman reports some minor housekeeping duties completed and the problem fixed with the furnace. The Nevada chairman reports a small positive balance on hand. The Poppy chairman submitted his report from this November’s campaign. The executive would like the Poppy report submitted to the newspaper and will instruct the Chairman to do so. Remembrance Day was a successful day with a very good crowd attending the service. A donation was approved for the Santa Claus parade. A team of four men attended the Zone Team darts competition held at the Clinton Branch. They finished seventh and qualified for District competition in January. representing the Branch were Comrades Bob Richardson, Ken Bird, Ron Schmidt and Dan Beyersbergen. Congrats to them. The results from the poster, essay and poems have been judged and the winners were presented with their prizes this week at North Woods Elementary School. There were 91 entries from the three divisions in the various categories. Winners were: primary, black and white poster, third place was given to Joel Nesbit; colour poster, first, Lauren Silcock; second, Allyson Barbour; third, Christopher Pennington; junior black and white poster, first, Abby Strome; second, Wesley Kraemer; third, Nicholas Kraemer; junior colour poster, first, Jessica Clark; second, Nick McArter; third, Daniel Bell; junior poem, first, Jacob Roth. Congratulations to all who participated and to the winners. Youth chairman is Nanci Ducharme. The Thursday night darts had a good bunch of darters attending. Winners were: first, Roger McHardy and Kaye Smith; second, Sharon Robbins and Sandra Josling; high shot, Wayne Smith, 106. The Branch has Christmas decorations adorning the outside thanks to the efforts of Jim Brown and helpers. The inside decorations are thanks to Sandra, Deb Caan and Greta Zehr. The Friday night supper had a crowd of 30 enjoying the Salisbury steak. This week is roast beef. Remember we are collecting food for the food bank and will appreciate any and all donations. Saturday was busy around the Branch. The Huron County men’s dart league had its yearly doubles/singles competition. There were about 50 men taking part in the day. They began play at noon upstairs in the Branch and finished about 6:30 p.m. downstairs in the Branch. There were 12 tables of euchre players hoping to be winners on Saturday afternoon. Winners were: first, Bill Nethery and Jessica, 69; second, Paul Machan and Barb, 68; third, Jim Devereaux and Russell Smith, 67; lone hands, Bernice and Pauline, six; low, Betty Hulley and Janet Davies, 52. Euchre is every two weeks and will be held on Dec. 29. Saturday evening following the Santa Claus parade was the celebration of the Knight Christmas upstairs at the Branch. There were over 60 members of the Knight family on hand to enjoy the traditional turkey dinner served by the Branch. A visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus resulted in some very excited children. Patty and Judy (Knight), daughters of the late Willis and Barb Knight, were the hosts for the party. The dinner at the Branch was prepared and served by six wonderful workers including Mary Bradshaw, Judy Lee, Mabel Glanville, Sharon Robbins, Linda Bird and Jo-Ann McDonald. Lisa Glanville, Greg Wilson and Deb Ross looked after the bartending duties for all of the day’s events. Thanks Comrades. The Sunday night dance had a good crowd of nearly 80 enjoying the music of Tri Country. They are a great local band with a great variety of songs and singing. Continued from page 2 one of those special moments occurred for Joan Jacobs. A pair of cardinals rested on her rose of sharron bush just as the budgie was eating at the feeder. The three birds were all in a sight line showing a lot more colour than is usual for a November morning. Another mark for Mother Nature. Bobcaygeon was our destination last week as we gathered with my Ontario brothers for a sleepover. Of course you can imagine the fun involved when you mix great food and drink with family memories. One of the funny moments involved Bill bringing in clothes that were no longer “comfortable”. A fashion show ensued with Ralph and Jim being the top models and their prizes were Bill’s clothes. They were grateful as they detest shopping and Bill saved them. Even shortening pants was not even an issue – bonus they proclaimed. I had delivered their personal history books so we had many laughs over 60-year-old pictures of us. It was fun hearing each story of a specific incident in our lives and what we each remembered. We decided the combined story might be near the truth, but it sure was fun remembering. Even better, was talking of the present and future where our children and for some of us, our grandchildren are taking their place in the world. No wonder families are the central theme of Christmas. Enjoy the season. Bye now, Betty G.W History books bring a smile Canteen committee looking for part-time bartender Continued from page 3acted out “The Adventures of MouseDeer” – a tale from Indonesia and Malaysia about a clever mouse deer and Savitri, a tale from ancient India about a wise princess who saves her husband from death. In the class each actor is only allowed one prop and that can get pretty hilarious. In art students are working on radial balance and creating designs. In science they continue to work on the properties of pure substances and mixtures. Fundraising is underway for Camp Celtic. Anyone who wants a delicious mint smoothie need go nofurther than the Grade 8 class ofHullett Central Public School. By Jenna McDonald Please welcome the Central Huron Secondary School junior senior and jazz bands. It was an amazing performance. The whole school enjoyed the musical guests and I have proof. In the kindergarten class Bryce thought the drums were amazing and loved the performance. Next up in Grade 1, Oliver also thought the drums were outstanding and thought the song “Firefly” was awesome. In Grade 2 Kortney loved the drums and the song “Santa Clausis Coming to Town”. Now let’s skipto Grade 4/5 when Sarah Hunking and Jason Wilts both enjoyed the song “Firefly”. Sarah liked the drums while Jason liked the trombone. In Grade 7, Drew VanWyk loved the drums and thought the song “Firefly” was amazing. In Grade 8, Connor’s favourite songs was “The Nutcracker Suite” and like most of the kids in the school, he liked the drums also. I think we all had a blast. The songs the junior band played were “Christmas Carol Rock” and “Dance of the Thunder Bolts”. Thesenior band played “NutcrackerSuite”, “As Summer was Just Beginning” and “Firefly”. The jazz band played “Boogie Lou” and “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”. I almost forgot the director. Her name is Mrs. Haines. I asked her how she started in music. She took piano as a kid (in Grade 1) and wanted to become something more. She said “music is a lifelong project, but I keep trying to succeed”. She is now trying to learn to play the guitar. I also interviewed Ben Dressler. He is a singer/songwriter and an amazing guitar player. I wasoverjoyed to find out I was the onewho got to interview him. I asked him how he started playing and he told me, “one day I found an old guitar and started playing around with it. The first song I learned was “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Green Day. Ben also told me about his band Blood Ties. As a great person once said, “All it takes is one song to bring back 1,000 memories.” I know that by playing at our school today, the CHSS bands helped us create 1,000 memories. Students perform tales from Indonesia, India